Sir Holton

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber. Organized Play Member. 44 posts. No reviews. 1 list. 3 wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.


Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

There was a question asked before that I think is relevant and I'm curious what the responses would be so I wanna reiterate it but slightly rephrased.

For those who think that casters should be able to focus singularly on attack spells, do you think that the game presently supports casters focusing on a single type of saving throw (Will or Reflex or Fortitude)? And in either case, do you think that's to the benefit or the detriment of the system?

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Thanks Xenocrat! And just double checking: are those four the only four that exist, or are they just the most noteworthy ones?

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Hopefully I am not repeating a question that was already asked, and I hope this isn't asking too much but I saw reference to 'infusion' feats.

I don't remember these from the playtest; are these similar in function to infusions from 1e in that they modify how the elemental blast works?

Also how many of them are there? Are there any standouts that make elemental blasts (more) interesting?

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Sorry for asking a question that has probably been asked before but is there a compilation post somewhere of all the currently released info for Treasure Vaults? I've checked both the forums here and the PF2E subreddit but I fear my search skills are letting me down...

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Squiggit wrote:

Something I "need" but don't expect PF2 to ever do.

On the fly, dynamic weapon creation/manipulation as a core mechanic.

Played a handful of computer games that had characters like these. Conjure a bow, shoot an arrow, dash forward, summon a sword, stab someone. And just like, generally expecting to be good enough with all of these things.

The ability to change the kind of weapon you're wielding on the fly without a severe action cost and then wield those various weapons effectively, idk it's just a phenomenally cool conceptual space.

In PF1E, we had the Gloomblade archetype for Fighter that did this and I absolutely would want that to come back to us in some form.

I just loved the idea of being able to make an Expy of Thor: Ragnarok's Hela and conjure longswords and javelins that I could hurl at my enemies.

I'm doubtful that if this archetype came back that it would be exactly the same but it canonically exists in-universe so there's a chance we can get spontaneous generation of weapons again...

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

This actually would be a great idea if most impulses end up having variable action costs as that increases the amount of options a single feat selection gives you, ultimately translating to more bang for your buck which I think might be a good thing for a class that might end up feeling feat starved.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

This is very specific but I rather miss the explosion infusion for pyro because I enjoyed playing an expy of ATLA's sparky sparky boom person.

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Tempest_Knight wrote:
They have stated that hybrid options in the full book...

To be fair, the playtest says that hybrid options are only "likely". I think it would be worthwhile to continue to voice desire for these to turn that likely into a guaranteed.

The only potential problem I see is how to make 21 different blasts all feel different to each other in both melee and ranged contexts.

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Tactical Drongo wrote:
Karmagator wrote:
Tactical Drongo wrote:
Perpdepog wrote:

I hope that each element gets access to a physical and energy damage type this time around. Barring that, that the mechanisms for bypassing resistances and immunities come online earlier and haven't many hoops to jump through. There's nothing quite as sad as a pyrokineticist being told that they'll be fighting devils for the next three levels.

It'd also be neat if, were this to happen, each element could have a different damage type, but I recognize that would leave some elements with more exotic, harder to resist damage types than others.

Probably not each, hard to do for fire at least

the other way around it would be hard to get non-physical attacks for earth

but I remember blueflame and rare metal infusions to deal with resistant enemies

Earth has acid as its associated energy type. Fire is very tricky, though.

Acid could also reasonably be either metal or plant

plant because of corrosive plant juices, metal because it's also a plane of detoriation

Someone up-thread mentioned that metal could get poison and I actually like that idea because there are a few actual metals that are notoriously poisonous: mercury and lead. So I second poison as a non-physical damage type for metal.

But fire... the only thing I can think of is if you apply an intense enough heat to a small enough area (like a blowtorch or laser), it's almost like piercing damage. But that seems like a stretch...

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PossibleCabbage wrote:
I have to assume they're not going to give you three elements like they did in PF1. But they will probably give you two elements so you can combine them to throw around lava or mud or whatever.

I'd be okay with this because I would often not know what to pick as that third element and would often only double-down on something I had already picked. Assuming I would ever reach a high enough level to get the third element, anyway.

It might actually be cool if they could go all-in on the flavour for these type combinations as well because it kind of just felt like you got your combination blast and that was it. I wouldn't mind seeing some utility wild talents requiring you to have a specific combination of elemental foci.

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WWHsmackdown wrote:
Cantrip accuracy and no spell slots to compensate would be a worst case scenario for me

I'm sure this has been asked before but what if they were to get the fighter's proficiency progression but in spell attack rolls (and spell DCs) instead? (Assuming blasts end up being focus cantrips or some such.)

AnimatedPaper wrote:
I've always found this to be a curious statement, because they really weren't. Their basic attack was a spell-like ability. They could counterspell at will. Most of their talents and class abilities were adding either improvements to that initial spell or granting even more spells.

I was actually thinking about this before and realised that where PF1 had a distinction between extraordinary, supernatural and spell-like abilities (with spellcasting being its own separate beast), PF2E kind of doesn't have this.

Kineticists went all in on sp and su abilities without necessarily being a caster themselves, but with those not being in PF2E I suppose it depends on what gameplay element has subsumed the role of sp/su abilities. Personally, I think focus spells/cantrips fill this niche now but I can see your point of view.

EDIT: Sorry, I just saw your own edit so, uh, didn't mean to continue debating the point.

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Personally, I rather enjoy seeing these types of mundane items ending up in these books.

I 100% recognise that this isn't everyone but I am pretty time-poor and my players do, on occasion, ask for these types of left-of-field items and as much as "just come up with a random amount" is a common solution, but it requires me to stop and think about an answer on the spot even if briefly (which is notoriously difficult for me and my ADHD, sadly).

Its just a massive time saver for me to be able to point at a table and let my players know this is where they can find the item which allows me to use my time to decide on the rules elements of things that I can't and don't expect Paizo to produce (like encounters or custom unique magical items).

So, yeah, I wouldn't want an entire book dedicated to mundane items (although...) but I do appreciate such things to be included every now and then.

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The real monsters are the friends we made along the way.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I would think yes because Conceal Spell has the manipulate trait and Attack of Opportunity's trigger includes actions with said trait.

And, in a way, I think that makes sense. All Conceal Spell does is to conceal your spell's hand motions, verbal utterings, etc. as non-spellcasting movements and doesn't entirely remove them (which would be the domain of metamagic like silent spell/still spell).

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Mathmuse wrote:

Using that as a template, I get:

VARIABLE ACT TOGETHER [one-action] or longer
Frequency once per round
You and your eidolon each perform a single action. You choose which order the actions are taken, and you and your eidolon can each take a different action.
Or one of you two can instead perform a single [two-action] or [three action] activity, and the other performs a single action. Performing an activity changes Variable Act Together to an activity that takes the same number of actions.

I've made two attempts to word the ability and I'm not sure which I prefer:

ACT TOGETHER [one-action] to [three-action]
Frequency once per round
You and your eidolon each work together with preternatural efficiency. You and you eidolon each gain one action to use on your turn. For each additional action you spend on Act Together, your eidolon gains an additional action to use this turn. You and your eidolon can use the actions in any order, and you can each take a different action.


ACT TOGETHER [three-action]
Frequency once per round
You and your eidolon each work together with preternatural efficiency. You and your eidolon gain a single pool of four actions, which you and your eidolon can draw from this round. You and your eidolon can use the actions in any order, you can each take a different action and you can each combine actions to perform an activity. You and your eidolon can never take more than three actions when using Act Together.

I'm sure that whatever Mark comes up with, though, will be far better worded than my attempts.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Unfortunately I don't really know a lot about game balance yet so I can't make any suggestions there.

But I was thinking the following wording might be a little clearer?

Spell Perfection (Feat 15)
[Bard] [Cleric] [Druid] [Magus] [Oracle] [Rare] [Sorcerer] [Summoner] [Witch] [Wizard]

You're so well practiced with a favored spell that you can now cast it effortlessly.
Requirements legendary in the skill related to your spellcasting tradition
Benefit Pick one spell you can cast of 3rd-level or lower without the healing trait and where you are legendary in the skill corresponding to its spellcasting tradition (subject to GM discretion). The selected spell gains the cantrip trait and can be cast in all ways as a cantrip.

I figured that throwing the healing trait in there, instead of the clause about 'healing hit points', a) covers that clause and b) also stops spells like restoration and remove curse/paralysis/disease being selected as a cantrip.

Actually, just thinking about it more and maaaaaybe the incapacitation trait should also be excluded? It feels it might be too powerful to throw out unlimited (potentially) encounter-ending spells that are also auto-heightened.

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
AnimatedPaper wrote:
citricking wrote:
I think it would be a lot better if the Eidolon and summoner did not share skills. Maybe the summoner could apply some of their skill increases to the eidolon instead of themselves? I'd like the eidolon to be able to choose to emphasize athletics, or stealth, Arcana/Occultism/Nature/Religion on a casting focused eidolon, or something else without that being what the summoner is good at too.

Question, where does it say the Summoner and Eidolon share skills? I've seen other posters say the same thing, but I can't find that in the playtest document.

Closest I've been able to find is that they share item bonuses to skills that come from invested items.

Under the Eidolons section (the one which lists the different types, not the class ability section), under Proficiencies is the sentence "They share your skill proficiencies."

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

The timing of this absolutely excellent because I've been planning on converting Wrath of the Righteous (or, at least, the last two books) to PF2E. So from the bottom of my heart, thank you, thank you, thank you.

manbearscientist wrote:
Is there enough interest for a small mythic bestiary (10ish for lower level mythic adventures a la 1E, 30-50 for higher levels)? What sorts of creatures would people like to see?

I absolutely would love to see this. Is there any chances you could be convinced to do a couple of demon lords?

Also: I just want to make sure I'm reading the document correctly. With Mythic Power, is the only way to regain expended uses by completing a Mythic Boon? Or is it intended to be a pool of points that are refreshed each day? It's a bit unclear at the moment.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I want to second or third or otherwise lend my voice to a Daemon-focused AP. I love the daemons and their nihilistic attempts to consume the entirety of existence. They're like literal entropy made manifest and that makes them such cool villains to me and unique compared to the other fiends.

Plus, it'd mean we can visit Abaddon and avoid being hunted by roving hordes of Daemons which is just such a cool scenario.

I just think Daemons are neat :)

EDIT: Er, that is all said, of course, after ignoring the likes of Folca because that thing went too far in an already uncomfortable direction that wasn't really consistent with their portrayal up until that point (imo).

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Hmm, I think some things are missing from the Summoner V2 write-up.

Every class ability after "Level 5" seems to be missing.

Also, there's no description for Revamp Summon, which I guess is a level 20 summoner feat?

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
The AP blurb wrote:
daemonic Gray Queen

"daemonic"??? You mean, that Daemons will finally get to be the major villains for an AP? I was already interested in the premise but now I really want to run this.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
pithica42 wrote:

If it needs to be wrapped in a simplified math formula, is the price

1.5^n*Original Price where n = the number of levels upgraded?

Or Summation (1.5^x*Original Price) where x goes from 0 to n and n is the number of levels upgraded?

My contention is that it's meant to be the former.

It'd be the former: you're increasing the cost by a factor of 1.5 each iteration (i.e. level increased), and not as a sum of the current cost and the current cost multiplied by 1.5.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Thanks to everyone who has posted info so far. My hype has achieved critical levels; levels I didn't think existed before!

One thing I'm desperate to know (and I hope isn't asking too much): are there any daemons in the bestiary?

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

linkified, arcanist version

also linkified, regular spellcasting version

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Franz Lunzer wrote:

I hope we get archetype feats that can be chosen by different dedications.

Like a hypothetical "Iron Fists"-Feat (idk, 2 gauntlet attacks for one action) that can be taken as either Monk or Fighter multiclass-dedication. So a Rogue MC-Monk could take it, as well as a Sorcerer MC-Fighter.

Problem would be, where to put it, organisation wise. It would be a new category of "dedication-bridging feats"?

Couldn't that just be built as a feat available to the Fighter and Monk classes which you could then take as a MC-Monk or MC-Fighter via the corresponding class-feat-granting archetype feat?

Or am I reading too much into your example?

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I ain't much of a game designer but if the concern with making the Magus a focus power only class is that they wouldn't be able to use their powers every turn sure to a limited pool of focus points, is it possible to have the Magus just receive more than ordinary?

I think every feat (so far) that unlocks a focus power increases the pool by a number of points equal to the point cost of the power itself. What if the feats the Magus selects gives double the points instead? That way, by default, you can "cast" any given power at least twice.

Just a thought I had but I'm sure there is some angle I'm not considering right now, so feel free to point that out.

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Eshenesra wrote:
QuidEst wrote:
Feros wrote:
Master Pugwampi wrote:
Rysky wrote:
What are some fun things you can do with the Fireball trick?



** spoiler omitted **

Ooh, interesting... some of those will depend on what you have to pick up as requirements, but these sound really neat.

I’d love to hear the generalities of Prestidigitation or Unseen Servant if someone doesn’t mind!

Seconded! if anyone can.

I'm hoping I've managed to successfully summarise these while still being understandable!

Adjust Scent: double or halve the smell of object or creature, for the purposes of the scent ability.

Chromatic Savant: permanently colour an object or colour part/all of a person for a month. Make complex patterns with a craft check.

Lasting Changes: changes last for an hour per CL.

Minor Levitation: up to 1lb of material becomes weightless and you move it 5ft/round.

Repulsive Flavor: make a willing creature taste awful to give them bonuses against attacks/grapple checks involving mouths.

Thaumaturgic Aesthetics: while Prestidigitation is active, thematically change your spells (by changing their colour/shape/smell/etc.) to make it harder to identify.

Unseen Servant:
Phantom Decoy: the servant inhabits a suit of armour, wearing it and gaining its AC bonus.

Unfettered Servant: increase range to long without increasing spell slot.

Unseen Apprentice: you gain an untyped bonus to concentration checks when the servant is adjacent to you.

Unseen Assistant: the servant can automatically aid another you in any craft/perform/profession check you have 3 or more ranks. alternatively, it can make its own checks using half your total bonus.

Unseen Squire: the servant assists any character in donning armour you are proficient with and they can do this in half the usual time.

Unseen Warrior: the servant can aid another on combat checks, but reduces its duration to 1 round/level.

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Dαedαlus wrote:

AAAAAHHHHH. Why is this book so amazing?

So what does the wizard/cleric give up in exchange for their capstone ability?

Absolutely nothing! They are specifically called as being able to take the alternate capstone, despite not having one to begin with. (Thus, theoretically, there's literally no reason to not take it.)

Dαedαlus wrote:
Presumably, they just get another option for a Grand Hex, like the Alchemist gets a new Grand Discovery option. A little disappointing, yes, but I imagine the new option is quite nice.

Sorry, I overlooked the Witch, but this is essentially correct. No new capstone, but a new option for their capstone.

David knott 242 wrote:

From the names of the feats, I am guessing that many of them enhance particular features of particular prestige classes from the Core Rulebook. Are any of the feats more generic in regard to enhancing characters with prestige classes?

Unfortunately, this is the one thing I feel this book is lacking.

Dragon78 wrote:
Looks like the alternate Capstones are still the most interesting thing about this book.

They are pretty cool but I honestly also really like the Magic Tricks section—and I say this as someone who generally doesn't like magic classes!

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Exodur wrote:
Mmmmm...can we get a list of names of capstones?

Here you go.

Tip of the Spear (Antipaladin)
Deep Reservoir (Arcanist)
Unstoppable (Barbarian or Unchained Barbarian)
Adoring Fan (Bard)
Empowered Bloodrage (Bloodrager)
Perfect Warrior (Brawler)
Tactical Genius (Cavalier)
Proxy (Cleric)
Home Ground (Druid)
Veteran of Endless War (Fighter)
Personal Armory (Gunslinger)
Huntmaster (Hunter)
Team Leader (Inquisitor)
Deadly Study (Investigator)
Unbridled Power (Kineticist)
Legendary Blade (Magus)
Hardened Soul (Medium)
Piercing Gaze (Mesmerist)
Old Master (Monk and Unchained Monk)
Slicing Wind (Ninja)
Collector of the Strange (Occultist)
Diverse Mysteries (Oracle)
Crusader Champion (Paladin)
Phrenic Mastery (Psychic)
Seen It Before (Ranger)
Masterful Talent (Rogue or Unchained Rogue)
Indomitable Spirit (Samurai)
Hex Mastery (Shaman)
Flexible Form (Shifter)
Great Kenning (Skald)
Against the Odds (Slayer)
Unique Bloodline (Sorcerer)
Potent Phantom (Spiritualist)
Grand Eidolon (Summoner and Unchained Summoner)
Incredible Luck (Swashbuckler)
Past Your Limits (Vigilante)
Hammer of God (Warpriest)
Well-Prepared (Wizard)

Arch-Familiar (Any class with a familiar)
The Boss (Any class)
Deep Magics (Any class with spells known)
Great Beast (Any class with an animal companion)
Ki Sage (Any class with a ki pool)
Old Dog, New Tricks (Any class that gains at least four bonus combat feats)
Perfect Body, Flawless Mind (Any class)
The Right Spot (Any class with sneak attack)
Soul Channel (Any class with channel energy)
Walking Library (Any class that prepares spells from spellbook/familiar)
With This Sword (Any class)
Won't Stay Dead (Any class)

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Thomas Seitz wrote:
Any chance we can get a list of magic items, spells and/or feats?

Sure thing.

Magic items:
All of these are Legacy Items, which working similarly to scaling items.

Bracers of Antiquity
Carved King's Band
Conqueror's Breastplate
Ring of Sealed Souls
Scimitar of Deliverance
Totemic Figurine
Trailblazer's Boots
Unyielding Aegis
Wayfinder of Cooperation

Realm Retribution
Rival's Weald
Song of Discord, Greater
Uncanny Reminder

Arcing Weapon
Battle Planner
Collector's Boon
Expanded Enhanced Arrows
Explosive Weapon
Extra Hail of Arrows
Extra Spell Synthesis
Improved Collector's Boon
Lesser Spell Synthesis
Lingering Breath
Magic Trick (~technically~)
Mind Strike
Murderous Sniper
Secret of Magical Discipline
Shadow's Embrace
Storm of Arrows
Surprising Strategy

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Andrew Mullen wrote:
Could any kind soul list the spells that get Magic Trick feats?

List of magic trick spells:
They are:

Mage Hand
Obscuring Mist
Unseen Servant

David knott 242 wrote:
By the way -- What do they say on the last page of this player companion, where they formerly gave a preview of the next player companion?

The usual "Next volume" section is just not there. The "Would you like to know more?" just gets more room, but not necessarily more content.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Alexander Augunas wrote:
David knott 242 wrote:
Alexander Augunas wrote:

It's bittersweet to see the very last Player Companion that I will ever work on get released. T-T

I hope you guys enjoy the work I did for Luis and Eleanor on the Heroes of Tian Xia section! <3

The Phoenix sorcerer bloodline is in that section.

That section also has Kineticist talents keyed to specific races, such as the Nine-Tailed Kineticist.

Those are merely my favorites from that section -- there are some really good things in this book that I haven't mentioned.

Ah, I only contributed the kineticist content for this book. There is another, glorious evil genius who wrote the Phoenix bloodline + other stuff. (Not gonna mention their name in case they want to be anonymous.)

I just want to quickly, personally thank you for all the kineticist content in the book. I love it a lot and I have so many ideas I want to run away and test now.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Are there any Occultist mythic options? What are they called?

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Kvantum wrote:

I've gotten my PDF. The bloodlines are, sadly, only for either Bloodragers (Medusa, Sphinx), or Sorcerers (Phoenix, Unicorn).

4 pages of Mythic options for Occult, though the Kineticist options are specifically for Champions and Guardians.

New archetype and aspect for Shifters from Vudra. Vigilante talents from the Mwangi Expanse.

Hi Kvantum,

Would you be willing to list what mythic options there are for kineticists and for occultists? Thanks either way :)

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

As previously expressed, I'm grateful for mythic options that are available for occult classes, but will there be expanded options for any classes that were released since Mythic Adventures came out? Specifically, I'm thinking of the Shifter and the Vigilante but my question also applies to any of the Hybrid classes (though, less so, because they can usually rely on any options that gel well with their parent classes' abilities).

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Luis Loza wrote:
Dreams come true! Every core, base, hybrid, and occult class is getting a new capstone! Everyone is here!

That's great news! These last two player companions really are shaping up to be a great send-off. I'm positively excited.

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Having mythic options for occult classes is quite possibly some of the best news I've heard this week. Definitely opens up a bunch of classes for the WotR campaign I want to run!

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I rather hope we get new options and/or capstones for all classes, including base, alternate, hybrid and occult. It would be nice for no one to be left out!

But, pragmatically, that may make the book a bit too large. Oh well; a man can dream! ^_^

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Robert G. McCreary wrote:

High-level adventures (and Adventure Paths) tend to sell fewer copies than lower-level ones. As a result, we produce fewer high-level adventures.

One reason we're starting Signal of Screams at a higher level than usual for APs (7th level instead of 1st level) is to experiment with the AP format and see if people are interested in buying APs that start at higher levels. If Signal of Screams does well (i.e., there's a strong market for higher-level campaigns), we may look at more higher-level APs. If not, then we're unlikely to do so.

Lower-level adventures have everything to do with economics, and nothing to do with a lack of confidence in our rules.

I understand this post doesn't directly relate to the thread topic but this is the message I need to reply to so apologies in advance to the moderation team...

Anyway, I'm hoping you might be able to answer this Rob. I'm very interested in high-level (level 15+) content for Starfinder but I'm not so interested in the genre of the next adventure path. How else can I show my interest and support in high-level content without purchasing an adventure path I'm likely not going to use?

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Hi all,

Hoping someone might able to point me in the right direction here...

In PF1e, intelligence increases at later levels retroactively granted additional skill ranks.

Does a similar sort of logic still apply to PF2e? Does increase to intelligence give a character additional trained skills? Or does the character's intelligence score only factor in at first level and first level only?

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why not Pathfinder 2: Electric Boogaloo?

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39) Will PF finally be balanced for lean?

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I was interested in having a look at those examples but it looks like all the links are dead?

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I have to say that I had originally intended to cancel my subscription after the last set but this preview and most of the previous ones have convinced me to keep it going.

I really need to +1 the daemon suggestion. They're the one thing I'm missing from my collection that I can't get anywhere else. The deacons plus the astradaemon would be a great start, imo.

I'll also +1 the genie-kin suggestion, though it appears they're already under consideration (which I'm really excited about).

Can't wait to see what the future holds!