Your personal Top 3 Favorite Races

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

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1 person marked this as a favorite.

1. Half Elf/Human- so versatile!
2. Elf- just great for tons of builds
3. Dwarf- love playing the guy who wins by surviving!

Honorable mentions to Assimar, tiefling, and Dhampir for sub race options. More races should have these. SERIOUSLY no sub race stuff for elves or Dwarves!?

1. Half-giant (Powerful Build, +Str/Wis perfect for Psychic Warriors)
2. Human (extra skill point and extra feat, just too tempting)
3. ...too many to choose for this slot!

Shadow Lodge

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Undead, for necroing a thread.


In no particular order

- Nagaji
- The 4 elemental races
- Not-elves

Actual best race: Human. (No bias here)

1)Gnomes they are like elves in that they are magic but they are fey not arcane which makes them seem more fun and less bookish.
2)Gripplie I like the idea of fishing villages in the wood that you come across but it's like standing in a scale model scaled down to like a third size
3)Vanara seem like a very keel race, although in the twelve characters I've made I've never made one always seemed a bit difficult for a party to adjust to.

Humans goblins hobgoblins ;)


1/2 Elf
(Tieflings are fun, but I can't do them in PFS any more since I don't have that boon)


3) Goblins
2) Catfolk
1) Merfolk

1 person marked this as a favorite.

1. Halflings are just weirdly fun, even though they really don't have much going on. I love playing them as these friendly, fairly peaceful "practical folk". Even when they're evil, they still have that sort of sensible "let's not make a fuss about it" attitude when I play them. Halflings are the true everyman of this world, and we must never forget it.

2. Gnomes, in Pathfinder, are completely awesome. They have built-in drama, sure, but they're also adorable and fun and alien as f%+!. They do develop some kender-like traits, however, in how many players choose to play them. If I never see another "super-fast-talking hyperactive manic pixie dream" gnome in my games, it'll be too soon.

3. Half-orcs are great. Unlike that one terrible race, they manage to channel the whole "my parents come from two species" in a direction that's actually distinct and interesting. And it's fun to subvert expectations with them.






84. Half-elf
85. Aasimar
86. Drow


I play Humans, Dwarves and half-elves in PF.

I like Tengus, Fetchlings and Aasimar.

Silver Crusade

Mordant Spire Elf
Normal Elf

Silver Crusade

In no particular order:


Though the three I play most are probably:


Half Orcs


1 person marked this as a favorite.

Tiefling and Changeling are my two favourite published races. Both are not quite human and are often pariahs for it (a theme which resonates with me).

For my third: custom races. I enjoy writing up races (many of which have fiendish heritage) because it allows me to express my vision for a species or culture within the setting.

Gully Dwarves
no no, I kid!

For real:
stupid sexy Kitsune

Humans are my least favorite of all races... but the one all character concepts go back to for those feat tax powergaming needs.


Honorable mention to the eternals elves

Silver Crusade

Blind Monkey wrote:

There are some things we don't kid about. *doom stare*

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Isonaroc wrote:
Blind Monkey wrote:
There are some things we don't kid about. *doom stare*

If you're trying to impress a kender that way, you'll just end up empty pocketed and looking faitly ridiculous.

Shadow Lodge

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber


Human, Dhampir, and then...

Louis Porter, Jr's Obsidian Apocalypse dwarves. The final remnants of a race riding the attrition train to extinction, no new offspring born in a hundred years, choosing to either fall to depressed madness or obsessive pursuit of survival or passing on their knowledge or just living as well and fully as possible or etc etc etc.


Honorable mention to Goblins, which have Paizo took from a generic low level bad guy race to something with a distinct personality

Silver Crusade

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Klorox wrote:
Isonaroc wrote:
Blind Monkey wrote:
There are some things we don't kid about. *doom stare*
If you're trying to impress a kender that way, you'll just end up empty pocketed and looking faitly ridiculous.

I don't impress Kender; I chase them into the ocean, beat them into unconsciousness, and later leave them to be eaten by a kraken. True story.

1. Tiefling
2. Skinwalker
3. Half-Orc


Honorable Mentions to Hobgoblins and Aasimar





So much room for roleplay. Whether you herald yourself as 'the last real dragon!', or a Kobold trying to redeem itself, or someone seeking power from any and all means, or just want lots and lots of shinies, or someone prone to pranking others, or someone wanting to embrace their heritage and become more and more dragon... so much fun.

Plus, their racial archetypes make them even more fun!

Though they can upset some parties, and don't fit all campaigns... thats the only real downsides. Stats are irrelevant when fun is the goal :-)

Craglansun wrote:



So much room for roleplay. Whether you herald yourself as 'the last real dragon!', or a Kobold trying to redeem itself, or someone seeking power from any and all means, or just want lots and lots of shinies, or someone prone to pranking others, or someone wanting to embrace their heritage and become more and more dragon... so much fun.

Plus, their racial archetypes make them even more fun!

Though they can upset some parties, and don't fit all campaigns... thats the only real downsides. Stats are irrelevant when fun is the goal :-)

This is why I'm playing a kobold-lineage tiefling in my current campaign.

Liberty's Edge

Well, now...
My avatar (also my first PFS character) is an elf.

But I am usually drawn to humans (I like the feat and skill point), half-elves (I like the elvish traits, Skill Focus, and floating bonus), or halflings (I like the bonus to all saves).


Shadow Lodge

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Cast resurrection.

Silver Crusade

Kerney wrote:
Cast resurrection.

Are you kidding, Kerney? Favorites never die; they live on forever. :)

So I'll play along, too.

  • 3) Tiefling - for their great, spicy flavor-text. You mean I can play an anthropomorphic platypus? Don''t mind if I do.

  • 2) Gnome - Only a gnome would (fill in the blank). There is a meta-game to RPGs. if you can build a character that the other players crave to see at the gaming table, then you've done something right.

  • 1) Ghorun - I like flaws and curses in my PCs. To be born "Delicious" has got to take the cake.

  • (1) Dwarf
    - So full of flavor
    - Hardy for great saves
    - Darkvision
    - +2 Con and +2 Wis is a great combination. Cha is a common dump stat
    - Slow and steady makes up for poor movement speed in many cases
    - Extra racials add extra flavor

    (2) Half-Orc
    - Again, fun to RP
    - Sacred Tattoos/Fate's favored for amazing saves
    - Darkvision
    - Intimidating is great to make up for Cha as dump stat

    (3) Humans
    - Extra trait is just needed for some builds

    1: Humans
    2: Goblins
    3: Claptraps >->

    -Humans, because of their versatility and lot of roleplaying options. They are the to go race by excelence.
    -Elves, I don't like them in many settings, but Golarion elves are great and Dragonlance elves (the setting where I most play) are awesome too. They have also some versatility, like humans, plus a rich racial background.
    -Changeling. I might be a bit biased because my last and one of my most loved characters was a Changeling, but I've always loved witch stories, I love their dark and grim fairytale background and I always had a soft spot for outcast and bizarre people. They have also some concept versatility as they can fit in any society and race, but they lose some charm if the hag connection is not relevant in the story, so they don't fit in all the stories.

    1. Dwarf: Mechanically they are my favorite race, I love being able to not have to worry about a cloak of resistance for a little while and there racial feats are pretty good.

    2. Skinwalker: So much variation... and I really like the were-____ idea to.

    3. Human: Pretty much my default choice when I don't know a good race for a concept. They're just so flexible that you can do almost anything and it will work and make sense.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    Skinwalkers are also very cool indeed. I think that if I played one they could easily be among my favorite ones.

    About humans I have always created my characters with a premise: «if your race doesn't add anything to your concept or isn't necessary for the concept itself you should probably be human». So most of the concepts I create end being human. And I'm fine with it. Humans are versatility and adaptability so they fulfill most concepts.

    1 aasimar
    2 elf
    3 human

    3 people marked this as a favorite.

    I've wanted to make a Samsaran Spiritualist who's phantom is a past life.

    Love the concept, Cap!


    2)(oh boy I'm gonna get shit for this one)Lashunta


    ((4) Any kind of Elf)

    I'm going to be playing a skinwalker in an upcoming irongods campaign after we finish skulls and shackles.

    I'm having trouble deciding if I want to go shape changing vigilante or Goliath druid shape changing master.

    I'm a fan of the Lashunta too been trying to think of something I'd like to do with them for a while.

    Human, Elf, Dwarf

    I have wanted to try small sized characters, but never got the chance. In my head they are always pinned as comic relief in games. So when came down to picking a race I always back out of those races.

    Gathlain seem to escape the comedy aspect that other small races carry if they appeal.

    When a character is seen by other people in my table as an stereotype or comic relief I tend to avoid it because of some disruptive people who tend to behave with my character as if it was an stereotype/comic relief no matter how hard I try not to be it. That's why I am probably never playing a dwarf. Not with a couple of players in my group.

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