LordCoSaX's page

RPG Superstar 8 Season Star Voter, 9 Season Dedicated Voter. Organized Play Member. 37 posts. No reviews. 1 list. No wishlists. 11 Organized Play characters.


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Rysky the Dark Solarion wrote:


Bloodbrother costs 6 Creature slots, so $36 right now, I expect it to double when it goes to retail.

For All-In I would only suggest if you want 90% or more of all the figs. Otherwise I'd take one of the other 3 pledges and adjust backing accordingly to get what slots and packs you want.

You expect a huge figure to go on retail for 72 usd? An unpainted mini at that? That's an insane price. Huge sized giants and such, even in metal, wouldn't fetch that price. You can get bones mini of that dimension between 20 and 30$. Many of the creatures are overpriced by a long shot, it's the only thing that sucks in the KS right now imo.

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Rysky the Dark Solarion wrote:

(put this together for anyone interested)

Hmm, let's see, going off the price of everything (pricing of each individual slot and pack via the KS page, certain Creatures cost multiple Creature slots),

** spoiler omitted **
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Nice breakdown. Still debating whether to pull the trigger or not on the ''campaign'' pledge. All-in definitely doesn't seem to be worth it right now, and it's actually a lot of money. The pricing on many creatures seems to be off too (like the Bloodbrother).

Star Voter Season 8, Dedicated Voter Season 9

frank gori wrote:
LordCoSaX wrote:

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Pit Crew commentary:

1) Description is spot on and I adore that element, ditto with the star fish and regenerating charges mechanic, though make it 1/ day it's niche enough without the time issue.

2) Name evokes a...

I thought about adding a regeneration type effect while submersed in water like you say but ultimately decided against it since I didn't want to have too much effects going on and also I was already cutting it close word-count wise. Maybe I should have tried to shorten other elements to fit this in.

Thanks for your comments.

Star Voter Season 8, Dedicated Voter Season 9

CripDyke wrote:
As flawed as my design was, I still made it into the top100

Yeah, I try to give good reviews, but the nature of voting doesn't allow consideration of everything in the way my reviewing process does.

Essentially, my reviews are about building better items, but not necessarily about how to get votes from RPGSS voters. Hopefully good general design will get votes, but there are other factors.

Especially given the short time frame in the contest, Audience Appeal will probably play a bigger role in getting votes than it does in getting onto CripDyke's Personal Top32. I think yours was an item I noted had really strong audience appeal, even if I had some serious problems with the crunch and thought the name just didn't do anything at all to create image or mood or firm up the theme or whatever.

So, y'know, for RPGSS purposes you're already a much better designer than I am (having washed out in the riptide 3rd cull). Given that you've got those audience appeal skills and the obvious evidence of reaching the top 100, I think that you'll be in the top 32 before I ever get there.

There is no way to know, but what I do know is that your review helped me better understand my item's problems and item design in general, and I thank you for it!

Star Voter Season 8, Dedicated Voter Season 9

Good luck in the competition, but as long as you got the time for it,
I'm happy to hear any and all feedback.

Belt of the Depths
Aura moderate transmutation; CL 7th
Slot Belt; Price 12,000 gp; Weight 1 lbs.
This masterfully crafted belt emits a strong salty scent and is made of woven algae interlaced with golden merfolk hair. In guise of a buckle rests a large starfish-shaped piece of red coral.

While underwater, the wearer may break off one of the starfish's five limbs as a free action to activate the belt's powers for a period of two hours. At any time, the wearer may break off a second limb to end the effects prematurely. When the belt's powers are activated, the wearer is immediately granted the ability to breathe water as per the Water Breathing spell. One round later, he instantly starts sinking at a speed of 50 ft per round until he lands on a solid surface, such as a sunken ship wreck or the sea floor itself. Once on a solid surface, he is able to move about freely as if he were on land and carrying a light load. He, however, loses the ability to swim. If the wearer has to move over obstacles, he must use climb checks or acrobatics checks, although he ignores his armor check penalty. If he falls any distance, he lands harmlessly without injury. Finally, he may use any weapon without restrictions, ignoring the normal underwater combat penalties.

Like a true starfish, the Belt of the Depths has the ability to regenerate lost limbs, and does so at a rate of one limb per week. However, this regeneration is only possible as long as the starfish has at least one limb left. If all limbs are broken off , the belt loses all powers.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Items, Water Breathing, Freedom of Movement; Cost 6,000 gp

Star Voter Season 8, Dedicated Voter Season 9

CripDyke wrote:
Thanks for the in depth review.

Lord CoSaX!

I forgot to give you a shout out for the bad pun!*

Drown your sorrows, get in the flow, and squirt some fresh ink.

After a couple items' worth of practice, you'll feel buoyant, I swear!

*This is a complement. All the best puns are very, very bad.

Glad I'm not the only one who likes bad puns :). As flawed as my design was, I still made it into the top100, and with the insight you offered I feel good about the next RPGSS contest! Surely I will be able to make something better, and I will especially take care to choose a better name for my item next time.

Star Voter Season 8, Dedicated Voter Season 9

Eh, made it into the top100, I'm happy with that. Not bad for a second attempt. Will try to do better next time.

Star Voter Season 8, Dedicated Voter Season 9

CripDyke wrote:
** spoiler omitted **...

Thanks for the in depth review. Lots of interesting stuff and things to think about. Its amazing how much stuff is wrong with the crunch when you deconstruct it in such a meticulous way.

Star Voter Season 8, Dedicated Voter Season 9

Nykidemus wrote:
CripDyke wrote:
Nykidemus wrote:
CripDyke wrote:
Wow, that was thorough.

yeah, I don't really know how to do it any other way. Anything else seems like it's not representative of my thought process.

Of course, it means that I can't review as many items, but hopefully the designers whose items I do review will a lot more from seeing my whole thought process.

I actually got the idea from the "How do you vote?" thread. That really is, more or less, how I go about voting for items, though some steps get skipped if I don't need them to distinguish between a certain pair of items. Nearly every item gets every aspect of this analysis when I first encounter it, however. Since I'm only making a binary comparison, I don't have to put it all in words the way I do here, but the format, the process seemed a very useful structure for performing a review.

So here I am. Doing very thorough reviews.

Oh absolutely not a criticism. Do me!

I would also like to have you review my item. The amount of thought and effort you put in them is seriously impressive and im sure your criticism would help me for next time.

My item is the Belt of the Depths on page 3.

Star Voter Season 8, Dedicated Voter Season 9

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Hi everyone, here is my item that I submit for the CMI thread.

My thanks to anyone who takes the time to critique other people's items, it is much appreciated.

Belt of the Depths
Aura Moderate Transmutation; CL 7th
Slot Belt; Price 12,000 gp; Weight 1 lbs.
This masterfully crafted belt emits a strong salty scent and is made of woven algae interlaced with golden merfolk hair. In guise of a buckle rests a large starfish-shaped piece of red coral.

While underwater, the wearer may break off one of the starfish's five limbs as a free action to activate the belt's powers for a period of two hours. At any time, the wearer may break off a second limb to end the effects prematurely. When the belt's powers are activated, the wearer is immediately granted the ability to breathe water as per the Water Breathing spell. One round later, he instantly starts sinking at a speed of 50 ft per round until he lands on a solid surface, such as a sunken ship wreck or the sea floor itself. Once on a solid surface, he is able to move about freely as if he were on land and carrying a light load. He, however, loses the ability to swim. If the wearer has to move over obstacles, he must use climb checks or acrobatics checks, although he ignores his armor check penalty. If he falls any distance, he lands harmlessly without injury. Finally, he may use any weapon without restrictions, ignoring the normal underwater combat penalties.

Like a true starfish, the Belt of the Depths has the ability to regenerate lost limbs, and does so at a rate of one limb per week. However, this regeneration is only possible as long as the starfish has at least one limb left. If all limbs are broken off , the belt loses all powers.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Items, Water Breathing, Freedom of Movement; Cost 6,000 gp

Star Voter Season 8, Dedicated Voter Season 9

Fascinating post Rich. It would seem that reverting back to judges would indeed be a step in the right direction, although its not a perfect solution ( I doubt such a solution exists).

I want to mention also that although I am very critical of how the voting system was handled it doest mean that I think the people who made it to round 2 dont deserve it.

However I think its important to highlight the method's failings, as Rich did so well in his first post.

Star Voter Season 8, Dedicated Voter Season 9

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Well put Loradin. Those are basically the points I was trying to make and you took the time to express and develop them properly.

I personally hope that they go back to having judges pick out the winners next time around. I also hope that they leave it to the public to thin out the herd and do progressive culls like they did this time around, until we can get a sample small enough for judges to be able to deal with.

2% of votes for 1 person is enormous Kiel, and since there are more than 1 person who voted 5000+ times, it absolutely has an impact on what ends up in the top32. That being said, congratulations on making in to round 2 and I hope your map design is going well. Good luck for the remainder of the contest.

Star Voter Season 8, Dedicated Voter Season 9

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I think the voting was very strange this year. I like the fact that there were gradual culls to leave us with the best 200 or so items, but I think that at that point it should have been judges who selected the 32 best items.

I think it is weird to leave it to the public vote, especially since people can vote as many times as they like. Some people voted 5000+ times, which gave their opinion a lot more weight than others. The items are then not necessarily the overall voter's choice when you have a few people voting 5000+ times. Their opinion has too much impact on the results.

I guess Paizo is experimenting, but for the credibility of the contest I really think judges should pick the top32. That is not to say that the top32 we ended up with is bad though. I think there are very good entries up there and some personal favorites for sure.

Star Voter Season 8, Dedicated Voter Season 9

I would also be curious to see people's ''keep'' lists. I didn't make one myself but also seeing how people make them might convince me to take the time and make one myself next time around.

Star Voter Season 8, Dedicated Voter Season 9

First item I have seen the need to snark on. Someone actually made the weapon that a character from League of Legends uses and the weapon can use one of the character's abilities.

Star Voter Season 8, Dedicated Voter Season 9

Number: 1,000,000

Star Voter Season 8, Dedicated Voter Season 9

Thanks to everyone who took the time to review my item (Ring of Insight).

I'm glad most people liked the idea, and I agree that mostly the problem was execution. I did not have enough time to iron out the kinks in the wording and make the gameplay elements clearer, but it helps to see where things went wrong.

Props to the people who are reviewing every single item on this thread, your commitment is appreciated!

Star Voter Season 8, Dedicated Voter Season 9

Hello CMI thread!

This was my first time participating (or even being aware of) a Superstar contest, and I had no expectations whatsoever so I am not surprised that my item was culled. I am still interested to hear what people think about my item, what doesn't work, what could be better, etc.

This contest came during my finals week so I had very little time to put into its conception but I still had a good time doing it and voting for the many excellent submissions!

RING OF INSIGHT...................................

Aura: Moderate divination; CL 7th
Slot: Ring; Price: 10,000 gp; Weight: -


A ring of insight is made out of silver that was polished to a mirror-like shine. When glanced upon, the wearer can see shapes and shadows dancing on the surface. Once per day when concentrating on the figures within the ring, the wearer can catch a glimpse of his future. This effect allows the wearer to roll 1d10 and keep the result. It may then be subtracted from any one d20 roll made by an enemy for an action that directly threatens the wearer. The roll is lost if not used the same day. Furthermore, the ring of insight grants the wearer a +1 insight bonus on all saving throws.

Requirements: Forge Ring, resistance, divination; Cost: 5,000 gp

PFS is not too big around here, there are maybe 10 players, so whenever I go its basically always the same people. Also the venture-captain who does most of the GMing is very good.

Its not necessarily as fun as gaming with my home group of friends but its pretty fun, and there is less messing around off topic since there are time constraints.

Thats a cool find. I would love to see a warforged type playable race for Pathfinder.

Rub-Eta wrote:
You will find that there are other things that doesn't really make sense in Pathfinder.

Im well aware, and these are the things that annoy me. I guess it's a balance choice to allow the alchemist to act in this way, but at least they could have explained the ability better as to make logical sense. It says you have to mix stuff to make the bomb and throw it, they could just as well have said that you just pick up the inert bomb and infuse it with magic and then throw it. Would of served their purpose without breaking logic.

Anyway thanks for the answers. My intention was in no way, shape or form to nerf my player's character, I just want things to make sense at my table.

If its that simple what is stopping dmg from making the bombs detonate? If its not two components that are kept apart and need to be mixed together, being hit or grappled could make the bombs explode on the alchemist.

Hello all, I have a question about the alchemist class specifically.

One of my players is an alchemist solely focused on ranged combat, so he throws bombs and uses a bow the rest of the time.

From my understanding of alchemist bombs, and from their description, they are an inert compound that must be mixed with a catalyst in order to become explosive. Logically, the alchemist would need to pull his stuff out, mix it with the catalyst and throw it. That's a standard action, that's fine.

My player contends that he can wield his bow and throw bombs at the same time. I dont see how that makes sense. To wield his bow he needs to hold it, and to mix bombs he obviously needs to use his two hands. I say he cant be wielding his bow and mixing bombs at the same time, which means that if in round 1 he throws a bomb, then in round 2 wants to shoot his bow, he cant full-attack since he has to use a move action to ''draw'' his weapon. He could then shoot one arrow.

I think technically speaking, RAW, he may be right, but I don't know for sure. Either way it makes no logical sense to me that you could do that so I might just house-rule it, but I still wanted to know for sure what the rules are regarding that.

Thanks in advance.

I watched the first part, the program you guys are using looks pretty cool. Only thing is it kinda sucks that you cant see other player's rolls. Also a way to tell which character is speaking would be helpful, cant really tell who is who :p.

Might look at the rest later!

Good stuff, I misread the Shot on the Run feat a while back and was convinced you couldnt move and shoot a bow in the same turn without it (it kinda makes sense imo but I understand why they allow it, game balance-wise).

Thanks for the answers.

Alright that makes sense. But Shot on the Run is not only for making a ranged attack in the middle of a move, you cant shoot a bow and move in the same turn without that feat. But as far as thrown weapons go with that feat I see what you mean.

It answers my question and it makes sense that it would work that way, I just wanted to check. One of my players is an alchemist so he's going to want to know he can move and throw a bomb in the same round.


Hello all,

I have a simple question to which I havent been able to find an answer.

Can you move and make a ranged attack with a thrown weapon in the same round without the Shot on the Run feat?

For example can an alchemist move up to his speed and throw a bomb afterwards or does he need the feat?


I finally had my first character deaths last night. I couldnt believe my eyes, but the party had a near TPK against the Skaveling in the caverns below the Misgivings.

Name of PCs: Pierce, Caïus Vrison, Bolni ''Luckybeard''
Class/Level: Ranger2/Rogue2, Magus 4, Cleric 4
Adventure: Skinsaw Murders
Catalyst: Skaveling

The party had ventured through a lighter version of the Misgivings (I followed someone's idea on here to only give the negative effects to some of the haunts and use the rest as plot devices, every player ended up with 1 haunt affecting them plus a couple of universal ones) and ended up killing the Skinsaw Man in his lair after a hard-ish battle.

The party's ressources were depleted, with Kruger the barbarian standing at 14 hp, Bolni all out of heals and channels, Caïus out of spells and Pierce had some stat damage from eating some of Vorel's fungus. Feeling greedy, they decided to explore the last corridor that they had left untouched, which is the one that leads to the Skaveling's den.

Now, I knew this would be bad but they really had a shot, 2 characters being strong with a bow. As they entered the beast's lair though, everyone but Pierce failed to notice the creature, and the bat won the initiative roll. When it screeched, EVERYONE failed their fortitude save, even the barbarian and cleric who both have +8 to their save. I then proceeded to roll max duration for the stun for everyone except Kruger, who got stunned 1 round.

The rest is a mix of bad luck and bad decisions. The creature dropped Caïus (who was in front) to -9 before anyone could act, but he managed to stabilize, 1 hp away from death. Kruger shot an arrow at the beast, dropped his bow and waited for it with his greatsword. Sadly, the creature put him in the negatives by rolling max damage on its first attack against him.

At this point 2 players are down and the other 2 just came out of stun. Retreat seems like the only option. Unless you are Pierce, in which case you still want to fight. Instead of trying to drag his friends to safety, the heroic ranger shot 2 arrows (using rapid shot) at the ghoul bat. He rolls a 17, the first one is a hit! He rolls the second one...its a 20! Everyone is going crazy, that gamble might actually pay off! He tries to confirm his crit...its a 9...its not enough. He uses a Hero Point (the last one he's got) to reroll, and gets an 11, he would have needed a 12 to confirm. Still, its 2 hits, but if he had confirmed that crit he would have most likely killed it.

Now everyone urges him to run, or try and drag Caïus' unconscious body to safety. Bolni doesnt wait for him, he drags Kruger's body to safety over the course of the next 3 rounds. During this time Pierce stands his ground and shoots arrows, trying to finish the job. He is now 1v1 vs the Skaveling. Sadly, he misses 4 attacks in a row and gets killed for his efforts.

After dragging Kruger to safety, Bolni tries to go back for Caïus, who is still alive. He runs to his body and starts dragging him back, unfortunately, the undead bat touches him on his attack and Bolni fails his save against paralysis. Another one bites the dust.

A while later, Kruger wakes up alone near the stairs that lead back up to the Misgivings. He barely makes his way back to Sandpoint with his tail between his legs.

I guess Caïus was pretty much screwed no matter what, but the other 3 could have made it out alive with better decision making. We spent the rest of the session making new characters, and I think they might be more careful in the future. I will now have to find a way to introduce Kruger to his new companions, 2 Aasimar brothers (paladin and sorcerer) and an elvish alchemist.

My party actually killed the survivors...by accident of course but that wasnt a great moment for them. They got into the habit of shooting at every scarecrow they came across after the first one turned out to be an undead creature. This led to the death of one of the surviving farmers, the ranger felt pretty bad about that, but it didnt stop them from shooting at the other scarecrows anyway.

Also for anyone wondering, I ended up running the ghouls as written, didnt beef them up at all. Even with ambushes and sneak attacks my players mowed them down with ease. Doesnt help my case that the ranger and barbarian both have great perception checks and initiative bonuses (improved init for the ranger) so they were never surprised and almost always acted first. They did not find this part challenging at all, although 2 players have contracted ghoul fever.

About to start the Misgivings tommorow and ive been reading up on the forums, some pretty good ideas floating around.

I run the AP with a group of 4 players.

Pierce the half-elf ranger/rogue, nicknamed ''Papa''. An older fella for a beginning adventurer, Pierce is the face of the group and de facto leader. His village was destroyed by giants when he was a teenager, and he has a hatred of the big folk.

Kruger the human barbarian, nicknamed ''The Magnificent''. With his pair of 7s in intelligence and charisma, his nickname is more than a little sarcastic. After running away from an abusive father, Kruger owns nothing except a greatsword and armor.

Bolni Luckybeard, dwarven cleric of luck. His nickname is ''The Untouchable'', pretty fitting given the fact he hardly ever takes any points of damage. He keeps the party alive and provides insight on religious matters when he can.

and finally,

Caïus, a rich human exile from Cheliax adventuring as a magus. His nickname is ''The Infamous'', as he has a tendency to roll fumbles and butcher his allies. Kruger in particular is not very fond of him after receiving a couple falcata hits in the back. In fact, he has stated that if he ever hit him again, he would kill him.

Currently starting Skinsaw Murders, so far the group is pretty effective and there have been no casualties, although there were a couple close calls. Believe it or not, Kruger survived 2 max damage coup-de-grace from Erylium's sinspawn. Those were DC 24 fort saves as a level 2 character.

I know its not really a solution that can be applied to a game that has already started but running the adventure for a group of experienced players, I foresaw the difficulties you are describing, so I decided to level them according to the medium xp track instead of fast (as suggested in the AP). They beat most encounters easily so far but a couple of them gave the group a hard time (the 2 yeth hounds, and the Nualia + yeth hound encounter). As time passes I think the level deficit is going to keep things interesting and challenging all the way through.

Nice post William! And thanks all for your input. I do have 1 party member that is immune to ghoul paralysis but the other 3 will be vulnerable (1 of them a magus with a pretty weak fort save). You have convinced me the encounter is challenging enough, and I will try to spice things up as it goes if its too easy for them (good rolls, etc).

Tangent101 wrote:

Three attacks a round, each one with the possibility of causing paralysis.

A lot of parties have been laid low by this. Admittedly, they have to close before they get a full attack... but if they group up on a guy, then it's doubtful more than one will go down unless the group is lucky with Channel Energy.

Also don't forget the Stench ability of the Ghast - area affect, causes a Sickened condition. -2 to hit and damage can hurt.

Also, have the Ghouls attack from Stealth. The only people who get to act are those who make their Perception check to detect the ghouls. This means the Ghouls WILL close, and probably get attacks on flatfooted PCs.

Be careful though. Paralysis can result in a TPK before you know it. While other GMs love to use Coup de Grace, don't. Have the ghouls drag off people to gnaw on them while they're still alive. More horrifying... and allows for rescues.

Yeah I see your point. This fight is basically hit or miss I guess, either a couple guys are gonna get paralysed and this is going to get ugly quick or they will steamroll the ghouls without batting an eye. I think I might put the ghouls on advanced template to make them a little tougher hit points wise. Either way, I will def use the stealth attack idea to spice things up.

Hello everyone, I have a question for GMs that have run this adventure before.

I have recently started Skinsaw Murders with my group and am preparing for the next session. I feel like the ''Walking Scarecrows'' part is ridiculously too easy for a group of 4th level characters. It seems to me that ghouls that have +3 to hit really are not a threat to a team that has 2 characters that can get over 20 AC, the others being a 19 AC cleric and a 17 AC archer. Even if there is 6 of them at the same time, I dont see this being challenging at all, my characters being able to pretty kill a ghoul per hit.

Any of you tried to buff up these encounters to make them more interesting? I understand that every fight shouldnt put the characters in danger of dying but at the same time, no challenge is not fun.

Thanks in advance.

Eltacolibre wrote:
That's the thing tho, there are no official rules for it, it's frankly all houserules.

Alright, thanks. Ill just house rule it, same way as everybody else. Getting healed for same amount as your hit die and getting immediate bonuses (saves, BAB, etc) but not getting the spells since you need to rest and study your spellbook, etc.

Its kinda funny there are no official rules about this yet every house rule is more or less the same.

Eh, thanks for the answers.

Eltacolibre wrote:
I don't magically heal people for leveling. Plus usually I do leveling at the end of an adventuring day, its actually easier instead of leveling in the middle of the day.

I dont magically heal people either, but was unsure as to what the official rule is. Also I understand your point about level at the end of an adventure, but have deciced with my players to award experience after various ''checkpoints'' rather than at the end of the adventure. I am running them through RotR on the medium advancement track to add challenge but I still need them to hit at least a certain level before certain encounters, which is why I do levelling this way. For example I needed them to hit lvl3 before going into Thistletop dungeon, otherwise it would have been way too hard.

Hello all,

I have tried searching the forums for an answer to my question but couldnt find anything helpful.

I wanted to know, when characters level up, do you simply put them at full hp/rested (all spells come back, etc) or do you just give them the extra hp from their new hit die + the new abilities they just earned?

I want to know because my characters just earned a level at the mid point of a dungeon, but they still have fighting ahead of them (They just killed Ripnugget in RotR and are about to explore Thistletop dungeon).

Im unsure of how to proceed, and the answer to this question will influence the next fights quite a bit. An answer would be appreciated, game is tonight!