150+ Clearly Misunderstood Monsters

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

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In the spirit of past threads meant to ignite creativity and focus it towards specific subject matter, and for funzies, I've started this thread. The subject of choice is ways in which monsters often considered evil and terrifying are clearly just misunderstood creatures given a bad rap.

In terms of use for this information it could be utilized by most any extremely optimistic and caring PC or NPC, or as information given by tomes.

I'll begin.

1. Clearly shadows are just extremely lonely and want to play tag in hopes they'll make new friends. (And they often succeed at doing just that).

2. Clearly shambling mounds are just curious and don't understand their own strength, picking up newcomers just to get a better look at who or what they are.

3. Clearly vargouilles are just hopeless romantics who get ahead of themselves, kissing those they find attractive.

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4.Clearly Hounds of Tindalos are just trying to protect the timeline and you should cooperate with them at every opportunity.

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5. Clearly Rust Monsters hold antiquities in such high regard that they simply wish to help add a rustic patina on each adventurer's armor and weapons.

6. Clearly vampires only drink a person's blood because they believe in the process of leeching to help cure the sick.

The Exchange

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Marks thread for future use when someone one rolls low on a Knowledge check to identify a monster.

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To paraphrase Jason X

"It's okay, the Juju Zombie just wanted his machete back!"

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7.) Clearly dragons are just trying to save us financially! Once they have all the money, it will trickle down to everyone else.

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8. Clearly oozes are actually just delicious low calorie deserts animated by magically talented chefs to serve themselves to any around.

9. Clearly succubus are just extremely attractive tieflings that have gotten so much attention, they try to take it where they can get it.

10. Clearly when a zombie mumbles its need for braaaaaains, they are just in search of intellectually stimulating conversation.

11. Clearly wraiths were just aficionados of Gothic culture, which translated to the after life with them and they're no more dangerous than your standard home variety wayward soul.

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12. Clearly Goblins are just trying to spread enlightenment to their benighted cousins, the trees. Giving them the gift of fire and all that.

13. Much like shadows, skeletons are clearly just lonely, as they have no body in the world.

14. Clearly, Titans are generally misunderstood, seeing as what they really want to do is start a band, "They Might Be Giants, No Wait They're Outsiders."

15. Treants are clearly misunderstood. They just harbor feelings of abandonment, and hence are on nobody's side because nobody's on their side.

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16. Clearly Kytons are merely engaging in the valid form of self-expression known as body-modification. Stop being so judgey.

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17. Clearly Attic Whisperers are actual fun playmates for children and impress them so much that they move to Geb to be with all the other fun undead.

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18. Clearly orcs just like to rough house more than the other races.

19. Clearly sinspawn are simply trying to display what happens when you don't give up your vices.

20. Clearly bubears are simply overly aggressive teddy bears in need of a hug.

21. Clearly medusae just need a decent hair stylist and contact lenses.

22. Clearly dopplegangers simply need to find themselves, and assuming the identities of other people help them do that.

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23. Clearly Mimics just wanted to be environmental activists when they grew up. That is why we always find them in dungeons... They are saving the environment, one dismembered adventurer at a time.

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24. Clearly the Dark Folk just spent too much time in their grandmother's basement playing table-top roleplaying games.

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Ventnor wrote:
7.) Clearly dragons are just trying to save us financially! Once they have all the money, it will trickle down to everyone else.

That only works if the money is being spent or invested. Dragons are hoarders. Taking money out of circulation is a measure to control inflation not grow the economy. And looking at the price lists Golarion desperately needs inflation controlled.

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25. Gazebos... they don't DO anything to warrant all that aggression.

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Third Mind wrote:

In the spirit of past threads meant to ignite creativity and focus it towards specific subject matter, and for funzies, I've started this thread. The subject of choice is ways in which monsters often considered evil and terrifying are clearly just misunderstood creatures given a bad rap.

In terms of use for this information it could be utilized by most any extremely optimistic and caring PC or NPC, or as information given by tomes.

I'll begin.

1. Clearly shadows are just extremely lonely and want to play tag in hopes they'll make new friends. (And they often succeed at doing just that).

2. Clearly shambling mounds are just curious and don't understand their own strength, picking up newcomers just to get a better look at who or what they are.

3. Clearly vargouilles are just hopeless romantics who get ahead of themselves, kissing those they find attractive.

"vargouilles...ahead...("a head")"

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25. Clearly minotaurs are angry because they're jealous YOU made it farther in the maze than they could.

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This topic is messing with my head, keep up the good work!

26. Trolls aren't evil, just really really hungry.

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Atarlost wrote:
Ventnor wrote:
7.) Clearly dragons are just trying to save us financially! Once they have all the money, it will trickle down to everyone else.
That only works if the money is being spent or invested. Dragons are hoarders. Taking money out of circulation is a measure to control inflation not grow the economy. And looking at the price lists Golarion desperately needs inflation controlled.

Why do you gotta throttle the job creators? I'll have you know that dragons create more jobs in the treasure-hunting, damsel-rescuing, and do-derring industries than anyone else!

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27. Clearly ropers just want a hug.

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Clearly Devils just want to give the mortal races the structure and discipline they never got growing up.

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29. Clearly kytons "have such sights to show you"....

Scarab Sages

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30. Clearly mothmen are just looking for a big, blue quixotic goofball to serve as sidekick to, and cause calamities in order to test likely candidates for nigh-invulnerability.

31. Clearly liches are just trying to lead us to an enlightened, sustainable civilization. Everyone will be better off under an eternal magocracy that need never be deprived of its best and the brightest.

32. Clearly tzitzimitls are just trying to conserve energy by turning the lights out when they've been left on for too long.

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33. Clearly Kobolds are just tired of being treated as pathetic. They just want one moment, okay? Imagine how a PC might feel if most their kills are from traps?
34. Clearly Morlocks are misunderstood. They're not cannibalistic beasts... They're technically sentient!
35. Clearly the Tarrasque is the victim. He just wants to play but people run away because of his Dad's reputation.

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36. Kytons are actually acupuncturists so sophisticated that most people just can't appreciate their art properly . . . .

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

37. It is NOT that Ogre's fault that you scream so amusingly.

38. Clearly Cloakers are really just trying to keep everyone warm, they know how chilly it can be underground.

39. Clearly White Dragons simply realize that the best way to preserve things is by freezing them.

Scarab Sages

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40. As the Buddha came to realize, life is suffering. Clearly, daemons are the noblest of all bodhisattvas, trying to put a final end to suffering.

Clearly, owlbears are having an identity crisis. That's why they're so grumpy.

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Don't you feel sorry for the shark that bites into a surfer? Imagine you are swimming just below the surface, and you see this big, fat, slow-moving seal paddling along, totally oblivious, you picture the blubber bubbling up between your teeth, creeping slowly slowly up, then when you chomp down, you get this bony, sinewy surfer boy and splinters of fiberglass sticking into your gums. Poor shark.

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Succubi don't want to drain your soul, they want consensual sex in the missionary position for the purposes of procreation.

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Clearly, otyughs are just misunderstood, they devote their entire lives to keeping the environment clean.

43. Clearly Erodaemons can't help that people arr so attached them. They are just really personable and have a hard time turning people down.
44. Liches have a lot of things to do. They may even find a way to cure cancer, solve world hunger, or invent a perfect renewable resource. Give them some credit where credit is due.
45. Tar-Baphon did nothing wrong.

The Exchange

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46. That Mi-go just specialises in plastic surgery. Its da money making bomb.

47. Choker is lonely. Just want a hug :(

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50. If you think you can somehow best The CLAW, then you clearly do not understand. NOTHING CAN STOP THE CLAAAAAAAAWWWWWWW!!!

51. Gelatinous Cubes are just looking to soak themselves in alcohol

52. Ogres are a fine, upstanding group. They work to improve their bodies, fight monsters and protect their families. #notallogres

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53. The Cthulhu Mythos, Dark Tapestry, Qlippoths or any so-called "Evil" beings, really. We such beings have been shoehorned into in the tiny little box of human morality. Mortals call the Alignment system "Objective" as it defines morality as a concrete, indisputable force. In reality, it is OBJECTtive only in that it makes "Evil" creatures OBJECTS, providing so-called "heroes" excuses to bust into our homes and kill us. It turns home invasion and murder into "being a hero" and "avenging the weak".

We cannot protest because we are viewed as despicable "monsters" or even *gasps* "NPCs". In reality, we "Evil" beings are highly beneficial to humanoidkind. We are JOB CREATORS. Without us, there would be nobody to drive humanoids insane or afflict all those other nasty status ailments, putting all the doctors, psychologists, and clerics out of work. In addition, we provide a great environmental service: we keep down the surplus population!

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I mean, all creatures on this list are job creators. Killing monsters is a very lucrative line of work.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

54. Clearly the tyrannical Xin had to go and be replaced by the Republican ideal of one Runelord, one vote.

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55. It's not the Mind Flayer's fault that they got converted into Hasbro's property when they ventured out of Arkham house's stuff. Clearly Cthulhu is their daddy. Gary Gygax was more of a theatrical agent for them.

56. Clearly the Zygomind just wants to be left alone, to slumber in its dreamscapes forever more...

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57. Clearly trolls are just performing their duties as government employees by collecting those bridge tolls.

The Exchange

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Modrons just want to gain a stable footing, put their best face forward, roll with whatever comes their way.

The Exchange

Baba Yaga: actually Olya Povlatsky.

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Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

60. The White Witches of Irrisen actually suffer from a curse that requires them to keep their bodies cold and if moved to a warm environment will begin to melt.

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61. Clearly Acererak knew he was a danger to all near him. He was just trying to isolate himself so he would never harm anyone again.

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62. Asmodeus just wants to free you from the burden of choice!
63. Qlippoth just want those darn demon-kids to get of their lawn.

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Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

64. Daemons just want a little closure.

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