SwedishKiwiGuy's page

Organized Play Member. 2 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.

Owner/Operator of Lovecraft Game Store


Owner/Operator - Lovecraft Game Store

DougSeay wrote:
Dumb question: The conclusion says that "In gratitude for their service, Valsin presents the PCs with an archaic wayfinder". That sounds like a free gimme. But the sheet says it costs 25 GP, which is closer to what I would expect. So, really this is just a 5 GP discount?

I am wondering the same thing, maybe the price is just if they later want to sell the item? I am running the scenario this weekend and I will just present the characters with it for free.

Owner/Operator - Lovecraft Game Store

My current group that is tackling the Runelords anniversary edition are as follows

No names yet, but most of them have their backstories sorted.

Human, Varisian Cleric of Desna
Human, Varisian Ranger
Human, Chelaxian Cavalier (Order of the Dragon)
Aasimar, Ulfen Cavalier (Order of the Dragon)
Halforc, Druid (Bear Shaman)
Human, Chelaxian Swashbuckler (ACG)