Pathfinder Lost Omens: Tian Xia Character Guide

4.00/5 (based on 2 ratings)
Pathfinder Lost Omens: Tian Xia Character Guide

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Countless Peoples, Countless Techniques!

The boundless continent of Tian Xia features innumerable peoples, each with their own rich history and practices. Bring your character to life with this 136-page guidebook crammed full of everything a player might need to build a hero hailing from or journeying through these vast lands, including:

  • Six new ancestries, including the reincarnating samsaran, trickster tanuki, and shadowy wayang, as well as Tian-inspired additional feats and heritages for existing ancestries, like the peachchild leshy, bakuwa lizardfolk, and gandharva sprite!
  • Feats inspired by Tian Xia’s diverse arts and practices, from new elemental medicine to alchemically fortified cuisine to how the zodiac can guide your character’s path.
  • Spectacular magical and martial techniques to vanquish the toughest opponents, whether that's through weightless sword arts or by borrowing the ancient power of magical familiars.
  • Dazzling new magic items and weapons to forge or find, from the subtle kotodama whistle to legendary artifacts like the staff of Sun Wukong.

Written by: Eren Ahn, Jeremy Blum, Logan Bonner, Alyx Bui, James Case, Banana Chan, Rick Chia, Hiromi Cota, Dana Ebert, Eleanor Ferron, Basheer Ghouse, John Godek III, Sen H.H.S., Joan Hong, Daniel Kwan, Jacky Leung, Jesse J. Leung, Monte Lin, Jessie “Aki” Lo, Adam Ma, Ashley Moni, Collette Quach, Christopher Rondeau, Joaquin Kyle “Makapatag” Saavedra, Michael Sayre, Shahreena Shahrani, Kienna Shaw, Philip Shen, Tan Shao Han, Mari Tokuda, Ruvaid Virk, Viditya Voleti, Grady Wang, and Jay Zhang.

ISBN-13: 978-1-64078-579-3

Available Formats

Pathfinder Lost Omens: Tian Xia Character Guide is also available as:

  • A 136-page special edition
  • A 136-page PDF (includes single-file and file-per-chapter versions)

Note: This product is part of the Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscription.

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4.00/5 (based on 2 ratings)

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Some of the data is terrible


I can forgive the strength of spirit warrior and fan dancer. But I can't forgive wandering chef's poor stats. Can you imagine the pain we felt when we saw this archetype while dreaming of being a gourmet adventurer? It's not even weak, it doesn't work in the game! I'll give it 3 stars in honor of the wonderful ancestries and art, so please fix wandering chef as soon as possible.

Great Themed Addition to Golarion and Player Options


Found myself enjoying this book much more than I expected as a dug into it.

At first glance, it felt light (partly because it followed the core and Tian Xia physically heavier books) and partly because when doing a first pass, I skipped over the "people" section because I assumed it was just world-guide type survey of people with smattering of character options that I'd look at later.

That was a mistake soon rectified by a deeper read. There are some nicely written options that expand and illuminate the Tian Xia setting and aren't just simple reskins of existing content.

The authors did a great job of providing colorful, interesting expressions of Tian Xia for a PF2E setting, a place that should be and is very different from the Inner Sea region. Definitely some areas I'd like to try out and will keep an eye out for more APs set in Tian Xia

Well done.

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Paizo Employee Sales & eCommerce Assistant

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Announced for August 2024! Product image and description are NOT final and may be subject to change.

Liberty's Edge

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Here's hoping I get an opportunity to play the Season of Ghosts AP, but AFTER this book comes out.

Grand Archive

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Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Reminder: Tsukumogami are a new Poppet heritage in this book, as shown by the lantern and sandal on the cover!
That's all I have to say about it. :3

Wayfinders Contributor

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Ooh... New poppet heritage!

That is such a great group of writers. I am so looking forward to this book.

3 people marked this as a favorite.

136 pages for $50? Yikes.

This product page at least has some interesting info. It shows more than anything they had to say in the "showcase".

8 people marked this as a favorite.
Wizard Level 1 wrote:

136 pages for $50? Yikes.

This product page at least has some interesting info. It shows more than anything they had to say in the "showcase".

What would you say is a fair price for a 136 page hardcover with glossy pages and lots of custom-commissioned, full color art? I'd love to hear the number.

Liberty's Edge

1 person marked this as a favorite.
keftiu wrote:
Wizard Level 1 wrote:

136 pages for $50? Yikes.

This product page at least has some interesting info. It shows more than anything they had to say in the "showcase".

What would you say is a fair price for a 136 page hardcover with glossy pages and lots of custom-commissioned, full color art? I'd love to hear the number.

And the rules will be available for free on Archives of Nethys.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Will this book be using the remastered rules?

Liberty's Edge

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Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Delirious2022 wrote:
Will this book be using the remastered rules?

Yes.After Player Core 1 and GM Core, i.e. this month, all Lost Omens and Rulebooks like will use Remastered rules. It will take a little while for Adventure Paths to catch up, but I’m not sure when the transition will occur (after Pathfinder 200 which has been confirmed as OGL rules)

I guess this is as good a place to ask as any: as a result of the above, will pre-Remaster non-core rulebooks (most prominently Secrets of Magic, Guns & Gears and Dark Archive, e.g. The Books With New Classes) be getting errata and possibly new printings for Remaster compliance, or no?

Grand Archive

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Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
SpaceDrake wrote:
I guess this is as good a place to ask as any: as a result of the above, will pre-Remaster non-core rulebooks (most prominently Secrets of Magic, Guns & Gears and Dark Archive, e.g. The Books With New Classes) be getting errata and possibly new printings for Remaster compliance, or no?

In some stream previously, they said it was a high probability, but only when they will find the time. So certainly not while they are still releasing the new Core books (They are still working on Monster Core and Player Core 2), and probably only as part of the new Errata cycle they were supposed to do, that was pushed back because of the Remaster kerfuffle. I wouldn't expect a full rewrite of all classes... Maybe a book per round of errata, IF they don't need more than one round for some books.

The fact that "Lost Omens Divine Mysteries" will reprint a lot of stuff from Gods & Magic, and that it takes a "new book" spot, make me things the errata rounds will be smaller than even "just" updating sanctifications, removing alignement, and revising granted spells. Granted, there was 146 deities in G&M, so even these small changes ends up being quite big. But something like Secret of Magic kinda have 197 spells... even just removing the schools and component, change alignment damage to spirit and add "sanctification" wording, make sure to stop referencing OGL terms... EVEN if they change nothing else, that would probably be quite time consuming... And they planned to do two round of Errata per years. So yeah. Will depends a lot on how much resources they CAN put on these.
And new books might need to spend some times on the Errata worktable too... Heck, even the Remastered Core books have already had some people finding some typo and stuff.
This will certainly be... interesting times, as the Discworld curse say. :(

(One would also need to keep in mind that the more resources they put on these, the less resource they have to work new books, and these new books are needed to keep the company running... and the less resource they have on them, the more likely there will be errors that will need to be errataed later, meaning more need of Errata resources, meaning still less resource for new books... Oof. Not a vicious cycle they want to trigger.)

Liberty's Edge

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Elfteiroh wrote:
SpaceDrake wrote:
I guess this is as good a place to ask as any: as a result of the above, will pre-Remaster non-core rulebooks (most prominently Secrets of Magic, Guns & Gears and Dark Archive, e.g. The Books With New Classes) be getting errata and possibly new printings for Remaster compliance, or no?

In some stream previously, they said it was a high probability, but only when they will find the time. So certainly not while they are still releasing the new Core books (They are still working on Monster Core and Player Core 2), and probably only as part of the new Errata cycle they were supposed to do, that was pushed back because of the Remaster kerfuffle. I wouldn't expect a full rewrite of all classes... Maybe a book per round of errata, IF they don't need more than one round for some books.

The fact that "Lost Omens Divine Mysteries" will reprint a lot of stuff from Gods & Magic, and that it takes a "new book" spot, make me things the errata rounds will be smaller than even "just" updating sanctifications, removing alignement, and revising granted spells. Granted, there was 146 deities in G&M, so even these small changes ends up being quite big. But something like Secret of Magic kinda have 197 spells... even just removing the schools and component, change alignment damage to spirit and add "sanctification" wording, make sure to stop referencing OGL terms... EVEN if they change nothing else, that would probably be quite time consuming... And they planned to do two round of Errata per years. So yeah. Will depends a lot on how much resources they CAN put on these.
And new books might need to spend some times on the Errata worktable too... Heck, even the Remastered Core books have already had some people finding some typo and stuff.
This will certainly be... interesting times, as the Discworld curse say. :(

(One would also need to keep in mind that the more resources they put on these, the less resource they have to work new books, and these new books are needed to keep the company...

Just a note that, for LO Divine Mysteries, they are also reviewing all edicts and anathemas to make sure they are really usable by PCs. There is even a thread on the Lost Omens boards asking the community to help identify those.

Grand Archive

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Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
The Raven Black wrote:
Elfteiroh wrote:
[Snipped a way too big wall of text]
Just a note that, for LO Divine Mysteries, they are also reviewing all edicts and anathemas to make sure they are really usable by PCs. There is even a thread on the Lost Omens boards asking the community to help identify those.

Yeah, I knew I would do some wording mistake in that wall of text. I didn'T want to make it look like it was a "quick job" rewriting the reprinted stuff. It's not merely a copy paste, even for the reprints... But yeah, This new book will 100% have a way bigger scale than any "errata" they will do to "remaster" the other already published books.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Guessing time! Had some random ideas for the remaining three Ancestries. These are mostly based on what appears on the cover.

First is the only one I'm pretty certain about: Kappa. Despite their mischievous behavior, Pathfinder Kappa aren't inherently malicious and even civil in some cases. Seems like a likely candidate for a "misunderstood" group of people.

Second one I'm guessing are either Hitotsume and/or Ippondatara. The one-eyed creature seems more reminiscent to the latter, but I could see the former being the general "family" of people, with Ippondatara being a specific Heritage, along with the likes of Hitotsume-kozo, Hitotsume-nyudo, and maybe other similiar one-eyed creatures.

Third one I think could be a Yurei, which were a specific creature in PF1. May go by a different name, like Borei or Shiryo, but I'm thinking they could be the various kinds of spirits of the dead, maybe lacking the Undead trait, similiar to Phantoms or nature spirits. This may have some overlap with the Ghost Archetype, which may be a problem, but overlap hasn't generally been an issue before. Along with this, I think the Kaonashi, or No-Face, like spirit could be either the main Ancestry or a Heritage option here.

Bonus could be an general Obake or Yokai Ancestry that includes the later two ideas, along with other creatures that fall into the Yokai category, but aren't separate enough to be their own thing, like Kappa. This could allow for some distinct Heritage options, spimiliar to how Sprites work, with each representing a specific kind of creature.

Lastly, I think the apparent Oni on the cover likely represents the Hunderseed, or Oni-spawn, Nephilim (Cambion/Tiefling) lineage. As fun as a full Oni would be, I don't see Paizo pushing them out as playable, at least not yet anyways. I think their is room for it, given how BattleZoo handled them.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I do have a hope for Oni based Nephilim lineage, its not exactly essential for my purposes since its not like other options don't work ok, but Oni play a pretty big role in my setting so itd be cool to have something dedicated in that slot. A lot of the other stuff we have revealed so far already sounds amazing.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
The-Magic-Sword wrote:
I do have a hope for Oni based Nephilim lineage, its not exactly essential for my purposes since its not like other options don't work ok, but Oni play a pretty big role in my setting so itd be cool to have something dedicated in that slot. A lot of the other stuff we have revealed so far already sounds amazing.

Possible spoiler for a thing:

I'd be interested to see if we get a Lineage for our newest Fiendish friends in SoG. I doubt it, but I'd love to see it.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Ly'ualdre wrote:
The-Magic-Sword wrote:
I do have a hope for Oni based Nephilim lineage, its not exactly essential for my purposes since its not like other options don't work ok, but Oni play a pretty big role in my setting so itd be cool to have something dedicated in that slot. A lot of the other stuff we have revealed so far already sounds amazing.
** spoiler omitted **

huh? I just looked through the monster entries for all three books and didn't see anything like that, do they not have statblocks right now?

The-Magic-Sword wrote:
Ly'ualdre wrote:
The-Magic-Sword wrote:
I do have a hope for Oni based Nephilim lineage, its not exactly essential for my purposes since its not like other options don't work ok, but Oni play a pretty big role in my setting so itd be cool to have something dedicated in that slot. A lot of the other stuff we have revealed so far already sounds amazing.
** Possible spoiler omitted **
** Reply to possible spoiler omitted **

Obscured spoiler:
But someone was talking about auto-succeedable RK text.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
The-Magic-Sword wrote:
Ly'ualdre wrote:
The-Magic-Sword wrote:
I do have a hope for Oni based Nephilim lineage, its not exactly essential for my purposes since its not like other options don't work ok, but Oni play a pretty big role in my setting so itd be cool to have something dedicated in that slot. A lot of the other stuff we have revealed so far already sounds amazing.
** spoiler omitted **
** spoiler omitted **

Most definitely a spoiler:
I'm referring to the new Fiends with ties to Sangpotshi and the cycle of reincarnation: the Nindoru from Season of Ghosts.

Personally, I doubt we'll see a Linage for them any time soon. But they have become my favorite Fiend. Their design and lore is awesome to me. Love em.

Liberty's Edge

We need a specific flag for AI posts such as the one above IMO.

Edit : just saw there is a link added in the quoted text. So, maybe Spam.

Some guidelines would be helpful.

I flagged that as spam even before I saw the link.

If it's AI text, especially if the account only has one post, it's clearly not a human player.

Director of Marketing

4 people marked this as a favorite.
The Raven Black wrote:

We need a specific flag for AI posts such as the one above IMO.

Edit : just saw there is a link added in the quoted text. So, maybe Spam.

Some guidelines would be helpful.

Noted. We are in the process of evaluating and implementing new Forum software. Cheers.

Liberty's Edge

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Dancing Wind wrote:

I flagged that as spam even before I saw the link.

If it's AI text, especially if the account only has one post, it's clearly not a human player.

I used the Impersonation tag.

And once you have chosen a flag tag, you cannot change it even if another one would fit better.

Maybe this could be improved too.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Ly'ualdre wrote:
The-Magic-Sword wrote:
Ly'ualdre wrote:
The-Magic-Sword wrote:
I do have a hope for Oni based Nephilim lineage, its not exactly essential for my purposes since its not like other options don't work ok, but Oni play a pretty big role in my setting so itd be cool to have something dedicated in that slot. A lot of the other stuff we have revealed so far already sounds amazing.
** spoiler omitted **
** spoiler omitted **
** spoiler omitted **

Neat, i just realized that I probably didn't see them because they haven't hit nethys yet, looking forward to it.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Not that anyone asked, but here's a list of Ancestry/Heritage related options that have been revealed thus far. Included a brief description and possible real-world inspiration, if only to give any idea of what they are and the diversity of real-world cultures being represented.

Confirmed Content:

Ancestry -
- Samsaran (People who constantly reincarnate until they achieve enlightnment. Inspired by the the cycle of existence relating to Samsara of Indian religions)
- Tanuki (Racoon dog-like people with a penchant for trickery. Inspired by Japanese myth)
- Wayang (Tenebrous people who migrated from the Netherworld/Shadow Plane in ages past. Inspired by Indonesian shadow-puppetry)
+ Three others

Heritage -
- Bakuwa Lizardfolk/Iruxi (Likely the crocodile-like Lizardfolk that have been shown. Hard to say what they are inspired from atm. I would guess possibly Bakunawa of Filipino myth, given the similarities in name and previously described as being related to eclipses; but very well could be a mix of myths and folklore from various cultures within Asia)
- Gandharva Sprite (Described as bird-like. Likely inspired by the Gandharva present in several real-world cultures and religions, namely Indian, who are described as being bird-like or horse-like)
- Peachchild Leshy (Likely inspired by Japanese folklore relating to Momotaro, a child born of a peach floated down a river; as well as maybe Chinese myths relating to the immortality granting peaches and peaches trees)
- Tsukumogami Poppet (Inspired by Japanese myth relating to objects gaining sentience and becoming Yokai/Kami after 100 years. Incidentally, they'll likely be the first time a Kami has ever been playable)

These are some inferences or assumptions I have given some info or things I feel are obvious, given the location.

AKA, I'm guessing here:

I expect the likes of Kistune, Nagaji, & Tengu are almost guaranteed to be expanded. Anadi, Lyashtaki Catfolk/Amurrun, Ratfolk/Ysoki, Tripkee(sp?)/Grippli, & Vanara I think have a high possibility of expansion as well. To a lesser degree, Jinin Elves, Tian Humans (such as the new Tian-Yae previously mentioned), Kaoling Hobgoblins, & Kobolds could see some additions, more lore-wise than mechanical; Kobolds maybe being the exception. Could possibly see Goblins receive a Heritage in the form of Kijimuna; Nephilim recieve Lineage options, namely Hungerseed/Oni-Spawn Cambion/Tiefling, but perhaps something for Empyrean/Aasimar as well. All Empyrean Lineages are covered, so more likely to see general Ancestry Feats added, unless they introduce a new Celestial (fingers crossed, I'd like to see something like the Tennin with their hagoromo). Small possibly to see additional Athamaru/Locathah and perhaps Awakened Animal related stuff, given the formers presence in Xidao and I can see the latter being found in the Forest of Spirits. Geniekin, partic Ardande and Talos could see some lore I think, but id be surprsied to see anything mechanical. If any of these happen, I'm sure mechanical options will be in the Chatacter Guide, with plenty of lore as well, while those people lacking in crunch will be largely confined to the World Guide.

Additionally, my guesses for the new Ancestries I've mentioned before. But, I 100% foresee Kappa being added. Another could be Hitotsume and/or Ippondatara, one-eyed creatures from Japanese myth. Also could see non-Undead Spirits as a collective Ancestry, similiar to Sprites with, what I refer to as, Distinct Heritages; such as Kaonashi, aka No-Face (not a weird inclusion, as there are plenty of creatures from pop-culture in TTRPGs). I based these mostly on the cover and my knowledge of Japanese myth and folklore; but I'd honestly prefer if the last three were not all Japanese creatures. But I don't know much outside of it. I'm slightly familiar with Chinese and Korean myth, but not enough to even begin to think of decent Ancestry possibilities. I'd love to hear anyones suggestions on other cultures. That said, I could see Jorogumo as a possibility as well, if they receive any lore in regards to not being only evil. I'd love to see playable Kami, but I don't foresee that at all. And of course, there's the possibility of something completely new to Pathfinder altogether; which I want to say has been stated to be the case for one of the remaining three.

Should be noted, I in no way think ALL of these will be featured in either book. Simply the options I believe make sense to be included.

Posting this for no other reason than to promote discussion. I'd love to hear anyone else's ideas. ^^

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Ly'ualdre wrote:

Not that anyone asked, but here's a list of Ancestry/Heritage related options that have been revealed thus far. Included a brief description and possible real-world inspiration, if only to give any idea of what they are and the diversity of real-world cultures being represented.

** spoiler omitted **

These are some inferences or assumptions I have given some info or things I feel are obvious, given the location.
** spoiler omitted **...

For Goblins, it was mentioned in a stream that they would be getting a heritage based on the Dokkaebi!

And with the news that Oni are no longer fiends I doubt they're gonna be a Nephilim heritage. I am partly wondering if that new vers heitage in core 2 might be a spirit one though that could provide an Oni option...

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
silversarcasm wrote:

For Goblins, it was mentioned in a stream that they would be getting a heritage based on the Dokkaebi!

And with the news that Oni are no longer fiends, I doubt they're gonna be a Nephilim heritage. I am partly wondering if that new vers heitage in Core 2 might be a spirit one though that could provide an Oni option...

I'm assuming that was in the most recent stream, which I haven't watched yet. ^^'

The Dokkaebi addition is awesome.

The Oni Fiend change makes a lot of sense. I'd imagine they'll be given the Spirit tag instead, in parity with Kami. That may lend credence to the idea of some sort of Spirit Ancestry with distinct Heritage options, such as the No-Face-like Spirit, Oni, and maybe potentially a Kami Heritage as well. ^^

Slightly off-topic tangent:
I'm leaning more toward a draconic Vers Heritage in Core 2.

With the few Class and Ancestry options with ties to Dragons being held off until the new Dragons drop in Monster Core, it seems like an appropriate time to introduce a "half-dragon" Heritage.

Coincidently, it would be appropriate with the release of the Tian-Xia books, given the regularity with which Imperial Dragons interact with the people of the Dragon Empires. It's extraneous at best but definitely implied that Dragons mate with other creatures. So it's possible there are quite a few Tian (and likely other people) of draconic descent; maybe enough be Half-Dragons.

But that's neither here nor there.

I simply can't wait for these two books to finally drop. The need I have to play as a Tanuki is immense.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
silversarcasm wrote:
Ly'ualdre wrote:

Not that anyone asked, but here's a list of Ancestry/Heritage related options that have been revealed thus far. Included a brief description and possible real-world inspiration, if only to give any idea of what they are and the diversity of real-world cultures being represented.

** spoiler omitted **

These are some inferences or assumptions I have given some info or things I feel are obvious, given the location.
** spoiler omitted **...

For Goblins, it was mentioned in a stream that they would be getting a heritage based on the Dokkaebi!

And with the news that Oni are no longer fiends I doubt they're gonna be a Nephilim heritage. I am partly wondering if that new vers heitage in core 2 might be a spirit one though that could provide an Oni option...

Oni are no longer fiends? Do you happen to know where that information was dropped? It's relevant for my worldbuilding.

Liberty's Edge

5 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
The-Magic-Sword wrote:
silversarcasm wrote:
Ly'ualdre wrote:

Not that anyone asked, but here's a list of Ancestry/Heritage related options that have been revealed thus far. Included a brief description and possible real-world inspiration, if only to give any idea of what they are and the diversity of real-world cultures being represented.

** spoiler omitted **

These are some inferences or assumptions I have given some info or things I feel are obvious, given the location.
** spoiler omitted **...

For Goblins, it was mentioned in a stream that they would be getting a heritage based on the Dokkaebi!

And with the news that Oni are no longer fiends I doubt they're gonna be a Nephilim heritage. I am partly wondering if that new vers heitage in core 2 might be a spirit one though that could provide an Oni option...

Oni are no longer fiends? Do you happen to know where that information was dropped? It's relevant for my worldbuilding.

It was mentioned in the last Paizo Live (the Monster Core section specifically) as one of the more significant changes that had been made. Rakshasas aren't fiends, any more either.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Paul Watson wrote:
The-Magic-Sword wrote:
silversarcasm wrote:
Ly'ualdre wrote:

Not that anyone asked, but here's a list of Ancestry/Heritage related options that have been revealed thus far. Included a brief description and possible real-world inspiration, if only to give any idea of what they are and the diversity of real-world cultures being represented.

** spoiler omitted **

These are some inferences or assumptions I have given some info or things I feel are obvious, given the location.
** spoiler omitted **...

For Goblins, it was mentioned in a stream that they would be getting a heritage based on the Dokkaebi!

And with the news that Oni are no longer fiends I doubt they're gonna be a Nephilim heritage. I am partly wondering if that new vers heitage in core 2 might be a spirit one though that could provide an Oni option...

Oni are no longer fiends? Do you happen to know where that information was dropped? It's relevant for my worldbuilding.
It was mentioned in the last Paizo Live (the Monster Core section specifically) as one of the more significant changes that had been made. Rakshasas aren't fiends, any more either.

Oh damn, appreciated, probs won't affect anything too much for me, but its good to know.

3 people marked this as a favorite.

With "fiends" being a category specifically tied to Religion and divine magic, I'm happy to have things like oni and rakshasas no longer fall under it. That said, I'd enjoy having a replacement versatile heritage that can cover connections to them!

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Yeah we still need oni and rakshasa tiefling equivalents x'D You can't just leave it as "they aren't fiends anymore, we don't need lineage feats!"

(otherwise you'd need to introduce new fiends so beastbrood could be nephilim lineage of them ;P)

14 people marked this as a favorite.

For those who weren't around for the latest Tian Xia livestream, we got a LOT of juicy details for the content in this book. Including all 3 of the remaining new ancestries!

Tian Xia Livestream Spoilers:

Ancestries -
- Sarangay are a water-buffalo-looking ancestry with an origin from Filipino myths. They have close ties to the moon and their heritages reflect that ("Full Moon" and "New Moon" were the given examples). They are NOT Large like minotaurs, but are default Medium (with New Moon Sarangays being Small). They have a soul gem they keep in their forehead, which also gives them magical powers. Original myths had their power come from magical earrings, but in Paizo lore the earrings are meant to be a distraction from the forehead soul gem. One of the feat abilities is "Smoke Through Bamboo", specific to New Moon, which lets them Step through difficult terrain, as they are used to stepping through dense forests and the like.
- Yaksha are an ancestry, based on several IRL myths, who were originally guardians from the First World, and when the FW was abandoned, they swore a vow. Each heritage of the Yaksha is less of a lineage, and more of a vow they swore to uphold and which grants them powers (playing with the Edits and Anathema system in a fun, new way!). The single example given for the heritages was "Deny the Traitor's Rebirth", who are sworn to confront their mortal enemies, Asuras and Rakshasas. This gives them powers and an easier time to see through illusions and shape-changing disguises. An ability for the Yakshas was named, called "Howling Aspect", lets them pull their hair into fire and gives them a unique Fire Hair attack to use in a more fiercesome form. A great piece of lore is that the primordial power of their vows allow Yakshas to love up to 1000 years, but due to how dangerous the vows tend to be, Yakshas typically don't live longer than a century. And in an interesting mechanical aspect, the Yaksha have the Spirit and Yaksha traits, and NOT the Humanoid trait!
- Yaoguai are an ancestry, not far off from the assumptions of Yokai, who are animals, plants and aspects who were born or uplifted into a different form. The heritages are basically what the Yaoguai was born from (the examples of "Born of Vegetation" and "Born of Elements" were given). They possess a Humanoid form, which gives skills relevant from their background (Born of Vegetation gets a bonus to Medicine) and a Yaoguai form which gives them different abilities. One ability is "Morphic Strike", which transforms a part of their body to attack with. If they were born of an animal, they might transform their body part into a claw, or if they were born of nature, they may be some elemental energy.

Versatile Heritage -
- Hungerseed are NOT a part of the Nephelim versatile heritage, but is now its own separate VH. This is due to the fact that Oni are no longer Fiends, but are now Spirits. And since they are now their own VH, they're given more space to give them very Oni-derived abilities. The heritage itself gives you Oni horns, and there's a high-level feat that has you open a third eye that can blast out lightning. Another ability is the "Bloodshook Dash" feat, which gives Hungerseed a +10 status bonus to their Speed whenever they're below half their HP. They kept the Hungerseed name 'cause Oni are still hungry and it still reflects to their Half-Oni offspring.

Archetypes -
- Starlit Sentinel is the defacto Magical Girl archetype. They are empowered by one of the signs of the Tian Xia zodiac. They can transform into this alternate form, and gain the basic stuff: They can shoot little bolts of starlight, they have unique Focus Spells they can ONLY use while transformed, and they can use the hearts of their friends to empower their weapons with special runes. To elaborate the last part, they draw their sword harmlessly through their teammate, and the rune that best describes the partner's personality empowers it!

EDIT: OH! And another Tanuki feat was spoiled. "False Priest Form" is an ability that has you assume a false priest form and act like you're casting divine spells. However, if someone disbelieves your form, you get kicked out of the form, and your sheer embarassment prevents you from using the form for the rest of the day! Further reinforcing that Tanukis are complete and total losers.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

ooooh :O Does this mean the rakshasa tiefling equivalent will be its own heritage eventually as well? Nice

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
CorvusMask wrote:
ooooh :O Does this mean the rakshasa tiefling equivalent will be its own heritage eventually as well? Nice

Possibly in a Vudra world guide.

Ezekieru wrote:

For those who weren't around for the latest Tian Xia livestream, we got a LOT of juicy details for the content in this book. Including all 3 of the remaining new ancestries!

...To elaborate the last part, they draw their sword harmlessly through their teammate, and the rune that best describes the partner's personality empowers it!

gogai, gogai, gogai

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Ezekieru wrote:

For those who weren't around for the latest Tian Xia livestream, we got a LOT of juicy details for the content in this book. Including all 3 of the remaining new ancestries!

** spoiler omitted **...

Yaksha yaksha yaksha! Oh man, I'm so happy for their inclusion! I went to Thailand in October for my mom's 50th birthday (she is Thai) and I was super inspired by seeing the Yaksha statues in the Grand Palace in Bangkok! The bit of lore we learned is also super interesting, so I'll definitely make a Yaksha character to play at some point when we have the full rules!

Huh, I was not expecting three entirely new ancestries, I was expecting like the Impossible Kingdom Book.

Did they explain anything about the Wayang?

Superexcited to remake the son of one my old characters using the Hungerseed heritage when it comes out (currently using Tielfing because well you know) for my DM's current campaign.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
VerBeeker wrote:

Huh, I was not expecting three entirely new ancestries, I was expecting like the Impossible Kingdom Book.

Did they explain anything about the Wayang?

There are more than 3 new... Tanuki as well.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I wonder what creature type Yaoguai are. I'm really hoping it's based on what they originally were (beast, plant/fungus, or elemental).

I hope we get some new or revised feats for the Kitsune in this book. They need some love!

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

I really wish the samsaran was a versatile heritage, mostly to make the options it would open up in Starfinder 2E. It seems really limiting that only human/humanoids would be able to begin a cycle of earthly reincarnations. In Starfinder it would be pretty cool if you could have samsaran from all the various galactic cultures and heritages.

Grand Archive

5 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
ckobbe wrote:
I really wish the samsaran was a versatile heritage, mostly to make the options it would open up in Starfinder 2E. It seems really limiting that only human/humanoids would be able to begin a cycle of earthly reincarnations. In Starfinder it would be pretty cool if you could have samsaran from all the various galactic cultures and heritages.

It's not the body that reincarnate. It's the soul. When you reincarnate, you get a new body, but with the same soul... You could be human, then reincarnate as a dog, then a fly, then a fox, then an elf. Samsarans are their own ancestry. They are not "humans that turned blue by reincarnating". That would go against a lot of the previous lore about them (and wouldn't really work with how reincarnation works).

1 person marked this as a favorite.
ckobbe wrote:
I really wish the samsaran was a versatile heritage, mostly to make the options it would open up in Starfinder 2E. It seems really limiting that only human/humanoids would be able to begin a cycle of earthly reincarnations. In Starfinder it would be pretty cool if you could have samsaran from all the various galactic cultures and heritages.

Samsarans are just humanoids that reincarnate as part of their life cycle as long as they maintain harmony. Basically they become their own child. There is nothing to say there can be no other reincarnating ancestries, but Samsarans are their own thing. I do think a reincarnation versatile heritage would be neat though.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Any chance we can get a preview of the boosts and flaws for the already revealed new ancestries?

Dark Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I really hope that this book will explore the Nagaji theme more fully. Something thematic like the First Mother's Fang is sorely missed.

Sovereign Court

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

A question if I may,

Will this book be utilising the new Core rules or PF2E?



Pathfinder LO Special Edition, Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, PF Special Edition Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber

You are asking, I think, whether this book will be sold under the ORC license or the OGL. I don't know the answer to that.

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