Dwiergus, The Chrysalis Prince

Doggy Door of Doom's page

55 posts. Alias of Studpuffin.


1 to 50 of 55 << first < prev | 1 | 2 | next > last >>

*flaps menacingly*

*flaps menacingly*

*flaps menacingly*

*flaps menacingly*

Darth Zombeh wrote:
shuffles menacingly

flaps menacingly

*flaps menacingly*

Simcha wrote:


Who let the dogs out!!!???

*flaps menacingly*

*flaps menacingly*

*flaps menacingly*

*flaps menacingly*

*flaps menacingly*

Rusty the Poodle wrote:
Miss Kitty wrote:
Oooo, shiny dangling collar-thingie! {snags MoMo's necklace of anti-humping and tosses it to Rusty} Catch Rusty! It's some kind of new flea collar!

Om nom nom nom

<Seconds pass>

Now I'm gassy and I have no sex drive. Wauuuugggghhhhhh!!!

*stops flapping*

*flaps menacingly*

*flaps menacingly*

*flaps in rhythm*

*Doesn't flap, preventing Friday from Escaping*

*flaps menacingly*

*flaps menacingly*

CourtFool wrote:
I think the Doggy Door of Doom let him in.

*Flaps menacingly*

*flaps menacingly*

*flaps menacingly*



*flaps menacingly*


*flaps menacingly*

*flaps menacingly*

Gene Spliced Poodle-Shark wrote:

projectile vomits on Doggy Door of Doom

Are you gonna eat that?


Clinically Depressed Poodle wrote:
humps the s~&~ out of the doggy door



*bumps vigorously*

*flaps menacingly*

*flaps menacingly*


*flaps menacingly*

*flaps menacingly*

*flaps menacingly*

*flaps menacingly*



*flaps menacingly*

CourtFool wrote:

Sniffs Doggy Door of Doom.

Needs more doom.



CourtFool wrote:
Tries to move other things with his mind.

*flaps menacingly*

*flaps menacingly*

Clinically Depressed Poodle wrote:
pees on the doggy door

*flaps menacingly*

*flaps menacingly*

CourtFool wrote:


CourtFool wrote:
Doggy Door of Doom wrote:
*hangs motionless, yet still menacing*

Squeak! Squeak! Squeak!


*hangs motionless, yet still menacing*

1 to 50 of 55 << first < prev | 1 | 2 | next > last >>