
SKKG's page

Organized Play Member. 11 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 2 Organized Play characters.


Because we were using our LGS's box, we played using our class decks. 2 player Adventure Path.

Character Name: Valendron
Role Card: Lightning Reaver
Skill Feats: Dexterity +3, Charisma +4

Power Feats: []6 hand size, []Light Armors, 1d6 ([]+2), ([]if the card has the Magic trait), ([]or to reduce Combat damage dealt to you by 2), []You automatically succeed at your check to recharge a spell that has the Attack trait.

Card Feats: Weapon +0, Spell +1, Armor +2, Item +0, Ally +2, Blessing +2

Weapons: Force Sling +3(6), Crossbow of Retribution(6) (Frost Sling +1(1))
Spells: Sign of Wrath(6), Poison Blast(4), Unearthly Aim(2), Confusion(B), Black Spot(B)
Armors: Blackcloth Armor(2), Elven Chain Shirt(1)
Items: Chaos Stone(5), Wand of Shield(1)
Allies: Bear(4), Guide(B), Surgeon(B), Sage(B), Turtle(B)
Blessings: Blessing of the Gods x4, Blessing of Pharasma x2
Ship: Abrogail's Fury

Nice meeting you at Origins, Mike.

skizzerz wrote:
SKKG wrote:
...banish a Loot ally on closing ...
Banishing a loot card in Organized Play is the same as banishing the underlying card it replaced.

Yes, that was kind of my point. If you're using a Loot ally it's because you want to use it, and it will return on the next scenario. Banishing a Loot ally you intend to use again loses you nothing in the long run. In my group, we've each used the same Loot card since we gained access to the one we wanted. But I digress.

My group has played it that you replace a banished card with a B Basic if available, due to the removal of Basic and Elite from the box for Adventure 4 pertaining only to the box and not the class decks. Banishment is supposed to be punishing, or there would only be bury. Avoid it. Fight against it: bless the Cyclops, banish a Loot ally on closing. If you were playing Adventure 5 and used Unearthly Aim and could just get it back at the end of the scenario, it'd suddenly become a reckless go-to instead of a trump card. If you could technically get back any card (since the rules say if you don't have a Basic you can replace it with another appropriate card,) Consecrate wouldn't be a last resort, it'd become an every scenario cheese. The game is built around teamwork, so if there's a card you really want back, I'm sure the team would be happy to explore a bit more to find it.

1. Closing a location does not undock your ship. (No rulebook mention.)

2. You cannot use a ship's ability on a location in which it is not docked. (Whenever it is your turn, if your ship is anchored and you are
at the ship’s location, you are commanding your party’s ship [17].)

Please refute or confirm.

Okay, it seemed the rulebook excerpt meant you check "or" before "then," not just group "or" before "then." It could be clearer, since it only says a flat "or" takes priority, so one would assume it meant checks as well.

The placement of the "or" at bottom of the villain is fairly confusing with that rules excerpt. If "or" takes priority, wouldn't you do (Combat or Wisdom) as the first check for the dinosaur? In most circumstances it would be functionally identical, but there could be situations where it could be important to have the distinction.

Is its check to defeat (Combat then Combat) or (Wisdom) or is it (Combat) then (Combat or Wisdom)? I only saw the card, so if there was clarification on the scenario I apologize.

Amaryllis allows me to "attempt to recharge a spell in your discard pile." Do I use the text value at the bottom of the spell that used to be the Recharge box in Runelords (ex 8 on Frost Ray)? I was told that recharging from the discard pile uses the Check to Acquire value instead (ex 6 on Frost Ray). Where in the rulebook does it say?

I was surprised the search came up with nothing. I roll a d6. Is the result a binary evens/odds or is it a numerical value that is assigned the evens/odds qualifier? For example, I roll a 3. Should this be read as "odds" or "3 is an odd number?" Assuming the d6 is a check, I ask because of blessing the Ivory Dice. Calling odds on these two d6s, would you need two "odds" binaries (a 3 and a 5) or two "x is an odd number" qualifiers (a 3 and a 4) to succeed? Even if it isn't a check, it's an interesting thought experiment.

When you don't draw your favored card type in your opening hand, are you required to draw anew until you get the card type, or is it optional?

I have a few basic but important rules questions and would appreciate clarification for my group:

1. In regard to organized play, when upgrading your deck, do you retain cards you remove? For example, if I remove Black Spot for Mirror Image, but decide I'd rather have Black Spot in my deck after the next scenario, do I still "own" Black Spot and can swap it back in, or do I need to get another B spell upgrade to put Black Spot back in? If I decide later that I want to take out Arcane Armor for Mirror Image, do I still "own" Mirror Image since it's marked on my Chronicle sheet?

2. If performing two checks against the same thing, like a villain's "X then Y," if you use a blessing on the X check, the Y check would no longer have that extra roll. Correct/incorrect?

3. In organized play, let's say someone's Kyra dies. Can they make their new character a blank Kyra, or would they have to use one of the other three clerics?

4. If needing to perform a combat check, and there are no weapons or spells in hand, regardless of class you roll a strength die?

5. Does the Elite keyword mean anything on its own?

Thank you!