CrystalSeas |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

What I'd like to have available as a 'next-step' tool after the Beginner Box/Core Rule Book is a setting that keeps new DMs from having to create worlds, settlements, and pantheons from scratch while building their adventure-creation skills.
I still fall back on a lot of re-skinned Forgotten Realms stuff for backgrounds for NPCs and for NPCs themselves. What I'd prefer to do is have a Golarian setting with Sandpoint fully detailed so that I can jump right into writing adventures without also having to create a settlement that serves as a base for the PCs. A "Volo's Guide" volume that gave me something smaller than Absalom but still robust enough to have some local factions and social structure to work with.
For new DMs, it's tough enough learning to write good adventures with monsters, and BBEGs, and maps, etc. Give me something that can serve more as a fan-fic base so that I can write adventures for my just-learning group without also having to learn world building.

Alynian |
I would LOVE this product and buy it in a heartbeat! My daughter and I have been Beginner Box pushers in the worst way. 1 for ourselves, 2 for her high school game club, another 2 for 2 different family friends of ours.
All this because in 2013, we played in the Pathfinder Society Kids Track at Gen Con. Since the 5 of our group did that, we've grown our Gen Con Group to 16 and all of them played multiple Pathfinder events at the 2016 Gen Con. 3 of those 16 had never done Pathfinder before and ended up buying books at least 1 Beginner Box and one of them is planning on starting a local Group and going to GM.
I know if the business side numbers don't work, they don't work. However, the interest in this (as seen by how long this thread has been alive) is definitely there. I know pretty much for every BB my little group has picked up there would be a corresponding Sandpoint Box sale.
So what do you say? Any chance it'd get on the schedule? Event at a price point of $40 or $50, I'd pick it up without thinking twice.

Alynian |
Seeing how the Pathfinder Kids Track at Gen Con has grown over the last 4 years (which has been absolutely awesome to watch!!!!), I think this product would really help families (parents DMing for their Children...I personally know 6 families who do this, including my own).
Think of the children! Tee hee
The Beginner Box is such an amazing product (the other game system BB's I've picked up are terrible compared to Pathfinder's BB), I'd love to see another product building on it following a similar product design. Here's to hoping for it to see the light of day.

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25 people marked this as a favorite. |

Thanks for all the excitement over this project. I just want you to know that Erik and I are just excited about this as you guys are. We have even had the box set on the schedule twice I believe, only to have to pull it off the schedule. Why? One simple reason, the only person whom we would let write this box set is James Jacobs.
Sandpoint is James' baby. His creation. Erik and I both feel we need him to write this product to do it the justice that it deserves. Unfortunately, James has been really, really busy lately. And this isn't a 64-page campaign setting book on Sandpoint. We are talking a multi-book product. So it will take a really large chunk of time for James to write this product. And that is what has been missing, that large chunk of James' free time.
Erik and I will continue to try to find a way to fit this into the schedule in the coming years. We truly want to see this come to life. It may well be one of the top products that we would like to see. So we are on your side and someday, this will see the light of day.

CrystalSeas |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

We have even had the box set on the schedule twice I believe, only to have to pull it off the schedule. Why? One simple reason, the only person whom we would let write this box set is James Jacobs.
Clone James immediately. Or else find lesser writers to write whatever he's working on and let him loose on this series
Really. What if he gets hit by a bus?

Thanael |

Great to hear Paizo wants to do this. Maybe you could include a booklet easing the transition from Beginner Box rules to Core rules? And make the box usable for both rulesets.
There has been some nice supplemental info published on Sandpoint in the Pathfinder comics, in Wayfinder #7, and by fans, see also the Fleshing out Sandpoint thread.

Steve Geddes |

Great to hear Paizo wants to do this. Maybe you could include a booklet easing the transition from Beginner Box rules to Core rules? And make the box usable for both rulesets.
I suspect you're looking for something more substantive, but I thought I'd post this link, in case you or others reading hadn't seen it.

Thanael |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Steve, it was just an idea. Personally I started in 2e and I'm fine with PF crunch.
Is the transition PDF you linked to your ncluded in the beginner box? I believe it isn't. So this would be a chance to make the Sandpoint boxed set relevant to both beginner rules customers and old hands.
You could use it to flesh out/create more adventures for beginner Box in and around Sandpoint. And once you hit 5th level you just go on, easing into PF Core rules...
For the rules sections I suggest a look at Richard Develyn of Four Dollar Dungeons whose low level adventures, contain a lot of advice and help for new DMs.

Steve Geddes |

Steve, it was just an idea.
Yeah, I think it's a good one. It's a way to guide Beginner Box graduates both to the more extensive rules in the CRB as well as being something of a gateway to flavor - in my opinion, the ISWG could well be a bit daunting to a true newcomer to the hobby. The more limited scope of a Sandpoint boxed set would be more useful to someone experiencing a gameworld for the first time.
I just wasn't sure if you knew about the transitions document (or if others didn't).
Is the transition PDF you linked to your ncluded in the beginner box?
I think it is included in the later printings of the beginner box, although it wasn't in the initial print run.

shadram |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Thanael wrote:Is the transition PDF you linked to your ncluded in the beginner box?I think it is included in the later printings of the beginner box, although it wasn't in the initial print run.
It's definitely included in newer editions. I bought my Beginner Box a couple of years ago, and it was packaged inside it then.

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At first I was dismissive of the idea, as Beginner Box players should graduate to the Core products rather than have a series of side products that drain their wallets before they inevitably graduate to the Core rules.
My group attempted to graduate to the CRB on more than one occasion and the complexity was just not any fun for us. So, we to moved to 5E (while still using Golarion) before eventually returning to 1E (even 5E was too crunchy for us).
However, we do return to the BB occasionally because it's just right for the way we like to game. Like many others here, we would love a Sandpoint box set.

Garrett Guillotte |
I would've bought at least one Sandpoint Beginner Box expansion per year.
I'd rather buy a Sandpoint Box or hypothetical equivalent than any two hardcovers in a given year.
If Starfinder and a Sandpoint Box came out at the same time, I'd sell books I already own to afford to buy both at once. If I couldn't, I'd buy the Sandpoint Box.
Y'all I wanna throw dollars at this and have wanted to for four years

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Steve, it was just an idea. Personally I started in 2e and I'm fine with PF crunch.
Is the transition PDF you linked to your ncluded in the beginner box? I believe it isn't. So this would be a chance to make the Sandpoint boxed set relevant to both beginner rules customers and old hands.
You could use it to flesh out/create more adventures for beginner Box in and around Sandpoint. And once you hit 5th level you just go on, easing into PF Core rules...
For the rules sections I suggest a look at Richard Develyn of Four Dollar Dungeons whose low level adventures, contain a lot of advice and help for new DMs.
I'd also like to see some advice for newer GMs, adding material for character up to 7th level, considering the highest CR monster was like, 9.

Maidenfine |
I just started running the Beginner Box for 3 kids, age 8-11. They are very much into it and their enthusiasm is contagious. But even if I run for them for 6 months, I don't know that they'll be ready for Core rules. Maybe the oldest would, but not the younger two (and I say this having played with one of the younger two using Core rules. We're still at the "role this, add that" stage with her). I would super love an expansion box for Beginner Box rules. I have plenty of additional stuff downloaded and enough experience to pull it off on my own. But I'd sure love those pawns mentioned in the original post. And I'm a generally busy person, so if someone else can put things together for me, that frees up some of my time.

Elorebaen |

I just started running the Beginner Box for 3 kids, age 8-11. They are very much into it and their enthusiasm is contagious. But even if I run for them for 6 months, I don't know that they'll be ready for Core rules. Maybe the oldest would, but not the younger two (and I say this having played with one of the younger two using Core rules. We're still at the "role this, add that" stage with her). I would super love an expansion box for Beginner Box rules. I have plenty of additional stuff downloaded and enough experience to pull it off on my own. But I'd sure love those pawns mentioned in the original post. And I'm a generally busy person, so if someone else can put things together for me, that frees up some of my time.
There are a few 3PPs that have created adventures with the beginner's box in mind. AAW and Legendary Games come to mind. Just an fyi.

Darrell |
Re-adding my voice to the call for a Sandpoint box ...
I'm currently on my third Beginner Box. I tend to travel a lot, and love that I have a full game that goes with me wherever I travel. I use a modified "E6" ("E5?") method for advancement past 5th-level. The only gaming product that always comes with me is the Beginner's Box and the miniatures associated with it (I prefer minis to the BB's cardboard stand-up pawns).
A set featuring collected Sandpoint/Golarion information would get my cash in half-a-heartbeat.

GRuzom |

Here's my fantasy product, which would solve the issue of a follow-up "Beginner Box 2" type product and also be highly useful to any Pathfinder GM.
How about a Sandpoint box set? ...
It would mirror the BB in components, having a flip-mat with the Rusty Dragon on one side. A 64-page book detailing Sandpoint and surrounding area, NPCs and locations etc. The larger 96-page book would be a campaign of several connected adventures.
Pawns for all of the important NPCs of the town plus unique pawns to go along with the adventures book. In place of the dice + pregen PC folios a big poster map.
I would buy this!

Zaister |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |
Well, it's not a box, but here you are.

graeme mcdougall |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
NOW can we look forward to a Sandpoint boxed set?
Yeah, I'm betting this product has a strong chance of being the Pathfinder 2 Beginner's Box, once the Core books are out.
I'd like to see more adventures in the new Beginner's Box - Say 3 adventures the length of Blackfang's Dungeon, enough to get the characters up to level 2.
CrystalSeas |

Yes, I'm hoping that the Sandpoint Guide will be the 'setting' guide for a PF2 boxed set that has those kinds of adventures, plus pawns for all the NPCs in Sandpoint, and a versatile flip map, along with a brief player's guide and gm guide. Kinda like what we have now, but to introduce the PF2 rules to people new to RPGs.