Schlemiel! Schlimazel! Hasenpfeffer Incorporated!
[singing]Were gonna do it[/poorly]
Exploding Birthday Cake! Who wants a slice?!
There is no cake, only Zuul.
Psychedelic Slaad wrote: Oh come on! Try a slice! Alright I'll bite
hands Zgotar a slice of cake on a plate. The Slaad Landlord bites into the cake. It explodes, cracking three teeth in unison. Smoke comes out from his ears...
*lights cigar on smoking ear*
*blows smoke angels*
*smoke angels beat up a random housefly and take its lunch money*
I prefer imploding birthday cake.
Psychedelic Slaad wrote: hands Zgotar a slice of cake on a plate. The Slaad Landlord bites into the cake. It explodes, cracking three teeth in unison. Smoke comes out from his ears... I think my charisma went up 4pts!
I was hoping for 5.
Not enough fissionable on the cake.
Fissionables? Fissionables?! *Hands Psychedelic Slaad a supernova* Here, this should blow the icing off any cake.
takes supernova and looks at it with his one eye
Oooooooooo, pretty colors......
I am the greatest thing to happen to this thread.
Frog-blast the vent core!
*rides through, increasing post counts*
I bet you thought these slaad were alive. They're not. They're dead.
I stiw godgo poddy. *dances*
Someone died? Better drink my own p***
*returns fire on the slaad*
Why do I keep allowing Starscream to come back? He just keeps betraying me.
One might think that, but I couldn't possibly comment.
Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! SSSSSSSSHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!
*wipes up thread, drags out the corpses, and backs up the wood chipper*
Why was the rancher embarrassed? He walked in on the Ranch dressing! Hehe! ^_^
I kept a watch in my ass so I'd always wake up at the *crack* of dawn.
Zis isht getting very intershting, ja? *gets out the rack and whips*
I'm the worst GI Joe ever.
Roll a fortitude save. >:)
Baby, I got your numbers...
Can't tell if car or fish /fry
I'm having a really hard time making up my mind... oh wait, no! It's Pazuzu!
You's da force, Duke! I am the Kwisatz Haderach!
I think I stepped in something. It might be whatever Bigby's finger was in.
Bzzzzzzzz Hehehehe HO HO HO! Hahahahaha. Jajajajajajajajaaj! aldkjo4ijtoarkjg;alkdfgm;l4iktjlakmdf