Pathfinder Bestiary

4.70/5 (based on 14 ratings)
Pathfinder Bestiary
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Unleash the Beasts

Over 400 of fantasy's fiercest foes burst from the pages of this enormous 360-page compendium of the most popular and commonly encountered creatures in the world of Pathfinder! From familiar enemies like orcs, dragons, and vampires to new horrors like the nightmarish nilith and the three-headed mukradi, to suitable servants for summoners of every alignment, this must-have companion to the Pathfinder Core Rulebook is crawling with creatures to challenge characters of any level.

The Pathfinder Bestiary includes:

  • More than 400 monsters!
  • Gorgeous full-color illustrations on nearly every page!
  • Detailed monster lists sorted by level, type, and rarity to help you find the right monster for any situation!
  • Universal monster rules to simplify special attacks, defenses, and qualities like grab, swallow whole, and regeneration.
  • Guidelines for providing appropriate monstrous treasures for any occasion.
  • Detailed lore sidebars offering additional information about Pathfinder's most popular monstrous friends and foes!

ISBN: 978-1-64078-170-2

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4.70/5 (based on 14 ratings)

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It's okay, but I do miss the Ecology and Environment Section of the 1st edition. It made it easier to figure how to set up the battle scenes. I also like in the 1st edition, they suggested encounter to place into you game depending on the setting.

The best


Very likely the best monster book ever made in the d&d/pf history, period. Oh, I love the second edition rules so much, they made such exquisite monster writing possible, especially at lower levels.

Amazing new edition


I love Pathfinder 2E. Great game with tons of improvements. The book is good quality, very nice layout and design. A+ stuff.

A great book


This is a great book. They did a good job of making creatures much more distinct and memorable than in the 1st edition Bestiary. Pretty much every creature has at least one interestingly distinct ability which makes it play differently in combat. So it’s no longer the case that kobolds, goblins, orcs, hobgoblins, etc, are virtually indistinguishable opponents. Likewise, different dragons are given more distinguishing abilities other than breath weapon type and resistances.

All in all, the changes in the PF2 Bestiary are among the best, if not the best, improvements they’ve made to the game.

Stunningly great


It's your tried and true bestiary, with an absolute ton of creatures. What's different? Every little detail!
The monster stats are now more legible, easier to use, shorter and yet incredibly more interesting than before! Almost all of the monsters I've seen have been improved to have fun and intersting new actions and abilities! They are all well described and include interesting sidebar textboxes with lore about them.
I love it!

P.S.: it goes without saying this is an absolute must-have, especially if you homebrew.

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1 person marked this as a favorite.
Biztak wrote:
New Kobolds are so cute

We have always been cute!

2 people marked this as a favorite.

All the monsters I wish make it back into Pathfinder 2nd Edition Official Bestiaries are:

CR: Drow / Duergar / Orc / Oread / Sylph / Undine / Vishkanya / Changeling / Kitsune / Astomoi / Skinwalker / Strix /

CR 0: Goblin / Kobold / Dire Rat / Skeleton / Stirge / Vegepygmy / Zombie / Giant Cockroach / Crawling Hand / Compsognathus / Grindylow / Sagari / Alpluachra / Grimple / Isitoq / Tooth Fairy / Animate Hair / Hobkins / Nuno / Pyrausta / Ramidreju / Wizard’s Shackle / Biloko / Chon-Chon / Black Spot / Gishvit /

CR 1: Lemure / Gnoll / Goblin Dog / Lizardman / Akata / Giant Amoeba / Jinkin / Hippocampus / Reefclaw / Giant Tick / Atomie / Carbuncle / Festrog / Flumph / Fuath / Death Heads Jellyfish / Nixie / Zoog / Almiraj / Boilborn / Chaneque / Dark Dancer / Dimorphodon / Dossenus / Jack-o-Lantern / Leaf Ray / Ningyo / Pickled Punk / Akaname / Brain Mole / Echeneis / Ostovite / Coral Capuchin / Eurypterid / Gluttongrass / Mockingfey / Wolpertinger / Bogwiggle / Frost Fir / Katroome /

CR 2: Giant Ant / Lantern Archon / Boggard / Bugbear / Cave Fisher / Choker / Imp / Giant Leech / Wererat / Werewolf / Morlock / Sahuagin / Shocker Lizard / Vargouille / Yellow Musk Creeper / Silvanshee / Cassisian Angel / Blindheim / Blink Dog / Cacodaemon / Draugr / Leprechaun / Wereboar / Poltergeist / Sinspawn / Slurk / Soulbound Doll / Triton / Axe Beak / Faerie Dragon / Garden Ooze / Huecuva / Kappa / Augur / Raktavarna / Sasquatch / Tatzlwyrm / Incutilis / Phantom Armor / Pooka / Nosoi / Shredskin / Soulsliver / Weedwhip / Apallie / Chuspiki / Ovinnik / Thought Eater / Water Leaper / Xiao / Giant Belostomatid / Slithering Pit / Swamp Barracuda / Bog Strider / Kijimuna / Ghelarn / Nehushtan / Drexin / Warpglass Ooze / Cat Sith / Panotti / Fading Fox /

CR 3: Ankheg / Centaur / Cockatrice / Derro / Deinonychus / Doppelganger / Dryad / Ettercap / Gelatinous Cube / Hyaenodon / Giant Mantis / Rust Monster / Unicorn / Dire Wolf / Yeth Hound / Bunyip / Chupacabra / Crysmal / Zebub / Fungal Crawler / Howler / Merrow / Pech / Quickling / Sandman / Spriggan / Vampiric Mist / Adaro / Adherer / Allip / Ceratioidi / Dimetrodon / Disenchanter / Giant Chameleon / Magmin / Phantom Fungus / Giant Skunk / Moss Troll / Trollhound / Formian Warrior / Wax Golem / Hungry Flesh / Wereshark / Mindslaver Mold / Pard / Spring-Heeled Jack / Dire Weasel / Abrikandilu / Digmaul / Guardian Scroll / Domovoi / Kawa Akago / Deep Merfolk / Shasalqu / Drekavac / Impaler Shrike / Kuribu / Merlucent / Onyvolan / Chickcharney /

CR 4: Hound Archon / Barghest / Daeodon / Gargoyle / Griffon / Harpy / Hydra / Mimic / Minotaur / Otyugh / Owlbear / Pixie / Satyr / Sea Hag / Dire Wolverine / Yeti / Amphisbaena / Attic Whisperer / Slicer Beetle / Decapus / Devilfish / Giant Dragonfly / Dust Digger / Gloomwing / Kelpie / Korred / Werebear / Mandragora / Megaloceros / Peryton / Phycomid / Scarecrow / Serpentfolk / Slithering Tracker / Albino Solifugid / Vulnudaemon / Pachycephalosaurus / Aghash / Flail Snail / Kamadan / Myceloid / Shae / Tanuki / Thriae Soldier / Voonith / Comozant Wyrd / Fossegrim / Freezing Flow / Junk Golem / Huldra / Living Topiary / Nightgaunt / Sea Cat / Udaeus / Ahkhat / Gancanagh / Blood Caterpillar / Gravebound / Gray / Heikegani / Karkadann / Flytrap Leshy / Spear Urchin / Sha / Kasa-Obake / Lovelorn / Tenome / Ukobach / Calathgar / Chemosit / Hala / Bishop Agathion / Skeltercat / Magadaz / Scrivenite / Bagman / Thin Man / Ekekeh /

CR 5: Basilisk / Cloaker / Cyclops / Barbazu / Air Elemental / Earth Elemental / Fire Elemental / Water Elemental / Djinn / Gibbering Mouther / Manticore / Mummy / Nightmare / Phase Spider / Troll / Winter Wolf / Wraith / Achaierai / Giant Crawling Hand / Ice Elemental / Lightning Elemental / Leucrotta / Lurker in Light / Megatherium / Siren / Giant Ant Lion / Ascomoid / Cecaelia / Ghul / Globster / Grodair / Giant Owl / Sabosan / Shadow Mastiff / Hieracosphinx / Ogre Spider / Spider Eater / Vodyanoi / Buggane / Styracosaurus / Mist Drake / Fachen / Gearghost / Graeae / Hypnalis / Lampad / Rat King / Saguaroi / Killer Seahorse / Selkie / Great Assassin Bug / Blightspawn / Cuero / Ceratosaurus / Ichthyocentaur / Kikimora / Lotus Leshy / Kaprosuchus / Rope Dragon / Tizheruk / Giant Hellgrammite / Venedaemon / Danthienne / Kentrosaurus / Gowrow / Raiju / Bogwid / Polevik / Dawn Piper / Shell Sentinel / Goldpebble / Fear Eater / Deadfall Dweller /

CR 6: Babau / Ankylosaurus / Ettin / Wood Golem / Kyton / Lamia / Salamander / Shambling Mound / Will o Wisp / Wyvern / Xill / Vulpinal / Belker / Death Worm / Sea Drake / Giant Gar / Wood Giant / Glyptodon / Mothman / Redcap / Tendriculos / Rock Troll / Witchwyrd / Ahuizotl / Annis Hag / Berbalang / Cerberus / Deathweb / Incubus / Cave Giant / Hodag / Hungry Fog / Terra-Cotta Soldier / Jiang-Shi / Apocalypse Locust / Blood Golem / Karkinoi / Mudlord / Swan Maiden / Bagiennik / Cytillipede / Delgeth / Jungle Drake / Grimslake / Roiling Oil / Wihsaak / Giant Scarab / Tiyanak / Dunkleosteus / Nekomata / Skrik Nettle / Megapiranha Swarm / Helicoprion / Cordulegaster / Ambergrim / Tidewretch Dryad / Kigyo / Giant Devils Tooth / Bushyasta / Vetala / Remacera / Trompe L’Oeil / Spiroskek / Scrapshell /

CR 7: Aboleth / Lillend / Cave Bear / Bulette / Chimera / Chuul / Shadow Demon / Succubus / Drider / Shaitan / Flesh Golem / Invisible Stalker / Medusa / Remorhaz / Chaos Beast / Frost Drake / Dullahan / Hangman Tree / Soul Eater / Totenmaske / Legion Archon / Adhukait / Caulborn / Shark-Eating Crab / Pairaka / Kirin / Manananggal / Megalania / Water Naga / Rot Grub Swarm / Pukwudgie / Tupilaq / Gaki / Oceanid / Qallupilluk / Winter Hag / Xenopterid / Yaoguai / Aatheriexa / Cerynitis / Levaloch / Duppy / Mngwa / Storm Hag / Veela / Crypt Flower / Suspiridaemon / Quetzalcoatlus / Hookfang Sea Worm / Dweomercat / Vilkacis / Nogitsune / Serpopard / Adaptive Ooze / Black Shuck /

CR 8: Behir / Erinyes / Efreet / Stone Giant / Gorgon / Intellect Devourer / Mohrg / Dark Naga / Ogre Mage / Gynosphinx / Smilodon / Treant / Bodak / Hydrodaemon / Destrachan / Tylosaurus / Marsh Giant / Glass Golem / Gray Render / Mihstu / Moonflower / Brain Collector / Quickwood / Giant Tarantula / Baku / Deathtrap Ooze / Girtablilu / Bone Golem / Guecubu / Hellwasp Swarm / Iku-Turso / Lammasu / Baluchitherium / Stymphalides / Wolf-In-Sheep’s-Clothing / Yuki-Onna / Blood Hag / Sarglagon / Trapper / Maenad / Shard Slag / Svartalfar / Megaprimatus / Encantado / Polong / Su / Urannag / Giant Starfish / Canopy Creeper / Azgenzak / Gammenore / Pyropiscis / Waldgeist / Thrushmoor Angler / Druj Nasu / Whirlmaw /

CR 9: Sarcosuchus / Vrock / Osyluth / Tyrannosaurus Rex / Dragon Turtle / Mastodon / Marid / Frost Giant / Night Hag / Megalodon / Vampire / Avoral / Aurumvorax / Leukodaemon / Alchemical Golem / Giant Snapping Turtle / Witchfire / Yrthak / Baykok / Rift Drake / Garuda / Desert Giant / Nuckelavee / Sargassum Fiend / Galvo / Cliff Giant / Coral Golem / Ijiraq / Leanan Sidhe / Nependis / Tikbalang / Ahool / Bisha Ga Tsuku / Caller in Darkness / Moon Dog / Pakalchi / Giant Mantis Shrimp / Stranglereed / Sangudaemon / Fungus Queen / Elasmotherium / Mokele-Mbembe / Skull Ripper / Camulatz / Mederach / Paguroida / Animated Hoard /

CR 10: Bebilith / Couatl / Fire Giant / Guardian Naga / Rakshasa / Shield Archon / Kalavakus / Behemoth Hippopotamus / Water Orm / Adlet / Bogeyman / Phistophilus / Ghawwas / Jungle Giant / Mobogo / Nue / Siyokoy / Abaia / Einherjar / Kapre / Myrmecoleon / Peluda / Rukh / Therizinosaurus / Ether Drake / Egregore / Fext / Peuchen / Ursikka / Alp / Bloody Bones / Daitengu / Fen Mauler / Muhuru / Vrykolakas / Wild Hunt Hound / Gargiya / Kere / Poludnica / Magnetite Golem / Blood Lily / Pyrogeist / Korir-Kokembe /

CR 11: Hezrou / Hamatula / Devourer / Cloud Giant / Meladaemon / Thunderbird / Aghasura / Carnivorous Crystal / Spinosaurus / Graveknight / Sapphire Jellyfish / Lukwata / Moon-Beast / Royal Naga / Sleipnir / Taotieh / Harionago / Jinmenju / Juggernaut / Seps / Cameroceras / Fastachee / Nulmind / Erodaemon / Llorona / Mapinguari / Gigas Clam / Living Sandstorm / Marax / Fuldrex /

CR 12: Purple Worm / Roper / Leonal / Catoblepas / Derghodaemon / Omox / Taiga Giant / Shining Child / Baregara / Coloxus / Shira / Jorogumo / Rusalka / Valkyrie / Aoandon / Lorelei / Sayona / Vouivre / Amarok / Scitalis / Banelight / Bonethorn / Ghole / Gravesludge / Yurei / Black Jinni / Umdhlebi / Kokogiak / Ez-Azael / Nachzehrer /

CR 13: Glabrezu / Gelugon / Froghemoth / Banshee / Charybdis / Thanadaemon / Viper Vine / Akhlut / Alraune / Azruverda / Gore Weaver / Argus / Gashadokuro / Seaweed Siren / Wickerman / Cetus / Cherufe / Corpse Lotus / Papinijuwari / Kamaitachi / Kikituk / Titanoboa / Psoglav / Inkanyamba / Ixion Worm / Radiant Essence / Empusa /

CR 14: Nalfeshnee / Gylou / Leng Spider / Nightwing / Worm That Walks / Demilich / Sepid / Ankou / Bodythief / Ocean Giant / Rokurokubi / Xanthos / Death Coach / Wakandagi / Atuikakura / Temerdaemon / Plague Giant / Rawhead / Lapsudaemon / Grisantian Lion / Bolla / Chronogeist / Kakuen-Taka /

CR 15: Neothelid / Phoenix / Cetaceal / Crystal Dragon / Black Scorpion / Xacarba / Crucidaemon / Dybbuk / Cannon Golem / Gorynych / Jubjub Bird / Kongamato / Popobala / Sea Bonze / Barometz / Hamadryad / Hyakume / Ypotryll / Seraptis / Nightmare Dragon / Isonade / Riftcreeper / Gold Golem / Targotha / Addu / Faceless Whale / Basavan /

CR 16: Astradaemon / Bdellavritra / Brine Dragon / Nightwalker / Scylla / Slimy Demodand / Ecorche / Grootslang / Fjord Linnorm / Warsworn / Zomok / Gegenees / Muse / Ningen / Vilderavn / Saurian / Elder Sphinx / Mustelidal / Kudimmu / Corbayrant /

CR 17: Marilith / Magma Dragon / Rune Giant / Keketar / Thrasfyr / Wendigo / Winterwight / Bandersnatch / Bakekujira / Immortal Ichor / Tunche / Cervinal / Deimavigga / Plankta / Wyrmwraith / Swamp Blight / Phasmadaemon /

CR 18: Bronze Dragon / Kraken / Purrodaemon / Cloud Dragon / Nightcrawler / Sky Dragon / Norn / Advodaza / Erlking / Taniniver / Anemos / Anunnaki / Bone Ship / Saxra / Mosslord / Hadhayosh / Ammut /

CR 19: Silver Dragon / Shoggoth / Puragaus / Umbral Dragon / Adamantine Golem / Sard / Forest Dragon / Humbaba / Deep Sea Serpent / Tzitzimitl / Stone Colossus / Grendel / Dream Dragon / Obcisidaemon / Wild Hunt Monarch / Sturzstromer /

CR 20: Balor / Gold Dragon / Draconal / Olethrodaemon / Nightwave / Eremite / Time Dragon / Empyrean Angel / Euryale /

CR 20+: Solar / Tarrasque / Jabberwock / Hekatonkheires / Drakaina / Elohim / Julunggali / Mogaru / Fomorian / Glaistig / Grim Reaper / Hundun / Shen / Cipactli / Green Man / Ouroboros / Apocalypse Dragon /

The only two I'm doubting of adding here are the Colour Out of Space and the Hound of Tindalos. Everything not mentioned here, well I'm not a big fan of those, I understand that others are and I of course won't mind their inclusion (though I hope robots end up with the Starfinder material)

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I wish that there were Gygax kobolds as a variant so we would have minis for We Be Kobolds.

Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook Subscriber

Am I reading it correctly that hardcovers are gottenalmost a month before the pdf's? (the dates in the book entry of ths product page)

Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

The hardcovers can be preordered well before the street date (which is the date that the PDFs become available), but that doesn't necessarily mean that you will get the hardcovers before the PDFs, as the hardcovers have to be shipped while the PDFs become available the moment you buy them.

Does anyone know if the celestials (aka agathions, angels, archons, and azatas) as well as the five metallic dragons will be in this Bestiary?

Silver Crusade

The Dragons will be, i’m unsure on the Celestials.

Angels were confirmed at PaizoCon. There's actually the confirmation of two angels,the confessor Balisse and the mensseger Astral Deva.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

We do know of at least TWO angels that are in the Bestiary (as per the Paizocon Banquet reveals): the Balisse & Astral Deva angels.

As for the other celestials -- what Rysky says^.

Sorry couldn't be of more help.


<edit> ninja'ed! ^^

KageNoRyu wrote:
Am I reading it correctly that hardcovers are gottenalmost a month before the pdf's? (the dates in the book entry of ths product page)

No that’s a glitch.

Paizo do their best to ship everyone their books so that we all get them on streetdate (1st August). It’s not perfect given orders going all over the world and the massive number of orders. Some books arrive up to a week or so early and some up to a week or so late. It’s pretty close though.

When should we expect to see previews of the Bestiary? Monsters? Page spreads? Art? Anything should do it, as we are close to a month away from the release.

Silver Crusade

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Oh oh oh can we do the silhouette voting thingy we did for one of the previous Bestiaries?

1 person marked this as a favorite.

^ That'd be...interesting, especially since we don't know which & how many of the monsters have been revamped for P2...

Sounds like fun!

For me, I'd be perfectly happy with a list of the monsters (including type &/or monster group, e.g. angel, devil, etc.; alignment & level would also be helpful?).

Carry on,


I really hope to see the Furcifur in there somewhere, BEST creature created by Paizo in a long time, it would be outrages if we have to wait until Bestiary 3/4 to get one of those. Also give the Skrik Nettle finally some love, very awesome creature that never got from the AP.

Also with a lot of the old bestiary writers gone (Wesley, Adam ect ect) are there still people working on the Mythology creatures(I'm not talking about the usual Minotaurs and Hydras) in there? Like the more unusual ones (Papinijuwari, Lampad, Abaia and Buggane for example)

I'm a bit worried this will be a Lovecraft/Science Fiction/Aboleth/D&D love fest otherwise.

also, please change the model of the Chimera, it is so silly in the D&D version, much awesome things can be done with the Chimerae, it would be a shame to see the D&D copy clone again, this is pathfinder after all, and Chimerae are from mythology, not from D&D.

Paizo Employee Managing Developer

9 people marked this as a favorite.
Awahoon wrote:
...Also with a lot of the old bestiary writers gone (Wesley, Adam ect ect) are there still people working on the Mythology creatures(I'm not talking about the usual Minotaurs and Hydras) in there? Like the more unusual ones (Papinijuwari, Lampad, Abaia and Buggane for example)...

I haven't gone anywhere. :)

Adam Daigle wrote:
Awahoon wrote:
...Also with a lot of the old bestiary writers gone (Wesley, Adam ect ect) are there still people working on the Mythology creatures(I'm not talking about the usual Minotaurs and Hydras) in there? Like the more unusual ones (Papinijuwari, Lampad, Abaia and Buggane for example)...
I haven't gone anywhere. :)

Ahhh my bad, I thought I've read about your departure on this blog! Must confuse you with another! Sorry lol.

in the bestiary, do you have a rakshasa monster ?

Silver Crusade

1 person marked this as a favorite.
demiurge108 wrote:
in the bestiary, do you have a rakshasa monster ?

Most likely I'd say, but there's no 100% certainty.

Paizo Employee Managing Developer

3 people marked this as a favorite.
demiurge108 wrote:
in the bestiary, do you have a rakshasa monster ?


Silver Crusade

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Adam Daigle wrote:
demiurge108 wrote:
in the bestiary, do you have a rakshasa monster ?


Are there any Div's and Daemons in this bestiary?

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Adam Daigle wrote:
demiurge108 wrote:
in the bestiary, do you have a rakshasa monster ?

What about...




*looks up hopefully with big, wide eyes*


1 person marked this as a favorite.
Awahoon wrote:
Are there any Div's and Daemons in this bestiary?

No and yes. :P

Jeffrey Swank wrote:
Awahoon wrote:
Are there any Div's and Daemons in this bestiary?
No and yes. :P

I think the Divs are out and there are some daemons?

I hope it is the Sangudaemon, Phasmadeamon, Leukodaemon, Thanadeamon, Purrodaemon, Meladaemon and Crucidaemon.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I know it’s a long shot. Please allow me to hope beyond hope. My favorite monster and race is Lizardfolk. I really hope they make it into this bestiary for me xD

Paizo Employee Managing Developer

8 people marked this as a favorite.
Yizzik Uhari wrote:
I know it’s a long shot. Please allow me to hope beyond hope. My favorite monster and race is Lizardfolk. I really hope they make it into this bestiary for me xD

It's better than you imagined. Lizardfolk (iruxi) are not only in the Bestiary, but they've also been announced as an ancestry available for player characters in the Lost Omens Character Guide.

I'm sure entire Bestiary 1 (previous edition) is in here... Maybe Giant Flytrap is out, I'm not sure, but the others are pretty much shoo-in.

I'm so curious at the Chimera, really hope they used a new Pathfinder version, and not just copied the D&D version again...

Silver Crusade

Awahoon wrote:
I'm so curious at the Chimera, really hope they used a new Pathfinder version, and not just copied the D&D version again...


Lantern Lodge Customer Service & Community Manager

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Copies from have been shipping out to folks with our July New Release shipping. We've expanded the window a bit for this release to try to get preordered and subscriber copies shipped in time for the launch. I know people are very excited to see these books and I’d like to quick remind folks to be respectful when posting about getting your copy earlier than others, and when asking people if they can share info from copies folks have already received.

Posting snippets and discussing them is fine. Typing up really long chunks of text or taking pictures of every page is excessive. We want people to have fun and be excited, but we also want to be respectful of folks who own or support FLGSs, or plan to pick up their copies at Gen Con and do not have the potential for getting a copy early.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

^ Hey Sara Marie,

Would posting a list of the monsters in the Bestiary be ok?
(Perhaps including monster group, e.g. Astral Deva [angel], for clarity?)

For the record, I don't have the book as of yet.

Just wondering...

Carry on,


I love the Shakespearean Ogre.

Anybody know if Positive/Negative Energy Elementals made it into B1?

Nope, didn't make it.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
captain yesterday wrote:
I love the Shakespearean Ogre.

Wait, what? :D

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Adam Daigle wrote:
Yizzik Uhari wrote:
I know it’s a long shot. Please allow me to hope beyond hope. My favorite monster and race is Lizardfolk. I really hope they make it into this bestiary for me xD
It's better than you imagined. Lizardfolk (iruxi) are not only in the Bestiary, but they've also been announced as an ancestry available for player characters in the Lost Omens Character Guide.

I truly only know happiness now

1 person marked this as a favorite.
CorvusMask wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:
I love the Shakespearean Ogre.
Wait, what? :D

You'll see.

Giants and Dragons, how many of the true members of this races did it into B1?

And also, is there any titan in it?

I'm at work currently and don't have my books with me, on account of working outside and it being incredibly muddy.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

The dragons are easy, all chromatic and metallic dragons made it.

Wyverns are now labeled as drakes.

I believe all the cliche giants are there, with Rune giants.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Catfolk resemble the Advanced Race Guide style, which I found slightly disappointing but not a big deal.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber


That.... Actually makes sense now that I think about it

Anyhoo, which fiend types made it in and do each of them have multiple members mentioned?

Are rune giants listed speaking only Thassilon now that setting generic bestiaries aren't a thing? :D

Do the catfolk have a new name?

1 person marked this as a favorite.
HTD wrote:
Do the catfolk have a new name?

Yes! Though it's in the description.

Amarruns. Though they're cool with being called Catfolk.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
CorvusMask wrote:


That.... Actually makes sense now that I think about it

Anyhoo, which fiend types made it in and do each of them have multiple members mentioned?

Are rune giants listed speaking only Thassilon now that setting generic bestiaries aren't a thing? :D

Rune Giants speak common, jotun, and terran.

Demons, Daemons, Devils, and Treerazer (I LOVE the new artwork for Treerazer by the way), and yes there's plenty of them, all three types.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Demons that made the cut: quasit, succubus, vrock, glabrezu, shemhazian, marilith, and balor.

Daemons: cacodaemon, ceustodaemon, leukodaemon, and astradaemon.

Devils: lemure, imp, barbazu, erinys, contract devils, ice devils, and pit fiends.

captain yesterday wrote:

Demons that made the cut: quasit, succubus, vrock, glabrezu, shemhazian, marilith, and balor.

Daemons: cacodaemon, ceustodaemon, leukodaemon, and astradaemon.

Devils: lemure, imp, barbazu, erinys, contract devils, ice devils, and pit fiends.

Yay for contract Devils!

I probably know the answer but there's still hope: is Xenopterid in the Bestiary?

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

So no qlippoths and rakshasas and such in initial bestiary?

captain yesterday wrote:
HTD wrote:
Do the catfolk have a new name?

Yes! Though it's in the description.

Amarruns. Though they're cool with being called Catfolk.

As in "ama gonna run away from people who are a little too excited about Catfolk."

1 person marked this as a favorite.
CorvusMask wrote:
So no qlippoths and rakshasas and such in initial bestiary?

There are rakshasas.

My brain didn't consider they were fiends, there's quite a lot of monsters in the book, more than I thought there would be.

Dark Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Xenocrat wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:
HTD wrote:
Do the catfolk have a new name?

Yes! Though it's in the description.

Amarruns. Though they're cool with being called Catfolk.

As in "ama gonna run away from people who are a little too excited about Catfolk."

I always thought amurrun is supposed to be onomatopoeia(correct word?) for purring sound

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