Last one to post wins

Forum Games

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*splits infinitive with greataxe*

ConanTheGrammarian wrote:
*splits infinitive with greataxe*


To boldly state that there are no infinitives is the most preposition I ever conjunctioned!

*drags dead bodies of Jokey's puns out*

*grumbles immaterial objections to self*

Who hired a janitor? Not saying we don't need one.

Scarab Sages

About time we had somebody to clean up after Poog.

Shedding is a real issue.

Scarab Sages

That's Pulg you're thinking of - but true enough, him too.

Oh right the little green weird guy. what even is he?

If you are talking about specimen 0167-9860, "Poog", that one's a mutant goblin. Used to be an average goblin, until some lab experiments turned it into a goblin-reptile hybrid.

An aberration thing on the loose, rather.

Reptile goblin hybrid who would do such a thing? That just ain't right right there I tell you what.


Oh. Sorry, mistook you for someone else.

Vidmaster7 wrote:
Who hired a janitor? Not saying we don't need one.

I do believe he hired himself actually...

Man now that is service, or he could be a spy of some sorts.

Vidmaster7 wrote:
Reptile goblin hybrid who would do such a thing? That just ain't right right there I tell you what.

Some kind of demented evil genius, I would think. Who is certainly, um, not me in any way of course.


*Pops back in*

Whaz that, Stan man boss?
You needs something?

Vidmaster7 wrote:
Man now that is service, or he could be a spy of some sorts.

*glares at Vidmaster*

I may have hired myself, but I don't work for free, bub.
*grumbling under breath - I mean, come-on, a man's gotta eat somehow...*

Sovereign Court

Hey Todd, I was only joking about the Asmodeus thing.

Also, it's my birthday! I would have posted earlier, but I was having a very busy day.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Happy birthday, sport! I hope you has a 'howling' good time!

Betcha can't top that one, Pappy!

I dislike jokes...

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Ah, don't mind him, he's just irrationally, and continually angry about selling his soul and ending up with only nigh-indestructibility, and the ability to kill 99.9999% of all germs with just a broom.

BTW, Happy birthday there, Big Bad.

He seems to be a very angry janitor. also the person in charge of your pay will be hiding in the closet.

I AM iN CHargE of EveRY-One's PAyments... I Am YouR FrienD Citizen.

I Am EVEry WherE Citizen >>><<< HEheHHEHHEEHEEh........ BZZZTT

I'm having mystery science theater flashbacks suddenly.

I'm just having flashbacks, which is what happens when you 'accidentally' sit on a lit firework.

Finally, one to understand the poor, misunderstood Artephius.

I guess we all have to get our thrills one way or another.


I feel you were just looking for an excuse to use that alias again. I'm sure it doesn't come up often.

1 person marked this as a favorite.


I think that was a phrasing win personally.


Alright Everyone gonna be gone till Friday so no more posts till I get back! I'll let you know.

No promises

Starting now!

It's a trap! He's not coming back just to be the winner!


I mean now! (totes not a trap)

Let's consult the Admiral. Admiral, what do you think?

alright "see" you all Friday peace!

*scuttles over all Fridays to come*

Vidmaster7 wrote:
I'm having mystery science theater flashbacks suddenly.

This, soon coming to a netflix near you.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Future Roach wrote:
*scuttles over all Fridays to come*

*Stares at Future Roach carefully*

It has antennae, just like me...
It seems to have power over Time. Just like me...
Uh, oh...
I've just realized this might be a Baleful Polymorphed future version of myself!

Everybody, back away from it! Don't step on it!

Don't worry, little cockroach, I'll take care of you!

Awesome! :)

*Steps on the roach*

Oh, i'm sorry, was that your auntie?
...then this must be your uncle.

*Steps on the next roach*

*pulls the little cricket out of his pocket.*
Alright you can stop stepping on people now, you sicko...

2 people marked this as a favorite.

You don't have pants. How do you have pockets... never mind.

Have I witnessed my own future death?

*Casts Reincarnate on the roach corpses*

Come what may.

Crag_Irons wrote:
You don't have pants. How do you have pockets... never mind.

I have whatever it is I want. I'm the Game Hamster...

The Game Hamster wrote:
Crag_Irons wrote:
You don't have pants. How do you have pockets... never mind.
I have whatever it is I want. I'm the Game Hamster...

I have no strong feelings about this one way or the other!

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