Kutholiam Vuere

Dodgy Farmer's page

14 posts. 1 review. No lists. No wishlists.


Looks like someone is working on magic in the Sandpoint Town Square already.

"Sandpoint town square home to first public Solar Roadways panel installation"


Why am I thinking Shemhazia is somewhere near Tasmania?

Is there going to be a map and encounter in issue #9? That was my motivation for subscribing.

Playing from a goblin tribe POV would be a kick. How about an adventure where a goblin band goes after Black Fang? Dragons be tasty.

And the Time-line is?

There are loads of events in RiseotRl's that would be spoilers, and not fair. The comic book "Junk Beach" has a ton of possibilities - a "sandbox-beach" as it were.

Step carefully.

The whole idea of "city boxed sets" is really appealing. As the unique cities are established and defined, roads, trails, and voyages from one to another would be generated by GMs and 3rd party publishers. There could be many "scenic routes" from Sandpoint to Magnimar, for instance.

Well, poor wallet, I expect to buy this as soon as it's available.

I would also expect to buy a matching set of pawns if they are released around the same time.

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A Sandpoint boxed set would be a "must buy" for me. Would love to see the characters from "Burnt Offerings" stated and included as pawns or even minis -- felt a little let down when Belor Hemlock and Shaylis Vinder were left out of the RotRL pawn collection. A couple flip mats and/or paper poster maps and/or downloadable pdf's would be nice too. There's a thousand stories in Sandpoint right now, and a Beginner Box: Sandpoint could offer a couple thousand more.

The module just arrived when I was out-of-town and have not read the setting yet, but, the initial description, reminds me a bit of "Deathless" a Russian folklore based fantasy novel by Catherynne Valente. Everything from Baba Yaga's hut, to the siege of Leningrad make appearances, including an army made of stitched and stuffed cloth automatons.

I'm curious about character generation. Are we tied to tuning iconic characters or will we be able to generate and/or import our own creations?

I'd like to see apps run on Android Ice Cream Sandwich. I'm using a Verizon Samsung Galaxy Nexus phone and an Asus Transformer Prime. Apps should be backward compatible to Honeycomb, at least, and allow landscape/portrait screen rotation, among other features that do not come to mind, yet.

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Kobold on the left to Kobold on the right

"Looks like we'll have to eat crow this time."

"You just had to clean under the refrigerator!"

Sit ... Stay ... Start rollin' 20's!