T0kume1's page

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BookBird wrote:
Holding out hope that we'll eventually get Arcadian (Wyrwood, Rougarou) and Darklands (Sekmin, Xulgath) ancestries, but otherwise I'm feeling quite happy with what we currently have. Starfinder releasing will also scratch that itch for some extraplanar ancestries to use in campaigns that feature planetary travel, so there's that too.

I honestly feel Howl of the Wild was a missed opportunity for introducing Rougarou to 2e (especially since wolf/dog-headed humans is a common trope in European folklore) instead we got water-confined Merfolk.

Superexcited to remake the son of one my old characters using the Hungerseed heritage when it comes out (currently using Tielfing because well you know) for my DM's current campaign.

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I really really hope this isn't just Paizo getting cocky/greedy and attempting to double-dip after angry dnd FANS MOVED OVER TO pf2E and bought out 8 months of books in a month.

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If only there was a shaman class to fit the spirit themes of this adventure. Hint hint at Paizo

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Will we ever see the Shaman and Inquisitor come to 2e surely the demand is there?

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I thought it was fair to compare the oracle to the cleric, since both are dedicated divine spellcasters, so I think it is fair to compare the psychic to the bard, since both are dedicated occult casters (and both are occult).

In this case, the psychic is so much worse. The psychic has a far worse chassis (6 hit points and shabby proficiencies) and 1 less spell per day per level compared to a bard, and the psychic's amps are on the mediocre side. This is an underwhelming class. It has some cool ideas and I liked the psychic for 1e but seriously it needs at least three spells per day or a big boost to their unique cantrips.

Also the psychic's perception doesn't scale. Is that an oversight?

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book about Tian Xai with appropriate races, classes and items.
Book about arcadia
Book that introduces a psychic classes like the psychic, mesmerist and occultist.
Book with more options for champions, oracles and clerics oh and introduces the inquisitor as a full class wave caster.

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Mesmerist I would love to see it in 2e

For 2e I would love to see the mesmerist and kineticist pop up in the next book with new full class options.

Kinetist - A warlock 3.5 blaster with caster like abilties.
Psychic - Because I would love to see psychic magic come back soon.
Shaman - As a spontaneous primal caster with familiar.
Gunslinger as a swashbuckler archetype
Medium since it's obviously their attempt at creating a binder from 3.5.