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Organized Play Member. 7 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 4 Organized Play characters. 1 alias.


Dan Simons wrote:

PFS FAQ entry on spellbooks

This was changed at least a year ago. It has also been discussed dozens of times in these messageboards, to include THIS ONE only two weeks ago. There is no limitation on access from an NPC, but I agree that the Fame cap is probably the best option, which given the low scribing and access costs isn't really much of a limitation.

Bottom line, you don't have to buy scrolls in order to copy them into your spellbook anymore. Your options to learn new spells for your spellbook are:

1. Adventure with another wizard or magus PC, and agree to exchange access to your spellbooks. Only pay the scribing cost once you've made your rolls.* Shinobikazuma has the scribing costs listed above. You are not allowed to charge other PCs for this access.
2. Loot the spellbook from an enemy wizard or magus that you've defeated. Ask the GM what spells are in it. Make your rolls* and scribe the spells you want, paying the appropriate scribing cost for ink, etc.
3. Find scrolls on the bodies of your enemies or just lying around, and assuming that you don't need to cast them off the scrolls during the scenario make your rolls*, pay the base fee, and scribe them into your spellbook.
4. Go to an NPC spellcaster or library between scenarios, pay your access fee (half the scribing cost), make your rolls,* and pay the normal scribing costs.

If you're buying a scroll just to copy a new spell into your spellbook you either haven't read the FAQ in at least a year or you have thousands of gold pieces you want to throw away.

*If you keep your Spellcraft skill high enough you can just Take 10 instead of rolling, thus no chance of failure. I'm not saying that if you don't keep your Spellcraft up that you're doing it wrong, but perhaps you have a gambling addiction because you're relying on the dice to dictate the contents of your character's most...

Hey Dan (or anybody else as well), do you know where the original source for #4 is? i did not see it in the FAQ or the current PFS guide....

We undertake missions for the society, essentially working for tips; yes their pretty big sometimes but we all get an equivalent amount. So the "half cost" of scribbling fee that the library charges is essentially a wizard tax.

On one hand it doesn't seem fair since all classes contribute said material to the society as a whole, but on the other hand wizards do not buy a whole bunch of stuff that other classes need to in order to be effective in scenarios.

I'm sure it works out to being a monetary balance of the general game mechanic between classes. The designers have done a good job so far so im going to trust them on this one.

Yea, i have a Human(Vudrani) summoner who by back-story "miraculously graduated alive" and took the indomitable faith and resilient traits as to back it up. I attribute his low strength to being mauled horribly by something he was forced to help summon. I did not invest any more into it and find that i usually have time for full round summoning. I use it when things get tight to bring in reinforcements.

If you like it and your player likes it and you want to allow it then just change the back-story of the feat (instead of stretching out the poor androids back-story) and maybe give it another name. You can do what you want as long your running a home game. Its a fine feat, i use it with my conjurer in PFS and it has never been seen as unbalanced by anyone so far. Perhaps change the name to "Essence yield summoning" and say its an esoteric technique practiced by android wizards which has a condition chain of effects just like "Fatigued/exhausted". The android wont be wheezing, sluggish and/or irritable like humans might get but can experience the same effects of the condition in different ways. Its good to leave the balance point in there. This is all assuming that your player still wants it now that you realized that its a feat. :)

Ragnar & Thorfin, ulfen and 1/2 elf ulfen; Bbn & ranger countrymen & giant slayers both, Bilun of Blackmore, cleric/rogue slayer of evil/judgmental prick.
Niahla, oracle of life, shadowy winged fey creatue of great beauty. (ult race book creation)
Krullmoot gnome wizard, conj teleport school

Ill be back in Knxvl mid/late August. PFS would be awesome. I run and/or play...

post are a little dated, anything going on at this point?


Find anything yet? Ill be in town mid/late august. I can run and/or play pathfinder.
