Pathfinder Core Rulebook

4.60/5 (based on 31 ratings)
Pathfinder Core Rulebook
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Advance Your Game

This comprehensive 640-page guide to the Pathfinder roleplaying game provides everything you need to set out into a world of limitless fantasy adventure! Choose from ancestries like elf, human, and goblin and classes like alchemist, fighter, and sorcerer to create a hero of your own design, destined to become a legend! The new Pathfinder rules are easier to learn and faster to play, and they offer deeper customization than ever before!

This indispensable volume contains the core rules for players and Game Masters, and is your first step on a heroic new journey!

The Pathfinder Core Rulebook includes:

  • More than 600 pages of game rules, advice, character options, treasure, and more for players and Game Masters!
  • Six heroic player character ancestries, including elf, dwarf, gnome, goblin, halfling, and human, with variant heritages for half-elf and half-orc!
  • More than 30 backgrounds like bartender, soldier, or apprentice to further immerse yourself in your hero's backstory!
  • Twelve character classes, including the alchemist, barbarian, bard, champion, cleric, druid, fighter, monk, ranger, rogue, sorcerer, and wizard!
  • Hundreds and hundreds of spells, class feats, and other exciting abilities to help you customize your character to become the hero YOU envision her to be!
  • Streamlined and revised rules to help ease new players into the game while providing the depth of character options and tactical interest that have defined Pathfinder from the beginning!

Written by: Logan Bonner, Jason Bulmahn, Stephen Radney-MacFarland, and Mark Seifter

ISBN: 978-1-64078-168-9

Available Formats

The Pathfinder Core Rulebook is also available as:

Other Resources: This product is also available on the following platforms:

Hero Lab Online
Fantasy Grounds Virtual Tabletop
Pathfinder Nexus on Demiplane
Roll20 Virtual Tabletop
SoundSet on Syrinscape
Archives of Nethys

Last Updated - 11/9/2020

Note: This product is part of the Pathfinder Rulebook Subscription.

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Ships from our warehouse in 3 to 5 business days.

This product is non-mint. Refunds are not available for non-mint products. The standard version of this product can be found here.

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4.60/5 (based on 31 ratings)

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This is still Pathfinder


Pathfinder 2 is a fun and faithful evolution to Pathfinder 1. It still has the same feel and familiarity. While I like both systems, I’ve played Pathfinder 2 for the past 5 years and it’s my preferred system.

The best parts of Pathfinder 2 are three action rounds, the condensed skill list, and how easy it is to make and modify characters, while still allowing for many different character builds and options. It’s also easier to make an effective character, and more difficult to make a character that's better than everyone else's. Multi-classing is brilliant and balanced.

Monsters in PF2 are improved and have unique abilities. It helps to make fights different from each other and interesting. The math around PF2 also makes it very easy to build encounters of various difficulties, which is great for homebrew GMs.

Most players will appreciate how easy it is to make a character that has meaningful choices at every level. PF2 should be popular with D&D 5E players that want less generic characters. However, some players in Pathfinder 1 liked to spend hours on their character, looking through splatbooks, looking for ways to make the ultimate character. For these players, they might not like the simplicity of PF2.

PF2 also cleaned up a lot of rules, which makes it easier to play. High level play also scales really well, with fast play, and isn't a burden on the GM, which is a real accomplishment.

It's not all good however. I didn’t like that PF2 nerfed the classes that were too strong in PF1 (alchemist, monk archetypes, spellcasters, gunslingers) and made weak classes in PF1 too strong (rogues, barbarians, fighters). Spellcasters are further nerfed in the sense that they no longer have a niche. Most magical problems in PF2 can be solved with skills that any character can easily attain. The only nerf that was good was that ranged martials are no longer overpowered.

The real failing in PF2 is that there’s too much variation in the damage output between martials and spellcasters. Spellcasters, even with cantrips, do 50% or less damage compared to martials, and it gets worse at higher levels. Spellcasters claim to fame is basically fireball. I could write an essay, but the main problem is the game nerfed the utility of most spellcasters, spellcasters don’t have the same attack modifiers as martials (less hits/crits), and spells do less damage yet take 2 actions. Except for cantrips, spells no longer improve as you level up, so the only spells that are viable are your highest spell level, which is only 3 spells, which is NOT good enough for a typical adventure day.

At one time, spellcasters were "glass cannons" (less AC, HP, saves, perception) but now they do less damage, so they are just glass. At high level tables, if I see we have more than 2 spellcasters, I know we’re in trouble. Those casters are almost always clerics, because clerics get free heals at their highest level, effectively doubling their spell pool.

The Core rulebook, while big and unwieldy, is one of the best purchases in the RPG market. The book itself is presented and explained very well, and is a joy to read.

Pathfinder 2 is my favorite game and I love it, but I really think spellcasters need some love in the future.

Solid foundations


Replaced by the Player Core and GM Core series. My favorite TTRPG had a great beginning with this book.


In my opinion - one of, if not, the best system.

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1 person marked this as a favorite.
Gisher wrote:
TriOmegaZero wrote:

I just downloaded it, I don't see the blurry or boldness in Acrobat.

I do see it in Preview on the preview panes, but then it goes away.

For me it gets worse the smaller the image.

The difference isn't that significant when reading on my computer screen, but this is what it's like on my iPhone.

It isn't as if the first chapter is illegible, but it's odd that it uses a different, heavier font than the rest of the book.

And thumbnails look really weird.

And here is a view from my laptop. On the left you can see the thumbnails, in the center you can see the heavy text, and on the right you can see the text used throughout the rest of the book.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder LO Special Edition, Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, PF Special Edition Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber

Yech. That's ugly. :-(

Has the PDF been updated with 3rd printing? What changes from the online FAQ are in the new version (so I can check)?

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, PF Special Edition, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

There is a column in your downloads that lists the date the PDF was last updated. That will tell you whether it's updated for the 3rd printing. But I believe the answer is yes.

Grand Archive

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Gisher wrote:
Gisher wrote:
TriOmegaZero wrote:

I just downloaded it, I don't see the blurry or boldness in Acrobat.

I do see it in Preview on the preview panes, but then it goes away.

For me it gets worse the smaller the image.

The difference isn't that significant when reading on my computer screen, but this is what it's like on my iPhone.

It isn't as if the first chapter is illegible, but it's odd that it uses a different, heavier font than the rest of the book.

And thumbnails look really weird.

And here is a view from my laptop. On the left you can see the thumbnails, in the center you can see the heavy text, and on the right you can see the text used throughout the rest of the book.

Note: The people that would fix this don't get notified when people post here.

So, is there anyone that have sent an email with these problems, preferably with screenshots like this, explaining exactly when this happens like Gisher did in their posts?
Without a clear explanation, it would be very possible that the person assigned to fix it only open the PDF on their computer, in full screen, not see the problem, and close the ticket without doing anything.
Just some hints from a software programmer (for another company) that have seen lots of bug tickets going unresolved because the ones that created them never told us how to reproduce, and we didn't find how by ourselves.

Looking for a link to the CRB FAQ page.

This link Leads to the Errata lists.

A section of the 3rd Printing errata points me to the CRB FAQ page for examples, the only one I am able to find is the first edition FAQ Page.

Any help would be appreciated.

Grand Archive

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Z...D... wrote:

Looking for a link to the CRB FAQ page.

This link Leads to the Errata lists.

A section of the 3rd Printing errata points me to the CRB FAQ page for examples, the only one I am able to find is the first edition FAQ Page.

Any help would be appreciated.

From what I heard:

The new FAQ system was supposed to be launched a long while ago, but they encountered a bug that prevent them from launching it. It's coming, but the tech team is small. :X

Elfteiroh wrote:
Z...D... wrote:

Looking for a link to the CRB FAQ page.

This link Leads to the Errata lists.

A section of the 3rd Printing errata points me to the CRB FAQ page for examples, the only one I am able to find is the first edition FAQ Page.

Any help would be appreciated.

From what I heard:

The new FAQ system was supposed to be launched a long while ago, but they encountered a bug that prevent them from launching it. It's coming, but the tech team is small. :X

That is fine. I was just making sure I wasn't looking over it on the site.

Thanks for the response.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

If we order a hardcover now, will it be a 4th printing? or is there still some 3rd printing that needs to clear out first?

getting a notification about an update to the digital copy, is there a patch list of all the changes between all the printing?

dhellfox wrote:
getting a notification about an update to the digital copy, is there a patch list of all the changes between all the printing?

Check the FAQ page. Go to the top tabs, and then go to Pathfinder > FAQ, and then select which errata/clarifications you wanna read by book and by printing.

I love the new changes.

But if ancestries are no longer monolithic, then dwarves should cease being an ancestry that is stuck in the mud as a species.

It also makes certain concepts worse... Monks, swashbucklers, pirates...

But also... It's the only slowpoke ancestry.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I've get notification about update of pdf but it still third printing when I try to download it

Kevil wrote:
I've get notification about update of pdf but it still third printing when I try to download it

It's the same for me.

Scarab Sages

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, PF Special Edition, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Mine, downloaded yesterday afternoon, shows the 4th printing. If it's still showing as ready to download (like after you click and it's done watermarking), click the "problems downloading this file" link. That seems to reset the process and watermark a fresh copy.

TomParker wrote:
Mine, downloaded yesterday afternoon, shows the 4th printing. If it's still showing as ready to download (like after you click and it's done watermarking), click the "problems downloading this file" link. That seems to reset the process and watermark a fresh copy.

Thanks! That worked today even though it didn't work when I tried it last night.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I see that Moonlit Chain still has an incorrect bulk of 2.

And chapter 1 still has that weird dark lettering.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Hello, I too would like confirmation that 4th Ed. is shipping at this time. I know the 4th Ed. pdf is up, but this is one errata I'd love to have in hardcopy. I didn't see any indication on this page which way.

3 people marked this as a favorite.

It's been at least a week since the PDF was updated. If I order a hardcover copy of the CRB from Paizo's website today, will I receive the 4th printing?

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Asked a number of times already: When I order the physical copy, which printing version will it be?

Director of Marketing

4 people marked this as a favorite.
NotASeagull wrote:
Hello, I too would like confirmation that 4th Ed. is shipping at this time. I know the 4th Ed. pdf is up, but this is one errata I'd love to have in hardcopy. I didn't see any indication on this page which way.

Confirmed. We are shipping the 4th printing from our warehouse.

Director of Marketing

1 person marked this as a favorite.
DuncanDonovan wrote:
Asked a number of times already: When I order the physical copy, which printing version will it be?

We are shipping the 4th printing from our warehouse. Thanks for playing Pathfinder!

Director of Marketing

1 person marked this as a favorite.
NielsenE wrote:
If we order a hardcover now, will it be a 4th printing? or is there still some 3rd printing that needs to clear out first?

We are shipping the 4th printing now that our annual inventory audit is complete. Thanks!

3 people marked this as a favorite.

So, uh. What printing are you currently shipping from the warehouse?

4 people marked this as a favorite.
captain yesterday wrote:
So, uh. What printing are you currently shipping from the warehouse?

I think it's somewhere between 3rd and 5th version.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Is there a way for subscribers to get the 25% OpenGaming discount? I’m not seeing anywhere on the checkout pages to enter a code, I’m guessing because my subscription discount is already applied.

Galymyr wrote:
Is there a way for subscribers to get the 25% OpenGaming discount? I’m not seeing anywhere on the checkout pages to enter a code, I’m guessing because my subscription discount is already applied.

In my experience, when you get to the last button (payment) scroll down to the bottom and look for the "code' box. I've successfully applied both gift codes and sales codes to purchases even with more than four subscriptions.

Regarding Shipping: does "Standard Postal Delivery" equate USPS, or are you using UPS or FedEx?

We can't have anything delivered to our door because of too many thefts in the apartment complex, so having the item shipped USPS ensures they put it in one of the available 'large locked boxes'. UPS and FedEx have some options for delivering to local 'stores', but I believe it requires some extra steps and possibly an account on their systems, as well as more money.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
gypsy_jasser wrote:
We can't have anything delivered to our door because of too many thefts in the apartment complex, so having the item shipped USPS ensures they put it in one of the available 'large locked boxes'. UPS and FedEx have some options for delivering to local 'stores', but I believe it requires some extra steps and possibly an account on their systems, as well as more money.

Send an email to with the subject line

"Shipping For Order #xxxxxxx

The customer service folks will help you get things organized.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Elfteiroh wrote:
Gisher wrote:
Gisher wrote:
TriOmegaZero wrote:

I just downloaded it, I don't see the blurry or boldness in Acrobat.

I do see it in Preview on the preview panes, but then it goes away.

For me it gets worse the smaller the image.

The difference isn't that significant when reading on my computer screen, but this is what it's like on my iPhone.

It isn't as if the first chapter is illegible, but it's odd that it uses a different, heavier font than the rest of the book.

And thumbnails look really weird.

And here is a view from my laptop. On the left you can see the thumbnails, in the center you can see the heavy text, and on the right you can see the text used throughout the rest of the book.

Note: The people that would fix this don't get notified when people post here.

So, is there anyone that have sent an email with these problems, preferably with screenshots like this, explaining exactly when this happens like Gisher did in their posts?
Without a clear explanation, it would be very possible that the person assigned to fix it only open the PDF on their computer, in full screen, not see the problem, and close the ticket without doing anything.
Just some hints from a software programmer (for another company) that have seen lots of bug tickets going unresolved because the ones that created them never told us how to reproduce, and we didn't find how by ourselves.

Who is it that we need to report this to? In addition to looking blurry as all heck, it immediately crashes the iOS Books app (works fine in OneDrive and Acrobat apps, but is too big to put into Kindle)

Director of Marketing

The Seldon Plan wrote:
Elfteiroh wrote:
Gisher wrote:
Gisher wrote:
TriOmegaZero wrote:

I just downloaded it, I don't see the blurry or boldness in Acrobat.

I do see it in Preview on the preview panes, but then it goes away.

For me it gets worse the smaller the image.

The difference isn't that significant when reading on my computer screen, but this is what it's like on my iPhone.

It isn't as if the first chapter is illegible, but it's odd that it uses a different, heavier font than the rest of the book.

And thumbnails look really weird.

And here is a view from my laptop. On the left you can see the thumbnails, in the center you can see the heavy text, and on the right you can see the text used throughout the rest of the book.

Note: The people that would fix this don't get notified when people post here.

So, is there anyone that have sent an email with these problems, preferably with screenshots like this, explaining exactly when this happens like Gisher did in their posts?
Without a clear explanation, it would be very possible that the person assigned to fix it only open the PDF on their computer, in full screen, not see the problem, and close the ticket without doing anything.
Just some hints from a software programmer (for another company) that have seen lots of bug tickets going unresolved because the ones that created them never told us how to reproduce, and we didn't find how by ourselves.
Who is it that we need to report this to? In addition to looking blurry as all heck, it immediately crashes the iOS Books app (works fine in OneDrive and Acrobat apps, but is too big to put into Kindle)

Email please.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Aaron Shanks wrote:
The Seldon Plan wrote:

Who is it that we need to report this to? In addition to looking blurry as all heck, it immediately crashes the iOS Books app (works fine in OneDrive and Acrobat apps, but is too big to put into Kindle)
Email please.

Thanks Aaron. I found my original CRB pdf purchase email and replied to it to customer service at that address with side by side pictures of the CRB open in Adobe Acrobat (where it looks fine) and Google Chrome (where it looks blurry/bad). I hope they fix this, its not a good look for all these new folks that can't get a hardcover, then buying the pdf and opening the CRB pdf and it looks kinda amateur-hour in most readers that show it blurry. And I don't think thats a fair impression, and I want the new players to be impressed with the product like they should be!

Lazarus Dark wrote:
Aaron Shanks wrote:
The Seldon Plan wrote:

Who is it that we need to report this to? In addition to looking blurry as all heck, it immediately crashes the iOS Books app (works fine in OneDrive and Acrobat apps, but is too big to put into Kindle)
Email please.
Thanks Aaron. I found my original CRB pdf purchase email and replied to it to customer service at that address with side by side pictures of the CRB open in Adobe Acrobat (where it looks fine) and Google Chrome (where it looks blurry/bad). I hope they fix this, its not a good look for all these new folks that can't get a hardcover, then buying the pdf and opening the CRB pdf and it looks kinda amateur-hour in most readers that show it blurry. And I don't think thats a fair impression, and I want the new players to be impressed with the product like they should be!

Honestly, I think this is a case of Adobe Acrobat rendering the PDF correctly but more slowly, and Chrome / iOS's native PDF renderer trying to speed things up and introducing errors in the process. Ive had similar issues be introduced in other PDFs for that precise reason. I don't think there's anything Paizo can do to fix it TBH; it falls on the developers of the software rendering the file incorrectly.

Lime2K wrote:
Lazarus Dark wrote:
Aaron Shanks wrote:
The Seldon Plan wrote:

Who is it that we need to report this to? In addition to looking blurry as all heck, it immediately crashes the iOS Books app (works fine in OneDrive and Acrobat apps, but is too big to put into Kindle)
Email please.
Thanks Aaron. I found my original CRB pdf purchase email and replied to it to customer service at that address with side by side pictures of the CRB open in Adobe Acrobat (where it looks fine) and Google Chrome (where it looks blurry/bad). I hope they fix this, its not a good look for all these new folks that can't get a hardcover, then buying the pdf and opening the CRB pdf and it looks kinda amateur-hour in most readers that show it blurry. And I don't think thats a fair impression, and I want the new players to be impressed with the product like they should be!
Honestly, I think this is a case of Adobe Acrobat rendering the PDF correctly but more slowly, and Chrome / iOS's native PDF renderer trying to speed things up and introducing errors in the process. Ive had similar issues be introduced in other PDFs for that precise reason. I don't think there's anything Paizo can do to fix it TBH; it falls on the developers of the software rendering the file incorrectly.

I am seeing the same thing in several apps on the iPad. Since it wasn't present in earlier printings according to other posters, and only occurs in the first chapter on my device and is not present in other chapters, I am inclined to think it is because of something that was done to the file and not only a rendering problem outside of Paizo's control. The challenge may be figuring out what was changed that is causing the rendering issue with text in the first chapter.

It looks like the text has a slight outline at smaller sizes. It is most noticeable in the coloured headings. It almost looks like there is a second copy of all the text in black that is offset. If you zoom in far enough the outline mostly disappears. It does make the text look a bit less sharp and distinct. It would be nice to see it fixed if they can figure out what is causing it.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

My GM gave me a copy of his 1st printing pdf to compare and it doesn't have the issue. The error seems to have been introduced with the 2nd printing pdf, and still remains now.

Dark Archive

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Question is the non-mint copy of the book the 4th printing?

Director of Marketing

Dark_Mistress wrote:
Question is the non-mint copy of the book the 4th printing?

I think it might be any printing. I'd say, not likely to be 4th.

Grand Lodge

3 people marked this as a favorite.

I found an error in the Archetypes section of the CRB:

Page: 224

Description: in the Divine Breadth feat, the last sentence says - "Increase the spell slots you gain from cleric archetype feats by 1 for each spell level other than your two highest druid spell slots."

I assume it should be: "Increase the spell slots you gain from cleric archetype feats by 1 for each spell level other than your two highest cleric spell slots."

Do we know when this rulebook will be available again in hardback? On Amazon, a grifter is making a copy available for $500, which is just crazy to see. I'm going to wait until this book is back in stock before purchasing a copy.

Ken Anderson wrote:
Do we know when this rulebook will be available again in hardback? On Amazon, a grifter is making a copy available for $500, which is just crazy to see. I'm going to wait until this book is back in stock before purchasing a copy.

Per their post in january, it is expected in stock this month.

Kelseus wrote:
Ken Anderson wrote:
Do we know when this rulebook will be available again in hardback? On Amazon, a grifter is making a copy available for $500, which is just crazy to see. I'm going to wait until this book is back in stock before purchasing a copy.
Per their post in january, it is expected in stock this month.

Oh, great. Thank you!

Director of Marketing

6 people marked this as a favorite.

We expect the Pathfinder Core Rulebook hardcover to arrive in our warehouse next week. (We sold out of about 8 months' supply in a few weeks last January.) After that, it will ship out to distributors and retailers. Thanks for playing Pathfinder!

Is there an expected date for the backorders to be filled?

Pathfinder LO Special Edition, Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, PF Special Edition Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber

Since the forums refuse to remove the "1 new" mark on this thread from swampfraggle's post, they clearly want to post the snarky reply that I'd been resisting.

So here it is: Yes.

Paizo Employee Sales & eCommerce Assistant

13 people marked this as a favorite.


('s this. The Core Rulebook is now back in stock.)

Errata section shows 2nd printing, Last Updated - 11/9/2020. Are 3rd and 4th printing errata included in the pdf?

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, PF Special Edition, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

The digital download shows last updated as January 2023 and downloads the 4th printing for me.

Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

If I bought a hardcover version today, what printing would it be? Would it include all the errata up to now?

1 person marked this as a favorite.

If you ordered it from Paizo, that would be the 4th printing, and yes, it would include all the errata up until now.

They completely sold out of the Core Rulebook in January, and the reprint was backordered until April. So everything in their warehouse is the 4th printing.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Is there a free PDF available of the standard character sheet that appears in this book?

I've looked for it here on and I can't find it.

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