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Rise of the Runelords

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Khazrandir wrote:
el cuervo wrote:
make him victim to ogre abuse or something...
*gasp* That sounds horrifying! Those ogres are really twisted and sick.

My point exactly. The party really didn't like Gigi.

*laughs evilly*

My group is in "dat house" in the second chapter and at the very lowest level. We haven't had any deaths yet!

They are (get ready for it):
- Aasimar Party Pooper Paladin of Iomadae
- Tiefling Ranger
- Drow Cleric (Fey Foundling)
and the odd one out...
- Human Rogue, Burglar variant

The Aasimar and Tiefling are actually brother and sister. Yep, you heard that right. Same mother, different father. Funky stuff happened in that household that's for sure... The campaign is so jam packed with content that I haven't even been able to slip in some personalised content about that background but I intend to at some stage.

The Drow is something nobody has ever seen in Golarion in the year that RotRL takes place so there is some pretty interesting roleplaying when she decides not to use her Hat of Disguise. It was quite fun when they encountered Shalelu.

We're having great fun!

This is what I have so far:

Dwarven Cleric
Halfling Sorcerer
Human Fighter
Synthesist Summoner (but he is planning to take some levels eventually in Paladin and Trapper Ranger)

Their alignments haven’t been finalized yet, but I told them I would like their characters to be Good.

Also, will be having a 5th player, but not sure what he is playing yet.

Question, right now I have given a 20 point buy for my players. But since I believe APs are designed for 4 players and 15 point buys, do you think I should reduce theirs to 15?

I only ask as we have never used anything below 20 before, so it's new ground for us and there's just a part of me thinking it won't be enough. But then I haven't run an AP yet, either.

The Exchange

Just kicked it off last night.

Human Rogue (will be going Mad Dog Barbarian to provide flank buddy)
Skinchanger (weredragon-kin (modeled after werebat-kin)) Dragonfire Adept
Human Druid (plans to make good use of Aspect of the Beast)
Tiefling Tien Human Magus (buffer/de-buffer, rather haunted)

Two Chaotic Goods and two Neutral Goods in the party and they mesh rather well with one another. They've done well so far.


I run the AP with a group of 4 players.

Pierce the half-elf ranger/rogue, nicknamed ''Papa''. An older fella for a beginning adventurer, Pierce is the face of the group and de facto leader. His village was destroyed by giants when he was a teenager, and he has a hatred of the big folk.

Kruger the human barbarian, nicknamed ''The Magnificent''. With his pair of 7s in intelligence and charisma, his nickname is more than a little sarcastic. After running away from an abusive father, Kruger owns nothing except a greatsword and armor.

Bolni Luckybeard, dwarven cleric of luck. His nickname is ''The Untouchable'', pretty fitting given the fact he hardly ever takes any points of damage. He keeps the party alive and provides insight on religious matters when he can.

and finally,

Caïus, a rich human exile from Cheliax adventuring as a magus. His nickname is ''The Infamous'', as he has a tendency to roll fumbles and butcher his allies. Kruger in particular is not very fond of him after receiving a couple falcata hits in the back. In fact, he has stated that if he ever hit him again, he would kill him.

Currently starting Skinsaw Murders, so far the group is pretty effective and there have been no casualties, although there were a couple close calls. Believe it or not, Kruger survived 2 max damage coup-de-grace from Erylium's sinspawn. Those were DC 24 fort saves as a level 2 character.

The Current Party (About to head to Fort Rannick)

Hatashi De'Regone -- Magnimaran noble, raised in Tien. His familial ties and assimilation into the culture allowed him to be trained as a samurai (Though he does not have the status that goes along with it; A samurai in skills, not in practice)

[Cohot]Ylloura Hannale Aureale -- Irrisen Ice Valkyrie. Cross-blooded (Draconic and Boreal) Eldritch Knight candidate.

Kiirn Vornseth -- Magnimaran Bard, a cross between Indiana Jones and Dread Pirate Roberts.

[Cohort] Kidala Viskalai -- Fighter/Rogue daughter of Garridan Viskalai. Likes things up close and personal.

Alysangela -- Abyssal Sorceress, ancestry includes a powerful cultist of Lamashtu who promised a soul. A soul that Alys is determined not to provide.

Yurak Vallond -- Dwarf Magus. A bulwark of defensive power. tends to focus on area denial and tanking.

Fagan Starseeker -- Dwarven Inquisitor of Desna. Still new, and not quite trusted

Andrew Darkwell -- Fighter/Ranger who's parents were killed by goblins. Seeking to establish "Fort Thistletop" for a western chapter of Black Arrows.

[NPC] Shalelu -- Tied romantically to Andrew.

Very Respectfully,

My group (not the DM) is:

Auralia Tobyn(my character) an Aasimar Purifier of Sarenrae twin sister of Nualia (yup that causes problems) and best friend of Ameiko and mother to an abandoned goblin child from Thisletop (yup that causes problems too)

Mal a Tiefling paladin of Sarenrae just joined the group, so I don't know much about his character

And members of the mercenary group the Black Legion

Tri an Elven Conjuration wizard lecherous, but good hearted

Falco a half elven (i think) psionicist, mouth gets him in trouble, but a good guy

Darkstar whom I honestly know nothing about save that he is a firebug...

That is our group. We had an almost complete TKP save I survived and was Blessed by Sarenrae to become a full Purifier

Ragnar & Thorfin, ulfen and 1/2 elf ulfen; Bbn & ranger countrymen & giant slayers both, Bilun of Blackmore, cleric/rogue slayer of evil/judgmental prick.
Niahla, oracle of life, shadowy winged fey creatue of great beauty. (ult race book creation)
Krullmoot gnome wizard, conj teleport school

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber

Gnomish Bard (prankster)/Master Summoner with a dip in Oracle so he could take the mercurial curse. (Changes his appearance daily)

Halfling Warpriest/Knifemaster rogue (Cayden Cailean) likes to drink but only in moderation. The most frontline party member we have.

Dwarven Sorcerer (shadow)/ Oracle (haunted, stone mystery). Made him a bastard nephew of a pair of dwarves named Vekker. He goes by McGrundel.

Oh this is going to get interesting.

This is the party I'm running for:

Dwarf Barbarian (Iron Hulk) - CN
Human Cleric of Pharasma - LN
Human Witch - N
Rakshasa-Spawn Tiefling Elemental(Fire) Blooded Sorcerer - N

A very neutral party. The dwarf fancies himself a ladies man, lol, and it was fun running the Shayliss part. The goblins at the beginning were nearly heroes as bad as the party was rolling, but we had fun jokes about it. They are currently storming Thistletop which I am looking forward running.

it would be cool if people would say what level they currently are (if not first) its especially neat to see the level break down for multi-class people:)

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber

Our group always plays gestalt, so they are equal in both classes. Right now they're first level, but a combo of both classes listed (with the exception of the preparation for my sorcere to take a 1-lvl dip in oracle for some cha advantages). Does that help?

i see, that does help actually, i have only recently learned what gestalt is. so i've been a bit curious when multiple classes are listed

Sovereign Court

The party I'm GMing for currently met in a drunken pub crawl in Magnimar, are called the Tunnel Snakes (and have the jackets to prove it), and were deposited in Sandpoint at the beginning of Burnt Offerings by the clockwork equivalent of Knight Rider. It's that kind of game.

Anthenios Zepellie (CG male Human Bard 6, Sins = Pride and Greed, Virtue = Love): Stereotypical bard, references JoJo's Bizarre Adventures all the time - to the point of buying a Hat of Disguise, disguising himself then breaking the disguise and declaiming "It was I! ZEP!" - attempting to romance and being trained by Ameiko in the art of the 'Dervish Dance'. Is currently the target of the Skinsaw Man, has contracted Ghoul Fever, and likely to die if he carries on rushing headlong at danger.

Gen (NG male Human Ranger 6, Virtue = Zeal): loner archer who had his family murdered by monsters (believed by Gen to be Goblins - hence his first favoured enemy choice - but may not be...). Hate-friends with Shalelu, and seeks to outdo her archery skills at every opportunity, as I rolled particularly well with her attack rolls during the storming of Thistletop. Released Malfeshnekor in exchange for two of the character's lives, and still feels guilty about it. Recently been proving his worth one-shotting ghouls (took Undead as his second Favoured Enemy). Has contracted both Ghoul Fever AND Vorel's Phage...

Houki Shinonono (NG female Halfling Ninja 6, Virtue = Zeal): Player's second character, definitely not another anime reference, recently broke cover and joined the party after the player's previous character was killed by Vorel's malevolent spirit. Was previously being employed by the Scarnettis to follow them and report their movements/remove them if they became a problem. Took the job because the player's previous character (a Paladin) liberated Houki from slavery years ago, and wanted to repay the debt owed without revealing herself.

Morek Belkzenson (LN male Dwarf Forgemaster Cleric of Torag 6, Sin = Wrath, Virtues = Temperance and Zeal): Ridiculously dour and occasionally speciesist (Cha 5!) priest who is haunted by the memories of his entire extended family and clan being murdered in the sack of Belkzen. Carves runes on everything, only some of which are actually useful. Doesn't know some of his extended family escaped (I'm planning on having him be related to the dwarves in the fifth adventure to add some emotional impact). After taking the 'Axe to Grind', repeatedly likes to 'axe' people a question.

We've had one character death (Yami, a LG male Suli Paladin) so far, and we've got another character joining us tomorrow, when the party descends into the depths of the catacombs under the Misgivings...

We are:

Ramiel, a Suli Paladin of Iomedae. Died 3 times so far (level 10)
Nalon. Originally a half-elf cleric of Nethys, after 3rd death returned as a Samsaran Haunted/Life(Possessed) oracle.
Macabre, a human dervish dancer bard
Tamir, a tiefling blackblade magus.

Ramiel's faith is wavering, and Nalon is going a bit insane. Macabre is so afraid of dying that he spends many combats hiding. Tamir mostly kills things...

John Benson 299 wrote:

Tiberius Fulvious Marula, Paladin of Iomedae (me)

Deagal halfling bard/rogue
Ziggs Pyrolust gnome alchemist
Elven cleric who's name I don't have written down and escapes me at the moment
Eridani - Elf Conjurer
And a fighter replacing the dwarf rogue that bit the big one that doesn't want a rezz but a new character next game

We just finished clearing the fort in the mountains taken over by the ogres and the lamia.

We only got to play this adventure once every 6-7 weeks but each go was a marathon. My buddy the DM has less and less time so looks like this group won't be moving on for a while.

Ziggs Pyrolust?...hehe...someone plays League.

I am GMing two people through RotR. They've had one TPK. I let them use NPCs to fill out the party to 4 on the condition that they don't truly "control" the NPCs - I level the NPCs up when appropriate (to keep them weaker than PCs) and usually roleplay for them. The players get to control the NPCs in combat, assuming they don't order them to do something that goes against the NPC's character.

The first group was Nilbog the CN goblin alchemist/gunslinger (he liked to blow stuff up!) and his CG half-orc sword and board fighter buddy Uklug. They made it to the Sandpoint Festival escorting Kyra (GM PC) who came to help with the ceremony.

Nilbog and Uklug teamed up with Shalelu (Nilbog took a trait that made him look more like a deformed halfling than a true Goblin - the rest he faked with disguise checks) and later Orik Vancaskerkin. They met their demise when they took a month and a half to solve the Skinsaw Murders... spending a lot of time aimlessly fishing and travelling instead of solving them while people were getting murdered... so various officials in Magnimar became extremely suspicious of these so-called "heroes". Lord-Mayor Grobaras' death was the last straw and Justice Ironbriar decided to hold a straw court to use them as a scapegoat for the murders and the pair were executed. It didn't help that Nilbog and Uklug both wore the Sihedron symbol from loot they got from Nualia - the reason why they were executed but Kyra and Orik got away.

To help out with WBL I let the PCs stumble across Xanesha's stash of loot she took from Nilbog and Uklug after defeating her. The new PCs are Himmelsdorf the CG elf ranger and his half-elf baby brother Blendafiss, a CG master chymist. Blendafiss' mutagen alter ego is a CN fellow called Kaiju who is rather selfish and abrasive. Blendafiss is Uklug's half-brother and he came to town to investigate his murder, with Himmelsdorf reluctantly coming along. They ran into Kyra (who was still with Orik) investigating in Magnimar who filled them in on the adventure to date. Himmelsdorf ended up falling in love with Shalelu and is planning to propose to her when he finds the right ring - he wants one of elvish make and hasn't found a nice enough one yet. Kaiju ended up having problems with Kyra and Kyra left the group rather than adventure with the freaky Blendafiss/Kaiju (Kaiju cowardly abandoned Kyra during the encounter with Black Magga- choosing to save his skin over hers and the lives of innocent townspeople). Kyra was replaced by Razmus, a hill-giant that the group befriended on the way to Skull's Crossing, and now the group is debating whether to keep Razmus (who is difficult to travel with to put it lightly) or to bring along Yap or one of the Black Arrows. The new group doesn't like Orik - they listened to his story concerning the tiefling prostitute and the dead alchemist and decided they didn't like him much.

Right now the group is about to climb Hook Mountain. Lots of fun!

I am GMing three people through RotRL. Our first session was this past Friday and we got up to the Barret house.

Cozen, Level 2 Human Rogue
Elsbeth Tresor, Level 2 Half Elf Ranger
Eilinora, level 1 halfling Rogue
.... and Shayliss Vinder, Level 1 fighter.

Shayliss is my character, put in to round the party out. Figured she'd be a good foil for Cozen, who fancies himself a ladies' man.

Just started DMing a party of 4:
Sinda a representative from Windsong Abbey (1/2 elf Monk) was a little overwhelmed by the ‘big city’ and was a little disconcerted - especially by Naffer Vosk, the graveyard caretaker.
Porom (a human druid) invited himself, as a self appointed liaison to Sandpoint he felt it would be a good place to start building relationships so he is in a position to influence the towns interaction with the wilds.
Kroc (1/2 orc ranger) is an apprentice Jeweler to Maver Kesk and a member of the militia.
Jiite (Catfolk Oracle) is a wandering merchant, currently out of stock due to the Festival. Sticking around to enjoy the fun.

So far having fun tormenting the oracle over his wrecker curse who has ended up wearing a hessian goblin 'mask' when the sack broke when he joined in the goblin throwing tournament, and he also managed to acquire the largest set of penalties i have seen when he picked up a too small dogslicer.

I am GMing a group of four PCs. We are all pretty new to Pathfinder and are having a blast. We just finished the glassworks and the group is about to enter the Catacombs of Wrath.

Pistolero Gunslinger (CN Dhampir) - Eteric
Wind Oracle (NN Aasimar) - Ezra
Gravewalker Witch (NE Elf) -the Unnamed
Vanilla Magus (str build) (LG Human) - Thal (this guy and the witch come into constant conflict)

Grand Lodge

In addition to my Carrion Crown game that I run in person I run Rise on Fridays for an online group. I figured since we are past our fourth or fifth session I would go ahead and post the group.

Alris - Male Tiefling Bladebound Magus 3
Wendy Valdemar - Female Human Bard 3
Doyle Henshaw - Male Human Alchemist 3
Sora - Female Kitsune Ranger 3
Eisen Wesch - Male Aasimarr Cleric of Groetus 3

We just finished Fort Ranneck, no deaths yet.

M Aasimar Pally-Favoring the JUSTICE Playstyle, enemies get one chance to surrender, then Power attack Cleave with a +2 size larger great sword
F Tiefling Summoner-Utility Mag and crowd control, the most sane person in the party bc she kills the obviously omnicidal enemies without trying to get them to surrender.
M Half Orc Monk-started roleplaying a Dr. Phil ish LG guy with the vow of peace, is slowly desending into madness due to no one surrendering and waiting 2 rounds while the pally slices and dices, it doesnt help that he has been hit by all the will drain in the campaign so far.

I am the GM. We just started. Group is as follows:

C.N. Male Gnome Sorcerer
L.N. Male Elf Monk
C.G. Male Half Elf Rogue
L.G. Male Human (Ulfen) Paladin
N.G. Female Elf Druid

Casamir Skorzeny, aasimar ((now 1/2 celestial) cleric 13 of Sarenrae. Specializing in languages, item crafting and support.
Shalelu, his cohort (fighter 2, ranger 9) as anti-giant artillery
Abbas al Rashid, human musket master 12 from Allkenstar, artillery
Procktar Silax, human fighter 12from chelix, holder of the line
Ispat, elven mindchemist 13, married to Shayliss
His cohort shayliss, debuffer bard 11, ridiculer of giants
The scizophrenic Hook, halfling Rogue, sorcere and arcane trickster, scout and trapfinder
Hook is his curreent name. We gave up keeping track. It changes regularly for no apparent reason.

We used to have an elven wizardess, but the player ran out of free time

Going to start DMing RotRL AE fairly soon, characters are already rolled. Not sure about names yet but we have:

Neutral Good Male Half-Elf Ranger (Skirmisher)
Chaotic Good Male Dwarf Barbarian (Invulnerable Rager)
Neutral Good Female Human Cavalier (Order of the Dragon)
True Neutral Undecided Gender Elf Witch

I'm hoping the relative lack of magic users doesn't hurt the party too much.

Burnt offerings (currently at Thistletop)

starting group
(dead)Drakkar - human paladin (dead to long fall on trap )
(dead)Airomat - human sorcerer elemental bloodline ( same as above)
( alive )Talmei -tiefling cleric ( alive, was spared by ninja)
(dead) stupid rogue - kitsune rogue (decided that killing the druid and trying to TPK the group for more xp was good idea and died to the ninja)
(dead )mike~~~~~ (from down parascope movie) human ranger (was killed by the ninja for being in league with rogue)
(dead )numbnuts (not real name) - human druid (who wants to diplomacy everything!) (dead for initially betraying the group by using diplomacy to turn group into the goblin boss in thistletop, rogue killed him)

new group (all currently alive)
Talmei - Tiefling cleric that survived original group. ( likes to punch stuff)
Yasuo - Tian human ninja ( found out about the shady ppl in the original group that was betraying them, and put an end to all but him and cleric, later retired due to being 4 lvls higher then other ppl coming in.)( was a character that replaced the original pally)
Vi - crazy 16 human gunslinger ( mentality of Jinx from league of legends)
D- dhampir inquistor - group leader and intimadation
garrosh - halforc ranger - killed the true garrosh which was a orc barbarian and stole his pathfinder identity.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Cyrberus Deathwalker- Human ranger
Drudo Dall - Halfling rogue, thief
Druss Deathwalker - Human Paladin of ?
Goroth - Half-Orc, Ranger
Madhaggle- goblin - Alchemist/ Gunslinger
Olaf Thunderstepp -Dwarf - Fighter
Rothbert Marshanks - Gnome- Bard

Group is on a wagon heading for Magnimar. Except for Olaf who will be introduced as leader of the guards in Magnimar.

In the campaign I am GMing, the party currently includes (in no particular order):

Roanak - human oracle of life
Jasok - human rogue scout
Jarvis - human air elemental sorcerer
Faenauriel - half-elf paladin of Iomedae

Faenauriel was introduced after the Catacombs of Wrath, where Cromdarr Thunderhead, the half-orc fighter, died.


Owner/Operator - Lovecraft Game Store

My current group that is tackling the Runelords anniversary edition are as follows

No names yet, but most of them have their backstories sorted.

Human, Varisian Cleric of Desna
Human, Varisian Ranger
Human, Chelaxian Cavalier (Order of the Dragon)
Aasimar, Ulfen Cavalier (Order of the Dragon)
Halforc, Druid (Bear Shaman)
Human, Chelaxian Swashbuckler (ACG)

I finally decided to put my DM hat on and run some Runelords, giving our groups main DM a chance to play for once.

Zane - NG Male Chelaxian Human Unchained Rogue
Bayden - NG Male Chelaxian Human Transmuter Wizard
Brigid - NG Female Varisian Human Druid with a bear companion
Elystra - NG Female Elven Ranger

A solid all-around party that I am really happy with, and everyone seems to already love their characters.

Alamos CG male elven magus (hexcrafter and spelldancer)
Tarkus CN male shoanti human warpriest of Gorum*
Taicho LN male tengu druid*
Alskand LN male Ulfen slayer
Phaerim CG male elven witch
New player LG male human paladin of Iomedae**

* Unfortunately he will leave the party after the last session of Burnt Offerings

** He will join the party at the beginning of the 2nd adventure

We are approcahing the end of Burnt Offerings with a very balanced party that has produced some good role playing:

Selderon N male elven druid
Redfist CG male shoanti human fighter
Narcizia CN female varisian human rogue
Damacus N male magnimaran human wizard

Deceased (slain by Tsuto under the Glassworks):
Grey Hawk CG male shoanti human ranger

Here's my party:

Rane, LG male varisian/shoanti (didn't quite clarify) ranger; somewhat of an anti-social man, he makes a living by trapping animals and selling their furs to Ven Vinder. He was raised in a Shoanti tribe (different than the one that Tarnok was raised in). However, the tribe fell due to hill giants, and he was taken in by an undead-hunting paladin of Sarenae.
Tarnok, CN male shoanti witch (with transformation as his patron and a scorpion as his familiar); a self-exile Shoanti man who, after meeting his scorpion companion, accidentally cursed a fellow hunter, who was killed by an aurochs. He's a quiet man, and tends to not interact with others out of fear of hurting others or causing others grief and misfortune. Now he resides outside of Sandpoint, visiting Father Zantus to figure out the origins/purposes of his powers.
Ashleaf, NG male half-elf druid (with a firepelt cougar named Jarro as his animal companion; alternate racial trait Ancestral Arms (proficient with nets)); raised in Sandpoint, he's a natural fisher, and, one day, he returned to Sandpoint with his firepelt cougar companion. Is a sociable person, but gets awkward around women.)
and the odd-one out:
Mighty Azzerix Wyrmclaw, LN male kobold sorcerer (with Draconic (white) as his bloodline; alternate racial trait Day Runner); a white scaled kobold from the Wyrmclaw clan, a clan of primarily red kobolds, who believes he's a true dragon inside of a kobold's body. He has heard of the tales that Sandpoint used to be the lands of a mighty dragon, and once help mighty magical weapons; wondering if this was true, the kobold left his clan to travel to "reclaim" his title of "King of Sandpoint".

All of them are at level one, and we've just begun the campaign. Tarnok's having a small chat with Ameiko, Rane's having a dance with Shayliss Vinder, Ashleaf's blushing furiously as women spoil his animal companion with meat, and the kobold is disguised as a little girl so that he can get to the stage to announce his presence-the little reptilian thinks the Swallowtail Festival is actually a celebration of his arrival.

Sounds like it'll be a fun campaign.

My players rolled up their characters last night. Here's what we have:

Female Elf Witch
Female Hslf-Orc Barbarian/Sorcerer
Female Gnome Alchemist
Male Ullfen Shapeshifter Ranger

My players (Currently on SkinSaw Murders):

Grokar, Half-Orc Barbarian 5, the most diplomatic of the party altought using a greatsword as a diplomacy tool..

Valandil, Elven Wizard 5, A Pyromaniac at heart, loves the stew in the Rusty Dragon, and Ameiko also…

Variel, Elven Unchained Rogue 5, A true protector of Sandpoint, adept of night patrols, and night incursions with ladies…

Dorn, Dwarf Warpriest of Abadar 5, Master of Armor Class and adept of naming his Warhammer Mercy, as in no mercy giving…..

So far all is well, 2 newbies and 2 experiencied players, are managing to working pretty well as a team, covering each others behinds, and making their GM proud.

But there are several more challenges ahead for this heroes of Sandpoint…

Maelyrra, Female Varisian Half-Elf Rogue 2
Tanrov, Male Shoanti(Hawk Clan) Druid 2
Grogg Argh, Male Half-Orc Barbarian 2
Elzaphir, Male Half-Elf Sorcerer(Arcane Bloodline)2

Just went through glassworks. Healing is...problematic. I can't wait till Misgivings and all the haunts.

Silver Crusade

I don't think I ever posted to this thread. I originally started a thread for my campaign, but didn't really maintain it. My group's been going over a year and a half now, and they're up to level 12, near the end of book 4.

I'm the GM. The PCs are:

Beramy Rollswagon, LN Human Cavalier, Order of the Lion, loyal to the Lord-Mayor of Magnimar, and cousin to Mayor Deverin of Sandpoint, along with his trusty steed, Wilfred the Warhorse. Beramy is best known for leaving necessary equipment strapped to Wilfred when they go into a dungeon, dying to the leader of the Kreeg clan at Fort Rannick, bravely charging Longtooth the dragon, and then retreating immediately when the dragon didn't die on the first charge.

Kalaysa, CG Elf Sorceress, Copper Dragon bloodline. Worshiper of Calistria, focused on the goddess's aspects as an elven goddess of revenge. Her life quest is to hunt down the blue dragon who murdered her grandfather (a copper dragon, source of her bloodline power). Best known for blasting things with fire and acid, angrily killing downed enemies who damaged her personally before the others can heal and interrogate them, looting Beramy's corpse before the battle was over, and being so freaked out by a cave full of bugs that the other party members had to literally carry her to get her in there.

Relyn, NG Human Haunted Flame Oracle, Worshiper of Sarenrae. Best known for healing, buffing, tossing the occasional fireball, missing every time he fires his crossbow, drawing enemy fire even though he's always in the back, frequently delaying in combat when he sees that the rest of the party has things under control, and being the only party member with the guts to truly risk himself for the greater good.

Selkirk, CG Half-elf Ranger, Archer Extraordinaire, and Greta the Badger. Best known as the team's heavy hitter for pure damage, having favored enemy: giant and using it early and often, succeeding at the Hagfish challenge after MANY tries, and being generally disgusting in every possible way. He lives down to his dumped charisma. Often holds Greta back in combat rather than risk her getting hurt, so she's usually more of a team mascot than 6th party combatant. Ironically, Greta's burrowing ability did save the entire party once when they were buried in a collapsed cave (don't ask - I know it's not a standard part of the AP).

Argentius, LG Human Paladin of Iomedae. Originally a PC, but kept around as NPC after the original player left the group. Known for tanking up front and dishing some damage when he gets to the enemies. His heavy armor sometimes makes him slow arriving, though he recently bought some magic boots to speed him up. Not your typical lawful stupid paladin, but not having much real personality, either.

I'm currently GMing this AP and we've hit our 9th session (or somewhere there about) playing weekly on Sundays. We've now hit the end of the Skinsaw Murders, though I ran a mini-plot inspired by Choppers Island in Wayfinder but I had The Chopper having returned as a Morgh to give something a bit scarier for my high stated PCs.
I'm now also running a shorter reworked version of "Curse of the Ladys Light" as part of my working in elements of Shattered Star, to give our rogue personal plot and an opportunity to prove herself to the Pathfinders Guild. (plus, gotta love dat trap).

The party consists of:

Caladrel Variel, CG Elven Bloodrager (Celestial). The eldest son in a wealthy and influential noble family from Kyonin, Caladrel decided to take up sword play out of boredom and eventually fled home to avoid an arranged marriage, taking up the life of a wandering swordsman. Caladrel fights with a greatsword primarily, settled down in Sandpoint though spends a fair amount of time travelling up to Crying Leaf. Caladrel has expressed an interest in Ameiko and managed to get a drunken kiss during the downtime between chapters one and two, but is also somewhat interested in Shalelu (who may have had words with her friend about aforementioned kiss).
Caladrel is the groups heavy hitter, charging into the middle of combat in righteous fury to smite their enemies and drawing attention the entire while which is lucky because he soaks up damage like a sponge. Though he did gain some rather impressive scars when Naulia dropped him, Fane and Somar in combat.
Caladrel is a worshipper of Calistra.

Fane Constantine, LN Human Fighter from Ustlav. Fane followed his father into serving the local lord/aristocrat as part of the mans personal guard, the only individuals in their small territory who were allowed by law to carry a sword. However, after an altercation with this Lords' son who got the kicking from fane that he deserved, Fane was branded, stripped of rank and banished. Since then he's served extensively as part of an Ustlavic mercenary company and gained several tattoos to commemorate various victories, he continues to refuse to use a sword, preferring a heavy battle axe combined with shield.
Fane is a worshipper of Arshea, has settled down into a house in Sandpoint and is currently in an open relationship with Savah (who in my game is a former mercenary artificer/fighter worshipper of Torag).
Fane serves as the groups centre, tactician and emotional rock. He has an easy going attitude outside of violence, taking each day as it comes and enjoying the fruits of his labours. Fane serves to protect the weaker members of the party from the hordes of enemies, causing them to break against his expert defence.

Mardra, LE Tiefling Ninja and Atheist. Mardra grew up on the streets of Riddleport and grew up fast, as part of a gang of urchins come criminals. Mardra learned from an early age that violence and murder were a good way to get what she wanted and that she was good at it. This caught the attention of a criminal mastermind and necromancer who goes by the name of Solomon (he collects his enemies as zombies), who in exchange for future services had her apprenticed under his pet serial killer and assassin "Shrike" a renegade Drow. Mardra now owns a townhouse in Riddleport where her street-gang hangs out, she often travels between Sandpoint and Riddleport or further to drop in on her friends between jobs. Mardra's player had difficulties doing a female voice and pirate accent at the same time, causing it to come out Irish, this stuck.

Valmi Gemelle, CN Half-Drow Unchained Rogue. Follower of Pharasma and Desna. Varisian on her mothers side, Valmi is the result of a drow raid upon her families caravan and the resulting stigma eventually caused her mother to commit suicide. Her grandfather blamed Valmi for her mothers death and ruining a perfectly good arranged marriage with another trade family, eventually got fed up with her and she fled in her early teens before he sold her into slavery. She drifted from Sczarni gang to gang in Magnimar for a few years, earning a reputation for second story work, with sponsorship from her "uncle" Verona Daal a well-connected trader, she later moved into the lucrative business of "aggressive archaeology" to fund her lifestyle and is hoping to join the Pathfinders Guild.
Valmi has a casual relationship with Shalyss Vinder (much to her fathers annoyance), and drew the attention of Aldren Foxglove because of her exotic looks and resemblance to his wife (a distant cousin) which given the reveal of what became of him and his stalking as unnerved her somewhat. She was further unnerved by seeing him and his wife alive in their magnimar town house and recently had a breakdown after Somar was killed in battle with Xanesha. She currently believes that he refusing to join the Nightscales or Gallowed may have angered Norgorber's cult, and that they have put a hit on her.

Mardra and Valmi are the groups skirmishers, scouts and ambushers, Mardra armed with a shortbow or rapier (often poisoned), and Valmi armed a light or hand crossbow and shortsword.

Somar, N Fetchling Wizard (Evoker). Somar started the campaign as an Alchemist, though has shifted to Wizard due to the strong presence of buffs from our Bloodrager, Summoner and Cleric, as well as his tendency to loot spell-books (with Lyries, Caizarlus and the one belonging to Ironbriars victims and his own he's at four). Somar grew up like many of his kind upon the plane of shadows, this has left him a little skittish and gives him some odd personality quirks not helped by his abuse of herbal remedies. When travelling the planes through the use of a caravan he accidentally ended up in Hell... this didn't help his pre-existing conditions and may have damaged his sanity, as well as leaving him with a lingering belief that he is destined to go there when he dies. Somar as such is doing everything he can to avoid this, which involves a massive interest in lichdom or any other source of immortality. Somar is fascinated by Thassilon and blames the Gods for not dealing with problems like Kytons or Devils... and pretty much everything. He respects the Runelords for their ability to seize power.
Somar does not speak Common very well at all, he regularly confuses words and doesn't understand their customs, he completely misinterpreted why Ven Vinder was angry with Valmi for instance and only exasperated the situation. Somar is... well, something of an idiot savant at times due to his lack of social graces, behaving and speaking like an aged professor despite being about twenty, and generally being a bit oblivious or short sighted (like say, attempting to bring pellet grenades attached openly to his bandoleer into a bank).
Yet, we all love him. He's like the groups mascot. He's currently settled down in Sandpoint as another local alchemist, selling his potion products in bulk to the wandering trader Verona Daal and dedicating himself to creating magical items. He has three apprentices who help run his business who are perhaps as explosion prone as he is, if well meaning.
He may have also inspired a goblin that he saved from the glassworks through his compassion and released after getting confirmation that Tsuto was their boss and a signed confession. This Goblin has since become is disciple in spirit, and is now a masked vigilante patrolling the roads of the lost coast counter-ambushing bandits armed with explosives. Somar does not know this yet.
Somar also recently died (as you can see in his obituary) which took him some time to get used to as he was convinced it was an illusion (this confused his psycopomp guide to no end) and then had some sharp words for the goddess Pharasma prepared while he waited. He was luckily resurrected at some expense by the priests of Abadar, but is now convinced that this body is different from his last one.
Oh, Somar.
Somar mixed debuffs, damage and item creation duties being dedicated to churning out explosives and potions in equal numbers. He has recently gained the ability (and time) to make wondrous items.

Antonino Tibernus, NE Aasimar Summoner bonded to a Daemon known as "Hector". Originating from Korvosa and born with a silver-spoon in his mouth, Antonino is impeccably dressed and extremely sure of himself having been privately tutored in Summoning. Antonino's family are militantly lawful good and as such, when Antonino fell short of this standard he was told to leave and return only when he changed his ways and brought honour to their bloodline. Antonino believes in personal benefit and advancement first and foremost, he will do anything he can to achieve it and to motivate himself never to fail he bonded with his chosen servant, knowing full-well that should he ever fail to uphold his ends of the bargain or no longer be useful his Daemon will devour his soul without hesitation.
Antonino joined the party for the raid of Thisteltop, is a mutual contact of Verona Daals and was looking to earn some coin. He proved himself useful through his intelligent application of his minion and its scent ability (if disturbing habit of letting it eat corpses or suspicious meat), and his summoning of Horses to terrify the local goblins.
Antonino felt a great deal of sympathy for Naulia and her plight, and as such as dedicated a fair amount of his fortunes and his considerable charisma to establishing an academy/orphanage for Aasimir (and reluctantly other planetouched) to give them the benefits of education and a safe environment in which to better themselves, with sponsorship from several noble families in Korvosa and Magnimar (as well as his former Mentor) and further interests garnered abroad in Cheliax, his staff consists of a well-meaning but wishy-woshy tutor, a haggered kindly nun of Desna, a severe nun of the Order of the Golden Erinyes and another pc.
Antonino is currently courting Clarisse Scarnetti, the local "popular girl" and is good friends with the Valdemars.
Hector appears as a horned demon and acts something of a more verbal version of Stitch and is fond of disgusting personal habits like exploring his nostrils with his tongue when not destroying things. Yet somehow the party has gained affection for him. The Fools.

Hector specialises in trampling groups of opponents and serious melee damage, supported by Antoninos cunning application of support spells or buffs, mixed in with being the groups UMD monkey with his rather impressive collection of wands.

Aborgail Caylien, CG Tiefling Cleric of Cayden Calien. Aborgail hails from Cheliax originally but was raised in an orphanage in Riddelport after her parents (a mobster and a priest of Asmodeus) conceived a non-tainted child, and wished her a better life than she would get in her homeland. Somehow her parents manage to be one of the better examples in this game. Aborgail has had a difficult life due to her love of books, laws and numbers, only bonding with one individual at school whom she later married. Her husband became a priest of Cayden, dragging Aborgail into the faith as well, but his untimely death when attempting to prevent a mugging caused Aborgail to take up his mantle rather than remaining a simple clerk. She cites her drunken proclamation as being divine inspiration. After wandering out to do good she came to Sandpoint, which she heard had been having Goblin problems and quickly signed on to Antonino's academy, her first adventure with the "Heroes of Sandpoint" was in putting down The Chopper for a second time. This and The Skinsaw murders rattled her as it seems she's rather unlucky when it comes to paralysis affects. She's dedicated a lot of her time to attempting to redeem some of her party members, counsel the others and prevent Somar from seeking Lichdom.
She recently was reunited with her father when in Magnimar, as he was visiting for ambassadorial and business reasons. Where she discovered that her great-great grandfather was subject to a devil-bond and this may be where her more infernal ancestry comes from. Though her father disapproves of her current vocation, he seems somewhat proud of her for sticking to her beliefs even if he wishes she would follow his example and pick "The winning side".

Aborgail is the groups secondary buff specialist and emergency healer, as they prefer to use potions or channeling for in combat healing. She manufactures scrolls in her spare time focusing on countering conditions.

GM here. My group is a fairly inexperienced group, with the exception of one player who might be retiring soon. All 11th level, currently on the Fortress of Stone Giants.

Hailie Gregor, the CN Skinwalker Fighter. Part of the Sandpoint guard, was recently tempted by Jezelda to become a full-fledged werewolf, but declined her offer. Now bears scars from that encounter and a dead paladin's shield. Impulsive, kick-in-the-door type of adventurer.

Maran ("Miles") Quinn, the CG human Rogue archer. Child of a Norgorber Assassin and Jargie Quinn, the owner of the Hagfish. Tries to be prepared for anything. Has a giant eagle cohort for a mount. Nerd of the party, knows everyone in Sandpoint and is the only party member who knows Thassilonian.

Gerda, the NG human Cleric of Desna. Extremely durable, but not always as bright or wise as they could be. Is built to be a support cleric, but often leaps into combat when she should hold the line.

Szordren, the CG drow ranger. Switch-hits with a composite longbow and a falchion. Owns a cheetah named Mufasa. Formerly a member of the Black Arrows. May be retiring soon. Thinks very outside the box (e.g. tried to throw a grappling hook on Longtooth and was nearly dumped into the sea as a result).

Uri Ira Ondrea Riverrat the 1st 1/2, CN gnome arcane-bloodline sorcerer. Generally impulsive and powerful, built to hinder enemies. Has a giant eagle cohort and several followers. Washed up on shore after falling through time (read: exported from another campaign) and lost half of their class levels. Was a pirate. Tries to befriend half of the monsters we meet.

Emelle, the NG half-elf druid. The latest addition to the party joined after catching a pair of giants fleeing Sandpoint. Summoning-focused. Joined the party to avenge her master, who was killed by the roving recon giant bands.

The party is notable in that they've recently rennovated Thistletop for their own purposes, they befriended Razmus for their attack on Fort Rannick (and rezzed him after he was killed), they unleashed Iesha's revenant on Aldern, they opened Malfeshnekor's prison early on (and nearly died as a result), and they recently allied with Longtooth (after previously beating the crap out of him).

Cade: Elderly elf sorcerer. Starting to come into his own. Drops fireballs and flaming spheres to great effect. Is seeking out his missing Paladin daughter. Word is she was last seen heading toward fort Rannick.

Clint: Human archer archetype Fighter/Ninja. Consistent damage dealer and sometimes battlefield controller. He scouts and disables locks. Used getting the kill shot on Bruthazmus to help score with Shalelu. An NPC girlfriend, what could go wrong?

Cypher: Mysterious human bard. Face, smack talk master (It's his performance style), competence booster (+2!!) and summoner of hawks. His greatest foe is Ven Vinder and the arranged marriage that seems to be waiting for him back in Sandpoint.

Sublime: Elven Wizard/Ninja. Badass with a katana. Knows a couple of spells. Reasonable scout. Isn't around often.

Titus: Dwarven barbarian. Swings his ax, stuff dies, nuff said. He was 3-4 deep in dead mini's during the opening battle. It was swell. Well not for the dead goblins. They were not too happy about it.

Former members and honorary mentions:

Gillywicks Grobbit. NPC goblin who joined the party after he beat up our barb, Titus in the glassworks (pesky nat 20's). Dude's a beast. He had since become a barb himself. Last seen with Urag. If I ever play PFS I may just adapt this guy. He was cool.

Orik Vancaskerkin: Helped us out in the lower levels of Thistletop. Two confirmed crits in a row (we use critical hit cards and roll in the open) took off Malfeshnekor's hand and jaw, making short work of what was supposed to be a big bad scary guy. It was awesome to see. Sort of an honorary guy.

Urag: Half orc tetori monk. Captured Grob with his martial style. Redeemed the goblin. grappled well until he quit adventuring.

Third time runnign this AP (now in AE) and again I have a group of three players. One of the player is veteran player and two are newer ones, this being their first "longer-5-sessions" campaign and second all in all. We are now middle of the Hook Mountain Massacre and game has been a blast.

Decimus Halst male human conjurer
Decimus and his family fled from Cheliax to Korvosa when he was very young. After studying in Acadamae, he left Korvosa behind to make his own fortune as a magical shop owner. He thinks himself as historian and researcher of ancient ruins and runes. He has made many friends in Sandpoint (like Ven Vinder) and even though he is not keen on traveling, possibility of seeing ancient structures interests him. His aunt is a hell knight paralictor in Magnimar. (played by the veteran player)

Haringroth Tharallix male half-orc fighter
Hailing from Varisian low-lands near Ember Lake, his village was attacked by giants. They survived and fled to live in near by village of Nybor but Haringroth's hate for giants lives on. He thinks himself as bodyguard (not as mercenary) but sometimes his actions make him look much like the latter.

Jonandrall "Skip" Kerr male half-elf ranger
Born to elven mother in Celwynvian, Skip was forced to exile after his grandfather died. He lived many years as a servant in Riddleport to a underling of an crime boss. He left the city and moved to south, thinking about starting illegal business himself. Skip is the most unpredictable character of the party but he has soft spot for wounded animals and nature all together.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

This my groups first time in this AP, it's also our first outing ever. We're noobs but we love the game. We just started the fourth chapter, and we're running out of the Anniversary Edition book.

First off, the casualties of adventuring: (three of five are dwarves, it just hit me.)
Ezren, a Human Wizard/Alchemist. Unhinged, to say the least. Had fun playing "Crossbow Roulette." Drunk all four doses of the Waters of Lamashtu from an evil alter, just to see what would happen. Became crippled and dumb, but still managed to push one last bomb down the the alter owner's mouth. Disappeared one night after speaking to a messenger from his master.

Sharktip Scandalore, a Dwarven rouge from Detroit(Supposedly). Triple-tapped in the face by the Snake-lady after hitting her in the face with a grappling hook while trying to attach her to a statue and push it off the tower they were on.

Calihme the Mender, Dwarven Cleric of Torag. Had a little too much fun throwing goblins into the fires of the Glassworks and murdering quasits on the alter of her dark god (after the bombing.) Was sent insane from the Snake-lady's touch after sacrificing himself so the others could flee. Later found and restored to sanity, but remains a broken man.

Qethesgol Stonehenge, Dwarven Stonelord Paladin of Torag. Brother of Calihme, and had been searching for him to take his near heretical brother home. Had a threesome with some (aura shielded) Succubi, before having to kill them for being succubi. Found his brother, returned his sanity, and returned to their homeland.

Norgaladir, an elven Fire elemental sorcerer. Traveled from the river kingdoms to breath new life into his salvaging operation. Normally charismatic, becomes slightly unhinged at being able to burn things. Roasted many a goblin, blew up a distillery, and got kissed (and cursed) by a Nereid. Drew the attention of a Brijidine and was gifted a obsidian sword by her. Disappeared in a puff of smoke while travling.

Now for the current party:
Fred the Blessed, Human Paladin of Iomaede, and Darilth, Champion of the Skies. Fought a duel with Ezren, and was nearly bested thanks to his bombs. Took an Oath of Vengeance, became bonded to the young dragon(third-party material), Dari, seeking power, and otherwise wrecks everything he comes across. Was once Lawful Stupid, but has learned the error of his ways. Recently had a dual with a dragon and was knocked out of the sky, but came back strong.

Scar and Sword, Elven Trapper Ranger and his Wolf. Great Marksman, though kind of crude. Peeped on Norgaladir and a shopkeeper's daughter, and saved a beating by being caught first. Was (literally) a chicken for a little while, considered staying one but decided against it.

Izuna the Kitsune Gunslinger. A fair eye but kind of a coward when big things start showing up. Has threatened to try playing "crossbow roulette" with a rifle. Has a fluffy tail. Needs more personality.

Broadtooth Scandalore, a Orc Titan Mauler Barbarian. A memeber the Scandalore clan of dwarves. Adopted. Has shown himself to be the exception to his race, and maybe the kindest in the party. Loves his weapons and has become a walking armory. Once tried to mount a ballista on his back. Could bench the Paladin's dragon companion effortlessly. Tries to hit on Elizabeth.

Leacihm, an elven Arcanist. Has a Voidworm familiar that like the screw with people. Especially the paladin. Enjoys bending reality to his will. Currently interested in Thassilonian history and magics. The newest to the group and was picked up right before the siege of Sandpoint. Fascinated a couple of Dire Bears with pretty lights.

Elizabeth, a Human Crossblooded sorserer (and NPC controlled by me). A young woman of the age of 17 (still a year older than the Orc) who is mute. Originally appeared as a servant of Darilth, she has become a trusted member of the group. Provides modest healing abilities and the occasional Lighting Bolt. Has some connection to the serpentine outsiders known as Coutals.

LG Human Wizard Abjurer
LG Human Paladin
CG Human(Shoanti) Ranger
CG Human Cleric of Cayden Cailean (Good, Travel domains)


Graxx'ur CN Tiefling Blackblade Magus 6 (Twin Brother of Bombie)

Bombie CN Tiefling Alchemist 6 (Twin Brother of Graxx'ur)

Nimble CN Halfling Ninja 6 (Grew up in/around Sandpoint)

Bella CG Varisian Witch 6 (Sandpoint Native)

Thruum LG Cleric of Sarenrae 4 / Paladin 2 (Was studying in the original Cathedral when it burned down.)

Liberty's Edge

Current Members:
-Sirius Tobyn, brother of Nualia (Aasimar Cleric 10)
-Helena Han'D'Basket, former bride of Aldern Foxglove (Elf Alchemist 10)
-Umbra...the mysterious one...(Hobgoblin Bolt Ace 10)
-Keitan Kei, aspiring Giant Slayer (Human Monk 11)

Former Members:
-Aramis (Human Warpriest of Ashura [custom deity] 10)
-Quintus Iciliius [referred to as QI] (Human Rogue 7)

Honorary Members:
-Razmus (Hill Giant Fighter 1/Ranger 2)
-Jakardros Sovark
-Shalelu Andosana

Mariel - NG halfling investigator
Vahn'Kreeg - LG human paladin [Shelyn]
Miriam - NG halfling cleric [Shelyn]
Victor - N drow elf bloodrager
Midge - CG gnome sorcerer [aberrant]

Here's my group, I play a game where they don't tackle alignment until 5th level, and do so by taking a quiz. I hide the results of the quiz from them. 3 out of 5 are also brand new to rpg gaming:

Diana, NG female human cleric of Erastil: fwb of Ameiko because they knew each other back when Ameiko was adventuring under the name Gabrielle. She's trying to own the 'lawful good, not lawful nice' saying, which means her diplpomacy is just shy of intimidation.
Marmaduke, CE male human alchemist: working towards the Master Chymist prestige class, he's intrigued by all things Thassilon and also hunting for his former teacher. He's prone to falling unconscious in combat because he rushes into melee. Anti-social trope, but is gaining affection for the town- Brodert Quint in particular.
Hopeful, CG male half-elf ranger: ladies' man, he earned his (nick)name by hitting on the gnome of the party (his IRL wife). He's not too bright, and escaped Ven Vinder's pummeling by declaring "But she's so beautiful!" and rolling a nat20 on his Diplomacy
Lena, N female gnome druid: She has her pet tiger, Nightshade, who is only just giving up his position as party tank. She's somewhat more attached to the tiger than the rest of the group, but she's got a soft spot for Marmaduke.
Thierren, CE male elf wizard/cleric (nondenominational): joined the group when they came up for a breath of air before re-entering the Catacombs of Wrath. He's generally the calm center of the group- the analyst- the one who keeps the others from running off chasing butterflies, though he's doing it because he'd rather be satisfying his curiosity than theirs.

Emerelda: varisian Witch 8, currently Azlanti with the appearence of Runelord Sorshen. Disciple of Mvashti, best friend forever with Ameiko as a teenaher, she had a crush with Tsuto, who never looked at her. She has a weasel familiar, Constanza, who has started to talk her and give her some advice. Her Time patron is trapped in time, and tries to lead her to the point in the future where they met.

Takeda "Shinigami" Onispawn tiefling samurai. Born in the secret relationship of a samurai bodyguard of the Kaijitsu family and a tempting oni spy, he was raised and trained by Lonjiku's father. His nominal daimyo, Lonjiku, hates him, and he has a secret crush with Ameiko. He likes to intimidate to instill fear in the hearts of those whom he sends to the underworld.

Sven Eagleson ulfen celestial bloodrager 1/cleric of Erastil 7. Sven family was killed by a dragon, nicknamed "FreezeMaw" by the ulfen, and Even seeks revenge against anything dragon-like. He's a member of an old dinasty of demon-slaying berserkers, and has a giant eagle animal companion.

We played with:
- human paladin (Iomedae)
- half-elven rogue
- human monk
- human wizard
- human oracle (life)

I fondly remember the damage spikes in the 90s and the AE damages in the 70s ;)

Shadow Lodge

Stephen Blackwaters (aka Pixie Boy): male human witch, worked as an escort at the Pixie's Kitten until mugged and badly cut up 5 years ago. Grew up an orphan at Turandarok.

Irishish Imonini: half-giant psychic warrior, dock worker who hates boats. Grew up an orphan at Turandarok after being found adrift in the Varisian gulf after the hurricane of 4687.

Pickles: gnome bard, came to Sandpoint to see the Swallowtail festival and got caught in the excitement.

Boomer Tander: human alchemist, works for his half-elven father part time at Bottled Solutions.

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