I'm really digging the sin/virtue mechanics in RotR and am playing them up as much as possible for my PCs. I considered granting the following bonuses to especially sinful or virtuous characters, increasing it by +1 for each 5 points they rack up in any sin/virtue axis. Anyone done anything along similar lines? Lust: +1 sin bonus to Bluff You tell people what they want to hear.
Dungeonginger wrote:
Smiler war buggy Large Land vehicleSquares 6 (10 ft. by 15 ft.; 5 feet high) DEFENSE AC 8; Hardness 5 hp 60 (30) Base Save +1 OFFENSE Maximum Speed 240; Acceleration 60 Attack ram 1d8 CMB +2; CMD 12 DRIVE Propulsion alchemical (2 squares of alchemical engines; hardness 4, 40 hp) Driving Check Profession (driver), Craft (alchemy), Knowledge (engineering), or Use Magic Device; each modified by Dex Driving Device steering wheel (AC 10, 25 hp) Driving Space the two most forward squares of the buggy LOAD Decks 1 Special When a war buggy's engine drops below half hit-points, the operator must make a DC 15 driving check or the buggy explodes, dealing 6d6 fire damage to all occupants (Ref hald DC 15) and destroying the vehicle. Smiler road warrior
Just curious, have any other GMs made custom impositions? Here are a few I put together: Disgraceful:
Lumiere Dawnbringer wrote: i couldn't find the old thread, so i made a new one. please list your skull and shackles party, including current PCs, former PCs, and PCs to be, whether new players you know wish to join, or possible backup characters. We're level 4, just finished at Rickety's Squibs. Mick Meadowlark - M tiefling Rgr4(Freebooter) - Elected captain of the newly christened Whore's Promise. Has begun a sexual relationship with Sandara and has become known as Mick the Merciless for his brutal pummeling of Owlbear, and Mick the Stick for his use of the boarding pike in combat. Pepper - F human Ftr4(Corsair) - Quartermaster. Orderly and lethal with a rapier, people tend to end up dead around her, whether she wants them to or not. Timpsy-zim Ninetails - F catfolk Rog4(Smuggler) - Master-at-arms. Could have been captain but chose to manipulate the crew from behind the scenes. Aunt was a notorious pirate captain whose reputation she hopes to exceed. Papa Nua - M human Ora4(Haunted) - Ship's mage. A wannabe voodoo priest with a flair for the dramatic. After contracting and surviving ghoul fever, has been cursed with a black spot on his hand and visions of a ghost ship teeming with undead. Ska'bris - M sahuagin Drd3/Ftr1 - Boatswain. A naturalist who's grown beyond his kin's need to conquer and slay, but is not above eating the occasional enemy. Has a pet shark named Baloney.
I purloined all my voices from other sources: Harrigan - Captain Bloth from Pirates of Dark Water
If I understand this right, it says players can gain up to 5 Infamy in a port, and then no more at that port until they reach the next threshold of Infamy. So if they have 8 Infamy, Gain 5 more, which puts them over the next Infamy threshold (10), can they simply start over and gain another 5 Infamy at that port, for a total of 18?
Trok the Mighty wrote:
I allowed the surviving NPCs and PCs to each present one suggestion, then vote: PC human fighter: The Rapier
Sandara: Besmara's Bastard