Flamboyance's page

Organized Play Member. 2 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.


My group (not the DM) is:

Auralia Tobyn(my character) an Aasimar Purifier of Sarenrae twin sister of Nualia (yup that causes problems) and best friend of Ameiko and mother to an abandoned goblin child from Thisletop (yup that causes problems too)

Mal a Tiefling paladin of Sarenrae just joined the group, so I don't know much about his character

And members of the mercenary group the Black Legion

Tri an Elven Conjuration wizard lecherous, but good hearted

Falco a half elven (i think) psionicist, mouth gets him in trouble, but a good guy

Darkstar whom I honestly know nothing about save that he is a firebug...

That is our group. We had an almost complete TKP save I survived and was Blessed by Sarenrae to become a full Purifier

My oracle of Sarenrae has adopted a goblin child. She has a hand full. My DM takes to the more nurture/nature stand of things so, he will, most likely end up becoming my cohort after the child reaches adulthood. So it is left up to the DM, ultimately.