Lime2K's page

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I wish some of the older digital 1E products were discounted, too -- a lot of the older products are still extremely useful for 2E, and I was hoping to fill in holes in my collection of pawns and poster maps!

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Zoken44 wrote:
Rue Dickey wrote:
Thank you for alerting us to this! We're correcting the code with Humble presently, and our tech and customer service teams are currently working to grant the correct PDF (Pathfinder Core GM Screen) to everyone who has redeemed their codes!
How will we know when that is fixed to get the updated? because mine is using OGL terms as well.

I just got an email saying that the Core GM Screen was added to my downloads, so keep an eye out for that.

Kudos to the Paizo team for stepping up quickly to resolve the issue!

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I picked this bundle up just now at the $30 level, and I did -not- receive the Pathfinder Core GM Screen in my downloads.

The $5 level code claimed "redeemed 8 items", but the email showing which items were added to my account only listed five (I already owned the Beginner Box and Character Pack) instead of the six I -should- have received.

I'm pretty sure that the item linked to the bundle is in fact the original PF2 GM screen (based on the image on HB) despite the description both here and on Humble being for the newer item.

Is there any way we can get access to the correct item?

I downloaded it just now from, and got the whole book. The issue appears to be fixed.

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Good news!
The digital downloads were updated today for this product, and now a PDF version is available!
Kudos to Paizo for following through on this!

Going through the spell list to redo my spell cards, I found that the spell "Grease" is listed as both a 1st and a 3rd-rank spell on both the Arcane and Primal spell lists. It needs to be removed from the 3rd-rank Arcane list on pg. 305 and the 3rd-rank Primal list on page 312.

John Mangrum wrote:

Took me a minute to parse, but there's an oddity in the PDF as currently released: It's missing the inner covers. At the moment, if you're a subscriber, you still get the starship map from the inside back cover via the interactive maps PDF, but the pages themselves are simply missing. This affects the layout of the PDF (in Acrobat, you need to tell it not to show the cover page in order to display the butterfly page layout correct) in addition to losing the information (presumably stats and info for that ship) itself.

ETA: This glitch only affects the Single File download; the inner covers are included in the File Per Chapter download.

Thank you for letting me know the chapter-file download had the inner covers; I was about to send a Strongly Worded Email to get it sorted out. Now I don't have to!

It’s a pretty good deal even for people who have bought the previous Starfinder Humble Bundles — of the 27 digital items in this new bundle, 16 are not in any of the previous ones.
(I reallyI wish the first part of the AP wasn’t in the lowest tier though, as the other five items in that tier -are- duplicates, and it’d be nice to gift them to another member of my gaming group instead of just wasting them…)

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My suggestion to module writers to add a note if they use either FO3 set informing the reader of the issue, and refer to the Campsites tiles with the set code CS on the map layout for disambiguation purposes :)

So, all the other Bestiary Battle cards come with PDFs, but this one doesn’t. Would it be possible that they be added? JPGs take up way more space on my tablet!

Lazarus Dark wrote:
Aaron Shanks wrote:
The Seldon Plan wrote:

Who is it that we need to report this to? In addition to looking blurry as all heck, it immediately crashes the iOS Books app (works fine in OneDrive and Acrobat apps, but is too big to put into Kindle)
Email please.
Thanks Aaron. I found my original CRB pdf purchase email and replied to it to customer service at that address with side by side pictures of the CRB open in Adobe Acrobat (where it looks fine) and Google Chrome (where it looks blurry/bad). I hope they fix this, its not a good look for all these new folks that can't get a hardcover, then buying the pdf and opening the CRB pdf and it looks kinda amateur-hour in most readers that show it blurry. And I don't think thats a fair impression, and I want the new players to be impressed with the product like they should be!

Honestly, I think this is a case of Adobe Acrobat rendering the PDF correctly but more slowly, and Chrome / iOS's native PDF renderer trying to speed things up and introducing errors in the process. Ive had similar issues be introduced in other PDFs for that precise reason. I don't think there's anything Paizo can do to fix it TBH; it falls on the developers of the software rendering the file incorrectly.

Any update yet on if the errata update has seen print yet? I would like to buy the book (it’s the only one I’m missing) but I don’t want to have to constantly reference the errata while using it…

One error I noted in the text is under the cleric’s Daze spell, it says “This deals mental damage equal to your Intelligence” - shouldn’t that be Wisdom, the cleric’s spell casting ability, instead?

Are these sheets going to be updated for the most recent round of core book errata? Especially the alchemist, since it changed the most between printings.

Quick question — would it be possible to get the blank character sheets from this posted?

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So I was going through the spells and powers section, feeding them into a sortable spreadsheet, and there are a few weird things I noticed.

First, the following powers are listed at common (all the others are uncommon, and I can't see any reason why these are different):
faerie dust
heal animal
pushing gust
touch of obedience

Second, the following two are listed as spells, but are actually powers (Nightmare Domain powers, specifically)
waking nightmare
echoing nightmare

Third, the spell glyph of warding is the only spell not on any of the four spell lists. (There are cantrips also, but those are for the bard)

I will post more if I find them, but hopefully these issues can be clarified.

Incidentally, in the Primal spell listing, summon nature's ally is missing the superscripted H indicating that the spell can be heightened. (This is simply a typo.)


I ordered a bunch of things from the Great Golem sale early Thursday morning last week, and considering that it's been 10 days, I'd like to ask if there is an issue with the order, or does it just take a ridiculously long time to ship orders? My order number is 2084976. Please let me know the status as soon as is possible :)

Thank you in advance for your assistance!