
Easter Bunny's page

27 posts. Alias of Studpuffin.


*returns fire on the slaad*

Yes... Sleep. Mwahahahaha!

*drops carob pellets all around Limbo*

Little Caesar Dretching wrote:
Easter Bunny wrote:
*lays an easter egg*
You look like me!

We should hang out!

*lays an easter egg*

*poops jellybeans*

Kettle wrote:
Rodent of Glory wrote:

I'm pooping just as fast as I can! I don't think people really appreciate that there are no magical factories off somewhere mass-producing skittles...


Hey man, Russell Brand is stealing your schtick.

Those are jelly beans!

*jelly bean buck shots Kettle*

King of Vrock wrote:

Anyone else notice the Easter Egg?

--Mr. Vrocko

I got yer easter eggz right here, pally!

*pelts KoV*

Now be nice and share!

Want some Carub?

*pelts James with crappy carub easter eggs*

Eekster Buhnay wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
...I'll have to be careful. The last thing I need are Chaos Clones running around, serving the Old Ones Ice Cream Clone Cereal.
{yawns, stretches} You rang?

Somebody has been horning in on my operation? This won't stand!

*pelts slaadi with carub eggs*

What? Turn about is fair play! Nyahyayayayayaya!

*leaves "chocolate" eggs*

Don't worry, they're just disgusting Carob. I know, they might as well have been poo!

Sentient Marshmallow wrote:
Who's ready for the stickiest world domination ever?

My fingers are caked in chocolate. Lets get this over with!

Shanky the Dretchachaun wrote:
Mac Boyce wrote:
Bored badger is a deadly badger.
At least the f@@&er isn't suggesting f@@&ing bukake clinics for f@@&ing kids. Even I'm not that much of an a#&&~*#.

*Pelts Shanky with egg whites*

There are no new posts, there is only Zuul!

Tossed Slaad wrote:
Easter Bunny wrote:

*pelts Tossed Slaad with cadburry eggs*

I'm not a dretch!

You look like one.

Well, you look like Pizza the Hutt!

*pelts Tossed Slaad with pepperoni and cheese*

*pelts Tossed Slaad with cadburry eggs*

I'm not a dretch!

Crimson Jester wrote:
Orthos wrote:
That explains so much.
Doesn't it though! I wonder if these incidents happened around easter?

Just what are you implying?

*prepares to pelt CJ with cadburry eggs*

Tossed Slaad wrote:
Easter Bunny wrote:
Tossed Slaad wrote:
Easter Bunny wrote:
Celestial Healer wrote:
Just so that you guys know, some really freaky aliases come through this thread from time to time.

*pelts CH with cadbury eggs*

What do you mean freaky aliases?!

*pelts the Easter Bunny with slaad eggs*

*returns fire with a sixlet machine gun*

Say hello to my little friend!


*implants his larvae and slips back to Limbo*

P.S. Hello, little friend!!!

Mmmmm, these are a lot better than regular M&Ms. Do they come in colors other than red?

Tossed Slaad wrote:
Easter Bunny wrote:
Celestial Healer wrote:
Just so that you guys know, some really freaky aliases come through this thread from time to time.

*pelts CH with cadbury eggs*

What do you mean freaky aliases?!

*pelts the Easter Bunny with slaad eggs*

*returns fire with a sixlet machine gun*

Say hello to my little friend!

Celestial Healer wrote:
Just so that you guys know, some really freaky aliases come through this thread from time to time.

*pelts CH with cadbury eggs*

What do you mean freaky aliases?!

*pelts Spanky with Cadbury cream eggs*

How come you get a freakin' pot of gold? All I got was this crap!

*continues pelting the Leprechaun*

*digs a hole and fills it with easter eggs*

This should be ripe by next easter!

*Pelts El Blancho with cadburry eggs*

Some of these are only busted out at certain times of the year too.

*Pelts Moff Rimmer with cadburry eggs*

Yeah, what she said.

*cracks open a cadburry egg and sucks down the contents, discarding the chocolate shell*

*sneaks in to steal some eggs*

The Hatter wrote:
Ew. What kind of Easter Bunny throws eggs of poo? You, sir, are an IMPOSTER! Megatron!

Poo? They're Carob, though I agree it tastes like crap.

*continues hucking*

What? I'm not good enough.

*Pelts The Hatter with "chocolate eggs"*