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Most memorable fight of the AP so far.
Party of Monk, Summoner, Paladin.

Monk and summoner were on mook slaying duty while the Aasimir Paladin flew around on overwatch waiting for Longtooth. He had also conscripted every archer in town as a mobile-holy-antidragon force(there's a feat where using up most of your smites you can give smite to others.

Monk and Summoner had no problems with the giants and dire bears but Teraktinus stayed back. Monk chased affer him.

Meanwhile, Longtooth shows up to be pincushioned by 20 arrows of smite! Only 1 actually hit for damage tho, which was a crit, dealing about 12.

Then the paladin jumps at him with all possible buffs he and summoner can put on him and he crits the dragons head clean off. Much joy in the land.

UNFORTUNATELY, while the monk was dealing decent damage toTeraktinus while giving chase, Teraktinus eventually turned around and crit for max dmg with his X3(4?) pick and gave us our first player death.

Our vroup came to the consensus that, if a dwarf was in the party, the GM needs to warn him away from the X3, expanded crit, dwarf bane, pc killing machine.

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So my lvl 13 Magus walked up and 1 shotted Mokmurian...

Buffed out the wazzu, a Yeti(monstrous phys II) with a +2 keen shocking burst scimitar walks up to Mok while using spell combat to have an intensified shocking grasp up. Hits and crits, deals 122 dmg (36+24d6+1d10), uses critical strike arcana to cast it again, deals 65 dmg (18+12d6). Mok dies because he failed his massive damage roll.

Dice Karma is a b*+©h
Name of PC: Robulan Naurbura
Class/Level: Half-Orc Monk 11
Adventure: Fortress of the Stone Giants
Catalyst: Lack of sleep for the player and pc, overconfidence, and X4 crit dmg

We had just saved Sandpoint from the Giants and Dragon. It was about 1:30am irl and I was exhausted. My character Rob was as too; well fatigued anyway, since he had spent the previous night awake on guard duty. We all were ready to call it a night, but we wanted to finish the engagment first.

About an hour ago the Paladin had one shot Longtooth with a crit and I had taken out 3 giants and some dire bears. The giants started to retreat, and since we were so full of ourselves, we gave chase. With my monk speed, higher AC, and stunning fist, I figured I could go and slow them down till the rest of the party caught up.

Alone and not at full hp, I engaged the boss giant. BIG MISTAKE. He goes and crits on his first attack of a full attack, and eventually puts me to -20.

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Made a thread of this, now realize I should have put it here, my bad.

This was one of the best coincidences our group has ever had.

We had just retaken the fort and, per our nonlethal views, captured Lucrecia. I, the monk, had been given the Boots of the Mire by the Paladin.

Unfortunately, I had suffered a wis drain of 12(1d4+10) from Lucrecia's wis drain spell, (realized two sessions later that it was a typo).

Lucrecia managed to Dimension Door out of the fort jail cells right infront of the pally.
Our summoner, by a crit arcane check, knew she was within a few hundred feet. Our paladin jumped to the conclusion that she was headed for the town to kill innocents. He ran out to me (I having been told to stay away from the bad snake lady because I was super gullible with my low wis) and told me we had to get to town ASAP.

Taking that LITERALLY, I ran full throttle right out of the fort, past the horses, all the way to the town. It being raining and starting to minorly flood, the Boots of the Mire kept me above the water, prevented any hindrance due to mud. I ALSO had taken Endurance as a feat back a few levels, so I passed all the fort rolls to sprint the entire distance back to town.

I arrived on scene 20 rounds before the rest of the party, just in time to save the boat of children and KO the Boa. IC I said, "Sarenrae must have smiled on us this day."

The table couldn't stop laughing. In Character it all seemed as if the Pally's God had interceded and guided him to the one course of actions that would put someone at Turtleback Ferry in time to save the people.

Of course, after that I was instantly KOed by the Black Magga's 1d6 wis damage breath and nearly drowned, but at least I saved the kids.

We just finished Fort Ranneck, no deaths yet.

M Aasimar Pally-Favoring the JUSTICE Playstyle, enemies get one chance to surrender, then Power attack Cleave with a +2 size larger great sword
F Tiefling Summoner-Utility Mag and crowd control, the most sane person in the party bc she kills the obviously omnicidal enemies without trying to get them to surrender.
M Half Orc Monk-started roleplaying a Dr. Phil ish LG guy with the vow of peace, is slowly desending into madness due to no one surrendering and waiting 2 rounds while the pally slices and dices, it doesnt help that he has been hit by all the will drain in the campaign so far.

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So last night we went through the section involving the flooding of Turtleback Ferry and the Black Magga. Our three person party of a Paladin, Monk, and Summoner had just routed the Ogres at Fort Rannick and captured Lucrecia. I, the monk, had been given the Boots of the Mire by the Paladin.

Unfortunately, I had suffered a by the book will drain of 12(1d4+10) from Lucrecia's wis drain spell. I read that a very low wis score pc should be played as unassuming, naive, and trusting.

The Paladin wanted to interrogate her to see if she would yield any useful info. Through a series of botched rolls on his part, she escaped by teleport. Our summoner, by a crit arcane check, knew she was within a few hundred feet. Our paladin jumped to the conclusion that she was headed for the town to kill innocents. He ran out to me (I having been told to stay away from the bad snake lady because I was super gullible) and told me we had to get to town asap.

Taking that LITERALLY, as a gullible and trusting guy would, I used my monk speed of 60 and ran full throttle(X4 movement) to the town. It being raining and starting to minorly flood, the Boots of the Mire prevented any hindrance due to mud. I ALSO had taken Endurance as a feat back a few levels, so I passed the fort rolls to run back to town.

I arrived on scene just in time to save the boat of children and KO the Boa.

The table couldn't stop laughing. In Character it all seemed as if the Pally's God had interceded and guided him to the one course of actions that would put someone at Turtleback Ferry in time to save the people.

Of course, after that I was almost instantly KOed by the Black Magga's 1d6 wis damage breath and nearly drowned.