All great characters reach the point where their stories grow from heroic into something of legend. Deep in the archives of the Pathfinder Society are tales of legendary heroes who employed high-level class options, wielded magical relics once used by Golarion's greatest figures, trained in prestige classes with occult power, and cast magic in extraplanar battles too powerful or dangerous to unleash on Golarion. Whether you're wrapping up a campaign or just starting one, Pathfinder Player Companion: Chronicle of Legends offers everything you need to bring a legendary touch to your game!
Inside this book you'll find:
New abilities for all types of characters, including powerful traits that grow in strength with a character's existing traits, new ways to improve the versatility of your favorite spells, and feats to support characters with levels in a prestige class.
Potent magic items, including storied items that gain new abilities when brought together as a set and legendary relics that grow in power alongside their owners.
Powerful capstone abilities for 20th-level characters, including general capstones available to all classes and alternate capstones for every one of Pathfinder's character classes.
This Pathfinder Player Companion is intended for use with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game and the Pathfinder Campaign Setting, but it can easily be incorporated into any fantasy world.
ISBN-13: 978-1-64078-136-8
Other Resources: This product is also available on the following platforms:
I was hyped by the preview and description only to be overwhelmingly disappointed in the product. I bought it for the Prestige Class support and new capstones. There is almost no support for the core prestige classes, just two "new" ones that are for classes outside the core book. The capstones are underwhelming. This book seems be half baked ideas, good ideas, that were just not cared for as 2nd Edition is about to come out.
The main thing I really enjoyed about this book is the alternate capstones . Though there are some interesting class features and even stuff for Ninjas. It does make make me sad that 1e is ending especially how much great stuff has been coming out lately.
So player companion book line went out with a bang...
Seriously, tons of cool stuff in this, alternate(or new in case of wizard and cleric) capstones are cool, legacy items are cool, two new prestige classes, lots of class specific abilities(even ninjas :D), magic tricks and item set bonuses are cool too. And there aren't even archetypes in this, but still so much cool stuff on both mechanical and flavor wise!
Its kinda making me feel sad since it really kinda feels like ending for 1e considering amount of cool stuff put into this and how inside cover page tells of some of past PFS events :'D
I hope the new capstone powers do not need archetypes.
I'd doubt it, it says 'new class options and capstones," if the capstones were part of archetypes it would be redundant to give capstones it's own mention.
So I think you can look forward to new capstones whether your character uses an archetype or not.
YES!!!! I love the various Pathfinder Chronicles in game literature with skill bonuses. To have a Player Companion named for it and including 'lost' or 'recently discovered' new items/magic?
Well, 1e certainly is going out with a bang, that's for sure! I've barely peeked at this side of the site for a while, and this is certainly an awesome thing to come across!
We now have confirmation from Luis Loza in his interview on Know Direction that this book is the last PF1 Player Companion and the alternate capstones will (very appropriately) be in the last section of this book.
The mythic material will be in Heroes of Golarion a couple of months earlier.
Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
I rather hope we get new options and/or capstones for all classes, including base, alternate, hybrid and occult. It would be nice for no one to be left out!
But, pragmatically, that may make the book a bit too large. Oh well; a man can dream! ^_^
I'm really excited for this! Classes I'm most looking forward to it on:
- Cleric, since they don't get one.
- Witch. They do basically get one, but by level 20 you've already picked one or two of your favorite hexes. If it's just the level 20 hex being replaced, it's kind of a double capstone!
- Mesmerist. While I'm happy with the existing capstone, I know some people want something a little less nefarious.
- Spiritualist. Hopefully something for the people that keep their phantom out!
- Summoner. Twin Eidolon just seems like a hassle to run, as cool as it is.
- Wizard/Sorcerer/Oracle/Shaman/Bloodrager. For any of the classes where bloodline-equivalent determines your capstone, it'll be cool to have the option to trade it out for something different if it doesn't appeal to you.
- Anything that gets a special attack as a capstone. Just looking forward to seeing a different take on the class.
It would be interesting but a little surprising if the new capstones work with archetypes that already traded out the usual capstone.
I don't think there's any reason it couldn't work this way assuming "you can pick a new capstone" involves new rules and isn't just an archetype which does nothing until level 20.
I mean, all archetypes which trade away a capstone do so for a different capstone, and they generally do it for reasons of thematics or applicability and not power/balance reasons. At least I hope that "we'll make the capstone worse to make up for all the good stuff this archetype gives at lower levels" was never a serious design principle, as capstone power levels are all over the place anyway (though "this archetype's capstone is a downgrade, but that's fine" is A-OK.)
I mean, if you wanted to trade away your capstone entirely the way to do that was "multiclassing".
In 2e though its apparently currently goal to have each ap to go to level 20 due to exp system being different. But thats a different edition than what these capstones are for
Wow, every class getting a new 20th level capstone, that is awesome.
I must be missing often do people actually play a character to 20th level ?
We do AP' generally never make it to capstone ability :P
Most APs also have a "Continuing the Adventure" article at the end of the final installment with suggestions to allow the characters to continue adventuring after the AP is complete.
Will there be an alternate capstone for alternate classes? Even just saying Samurai/Ninja/Antipaladin can take their parent classes would be nice.
PFRPGrognard wrote:
nighttree wrote:
Dragon78 wrote:
Wow, every class getting a new 20th level capstone, that is awesome.
I must be missing often do people actually play a character to 20th level ?
We do AP' generally never make it to capstone ability :P
Most APs also have a "Continuing the Adventure" article at the end of the final installment with suggestions to allow the characters to continue adventuring after the AP is complete.
There's also the Dungeon Magazine APs. Those actually hit 21 (though it comes so late into the final part you can skip it if you don't use the Epic rules, or just give them a mythic tier if converting to PF). Way of the Wicked, possibly some other third party APS, also go to 20.
Oh, I do have to wonder what they could possibly give the Wizard that would gain any consideration. Their existing capstone is (as of Ultimate Magic) literally titled Immortality.