Rory |
Pathfinder Campaign Setting: The Inner Sea World Guide
It's renamed on the SRD, but this will give you a description at least.
Mage's Tattoo
Prerequisite: Spell Focus.
Benefit: Select a school of magic (other than divination) in which you have Spell Focus—you cast spells from this school at +1 caster level. Additionally, you gain a single spell-like ability usable up to three times per day. The spell-like ability gained are as follows:
Abjuration: resistance
Conjuration: acid splash
Enchantment: daze
Evocation: dancing lights
Illusion: ghost sound
Necromancy: touch of fatigue
Transmutation: mage hand

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I am building a feat tree for a halfling master summoner so far it goes
1. great fortitude
2. extra summons
3. superior summons
I plan on using my spells and summoning for shaping the battlefield( not sending hordes of monsters to clean out the dungeon, how boring) and party buffing, so spell focus(conjuration) for pits and grease then the tattoo. sound alright?

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+1 CL to those two spells is really not needed. 1: it doesn't change the DC, 2: the duration will not be that much of an issue for those spells. (Pits last more than long enough as is, and grease usually is only needed for 1-3 rounds, after that it is either hindering or ignored)
A +1 CL is useful for: Spells that have effects based off CL like number of dice/missiles/creatures effected, metamagic feats that apply stuff based off CL like Toppling, or insert other random reason that is still based off CL like SR.
+1 CL is not useful for: SPells with none of those, spells with duration that doesn't really impact things, or if it does impact things that a lesser rod of extend doesn't fix automatically, or spells where SR doesn't matter.

Leisner |

I am building a feat tree for a halfling master summoner so far it goes
1. great fortitude
2. extra summons
3. superior summonsI plan on using my spells and summoning for shaping the battlefield( not sending hordes of monsters to clean out the dungeon, how boring) and party buffing, so spell focus(conjuration) for pits and grease then the tattoo. sound alright?
As Shfish said, a CL increase is not worth all that much for you.
I would also take Summon Good Monster before any of those three (if you are good aligned). When you should take Extra Summons also depends on how high your Charisma is.I'd go with SF (conjuration) -> Summon Good Monster -> Superior Summons (though the order could easily be switched).