
Objectively Evil's page

1 post. Alias of Dreaming Psion.


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53. The Cthulhu Mythos, Dark Tapestry, Qlippoths or any so-called "Evil" beings, really. We such beings have been shoehorned into in the tiny little box of human morality. Mortals call the Alignment system "Objective" as it defines morality as a concrete, indisputable force. In reality, it is OBJECTtive only in that it makes "Evil" creatures OBJECTS, providing so-called "heroes" excuses to bust into our homes and kill us. It turns home invasion and murder into "being a hero" and "avenging the weak".

We cannot protest because we are viewed as despicable "monsters" or even *gasps* "NPCs". In reality, we "Evil" beings are highly beneficial to humanoidkind. We are JOB CREATORS. Without us, there would be nobody to drive humanoids insane or afflict all those other nasty status ailments, putting all the doctors, psychologists, and clerics out of work. In addition, we provide a great environmental service: we keep down the surplus population!