Cruel Instructor

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Goblin Squad Member. Organized Play Member. 282 posts. No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 2 Organized Play characters. 1 alias.


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Sorry! Good point.

I'll try to edit the main post!

My group is looking for a GM.

There are currently 6 of us, and we're looking at someone who can accommodate players in multiple countries over . Right now, we play about 1 weekend a month, typically from 6-7pm (Central US Time Zone) on a friday or saturday night to allow the two players in Japan to participate (our sessions are usually around 6 hrs long).

Normally I am the GM, but I'd like to spend some time on the other side of the screen with my friends as a player.

I'd be willing to offer compensation for your time (which can be negotiated) I am on shift work, so I would need someone who could be compatible with my schedule (with usual times outlined above) for the available weekend(s)

Any interested parties?

Very Respectfully,

Thanks, Justaworm!

Good Evening Fellow GAmers,

My group is looking for a GM.

There are currently 6 of us, and we're looking at someone who can accommodate players in multiple countries over . Right now, we play about 1 weekend a month, typically from 6-7pm on a friday or saturday night to allow the two players in Japan to participate (our sessions are usually around 6 hrs long).

Normally I am the GM, but I'd like to spend some time on the other side of the screen with my friends as a player.

I'd be willing to offer compensation for your time (which can be negotiated) I am on shift work, so I would need someone who could be compatible with my schedule (with usual times outlined above) for the available weekend(s)

Any interested parties?

Very Respectfully,

Makes sense.

I just think it will be funny that it will be harder to deal damage after the armor is sundered.

Good Evening Fellow Gamers,
I have a question regarding greater sunder. Damage done in excess of the armor's hit points is dealt to the character.

What if the armor has already been destroyed, but it is easier to hit with Greater Sunder (CMD is lower than the armor class)) how would that work?

Say a character's CMD is 24. Their armor is 28 (even after the armor has been destroyed) due to natural armor and magical bonuses. Could you continue using 'greater sunder' to damage them?

Part of me sees it as an exploit, but part of me thinks that if you travel that far down the Sunder/Improved Sunder/Greater Sunder rabbit hole, you should get some benefit, since you've probably been ruining a fair bit of the opponent's gear.

Very Respectfully,

What I do, is this:
* New Player joins the campaign at the Average Party Level.

* Replacement character is at average party level -1, but can spend their starting gold to 'train' (per Ultimate Campaign) to level up to the party's level.

Very Respectfully,

Pathfinder really doesn't have 'facing'

Really, this is a "Teamwork" version of Gang Up added to the "Outflank" feat. Two feats for one seems against the spirit of design.

Gang Up (Combat)

PRD wrote:

You are adept at using greater numbers against foes.

Prerequisites: Int 13, Combat Expertise.

Benefit: You are considered to be flanking an opponent if at least two of your allies are threatening that opponent, regardless of your actual positioning.

Normal: You must be positioned opposite an ally to flank an opponent.


PRD wrote:

You look for every edge when flanking an enemy.

Prerequisite: Base attack bonus +4.

Benefit: Whenever you and an ally who also has this feat are flanking the same creature, your flanking bonus on attack rolls increases to +4. In addition, whenever you score a critical hit against the flanked creature, it provokes an attack of opportunity from your ally.

Perhaps something like this?

Side By Side (Combat, Teamwork)
Through practice and timing, you are able to create openings for your allies
Prerequisites: +4 BAB, Any Other Teamwork Feat
Benefit: If you are adjacent to, or flanking with, an ally with this feat, you may Aid Another with that ally as a free(Swift?) action.

Or something similar?

Very Respectfully,

Good Morning Fellow Gamers,
I have a few ideas I would like to implement. I would like your opinions on design, effectiveness, and sense.

Damage: When a character suffers an amount of damage that reduces his hit point total to less than their Hit Dice, they are treated as fatigued until their hit point total is raised to above their Hit Dice.

Armor Durability: Whenever a character suffers a critical hit, their armor takes an amount of damage equal to the minimum damage the attack could deal after hardness (or equal to the critical multiplier but not factoring hardness)

Very Respectfully,

Just have their bodies give off an effect similar to Viridium

This deep green volcanic glass is similar to obsidian but is formed when molten rock is tainted with anomalous trace minerals from deep beneath the earth whose emanations are toxic to living things. It can be fragmented to razor sharpness, but even a tiny amount of viridium contacting the bloodstream can pass on a wasting sickness.

Any successful hit with a viridium weapon causes the target to contract leprosy (Fortitude DC 12 negates). On a successful critical hit, a tiny fragment of viridium breaks off within the target, affecting it as though with greenblood oil (Fortitude DC 13 negates).

A creature carrying a viridium weapon must save every 24 hours or contract leprosy unless the weapon is kept inside an extradimensional space (such as an efficient quiver) or a scabbard lined with lead.

Oozes, plants, and outsiders are immune to the deadly emanations of viridium.

Make the Save DC CHA based, and perhaps be an aura instead of through wounds...

Just a thought.

Very Respectfully,

A couple things about Leadership:

You have one score for you Cohorts, and one for your followers.
Stronghold is a bigger deal for followers, having a pet is a bigger deal for cohorts.

Moving around a lot would be like gallivanting across the planet. If you stay within the borders of a single country, or have your own house that you return to pretty regularly, I wouldn't say you move around a lot. (Otherwise, simply going on adventures would be a leadership hit)

A 'special power' in this context would be the ability to levy taxes, or to garrison troops, or to have jurisdiction for law enforcement, or having an artifact. I tend to not have something you can do because of your class be a reason to have a 'special power' unless I give it to everyone as they advance.

Great renown is great renown. He runs a kingdom, A small one, sure but a kingdom nonetheless. Even if he's a wanted criminal, people will flock to that. Look at real-world parallels between people fawning over 'celebrity criminals' like Al Capone, Billy the Kid, Charles Manson, etc. Even having pissed off other NPCs could work to his advantage. "Yeah, stick it to the man! F**k that guy/those guys! An enemy of (whoever) is a friend of mine!" and so on.

That's just my opinions.

Very Respectfully,

One of the ideas I've been toying with for hit point generation:

(All assume Max hit points at first level)
d6 becomes 4+CON modifier/level
d8 becomes 6+CON modifier/level
d10 becomes 8+CON modifier/level
d12 becomes 10+CON modifer/level

But I like the idea of the greedy dice generation described above.

Very Respectfully,

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Here are some ideas that have been kicking around the noggin (squick levels can go from "umm..." to "Dear God, No. We have to call the authorities)

Summoner thatwhorships Lamashtu, 'births' her Eidolon/Summoned Monsters

Alchemist whose extracts/infusions/mutagens are in the form of syringes.

Halfling Summoner with Pass for Human and Childlike Feats & 'Tentacle Monster' Eidolon (Squicky levels can really vary on this one)

Very Respectfully,

I had a team of half-orc bruisers.

Back to Back and Shield Wall meant they effectively negated the flanking bonus and provided each other with an additional +2 bonus to their armor class while adjacent.

One of them had the Felling Smash feat, allowing them to beat people into the dirt, and the other had vicious stomp, letting him try to crush the victim's skull with the AoO.

It was a very effective, physical, and brutal fighting style. I would have liked to have seen how it would have progressed beyond 6th level...

Very Respectfully,

Sounds like Wrath of the Righteous to me.

We were going to do that, but then our DM decided to do shattered star instead. (*sigh*)

Anyway, here are some concepts that I had in my brain for that:

Sebastian Conroy: A paladin whose best years are behind him. He defended a small village for most of his life against the odd wondering monster, but now that he has reached middle age, he feels like he may have been wasting his calling, so now he seeks adventure and wants to play an active role in turning back the tide of darkness.

Alexandra Xanderath: An unassuming librarian with a penchant for magic. She's an abjurer by specialty, but has a talent for Necromantic spells that scares her a little bit. Though powerful, she is wary of what this magic might represent.

Valatora Thurne: A character with a mysterious past; she was found in the wilds around the worldwound. Though she is a devout worshiper of Sarenrae, she sometimes falls into a seething fury, and rampages on an unstoppable orgy of destruction, the only words she speaks then is an otherworldly hiss; 'Rooo-Vaaaaaa-Guuuuuuuug'.

Timea Andaire: A paladin of Iomedae. Courageous, resolute, and carries her faith as a torch. She enters battle with a fire in her belly, and a hymn on her lips.

I've got more, if you are interested. (Last count, my character folder had 90+ concepts in carious stages of development/description)

Very Respectfully,

Greetings fellow gamers,

I have a question for you: When Summon Monster (X) Says you can summon a (SIZE) Elemental, does it have to be one of the 4 in the bestiary? Could it be an Ice Elemental? A lightning Elemental? Magma? Mud?

They are broken down by size just like the others, and have similar CR ranges...

I would think yes, but I don't want to get too excited.

Very Respectfully,

In a similar vein: If I had a character who lost an arm, would you consider it to be appropriate that they have a 'magic prosthesis'

It has no more or less functionality than a normal arm?

I have an idea for a fighter-type who lost an arm and now has an armored prosthesis that attaches to the shoulder/chest and allows her the use of the arm enough that observers might not even notice until they removed it.

Very Respectfully,

2 people marked this as a favorite.

On of my many character concepts include some summoners.

Tippen: He firmly believes that his eidolon is the spirit of his departed sister. She takes the form of a vaguely humanoid female whose arms don't seem to attack at the shoulders. (Eventually the Eidolon starts to look like a cross between an angel and a valkyrie)

Trobriand: His Eidolon comes stomping out of some extraplanar forge. He rides it into battle leaving a trampled trail of destruction in his wake.

An Eidolon that is summoned 'fettered' and as it evolves, it breaks out of it's bindings, being able to function closer to it's 'full power'. (Think Harrison Bergeron meets the Evas from Neon Genesis Evangelion)

And the Lamashtu worshiping summoner whose Eidolon is a gift from their goddess who Births their Eidolon. (I'm totally going to try that in a campaign if the DM will let me.)

Or an eidolon that is assembled from various parts and pieces you cobble together. When it is 'killed' it collapses back into its constituent parts, and requires you to 'rebuild' it when you summon it again. (Physically looks like a construct, with some fantasypunk aesthetics/science fantasy thrown in, but still behaves in all ways like a normal eidolon.

I like the idea of being able to create your Eidolon friend.

Very Respectfully,

Bigdaddyjug wrote:
I would also say you use the creator's Wis bonus and BAB as well. Which, since in those cases you use the minimum possible, means you'll be using 11 Wis and BAB of 0 as they are the minimum you could have and be able to cast spiritual weapon.

Isn't Spiritual Weapon a 2nd level spell? Wouldn't that mean Wis 12, and BAB +2 at minimum effect? (assuming 3rd level cleric)

Very Respectfully,

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I saw it in my rear-view mirror.

I was talking to one of my DM friends, and thought, "wouldn't it be cool if..." and since I had already passed that part in my campaign, he took the idea for his. (With my blessing of course)

Very Respectfully,

5 people marked this as a favorite.

There was a rebuilt cleric of Lamashtu that was turned into a summoner

Nualia in Rise of the Runelords

Her Eidolon was a 'gift' from lamashtu, and all of her summon spells were 'birthed' imagine birthing a litter of fiendish centipedes or lemures

It was super dark and creepy and awesome! I wish I had done it in my campaign.

Very Respectfully,

I was very concerned when my cleric found a wand of spiritual weapon, because if it had been a weapon of Rovagug or Lamashtu, she would have burned it.

But my DM said, "It's the same as your deity"

I know it's the DM's call, but I consider it was a lost opportunity.

Very Respectfully,

What I do for the giant-sized stuff is let crafters 'disenchant' them Getting enough magical reagents equal to the sale price.

If/when there are no casters with crafting feats, they can still be sold to 'ye olde magic shoppe' for the crafters the may reside there.

They aren't paying for the crude +1 ogre hook they're paying for the raw dweomers that are contained within.

Your mileage may vary.

Very Respectfully,

Dire could work.

I wanted something that wasn't vorpal, but could still be pretty potent.

I was trying to decide between +3 and +4 Bonus as far as costing, as well as to put it out of range of having a significant enhancement bonus as well as multiple special properties.

Very Respectfully,

5 people marked this as a favorite.

Tentacle Eidolon?

I've seen enough hentai to know where this is going.

Very Respectfully,


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In a public game: Seems kinda 'squicky'

Final judgement is reserved to the amount if detail he went into. If the character kept it tasteful and like a 'fade to black' allusion to intimate relations it might be less weird. Though if he went into anything past PG-13, then it is wildly inappropriate.

In a private game: Whatever the group is up for. But my tastes are more towards the "If it happens, fine, but we don't need/want details."

It's only slightly more weird than a character who gets married in-game and/or has relations with their cohort.

But, to get back on point, no. I wouldn't say it was {i]evil[/i].

Very Respectfully,

Good Afternoon Fellow Gamers,

I was contemplating a new weapon special ability.


A weapon with the lethal enhancement treats its critical multiplier as one higher. For example, if this enhancement is placed on a longsword, the critical mulitplier will be x3

Price: +3 Bonus, Aura: Moderate Necromancy; CL 13th;
Construction Requirements: Craft Magic Arms and Armor, finger of death

What do you think? Too much? Not enough? Is the pricing legit? Would it make more sense as a specific item, rather than an enhancement on anything?

Very Respectfully,

(Edited the name)

Greetings Fellow Gamers,

My PCs are going to be defending Sandpoint soon, but I wanted to get your advice on adjusting the encounter levels.

My Party consists of 6 PCs all 10th level:
Andrew: Human Ranger/Fighter. Archery afficianado.
Alys: Half-Elf Sorcerer. High mobility and moderate damage output. Battlefield manipulation.
Kiirn: Human Bard. Knows ALL the things.
Shavalga: Half Orc Druid. All the buffs on the animal companion all the time.
Fagan: Dwarf Inquisitor (Desna). Effective, but not much of a team player.
Torulf: Dwarf Fighter/Barbarian(Titan Mauler). Will probably be able to drop a giant a turn. but has little to no way to get around the village quickly. (Lots of running)


So, what I am thinking of doing:
* Add 2 more giants to the raiding party
* Add 1 more Dire Bear to the raiding party
* Give Teraktinus 2 more levels and/or rebuild him as a Slayer
* Increase Longtooth's age category by 1, or give him levels in sorcerer.

Which of them should I do? Any? All? Other?

No one in the party can fly. Which makes the archer target numero uno for the dragon. Teraktinus should be able to deal with one of the dwarves, but maybe not both.

Any other ideas? would it be wrong for the raid to take place at sunrise so the PCs will have to spend time getting their gear on?

Very Respectfully,

Make sure that you are aware of the distances from where the PCs port in, and where Karzoug is on his throne. It is a good distance, and he has the advantage of elevated position.

There is also no straight lines to charge with on the first round (Even flight has to go around the soul lens/runewell).

Very Respectfully,

But, if you really want to make sure you punch through Spell Resistance, take both feats and the rod.

Though, as a sorcerer, there is something really fun about casting a spell and having it be defeated by spell resistance. Only to cast the spell next round and apply Piercing Spell.

"Mortal magic cannot harm me!"
<uses piercing spell to punch through Spell Resistance>
"Care to re-evaluate your stance on mortal magic now?"

Very Respectfully,

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It's a drow! Kill it!
<murders the drow>

It's a drow! Kill it!
I'm not evil! Don't kill me!
It's lying! Kill it
<murders the drow>

Saying the onus should be on the "good monster" is kinda bogus in my opinion. Unless a creature has the 'evil' subtype, it is not required by law to be evil (And we're not getting into redeemed demons or fallen angels).

When hobgoblins come into a town to loot and pillage, that's 'evil'
But when humans go into an hobgoblin village to loot and pillage, that's 'heroic'

I'm sure the hobgoblins might disagree with that philosophical outlook.

I know this is a fantasy game, and morality is subjective from table to table. BUT I don't think that carte blanche permission to kill anything that isn't a "PC Race" from the core rulebook seems to be problematic (For a variety of reasons)

Very Respectfully,


You are required to have one hand free to cast spells with a somatic component.

To cast a spell, you must be able to speak (if the spell has a verbal component), gesture (if it has a somatic component), and manipulate the material components or focus (if any). Additionally, you must concentrate to cast a spell.

PRD wrote:

A spell's components explain what you must do or possess to cast the spell. The components entry in a spell description includes abbreviations that tell you what type of components it requires. Specifics for material and focus components are given at the end of the descriptive text. Usually you don't need to worry about components, but when you can't use a component for some reason or when a material or focus component is expensive, then the components are important.

Verbal (V): A verbal component is a spoken incantation. To provide a verbal component, you must be able to speak in a strong voice. A silence spell or a gag spoils the incantation (and thus the spell). A spellcaster who has been deafened has a 20% chance of spoiling any spell with a verbal component that he tries to cast.

Somatic (S): A somatic component is a measured and precise movement of the hand. You must have at least one hand free to provide a somatic component.

Material (M): A material component consists of one or more physical substances or objects that are annihilated by the spell energies in the casting process. Unless a cost is given for a material component, the cost is negligible. Don't bother to keep track of material components with negligible cost. Assume you have all you need as long as you have your spell component pouch.

Focus (F): A focus component is a prop of some sort. Unlike a material component, a focus is not consumed when the spell is cast and can be reused. As with material components, the cost for a focus is negligible unless a price is given. Assume that focus components of negligible cost are in your spell component pouch.

Divine Focus (DF): A divine focus component is an item of spiritual significance. The divine focus for a cleric or a paladin is a holy symbol appropriate to the character's faith. The divine focus for a druid or a ranger is a sprig of holly, or some other sacred plant.

If the Components line includes F/DF or M/DF, the arcane version of the spell has a focus component or a material component (the abbreviation before the slash) and the divine version has a divine focus component (the abbreviation after the slash).

Very Respectfully,


I would let you make multiple jumps as necessary. Olympic triple jumpers do it all the time. (Subsequent jumps would not, however, count as having a 'running start' unless you can build up momentum again.

Also, as far as I interpret it, a double move action means you are devoting yourself to two movement actions. That may be used in conjunction.

Say you get a running start, and completely blast your acrobatics check (Running Start, Ring of Jumping, boots of striding and springing and/or whatever other magic you can find/apply that stacks)

If that chasm you are trying to leap is:
A: Less than your double-move distance, and
B: within the distance you would have rolled for your acrobatics check

You would have cleared the chasm. Arresting your momentum would either mean you Stop when you land, or continue up to your full double-move distance.

But, remember, that if you can't complete the jump with a single check, you would have to land somewhere in the middle.

A Monk with a respectable DEX, should have little to no trouble clearing a 20ft gap. Assuming a 5th level monk with 5 ranks, and a +2 DEX modifier (+14 total modifier), would be able to clear a 15-ft gap without a roll (no auto-fail on skill checks) Assuming a roll of 10, that same monk could almost clear a 25-ft gap. Pretty Impressive. A 20 would let them make an attempt to grab the opposite ledge of a 35-ft gap. (Which is still really impressive!) And could use their second move action to hoist themselves up.

Adding some magic to the equation, and the monk's wizard buddy adds the jump spell to the mix. Adding a +20 to the check (Total mod +34):
a 35-ft gap becomes no issue.
45-ft can be cleared with a roll of 10 (grabbing the opposite ledge
55-ft with a 20 (again, grabbing the opposite ledge)

So, in the second example, a 45-ft chasm exceeds the monk's normal movement rate so it could be cleared, but it would require the monk to use a double-move. (But could decide to stop moving when they land, or continue up to their full double move distance (80-ft in this example)
10-ft running start, 45-ft leap, up to 25-ft on the far end of the chasm seems like it would would be legitimate use of the double move.

My interpretations.

Very Respectfully,

Good Evening Fellow Gamers,

In my campaign, I've encountered a bard who has really high acrobatics skill, and has wanted to use parkour-type skills to rapidly climb things.

His justification seemed reasonable, so I made a judgement call on the DC and counted it as accelerated climbing, and let him use his acrobatics skill instead of climb skill. He's fast enough that a 15-ft wall would have really been no problem for him, a double move and he would have cleared it with movement to spare.

I was wondering if there was a better way to do it. Or if you think it's reasonable to allow the ruling to stand?

(Obviously, you aren't going to Parkour up a mountainside, but running up a low wall seems to fit in the spirit.)

Thanks for your input.

Very Respectfully,

To be honest, it almost seemed too good to be true. And that Gravity Bow would only affect the projectile. 2d8 + 1d10 for vital strike. 2d8+2d10 on a crit. 2d8+3d10 on a vital striked crit.

I wanted to make sure my understanding was sound.

1st round: Activate Gravity Bow, Study Target
2nd round: Snipe (If Able)/Move (if necessary), Vital Strike for 4d8
(If I am able to remain hidden: Add sneak attack damage)

At 6th level, 4d8 points of damage is nothing to sneeze at and if I get the drop on them, I can add 2d6 to the mix.

Very respectfully,

Good Evening Fellow Gamers,

Lets play a game of hypothetical situations:

There is a 6th level slayer who has maxed out his UMD Skill (for his wand of Gravity Bow) and has Crossbow Mastery in Heavy Crossbow.

a d10 becomes 2d8 while under the effect of the Gravity Bow Spell.

Could he use Vital Strike to get 4d8 damage?

If has Bracers of Falcon's Aim (giving him a 19-20/x3 critical threat) and scored a critical hit with Gravity Bow in effect would that be 6d8 (8d8 if vital strike were in play)

(Note, I am not figuring in Deadly Aim, Enhancement bonuses, Slayer Studied Enemy bonuses, etc. Just making sure the dice are correct)

Very Respectfully,

Ahh, thanks Claxon!

But it would still apply the +2 for a shield and the +2 for the armor. So in that regard it could still help me play the turtle game.

Very Respectfully,

I didn't even think about putting Defiant (Chaotic Outsider) and Defiant (Evil Outsider) on the same piece of gear! If this character was in Wrath of the Righteous (like she was supposed to be before the DM changed his mind and decided on Shattered Star) I would totally do that!

I'm looking at Undead, and Evil Outsiders, because they should be common enough to see some use, and still be useful/scaling at higher levels.

Very Respectfully,

Greetings Fellow Gamers,
I am contemplating the Defiant property for my armor.

I am wondering what to be defiant against? I am thinking Evil Outsiders or Undead (I'm playing a cleric of Iomedae in the Shattered Star Adventure Path). If I was trying to be cheeky, I would just do Human... but that seems against type for my character.

Could I, for the appropriate cost increase, become defiant in two creature types? Say: Defiant (Evil Outsiders, Undead) at an effective cost modifier of +2 (above and beyond the minimum +1 enhancement bonus)

Also, if I have a Defiant Shield, and Defiant Armor, and am facing a creature type that they are keyed against, would I be at full tank mode?
For example:
+2 Defiant (Evil Outsider) Breastplate
+1 Defiant (Evil Outsider) Heavy Steel Shield

-Would provide an effective AC bonus of +15 (+10 for the breastplate, and +5 for the Heavy Shield)

Very Respectfully,

Have you considered Brawler? Maybe Brawler/Cleric of Irori?

Very Respectfully,

1 person marked this as a favorite.
pH unbalanced wrote:

Exactly. I would rule that you couldn't use a Tower Shield as an improvised weapon for the same reason you couldn't use a table as an improvised weapon -- it is too large and unwieldy.

But you can use a table to an improvised weapon.

Just because you can't lift it up and hit someone over the head with it doesn't mean you can't use it as a weapon.

We're not talking feast hall trestle tables here.

Shove it rapidly into someone's midsection while it still remains on the floor?

Tip it up and over on top of someone?

Grab them by the scruff of the neck and drive their face into it? (This last one might be a grapple check depending on how your GM lets you 'fluff' your attack routines.)

Basically, if you've seen a Jackie Chan movie, you have an idea on how any piece of furniture could become a weapon. You don't have to be able to lift it up, but you do have to be able to manipulate it.

Tower Shields don't slow you down (like armor does), and it is moving just the same distance as a heavy shield. And a STR 17 Fighter putting his weight behind either of them will still be like getting hit by a truck. It's awkward, yes. If you are using it to 'bash' you aren't going to get a good 'swing' like you could with a light/heavy shield. Your options are pretty much 'shoulder check' and 'edge drop' but you could still use it.

The penalty for the tower shield and improvisation should adequately reflect that you are telegraphing your attack allowing the enemy to evade/brace for it properly; resulting in your missed attack.

Just my opinions.

Very Respectfully,

Good Evening Fellow Gamers,

What would recommend for enchanting armor?

+3 Armor or +3 Shield

+1/+2 Armor with a special property or +1/+2 Shield with a special property

+2 Armor and +2 Shield?

I have a crafting budget of around 5,000gp

Very Respectfully,

You normally cannot bash with a tower shield.

PRD wrote:

Shield, Tower: This massive wooden shield is nearly as tall as you are. In most situations, it provides the indicated shield bonus to your AC. As a standard action, however, you can use a tower shield to grant you total cover until the beginning of your next turn. When using a tower shield in this way, you must choose one edge of your space. That edge is treated as a solid wall for attacks targeting you only. You gain total cover for attacks that pass through this edge and no cover for attacks that do not pass through this edge (see Combat). The shield does not, however, provide cover against targeted spells; a spellcaster can cast a spell on you by targeting the shield you are holding. You cannot bash with a tower shield, nor can you use your shield hand for anything else.

Very Respectfully,


Another question I have for Catch off Guard:

Could I use it to use a tower shield as an improvised weapon? It would, of course, include the penalties to attacks that the shield incurs as well as the penalty for using an improvised weapon.

Very Respectfully,

Pendagast wrote:

They can all come begging for healing once the fight is done.

But it sounds like you are trying to build a soloist and carry party baggage too.

Sometimes it feels like it.

The original idea was for her to be a caster first. Sitting in the backfield, but making anyone who thought she was 'just' a 'squishy caster' regret that.

But as the campaign evolved, and the dynamic shifted (new character replaced old ones, new players joining in, and us getting in a bit over our heads...) makes me think I have to pick up the slack.

Our Cavalier is about 30% attendance rate for the sessions.
Our Paladin is equipped with surplus gear from the rest of the party since the DM had us find him naked and unconscious
Our Brawler was found in a similar state (actually every new character has been found unconscious, naked, unconscious, and possibly the victim of sexual assault... I've already brought it up to the DM that it makes me uncomfortable)

The Brawler and Paladin are a level below the rest of the party, and the DM doesn't allow for Training to catch up. Treasure is pretty weak sauce. And He'll throw encounters at us that are CR 3+ the APL and be 'magnanimous' about not using their abilities against us so it's 'fair' (Being sure to tell us after each encounter how benevolent he's being. Which also takes away the thrill of victory when we do win.)

So I guess I am trying to find the best way to be able to stay alive and functional long enough to finish an encounter, and get the party to safety. Even if 'safety' is holing up in the nearest room until the next day.

Very Respectfully,

I have currently have 100% of the party's crafting feats (Scribe Scroll and Craft Arms & Armor) I will be taking Craft Staff at 9th.

The party witch is planning on taking wondrous item at 7th level.

Craft Wondrous Item on my own could keep me in Pearls of Power for days, and take some of the burden off the witch.
Craft Wand could really increase my buff/upkeep spells. (And crafting a wand of Reach Cure Light wounds to give the archer bard would let me relax a bit on being the "primary" healer.)

Very Respectfully,

The poor Alchemist/Barbarian was murdered by a dhampir wizard. (Critically hit with a scorching ray, dropped her out of her rage, and straight into dead)

Even without Heavy Armor Proficiency, I have the highest AC in the party. And 2nd Highest HP total... I'm kind of evolving into the default role of tank. We have a Brawler who will pass me when she levels) and a Cavalier who will at best be equal to my HP.

There is a paladin too, but he's a level below, sacrificed smite evil for an archetype, and only has chainmail and no shield. (I'm hoping he has some sort of long-form build... but I'm not seeing the end state yet).

I might turn my Heavy Shield into a +1 Bashing Shield and make it my primary weapon, so I'll always have a free hand for spellcasting (would need Improved Shield Bash, so the fighter level dip might be considered).

I was talking to the Bard about the possibility of summon spells (all boosted with his bardic music for the win) Spell Focus (Conjuration) might not be a terrible feat option, since Cure Spells are Conjuration, and using them against undead wouldn't be a terrible option. Then I can get Augment Summoning/Summon Good Monster/Sacred Summon/Superior Summoning (But that is a very dedicated feat path to start pursuing mid-game)

But Extend Spell might suit my purposes better. I can extend my summons, and my buff spells...

I appreciate your inputs and feedback!

Still thinking on it. I've got until the latter part of August before our next session.

Very Respectfully,

I think of it like this:

"Sic 'em!" Your animal companion tears off and attacks the nearest creature that isn't an ally.

"Get that one!" You point at the wizard in the backfield, and your animal companion does its best to engage that target.

If the OP's character knows that there is something nearby (Enemy just suddenly vanished) It would be totally within reason to have the spider hunt it down.

My $.02

Very Respectfully,

I tend to turn my Gold into 'components' for transportation purposes.

I spend 25 gold pieces and buy ink, holy water, sand that has been blessed by a priest, lambskin vellum, and a vial to contain some of my blood, and then I have 25gp worth of magical reagents to scribe scrolls with.

Or, I spend 1,000gp to buy adamantine filings, diamond dust, sacred wax, and rare incense and herbs to enchant my armor/weapons.

I keep track of it in the same way I keep track of my expensive material components and foci.

Very Respectfully,

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