I am sorry but this thread is huge lol and I am really tired so if this has come up once or 10 times I am sorry. What about a basic version of pathfinder ( ala castles & crusades for ad&d ). Use can bring your already established characters that are high lvl shave some numbers off or create new characters use the beginner set rules and just got up to 20th level. Good for casual games for people who don't want the math and the other books would work as optional house rules if you wanted to pick and choose. Just like ad&d and basic D&D, didn't they coexist just fine? In the Basic rule book it would say if you are using a monster manual, module, adventure path these are all the stats you need simple enough to do on the fly.
LOL thank you guys for chiming in. The comparison that Castle & crusades is medieval and Pathfinder is basically the renaissance helped alot. Also I just got the hardback to the comics city of secrets and the iconic priest of Senrenrae with her Kelish garb was not balked at and the local guard knew who she worshiped. I am sure if a wizard from garund showed up they would know who they are. Maybe not the city or village but generally who they were while somebody from the pathfinder lodge would probably know more. what about way out on a farm in varisia? Thanks
Cool seriously thanks for the reply's I was going to put strongheart as Mendev crusader that helped warduke come back from the brink. Warduke who was going by his original name enlisted in the crusades as a death sentence because he was so distraught. After a period in the crusades and a friendship develops, the the hellknight captain shows up on the front and and warduke gets his revenge by enlisting a demon he imprisoned with strongheart.
It could be whatever within reason.. I think in the original Basic D&D module he was a 7th or 8th lvl fighter because they didn't much else lol. In the Dungeon Mag article he was like a 20th lvl uber assassin bad guy. In my mind he is 14th lvl barbarian king in the river kingdoms who is like a bogeyman for Hellknights. I just like hearing other people's takes.
I was thinking about what the iconic character Warduke's backstory would be in Golarion. Kellid Barbarian who's family was slaughtered by a group of cruel Hellknights? He gets his revenge on the captain who murdered them and now wears his helmet as a trophy and he now hunts them all down. What would your take be? Warduke pic
I really like Golarion and its my Go to campaign world besides Greyhawk. I like how if you have another legacy supplement you can squeeze it in there( ala Ravenloft, Ulstalav or lady or pain, Pharasma )
Thanks for the reply. A lot of that makes sense. I am just trying to wrap my head around creating adventures in Golarion. Would an Ulfen barbarian from the North, a dwarven priest from the 5 King mountains, and a Keleshite thief who meet at a roadside inn in Andoran be able to talk to the barkeep about the God Nethys? Or ask if a Tian Bounty hunter pass this way?
Some questions I have concerning the campaign world.. What do the civilizations of Golarion know of each other? Do the people in hamlets just know a couple of local gods? In major cities does everybody know that there are witches in Irrisen and that there is a place called the sodden lands and that Taldor was as big as it was? If this has been answered somewhere else sorry. Thanks
I am really glad that the anunnaki are in Bestiary 5. I hope Pathfinder appropriated what I looked up on them.. some really weird stuff lol. I want to create some Campaign that involves them and the Greys. I really like how pathfinder takes weird urban legends and stuff and creates a cool backstory and stats, I want to see more of that. Example: Jersey Devil, Mothman, anunnaki, Greys, etc... |