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Leomund "Leo" Velinznrarikovich wrote:
Each season is not specifically intended to be played with just 1 character. Therein, I think, lies the misconception.

That was my point. Not having participated in the Society before, I assumed that I could show up with a bunch of different characters of different levels that were created according to some rules. So if the table was playing S4-06 which is for level 7-10 characters, I'd pull out my L7 Gnome Barbarian and play. But when I looked into it, I realized my assumption was wrong.

So though I understand that the season wasn't intended to be played with 1 character, if you are a new player to the society, I don't see how you get those higher level characters.

I guess the idea of playing other seasons in the downtime helps because that's how you can get other characters and you can mix and match between seasons.

I have a bunch of new players who are interested in participating in the Pathfinder Society and we thought we'd start with Year 4. I guess I'm missing how things are supposed to work for new players since they have to start with Level 1 characters and it takes 3 sessions to level up (if I'm reading the rules correctly). But S4-01 is for Level 1-4, S4-02 is for Level 1-4, and then S4-03 is for Level 5-8. I just assumed that they'd create some level 5 characters and play S4-03 with those, but reading the forums here shows me that isn't right. I guess if you are a new player, you play a pre-generated character for S4-03. S4-06 is for L7-10, so again it's back to pregens.

I had this obviously false preconception that I could play all sorts of different characters in PFS - a L1 Alchemist, a L5 Dwarven Warpriest, a L7 Sorcerer, a L1 Gnome Barbarian, etc. But you can't do that without playing all sorts of PFS years. How do new players build up characters to play in all of the year's scenarios?

Is there any information about the interactions between different Gnoll heritages? I have a Gnoll PC of one heritage and he'll be interacting with another Gnoll of a different heritage. The Mwangi Expanse book gives basic information about the heritages but I couldn't find any additional info on how they would interact. I'm entirely comfortable in figuring something out on my own, but was wondering if I missed something in one of the books.

King_Of_The_Crossroads wrote:

My fighter fantasy of playing the dashing lightly armored fencer who dances between his foes seems pretty unobtainable when every enemy can casually eviscerate you.

Again, I'm not complaining about getting hit, I just don't like how much effort you have to put into being halfway good at avoiding hits.

Hmm, our Half-Elven swashbuckler rogue does exactly what you said - he dances in, hits a foe with a good hit, and then dances back behind the tank character. He has great defence and uses his Shield Block to great effect.

One thing that we have noticed is that there is no Taunt-like feat where the Tank could cause enemies to target him instead of the other characters. But even if he had that, he's not standing still. The fights are way less static than before as we move, hit, and then move again.

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King_Of_The_Crossroads wrote:

I don't have an issue with getting hit; it comes with playing a game like this. My issue is with how often you get hit, and how hard. I guess I don't agree with a game design that is based around having *maybe* a 50% chance of getting hit if you optimize that way.

As it stands, if almost feels like if you don't have max points put in Dex or Con, you are dead meat most of the time.

We are in Age of Ashes Book 2 and had a devil of a fight where a TPK was getting close. But we changed our tactics and took advantage of the fact that Attacks of Opportunity are rare, we all started doing hit-and-run tactics and getting the enemies bottled up at a bridge and then in a house.

If you are just going up to a monster and hitting it three times and then giving it three chances to hit you, yes you are going to be in more trouble than in 1e. IMO, 2e needs all of us old TTRPGers to change our tactics and I think that's good.

As an aside, my Gnome Alchemist ended up being a tank at one point because I had treated my wounds (Battle Medicine), quick alchemy created an elixir of life and drank it, so I ended up with more hit points and could take two hits from the big bad. A great moment in Mira's adventuring career!

xNellynelx wrote:

I feel your pain. I've got an Anadi who I get to remind "You feel a strange pull to the academy, like you belong here. You aren't sure how to describe it, but it just feels right when your on campus."

Wow, I hadn't even thought of that! I should stop suggesting an Anadi PC!

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One of my player wanted to play a Gnoll and I liked his idea and worked out how the relationship between him and Anchor Root might work out as well as the interactions with the Pugwampis. Now another player has a great concept for a Grippli Alchemist and I was going to allow it but I just read through Book 2 and will now have to figure out how his interaction with Froglegs will happen!

Why couldn't my players choose simpler races? :)

I thought, as I went to bed last night, I bet you the rulebook says exactly what to do about this. Mea culpa!

In Lanterns of the Bone Fields (from Mummy's Mask 5), the scenario has Poison scourges shuffled into each location. What happens when a character encounters a scourge? Do they automatically acquire it and display it in front of them?

This scenario seems hard to finish (I've just finished one turn each in my 6-character play of it) as the Henchmen don't allow you to close the location, so you have to search hard for the Villain and the loot hidden in two different locations. And then you have to close the Elemental Trenches location. I can see the group running out of time!

In any case, I'm held up until I know what happens with the scourge that I may or may not encounter (I examined the location so I know it's there, but I haven't encountered it yet).

Hawkmoon269 wrote:

I personally had played that if the very top card of the hourglass wasn't a blessing, then you couldn't close or guard the location. However, on reading this thread and discussing it with others, I'm thinking I was wrong and instead I should have been find the next blessing of the hourglass.

I will say, however, that I've essentially played it as "encounter and acquire". I think "summon and acquire" was avoided the card is technically in use already and the intent isn't for you to pretend like you have a copy of it.

Yes, I too have been playing it like you, but I'll take the easier route of finding the next blessing. And wording-semantics aside, you do have to have to encounter the card to acquire. Dulcee is ignoring the fact that they couldn't say "summon and acquire" since the card is already there and you aren't getting a copy of it. Thus they just say acquire. However, each to his own, simply taking the blessing seems counter-intuitive, but if that's how you want to play it...

Thanks everyone for the guidance.

My family is working our way slowly through the new Core Set and CoCT adventures. Since I don't want to spoil myself but want to play a little faster than our family does, I'm looking at starting Year of Rotting Ruin plus the new Season 7 Year of Reborn Strife. As well, I suspect the family will want to move on to those when we finish CoCT.

My main question concerns whether it is possible to play the PACS seasons as a normal AP? i.e. not using the PACS rules on character advancement. I couldn't find anyone discussing this. We never tried this with the previous seasons as we just played those in our PACS group.

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But I should say that my group really likes this. Two of the PCs think that the Gray are involved but they don't know that they aren't who they think they are, so I'm gleefully waiting for that reveal. :)

My group just finished their 2nd session and had good rolls so they found the captain's shoe and the murder weapon and identified the blood on both as being Kasathan. So now they know the captain is dead and they revealed it to the First Mate before I distracted them with the goblin attack. Session 3 will start with the fight against the goblins and then against Jincheroga, but now I have to figure out how to modify the fight and further stuff since the PCs will know the "captain" is fake.

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carinita wrote:

Alright, I have another question about Zadim. This time it is about revealing card and recharging the same card at the same time.

Zadim's strength skill is d8 and stealth skill is d8+2.

One of Zadim's power states "You may discard (☐ or recharge) a weapon that does not have the 2-Handed trait to add your Stealth skill to a combat check by a character at your location."

He encounters monster and he has just one weapon Kukri (this is not 2-handed) that states "For your combat check, reveal this card to use your Strength or Melee skill + 1d4."

Now he would like to reveal Kukri and use his hero power to discard (☐ or recharge) this Kukri. Therefore, he would roll d8+d4+d8+2.

Is this allowed? Or does he actually need to recharge another weapon? (It is little confusing because his power requires that weapon is not 2-handed so having just single 1-handed weapon is not enough? Also, looking at the hero art he is a dualwielder, so we would assume he need to be using two weapons so that he can "throw" the other weapon into enemy)

Yep, it is allowed. You reveal the card to determine your combat check. Since it is just a reveal, it is still in your hand, so you can now discard or recharge it to get the Stealth bonus. I do this quite a bit with my Zadim.

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No skin off my nose if you want to post 100 questions but all of your answers can really be found by reading the rule book and looking at the entries for the game either here on the Paizo site or on Boardgamegeek. You really do need to read the rule book much more closely than you are.

This was asked and answered a few threads ago... Elven Curve Blade and Finesse. (Intentional)

Frencois wrote:
Olenjack Tomb Plunderer wrote:
...And my highest die on a check is a d4...
Well you already are cursed anyway...

Well played, my friend, well played. :)

d4s are the lowest you can go, so I would play it that you lucked out and you just have to roll your d4s.

I would read that as you draw it back into your hand to reduce Combat damage to 2.

I'm not sure why that wouldn't just make this a long-winded way of reveal to reduce Combat damage to 2? I guess it gives you the ability to have an extra card since you'd have your hand limit plus the plate displayed?

IMO, The original boon and the one you drew should both be considered to be from the Plaza and thus the Scenario rules apply.

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I'm pretty sure it's telling you to take a random card of out of your hand and shuffle it into your deck.

Okay, let's see if we can get this one started up!

All characters start at the Junk Beach and there are four Goblin Raider henchmen on top. We face those (without being able to close) and then have to close the location before we can spread out to the other locations.

Initiative rolls:

Alahazra: 1d100 ⇒ 16
Mother Myrtle: 1d100 ⇒ 91
Ostog: 1d100 ⇒ 62
Radillo: 1d100 ⇒ 64

Alahazra, Ostog, Radillo, Mother Myrtle

Let me know your opening hand and then Alahazra can start by either fighting a Goblin Raider or doing a trick to rearrange the location deck. :)


Junk Beach
At This Location: When you acquire an item, you may banish it to draw a random item from the box. When you defeat a Goblin Raider, you may not attempt to close the location it came from. No one can move from the Junk Beach until it is closed.
When Closing: Summon and defeat a Poison Trap henchman.
When Permanently Closed: On closing, add 1d6 random items to this location then automatically acquire the top card.
M:2 Ba:2 W:1 Sp:0 Ar:1 I:3 Al:0 Bl:0 ?:1 Goblin Raider:4(Total: 14)

Goblin Fortress
At This Location: The difficulty to defeat monsters with the Goblin trait is increased by 2.
When Closing: Summon and defeat a Goblin Raider henchman.
When Permanently Closed: On closing, add 1d4 random weapons to this location then automatically acquire the top card.
M:3 Ba:1 W:1 Sp:0 Ar:0 I:2 Al:2 Bl:0 ?:1(Total: 10)

At This Location: Undefeated monsters other than villains or henchmen are banished.
When Closing: Succeed at a Wisdom/Survival 6 check.
When Permanently Closed: No effect.
M:4 Ba:2 W:1 Sp:0 Ar:0 I:2 Al:0 Bl:0 ?:1(Total: 10)

Guard Tower
At This Location: At the start of your turn, summon and encounter a Bandit henchman.
When Closing: Succeed at a Strength 5 check.
When Permanently Closed: On closing, you may banish a card from your hand to draw a random ally from the box.
M:1 Ba:1 W:2 Sp:0 Ar:1 I:2 Al:2 Bl:0(Total: 10)

At This Location: If you encounter a monster other than a villain or a henchman, each character at this location must summon and encounter that monster.
When Closing: Summon and defeat a Bandit henchman with the combat difficulty increased by 2.
When Permanently Closed: On closing, shuffle together any weapons or armor remaining in this deck and place them under this location.
M:3 Ba:0 W:3 Sp:0 Ar:2 I:0 Al:1 Bl:0 ?:1(Total: 10)

At This Location: If you would discard an ally, bury it instead.
When Closing: Summon and defeat a random monster.
When Permanently Closed: No effect.
M:3 Ba:1 W:1 Sp:0 Ar:0 I:3 Al:1 Bl:0 ?:1(Total: 10)

Scenario Rules
When you encounter a bane that has the Goblin trait, roll 1d6:
1 - BYA, succeed at a Constitution/Fortitude 5 check; if you fail, subtract 2 from each die you roll during this encounter.
2 - The difficulty of checks to defeat the bane is increased by 10.
3 - AYA, move to a random other location.
4 - A random character at your location encounters this bane instead. That character does not roll on this table.
5 - The bane is defeated; each character at your location is dealt 1d4 Acid damage.
6 - Bury a random card from your discard pile.

Big Chief Wortus - Villain:


Combat 16

BYA, each character at this location must succeed at a Constitution/Fortitude 7 check or bury a card and subtract 2 from each die that character rolls during this encounter.
AYA, each character at this location is dealt 1d4 Acid damage.

Poison Trap - Henchman:


Dexterity/Disable 5

If undefeated, discard the top card of your deck. Then each character at this location must succeed at a Constitution/Fortitude 7 check or be dealt 1d4+1 Poison damage.
If defeated, you may immediately attempt to close this location.

Bandit - Henchman (for closing checks):


Combat 8

BYA, recharge a card of your choice from your hand.

Goblin Raider - Henchman (for Junk Beach and closing checks:


Combat 8

If undefeated, bury 1 item or weapon of your choice from your discard pile.

2-1D: Cut Them Off At The Source
Laying a trap for goblins requires lowering yourselves to their level. And so you find yourselves lying under detritus of the foulest kind, ready to spring on any invaders who try to seize the discarded treasures thereabouts.
You were led here by councilman Thelsikar, the only friendly face on the council that you found after failing to slay the dragon Black Fang. He had been told that there had been nightly scavenging raids down at Junk Beach, and this could only be the work of goblins. Normally, these raids would be dismissed out of hand, but the councilman theorized that it was the work of the mutant goblins that attacked you on your way to Sandpoint.
So, you wait. And wait. Maybe there’s nothing that—
Crackle... crackle...
You hear the sound of small footsteps among the trash heap.
Undoubtedly these are the scouts of the Mosswoods. Perhaps if you can capture these few scouts, you can “persuade” them to reveal their hideout.
“Aha!” you cry as you discard your garbage coverings.
“Ahaha!” says a mutated goblin, and you realize you are surrounded by many dozens more goblins than you would like to see at this very minute.
“Big Chief Wortus got you good! Got them longshanks like we should!”
Someone laid a trap tonight, but it wasn’t you.

Okay, CardWarden is giving me fits, so this is going to take longer to get up and running than I thought. You can't easily delete multiple cards from a set which is what I need to do to make room for the new S&S cards.

I'm going to resurrect the SoRL game and we can get that started while I'm working on this.

Koren is going to start at the Beach.

We just need to know where Jirelle is going to start at - perhaps Widowmaker Isle to take on the ship for closing?

In any case, here is the initiative rolls:

Jirelle: 1d100 ⇒ 6
Vika: 1d100 ⇒ 70
Ezren: 1d100 ⇒ 33
Koren: 1d100 ⇒ 63

Order: Jirelle, Ezren, Koren, Vika

I have also hit a small snag in that CardWarden only allows 1000 cards in a "box" and I've hit too many cards because I have the class decks in this for ease of use. I forgot that was a problem before I took my brief hiatus. I'll be fixing this today so it shouldn't stop us too long.

Villain: Munarei
Henchmen: Vakarla the Wrecker, Cryptic Runesx4


At This Location: At the start of your turn, you may discard a card and recharge a random card from your discard pile.
When Closing: Each character at this location must bury a card.
When Permanently Closed: On closing, you may shuffle an item from your discard pile into your deck.
M:2 Ba:2 W:1 Sp:1 Ar:1 I:1 Al:1 Bl:0 ?:1(Total: 10)

Widowmaker Isle
At This Location: For each ally in your discard pile, the difficulty of your checks is increased by 1.
When Closing: Summon and defeat the henchman Enemy Ship.
When Permanently Closed: On closing, you may recharge an ally from your discard pile.
M:3 Ba:4 W:0 Sp:0 Ar:0 I:0 Al:0 Bl:2 ?:1(Total: 10)

Jasperleaf Apothecary
At This Location: At the end of your turn, you may recharge an item to shuffle a random card from your discard pile into your deck; if the item has the Liquid trait, you may add it to your hand instead.
When Closing: Summon and defeat the henchman Shimerae.
When Permanently Closed: On closing, draw 3 random items from the box. If any have the Liquid or Alchemical trait, add them to your hand; return the rest.
M:1 Ba:1 W:0 Sp:3 Ar:0 I:3 Al:1 Bl:0 ?:1(Total: 10)

Seaside Warehouse
At This Location: When you acquire a card, put it under this card.
When Closing: Succeed at a Dexterity/Disable 7 check; if you fail the check, discard a card.
When Permanently Closed: On closing, add any cards under this card to your hand.
M:2 Ba:0 W:2 Sp:0 Ar:1 I:4 Al:0 Bl:0 ?:1(Total: 10)

Sharkskin Reef
At This Location: At the start of your turn, each character at this location must summon and encounter the henchman Hammerhead Shark.
When Closing: Banish an ally.
When Permanently Closed: No effect.
M:4 Ba:3 W:0 Sp:0 Ar:1 I:1 Al:0 Bl:0 ?:1(Total: 10)

Cannibal Isle
At This Location: After you reset your hand, bury an ally.
When Closing: Succeed at a Strength/Melee 6 check.
When Permanently Closed: On closing, add all your buried allies to your hand.
M:3 Ba:1 W:0 Sp:0 Ar:0 I:0 Al:3 Bl:2 ?:1(Total: 10)

Munarei - Villain/Monster 3:


Intelligence/Knowledge 10

All damage from Munarei is Mental damage which may not be reduced.
BYA, Munarei deals 1d4-1 Mental damage to you.
If you fail a check to defeat Munarei by 3 or more, bury the top card of your deck.

Vakarla the Wrecker - Henchman/Monster 3:


Combat 16
Arcane/Perception 11

BYA, Vakarla the Wrecker deals 4 Structural damage to your ship; characters may recharge cards instead of discarding them to reduce this damage.
BYA, a random other character summons and encounters the henchman Giles Halmis. If Giles Halmis is undefeated, a random other character who has not encountered Giles Halmis this turn summons and encounters Giles Hamis. If Giles Halmis is defeated, or if all other characters have encountered Giles Halmis this turn, banish Giles Halmis. Then continue your encounter with Vakarla the Wrecker.
If defeated, you may immediately attempt to close the location this henchman came from.

Cryptic Runes - Henchman/Barrier 3:


Intelligence/Craft/Knowledge 10

If undefeated, discard the top card of your deck; each character at this location is dealt 2d4 Fire damage.
If defeated, example the top 2 cards of this location deck and return them in any order. You may then immediately attempt to close the location this henchman came from.

Giles Halmis - Henchman/Monster 3:


Combat 17

BYA, Giles Halmis deals 1 Ranged Combat to you, or 3 if you have the Human trait.
If you character has the Human trait, the difficulty of your check to defeat is increased by 3.

Shimerae - Henchman/Monster 3:


Combat 15

All damage dealt by Shimerae is Poison damage.
During this encounter, other characters at your location may not play cards or use powers.

Hammerhead Shark - Henchman/Monster 1:


Combat 12 (9 + scenario number)

Enemy Ship - Henchman/Barrier 1:


Summon and encounter a random ship. If you do not defeat the summoned ship, the Enemy Ship is undefeated.
If the summoned ship is defeated, you may seize it. The Enemy Ship is also defeated.

Hi all! Sorry that I've been away for so long, but things have been hectic around here. I'm finally getting my head above water and I'd like to resume our playthroughs. Rather than start all three up at the same time, I thought I'd do them one-by-one. I'm not sure that I'll keep the WotR one going because I finished that with my kids and it got boring and annoying at the end when you have +30 and are rolling a ton of dice. But let's get this one going and start from there.

Our family started Mummy's Mask on Monday and ended up with Channa Ti, Amhotep, Drelm, and Yoon.

My daughter was upset that there was no Seelah, but went with Channa Ti since she had played Lini in S&S. Son #1 loved Selytiel as a Magus so immediately went with Amhotep. Son #2 wanted the cleric so he chose Drelm. I wanted a weapons person but didn't really like Zadim and Yoon really called to me.

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Okay, here are the upgrades:

Radillo - Spell 1 x 2
Mother Myrtle - Ally 1
Ostog - Ally B, Blessing B
Alahazra - Item 1, Blessing B

Radillo - Spell 1, ??
Mother Myrtle - Ally 1, ??
Ostog - Ally B, Blessing B
Alahazra - ??, ??

Weapon B x 3
Spell B x 2, Spell 1
Armor B
Item B x 3, Item 1
Blessing B x 2

Alahazra Stargazer wrote:

let us go Items

Is it always B?

It's not always B but it just seems to be. The new card is an Item B (Amulet of Fortitude).

Weapon B x 3
Spell B x 2, Spell 1 x 2
Armor B
Item B x 3, Item 1
Ally B, Ally 1
Blessing B x 3

I have the following as acquired cards:

Weapon B x 2
Spell B x 2, Spell 1 x 2
Armor B
Item B, Item 1
Ally 1
Blessing B x 3

Each of us picks a boon type (other than loot) and I'll draw a random card of that type and add it to the list above.

We then each get to upgrade two cards if we want.

"Our mayor, no matter how good her heart, can be ... short- sighted,” says councilman Thelsikar, head of the mercantile guild. “She sees only the threats in front of her eyes. I can see a bit further.”

For the first time since you arrived in Sandpoint, you have a true ally. “These goblins you describe are worrisome,” the councilman says. “These mutations sound like the work of the cult of Lamashtu, a source of much trouble here in Sandpoint. I do not believe we can let this matter lie while we wait for a dragon to return.”

You agree, but remind the councilman that you do not know where the goblins live.

“Ah, but I might,” he says. “My sources say there has been prowling around Junk Beach at night. My friends, let us lay a trap."

Each character choose a type of boon other than loot and adds a card of that type to the cards acquired during this scenario. Each character may choose a bonus deck upgrade.

Glassworks - Radillo

Longbow - Weapon B

Dexterity/Ranged 5

She could let the Longbow pass her by, but she does have an extra BotG and a d8 for dexterity, so she might try.

Check to Close Glassworks
Succeed at a Wisdom/Perception 6 check.

Alahazra has a Blessing of Shelyn +2 dice for a Wisdom check
Mother Myrtle has Guidance spell for +1
Radillo has a BotG

So even with her d4 for Wisdom, we should hopefully make it (4d4+1 to get a 6?).

All up to Radillo now...

Turn 30
Blessing: Blessing of Gorum


General Store

The Rusty Dragon

Town Square

At This Location: If you fail a check, discard the top card of your deck.
When Closing: Succeed at a Wisdom/Perception 6 check.
When Permanently Closed: No effect.
M:0 Ba:0 W:1 Sp:0 Ar:0 I:0 Al:0 Bl:0(Total: 1)
Alahazra, Radillo, Ostog

Mother Myrtle


Glassworks - Alahazra

Shadow - Monster B

Combat 13

Immune to Mental and Poison.
If the check to defeat does not have the Magic trait, the Shadow is undefeated.
When you are dealt damage by the Shadow, you must first choose blessings to discard as your damage, if you have any.

Troymk1 wrote:
Is top card still Guard?

Nope. I forgot to remove that. Only a Weapon and a Monster left.

Turn 28
Blessing: Blessing of the Gods
Mother Myrtle

At This Location: If you fail a check, discard the top card of your deck.
When Closing: Succeed at a Wisdom/Perception 6 check.
When Permanently Closed: No effect.
Top card is Guard - Ally B
M:1 Ba:0 W:1 Sp:0 Ar:0 I:0 Al:0 Bl:0(Total: 2)
Alahazra, Radillo, Ostog

At This Location: When using a weapon, subtract 1 from each die rolled. After your exploration, you may discard 2 cards to explore again.
When Closing: Summon and defeat a Bandit henchman.
When Permanently Closed: On closing, all characters at this location discard a card.
Top card is Siren - Monster B - Wisdom check
M:1 Ba:0 W:0 Sp:0 Ar:0 I:0 Al:0 Bl:0(Total: 1)
Mother Myrtle

Glassworks - Ostog

Enchanter - Monster B

Combat 9 (8 + 1 for scenario number) (-1 to each die due to Ambush)

BYA, the Enchanter deals 1 Force damage to you.
AYA, the Enchanter deals 1 Fire damage to you.

This is going to come down to the wire! Ostog explores the Glassworks...

Glassworks - Ostog

Ambush - Barrier B

Wisdom/Perception/Dexterity/Acrobatics 10 (9 + 1 for scenario number)

If defeated, you may immediately explore again.
If undefeated, explore the location deck until you find a monster; encounter it, subtracting 1 from each die rolled in your check.

Turn 27
Blessing: Blessing of Shelyn

At This Location: If you fail a check, discard the top card of your deck.
When Closing: Succeed at a Wisdom/Perception 6 check.
When Permanently Closed: No effect.
Top card is Guard - Ally B
M:2 Ba:1 W:1 Sp:0 Ar:0 I:0 Al:0 Bl:0(Total: 4)
Alahazra, Radillo, Ostog

At This Location: When using a weapon, subtract 1 from each die rolled. After your exploration, you may discard 2 cards to explore again.
When Closing: Summon and defeat a Bandit henchman.
When Permanently Closed: On closing, all characters at this location discard a card.
Top card is Siren - Monster B - Wisdom check
M:1 Ba:0 W:0 Sp:0 Ar:0 I:0 Al:0 Bl:0(Total: 1)
Mother Myrtle

Glassworks - Radillo

Goblin Warrior - Monster B

Combat 9

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Ah, I missed what you were intending to do.

a) Explore
b) Then augury for spells
c) Cast Detect Magic for spell

I thought you were auguring first.

So the Thieves' Tools are explored first and not tried for.

Then augury finds Invisibility, Ambush, and Longbow.

And you successfully get Invisibility.

The cards are now shuffled and waiting for you to use the Jinx Eater.

Top three cards are Thieves' Tools, Invisibility, and Ambush.

Glassworks - Radillo

Invisibility - Spell B

Intelligence/Arcane 6

Radillo, Enchanting Ensorceler wrote:

I'll move to the Glassworks.

And I'll explore. I won't attempt the check if can avoid the discard.

Moving on, I'll Augury for Monsters: Villain to the top, others to the bottom.

There is no Villain - we just have to close every location so we have to encounter every card.

Troymk1 wrote:

skizzerz said it would still count as failing to acquire So no problem then

Yes, it's a fail to acquire, but the Glassworks only penalizes you if you fail a check, which you wouldn't have. But no big deal...

Top card at the Glassworks (due to recharge Lookout) is Thieves' Tools.

Turn 26
Blessing: Blessing of Iomedae


General Store

The Rusty Dragon

Town Square

At This Location: If you fail a check, discard the top card of your deck.
When Closing: Succeed at a Wisdom/Perception 6 check.
When Permanently Closed: No effect.
Top card is Thieves' Tools - Item B
M:3 Ba:1 W:1 Sp:1 Ar:0 I:1 Al:0 Bl:0(Total: 7)

At This Location: When using a weapon, subtract 1 from each die rolled. After your exploration, you may discard 2 cards to explore again.
When Closing: Summon and defeat a Bandit henchman.
When Permanently Closed: On closing, all characters at this location discard a card.
Top card is Siren - Monster B - Wisdom check
M:1 Ba:0 W:0 Sp:0 Ar:0 I:0 Al:0 Bl:0(Total: 1)
Mother Myrtle


Troymk1 wrote:
I thought they had changed it to align with the app?

I can't find anything in the forums that says they changed it.

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