My group is in "dat house" in the second chapter and at the very lowest level. We haven't had any deaths yet! They are (get ready for it):
The Aasimar and Tiefling are actually brother and sister. Yep, you heard that right. Same mother, different father. Funky stuff happened in that household that's for sure... The campaign is so jam packed with content that I haven't even been able to slip in some personalised content about that background but I intend to at some stage. The Drow is something nobody has ever seen in Golarion in the year that RotRL takes place so there is some pretty interesting roleplaying when she decides not to use her Hat of Disguise. It was quite fun when they encountered Shalelu. We're having great fun!
Hey calju16, I started the Campaign for the first time with my players around 6 months ago and at the time I found this great thread with loads of great ideas for games at the Swallowtail Festival: It was invaluable for me as a character relationship building exercise and as a fleshed-out intro to Sandpoint. In my game, I have an Aasimar Paladin and a Tiefling Ranger from Korvosa with a Drow Cleric from Darklands and a Human Rogue from Katheer. They all met in a small Varisian village prior to the start of the Campaign to participate in a small prequel adventure. Good luck with your campaign, we are loving ours! Edit: just saw the date of the thread and your last post. I hope you can still use some of the info!
You guys Rock! Well done, that is invaluable content. :) P.H: How much real time did you spend solely on the journey? And did your players enjoy spending so much game time on the journey itself or did they want to get to Fort Rannick sooner. Your players probably enjoy that sort of thing but I'm not sure mine would like to spend so much time on tangent encounters and might prefer to just "get there already".
Thanks guys. So from what I gather, the Tiefling will arouse suspicion and disdain from some but won't be a big issue. I will suggest the "Heroic Outsider" theme and I'm sure he'll love it. He's a Tiefling Inquisitor and sees himself like a kind of Hellboy. The Drow, however will be a true unknown factor. I will play the AP in its correct timeline as we will most likely play other APs after this one, like Second Darkness or Kingmaker and I would like some chronological consistency in my Golarion. I will sit down with the player playing the Drow and discuss how we should play out his presence on the surface. I will suggest that everyone ignorant of his origin be truly curious about him and see him as a different and strange type of Elf (maybe an Elf with a skin condition as suggested). Those in the know will most likely be hostile on first sight or worse, depending on who he meets.
Hello all, I have played and DMed quite a bit of 3.x D&D but I'm fairly new to PF. I've bought the RotRL AE and I will be running it for 4 players in about a week. I've allowed my party to play some unusual races on the condition that they come up with good backstories but the more I think about it, the more I believe there could be some issues were I to apply a realistic reaction from Varisians to their racial background. So, in the party we have a Drow, a Tiefling, his Aasimar half-sister (great backstory to this one!) and a ... Human. We've had great fun with the joke: "A Drow, a Tiefling, an Aasimar and a Human walk into a tavern...". I foresee no racial issues from the Aasimar or Human but I'm not entirely sure how to make the world react to the Tiefling and the Drow. I doubt many in Sandpoint have seen their like before. I know that there are quite a few Tieflings in Cheliax and that they are slightly feared but also considered second rate citizens. I've read that a small proportion of all races exist in Korvosa and this is where the Tiefling and Aasimar are from. The Drow is freshly escaped from Darklands. Will the people of Varisia, and in particular Sandpoint, be disgusted by the appearance of a Drow and a Tiefling? These are characters that are supposed to become heroes to this remote and tranquil town after a session or 2. What would be an appropriate response to their presence from the NPCs of Sandpoint? In the first module there is an important NPC of the Elven kind, how would she react to the Drow?
Sorry for the longwindedness of the post but I would also greatly appreciate some general advice on running this campaign for the first time. This is what I'm in the process of doing or have done: -I've read the complete first module of the campaign.
Sorry if it was a bit long, I wanted to ask it all in one go!
Cheers, |