Who has the most aliases / how many do you have

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I had 7 aliases, once.

<yawn> Ancient Spirits of Fleavil,
Transform this disgruntled
<yawn> form,
In- <big yawn>

...Ah screw it <snore>

Dark Archive

captain yesterday wrote:
I had 7 aliases, once.

I had seven brains once! That was a fun time.

They're still around somewhere, I turned them carnivorous and set them loose on the indigenous population of some backwater planet! I'll have to go back sometime and see how that one turned out!

There have been... anomalies.

Any guesses on when (or if) I make it to 300.

I know this and many more answers, call me at 90008675309762

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

A mere six aliases.... only four of whom have any actual posts under their belt as of yet.

captain yesterday wrote:
Any guesses on when (or if) I make it to 300.

It's definitely when, not if.

I've been slowing down tho, I think I've only made two.. or three.. five.. in the last week or two.

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OK. I'll play. I have a grand total of FOUR, including "NobodysHome".

(1) "Another Poster" when I was trying to hide my identity in a rather incendiary thread.

(2) "Leilani Silverfalls" where I was keeping an in-character player journal in an unfortunately-short-lived Second Darkness campaign.

(3) "Lian" created for Impus Minor for posting to the same campaign before he created his own account

I guess I'm just happy being Nobody...

Another Poster, that's not even trying. :-)

I know, right?!

Dark Archive

Life is pain.

That's what the dwarf said.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Hmm. Missed this previously

I never set out to make 200+ aliases. I've been on the boards for a while.

I play a lot of PbPs
I was involved in the OTD game back in the day , which generated dozens
Many of them are one-off jokes, similar to the function of memes on social networking sites.

That's about it

Dark Archive

Or IS it?


Ayup. Jest about.

You seem to be comparing numbers of message board aliases. Would you like some help with that?

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shoves reams of paperwork into Clippy's overworked arms

Here, these souls need to be alphabetized and judged. And if I see you hanging out with the Night Hags or Daemons, you're fired, we run a tight ship here at The Boneyard. And I don't have time to micromanage every damn thing.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Pharasma, Lady of Graves wrote:
Here, these souls need to be alphabetized and judged.


Pharasma, Lady of Graves wrote:

shoves reams of paperwork into Clippy's overworked arms

Here, these souls need to be alphabetized and judged. And if I see you hanging out with the Night Hags or Daemons, you're fired, we run a tight ship here at The Boneyard. And I don't have time to micromanage every damn thing.

You seem to be trying to delegate tasks, improve worker loyalty, and deal with stress. Would you like some help with that?

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Well, that's 300 aliases.

Party at Captain Yesterday's!

Tips over, a little too easily...

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{teeters a bit}

Frisk, Fallen Human wrote:
Pharasma, Lady of Graves wrote:
Here, these souls need to be alphabetized and judged.

The purpose of my awakening is Power itself.

I noticed Kobold Cleaver has 98 aliases.

The question is when he gets to join the 100 aliases club.

Or even if he wants to join.

Whenever I screw around with Theoerycraft I make a new alias. They're not all fleshed out so I gradually develop them.

Orthos wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:
Any guesses on when (or if) I make it to 300.
It's definitely when, not if.

looks to the east. With morning glory clinging to it, it continues it's silent vigil for Orthos, letting out a heavy sigh.

[Initiating wistful sixties folk song]

I think I have 38 at this time. Most are PCs and NPCs that I liked from stories, but there are also some of them who are just silly forum jokes.
This one is an anagram of my real name and I find it really funny.
My main account is a character from one of the last games I was in and it was incidental that she ended being my main name as I never planned to become an active poster. I don't care a lot as it was a character that meant a lot for me.
I had to quit role-playing for a time and I was very depressed too. She was the first character I played after that and it served me as a therapy to cheer up and also was the first character after such bad times that made me really enjoy roleplaying and character immersion again. So she became one of my most iconic characters ever.

I've got 14 I created for use in PbP, and 15 other aliases.

Many of the latter were used for one-off jokes, and only have a handful of posts.

Hey, who ya callin' a one-off joke?

I shovel real good. Real good!

You take that back or I'll shovel you in the face, just like I did to Cassanova Frankenstein!

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I remain at the appropriate number of aliases.

I praise your proletarian shoveling! Honest work cannot be exploited!

Raise your shovel under our banner!


Hey! Those placards used to be my friends!

Take your workers protest and GET OFF MY LAWN!!

Ah, beautiful strife!

Yes, give in to your anger!


Hey, if any of you protesters need work, my Legions of Terror are always hiring!


I love my mammy. Oh, yessiree, I love my mammy!

Oh great. I've let them all out now.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I'm sure it wasn't your fault! You're the best, Haladir!

Grand Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Detecting high levels of shenanagians.




Levels are within appropriate bounds.

103, I have 103.

I use a different Alias for each game I GM or am planning on GMING so that's 25. I have a large number of PCs either in a PbP or formerly in a PbP so that is probably the balance of them.

Pat is up to 268 and counting! :-)

Hell, he'll probably make another one just to respond to this!

Toot toot!

Hograth Graul wrote:
I love my mammy. Oh, yessiree, I love my mammy!

I loves you tew, my little toadstool!

Storyteller Shadow wrote:

103, I have 103.

I use a different Alias for each game I GM or am planning on GMING so that's 25. I have a large number of PCs either in a PbP or formerly in a PbP so that is probably the balance of them.

Pat is up to 268 and counting! :-)

Hell, he'll probably make another one just to respond to this!

A bowl of petunias materializes in front of Storyteller and proceeds to fall to the floor. A small voice can be heard whining

"Not again!"

{shakes leafy fist} Non-union bastard!

Nonsense! I am a card-carrying member of the Forcibly Reincarnated Beings Local 69! Take it up with the shop steward, scab!

{points and mocks} Ha-ha, BoP! You've been re-cast between seasons.

"Other Darrin" Kobold Cleaver wrote:
{points and mocks} Ha-ha, BoP! You've been re-cast between seasons.

Wait, I thought you were erased by a paradox? Should I blame your re-appearance on Barry Allen or Rip "The Worst" Hunter?

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