Fleet 1138 |
Lazarus Dark wrote:Honestly, I think this is a case of Adobe Acrobat rendering the PDF correctly but more slowly, and Chrome / iOS's native PDF renderer trying to speed things up and introducing errors in the process. Ive had similar issues be introduced in other PDFs for that precise reason. I don't think there's anything Paizo can do to fix it TBH; it falls on the developers of the software rendering the file incorrectly.Aaron Shanks wrote:Thanks Aaron. I found my original CRB pdf purchase email and replied to it to customer service at that address with side by side pictures of the CRB open in Adobe Acrobat (where it looks fine) and Google Chrome (where it looks blurry/bad). I hope they fix this, its not a good look for all these new folks that can't get a hardcover, then buying the pdf and opening the CRB pdf and it looks kinda amateur-hour in most readers that show it blurry. And I don't think thats a fair impression, and I want the new players to be impressed with the product like they should be!The Seldon Plan wrote:Email customer.service@paizo.com please.
Who is it that we need to report this to? In addition to looking blurry as all heck, it immediately crashes the iOS Books app (works fine in OneDrive and Acrobat apps, but is too big to put into Kindle)
I am seeing the same thing in several apps on the iPad. Since it wasn't present in earlier printings according to other posters, and only occurs in the first chapter on my device and is not present in other chapters, I am inclined to think it is because of something that was done to the file and not only a rendering problem outside of Paizo's control. The challenge may be figuring out what was changed that is causing the rendering issue with text in the first chapter.
It looks like the text has a slight outline at smaller sizes. It is most noticeable in the coloured headings. It almost looks like there is a second copy of all the text in black that is offset. If you zoom in far enough the outline mostly disappears. It does make the text look a bit less sharp and distinct. It would be nice to see it fixed if they can figure out what is causing it.