
The Other Strawman's page

6 posts. Alias of Goth Guru.


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20: Wizard's chambers. Unfortunately you misspelled unfortunately.

Goth Guru wrote:

31:Natural invisibility.

Level: Class abilities
Zero Level: When embarrassed or scared will vanish from sight.
1st:Can start and stop blur effect as a free action
3rd:They are invisible unless they turn it off or engage in combat. Everything worn or equipped is normally invisible.
5th:Greator invisibility. -4 to hit in combat. Also applies to crit checks.
9th: Can make one other person or thing for each 3 levels invisible. Range, 5 feet per level. Persists 10 minutes per level beyond range.
11th: Can suppress sound and smell of self and anything they are making invisible, only within range. They can still be tracked.
19th: Sensory void. 5feet per level centered on self or target. Reflex save applies.-8 to hit anything in area. Does not block sense of touch. Concentration duration. Blocks all rays, gaze attacks, and sonic attacks. GM call whether stinking cloud will have any effect.
Skills: Stealth Intimidate
Feat: Rogue like surprise attack(Like a rogue 2 levels lower, no bonus damage 1st or 2nd level)
Spells: One illusion spell per spell level.

I'm losing straw.

The next poster has the answer to my troubles.

I have a dungeon in need of a boss level. Your hired!

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9/10. Ready for halloween, year round.

To the wet bat pole!