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![]() If I cast Brow Gasher on my weapon, does the effect end if I later cast a spell like Shocking Grasp prior to the effect of the Brow Gasher being used? I know if you cast something like Chill Touch, then cast Shocking Grasp before the Chill Touch is exhausted, the Chill Touch immediately ends. However, Brow Gasher is cast on the actual weapon, and not on myself, so I'd think they'd be exclusive of each other. Similar question for something like casting Chill Touch, then casting Magic Missile or Acid Arrow or Scorching Ray (etc.); do casting these spells cause the Chill Touch to stop? To me it would seem yes, but again, one of these would not exhaust something like Brow Gasher as it is cast on a separate object (or how casting those does not end Shield or similar). ![]()
![]() My group slaughtered the ogres in the court yard and those on the first floor of the keep. When they went upstairs and ran into the rest, they fled into the woods since they were depleted of most of their spells and healing. The idea was to rest up and return the next day. I had them return to an empty keep. All remaining occupants, including Lucretia, had fled to the Clanhold. That was an EPIC battle!! ![]()
![]() Name: Grax'uur
Story: After recapturing Ft. Ranick, the party returned to TF to find it half submerged. They rescued the school kids and dealt with Black Maga. this did a pretty good job of chewing up speels, ki points, and arcane points. It was suggested by some of the towns people that there must be something wrong with the damn, so they set off right away. The party dealt with Gorger and Chaw, the demolition crew, the battle grounds and Grazul before encountering Skull Ripper. They were low on healing, out of buffs and nearly everything else they needed to deal with a beastie like that. Poor Grax'uur was down to 17 hp and took a critical power attack from a claw. The 35 points of damage were more than enough to take care of those remaining hp and put him negative more than his CON. Fortunately, he had been a good hero up to this point and had earned the 2 hero points needed to not be gone for good. Seeing his plight, the witch ran up grabbed him and dimension doored them both out of there. The rest of the party then beat a hasty retreat. It was a totally different fight when they came back the next day healed and fully buffed. Poor Skull Ripper didn't stand a chance. ![]()
![]() I did something similar for my party. It really did ramp up the tension and anxiety. As they explored, if they saw me bring an index card out from behind the GM screen, they would all gasp and pronounce "Great, what have we walked into now". It was great fun. I really want to run another haunted house now. ![]()
![]() My players just encountered BM this past weekend. I would agree that she could be left out of the AP and nobody we be any wiser. In fact, my payers are trying to figure out who sent BM after them, thinking this was a targeted attack. Gorger and Chaw, on the other hand, made for a great encounter. The two heads bickering with each other as they smash PCs around. Great fun. ![]()
![]() Callum wrote:
Similar to my game. In fact, the witch in my game has been more of a thorn in my side from her uncanny ability to prepare just the right arcane spells for a day to subvert my evil plans. Even if she was spamming the Slumber hex, as long as the players are having fun, I don't really care. We laugh a lot when we play and I play up my annoyance with their success be shooting the GM's Evil Eye over my GM Screen. Even if they cake walk the whole thing, if they have fun, so do I. ![]()
![]() In my current campaign (halfway through book 3)there are two players running characters from APG. They are playing a witch and an Alchemist. Neither one seems to unbalance things too much. My biggest problem has been dealing with the fact that there are 5 players. In fact, there is only one player using CRB classes (Cleric 4/Paladin 3). ![]()
![]() I plan on giving him the sneak attack. I really want to encourage, what has turned out to be an exceptionally timid group, into doing more epic stuff. The image of a halfling leaping onto the back of an orge in the middle of combat in an attempt to stick a poison tipped dagger into its back is just way to cool not to reward it. My hope is that it will inspire the rest of the group to act more like heroes and not just survivors of a series of difficult situations. ![]()
![]() In my campaign, there is a Halfling Ninja that would like to leap onto the backs of large or larger creatures as part of his attack. I have a few questions about this. 1. is this a acrobatic move action or a CM(grapple)or both. Either case, would provoke an AoO I assume. 2. Once on the creatures back, may he then attach and get Sneak Attack damage? 3. What mechanics would I use to have him remain on there and for the large creature to dislodge him? I love the image of the little Ninja leaping onto these creatures as part of combat and really need to sort out how to manage it. Thank you. ![]()
![]() Opinion here... Since part of being in a fight involves movement of your entire body and many subtle shifts in your position (You are not just standing there flat footed), it might make sense to only allow the AC to make AoO. The idea being that if someone comes into striking range and is being reckless, they risk being bitten by the snake. My 2 CP ![]()
![]() I am running a group of 5 right now and they just finished Chapter 2. There have been a few near deaths and the pucker factor has been quite good for my inexperienced players. Now that they are getting the hang of buffs and taking advantage of their individual specialties, I will need to ramp things up on them. Bottom line, the advice given by the others is sound. Have FUN !!! ![]()
![]() Graxx'ur CN Tiefling Blackblade Magus 6 (Twin Brother of Bombie) Bombie CN Tiefling Alchemist 6 (Twin Brother of Graxx'ur) Nimble CN Halfling Ninja 6 (Grew up in/around Sandpoint) Bella CG Varisian Witch 6 (Sandpoint Native) Thruum LG Cleric of Sarenrae 4 / Paladin 2 (Was studying in the original Cathedral when it burned down.) ![]()
![]() Thank you all for the feedback. I really like the idea of taking their information and having the Scarecrow attack later. I suspect that they will have the Halfling Ninja sneak into the townhouse at night to snoop around. I could have the Scarecrow attack while he is away. That little bugger causes me no end to trouble. ![]()
![]() I am looking for advice on how I should handle the actions of my players. Spoiler: They went to the Foxglove Townhouse in Magnimar, following up on the clues found in the Misgivings. Their reactions to the fake Aldern and Iesha were priceless. when the fighting got going, it spilled out the front door and onto the street for one last round before the last Faceless Stalker was dropped. Since there were witnesses, the party sent for the town guard. My question revolves around this point, they have already been told by Ironbriar to stay out of the way of the murder investigations and to leave them to the city officials. Should I have them locked up for trespassing and fined or what? I am open to any ideas here.
Thanks ![]()
![]() After a long and painful battle with the Quasit under Sandpoint, the Teifling twins (Alchemist and Magus) decide to take the body over to the Runewell and drip some more of her blood in to see what happens. I decided that this ill conceived idea would work and create another sinpawn. Two rounds later the Magus is down and dying and the Alchemist is screaming for the rest of the part to step in and help. Everyone ended up surviving this foolish act once the other players came to the rescue. When I asked them after the session, why they did it. They responded together, "Dangerously curious means dangerously curious". This is going to be a long campaign for me. Probably not for their characters. ![]()
![]() I am VERY new to Pathfinder. However, I have been gaming since the original D&D Boxed Set. I am running a campaign in which the fighter wields two weapons (long sword, short sword combo) and has Improved Two Weapon Fighting. His BAB is (+6,+1). For a full round action, how many attacks would he get, three or six? |