You'd think that it would be something sinister. But it was just a slumber party!
The next poster was also at slumber party and will tell us the other party goers.
2 people marked this as a favorite.
Benjamin Franklin, the Duke of Earl, the Earl of Dukes, the Duke, Earl, Contessa Isabelle Frankfurter Von Smorgasbord III, Bob (not THAT Bob, the other Bob), Raiden, Yogi Berra, Yogi Bear, Bare Naked Ladies, and three of the five Koala Twins.
I forgot the next poster was there, too, and said poster has SCANDALOUS news from it.
I'm ALWAYS there! So I hear everything.
And the scandalous news I have is [SUPER REDACTED]!
The next poster, upon hearing the news, has just had their head explode and their soul now feeds me for eternity!
Pathfinder Rulebook, Starfinder Society Subscriber
I went into the closet.
The next poster posted a poster of a poser.
Here you go.
The next poster just returned from the most amazing trip.
Pathfinder Rulebook, Starfinder Society Subscriber
I didn't see the stairs, funny thing that.
The next poster nac daer sgniht sdrawkcab.
The skill is learning what words could possibly be said, when figuring it out.
The next poster however, is much more skilled than I and can read words in all directions.
1 person marked this as a favorite.
I can
uoy a
The next poster's head isn't screwed on right.
I can always tell if something is sneaking up on me.
The next poster tried and will warn you not to.
*Shows a "I tried to sneak up on Goth Guru, and all I got was this amazingly verbose set of knife wounds." scar*
The next poster tried to sneak up on GoatToucher, and, well, things ended up poorly...
Pathfinder Rulebook, Starfinder Society Subscriber
Goat Toucher and I don't talk about it anymore, after I offered up the usual sacrifices. A word of advice, Goat Toucher can touch goats, but no one can touch Goat Toucher.
The next poster is a promotional preview of Star Wars IX you can hang on your wall.
*ticktockticktockticktockschtupschtupKONKONKONKONK-printer noises...!*
Pathfinder Rulebook, Starfinder Society Subscriber
R2-FU is a programmable insult droid.
The next poster is a centerfold of an unspeakable magazine.
And that's the LAST time I have Old Doc Flumph as my GP!
That, and the fact that he/it uses oral thermometers to get rid of earwax.
The next poster however, sees no problems with the methods of Old Doc Flumph.
1 person marked this as a favorite.
Of course I don't. The centuries old techniques are still the most effective.
The next poster walked into a bar.
The next poster is the bartender.
"We don't serve droids here! They are too hard to cook!"
The next poster was offended by that joke.
Pathfinder Rulebook, Starfinder Society Subscriber
But I usually take offense to anything that isn't cooked right, or hasn't had enough stroking time by my tentacles before mastication.
The next poster enjoys several ways to masticate.
Shapeshifting can give a variety of mouths, or mouth-like orifices, that give one a greater appreciation of the foods, or food-like substances, that one masticates upon.
The next poster's mind went there....
My mind did go there. I'm always thinking of what I'll be eating next.
Speaking of next, the next poster has a poster of me eating something.
It's the full Goya painting: Saturn Devouring His Son...and beneath that, JTDV devouring Saturn from the feet up!
The next poster ate Neptune.
Correction, it's neptuna (the Neptune equivalent of haddock). It's quite tasty actually. Goes great with freeze-dried tangerine chips.
The next poster obviously thinks that I have weird taste in food, but their own taste in food is just as bizarre.
Who am I to judge, Professor ? Although freeze-dried cantaloupe would be much better with nep-tuna in my not humble at all opinion.
Myself I delight in thin slices of (others') humiliation flavored with raw cruelty. It's an acquired taste, of course.
The next poster likes wuxia with its food.
1 person marked this as a favorite.
Even sentient furniture needs to be able to defend itself. And besides, heroes have such delicious souls. That and it says "made in China" on my back.
The next poster prefers Greek "Giros".
Giros is a fine fellow, although, don't ask me what he says. It's all Greek to me.
The next poster has a decidedly different view on Giros.
Giro-copters? I love those things as much as I love areo-planes!
The next poster flies above people (and creatures) for the weirdest reason.
If *anybody's* gonna get superpowers from errant cosmic rays, it's gonna be ME!!!
The next poster acquired superpowers from an errant Harryhausen ray.
I have the power of Stop-Motion Animation!
The next poster used this power to rescue the hostages, beat the bad guy, and get the gender non-specific love interest...
What can I say, I much prefer the old style of animation.
And I enjoyed the role reversal.
Next poster, in the Jungle you must wait, until the dice reads 5 or 8.
1 person marked this as a favorite.
Then I shall cross the wide savannah,
On this horse, whose name is Hannah.
You see, we're not in the desert, so the horse has a name.
The next poster is a plant, or a bird, or a rock, or a thing.
...Well, I thought it was funny. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
All the moai on Easter Island have mysteriously come to resemble the next poster's face!
It's really mysterious.
*Hides chiselling set.*
Next poster, just what is falafel?
Falafel was an Elven keeeng,
Of heeem the harpers sadly seeng,
He was deep-fried and served, of course,
With ta-hi-ni and chili sauce.
The next person is particularly clever Kugel
Da! We come from many sources! Anatoly is kugel, Sergei is caviar, Ivan is kvass, Anya is sólet, and Yuri is wallpaper!
Comrade Next Posterovich has brilliant screenplay and planned cast list for to finally bring TETRIS to big Hollywood screen!
I submitted it to MGM the day before Pixels came out. I haven't heard back from them yet.
The next poster was seen combing the beech.
And the beech's hair is now FABULOUS!
The next poster had an interesting encounter with the beech...
*Unintelligible whistles, clicks and hand gestures.*
*Even more unintelligible whistles, clicks and hand gestures.*
Yeah, but I stopped at three.
The next poster has a different use for a bikini.
It's like three slingshots in one!
The next poster is presently developing crossbow lingerie.
With any luck, this shall lead to an even more magnificent innovation: Crossbows that mass-manufacture themselves!
The next poster (Blessings and Praise) has discovered a most peculiar tome, and shall enlighten us (or at least give us a hint) as to what strange and forbidden powers its pages might bestow!
*Throws the tome onto the ground and destroys it.*
Such knowledge is NOT meant for the minds of mortals!
If the next poster is feeling brave, then they will speak the name of the tome.
Fortnite Guide
The next poster is bursting at the seams to talk.
I'm losing straw.
The next poster has the answer to my troubles.
Stop stuffing yourself.
The next poster has a cure for going stir crazy.
Give up cooking!
The next poster shakes, fries and bakes.
Anxiety and lack of A/C will do that to ya.
The next poster has devised a clean and unlimited means of air conditioning...
Move to Siberia and leave the windows open.
The next poster has a secret they will now share.
I am NOT Goattoucher!
The next poster is somehow shocked by this.
I got this implant that shocks me when someone posts a word in ALL CAPS. *collapses to the floor writhing with electric shocks*
Next . . . poster . . . has . . . different . . . shock . . . device . . .