Pathfinder Lost Omens: World Guide

3.90/5 (based on 26 ratings)
Pathfinder Lost Omens: World Guide
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This indispensable 136-page guidebook to the world of Pathfinder presents everything you need to know for a lifetime of adventure in the uncertain Age of Lost Omens. The god of humanity is dead and prophecy is broken, leaving adventuring heroes like you to carve their own destinies out of an uncertain future!

This gazetteer features 10 diverse regions packed with thrilling and deadly possibilities and is accompanied by a giant two-sided poster map depicting the heart of the Pathfinder setting.

Written by: Tanya DePass, James Jacobs, Lyz Liddell, Ron Lundeen, Liane Merciel, Erik Mona, Mark Seifter, and James L. Sutter

ISBN: 978-1-64078-172-6

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Note: This product is part of the Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscription.

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2 people marked this as a favorite.

One thing I guess I am not super clear on is there any time jump in the in game universe between pathfinder 1 and pathfinder 2?

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Paizo wrote:
The god of prophecy is dead...


15 people marked this as a favorite.
Big Lemon wrote:
Paizo wrote:
The god of prophecy is dead...

Generalissimo Aroden is still dead.

Liberty's Edge

10 regions? Tell me more!

I will preorder this... And everything else D:

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

So this being a hardcover, is this an indication that the successor line to the Campaign Setting line is all hardcover or is this an exceptionm, being basically the (incremental?) update to the Inner Sea World Guild?

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Zaister wrote:
So this being a hardcover, is this an indication that the successor line to the Campaign Setting line is all hardcover or is this an exceptionm, being basically the (incremental?) update to the Inner Sea World Guild?

Read more here.

(Short answer: The Campaign Setting World Guide line is going all-hardcover.)

Paizo Employee Chief Creative Officer, Publisher

3 people marked this as a favorite.

It's certainly possible that we might do a softcover World Guide product at some point in the future, but there are none presently on the schedule.

Paizo Employee Franchise Manager

6 people marked this as a favorite.
kaid wrote:
One thing I guess I am not super clear on is there any time jump in the in game universe between pathfinder 1 and pathfinder 2?

Just the normal 1-year jump we do every year. This book assumes the current year is 4719 AR and that the events published in P1 have already taken place.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Xenocrat wrote:
Big Lemon wrote:
Paizo wrote:
The god of prophecy is dead...
Generalissimo Aroden is still dead.

Right, but unless something has changed in 2E, Pharasma is the god of prophecy, not Aroden.

Possible explanations for this quote:
1) Whoever wrote the blurb made an error.
2) Pharasma is DEAD!!! (highly unlikely)
3) Deity portfolios have been retconned and Aroden is now the (deceased) god of prophecy.

Paizo Employee Chief Creative Officer, Publisher

29 people marked this as a favorite.

We're talking about Aroden, here. Understood that there's a bit of a conflict with Pharasma. Let's chalk it up to "poetic license."

Dark Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I bet the 10 regions are including Isger and it's not Arcadia, Azlant, Casmaron, Crown of the World, Garund, Sarusan, Tian-Xia & two others. ;-)

Wish this had a deluxe edition! :)

Sovereign Court

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Please make sure that include this as part of PFS2's "core assumption", assuming that the PFS2 campaign ever moves to offer core games.

Oh dang, my friend's been asking for something like this. Really good way to kick things off. I'm excited to see them providing info on the world at the start, rather than just the Inner Sea Region. Handy for home games!

OH MY GOD! I'm so excited about all this books!

Is the "Lost Omens" the name of the next setting for Golarion, given the fact that we are getting only 10 regions covered up - far less than the total number of nations in the Inner Sea - or an I making a mistake to assume you meant 10 nations?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

35 people marked this as a favorite.

We'll have more info soon, but the 10 regions encompass what we used to call the "Inner Sea Region"—it's the same focus on Avistan and northern Garund, but split into a more manageable number of areas rather than one for every single nation. For example: The "Saga Lands" is one of the ten regions, and it includes Lands of the Linnorm Kings, Varisia, New Thassilon, Irrisen, and Realm of the Mammoth Lords.

"Lost Omens" is indeed the name of the setting overall—it never really had a good name before, other than "The Pathfinder Campaign Setting" I guess.

BUT yes, we're still focusing on the once-called "Inner Sea Region" in this book. We will have a few words to say about the other continents and planets, but not much—those'll be for other books later.

We WILL finally have a detailed global map though, which I'm very excited and relieved about! :P

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
The Gold Sovereign wrote:

OH MY GOD! I'm so excited about all this books!

Is the "Lost Omens" the name of the next setting for Golarion, given the fact that we are getting only 10 regions covered up - far less than the total number of nations in the Inner Sea - or an I making a mistake to assume you meant 10 nations?

Age of Lost Omens is the Historical period ushered in by Aroden’s death

I think you’re right that you’re wrong to presume that region here is nation.

By region I think they mean;

Tian Xia
Crown of the World
Maybe Vudra seperate?
And another


Or what the ninja T-Rex said...

Hmm. It calls itself a deluxe edition in the shopping cart. You, sir, have no metallic embossing!


I don't know if anyone can answer this question, but with a July 8th release, it seems this is more than an aspirational product.

Product Description wrote:
Each region also includes suggested character backgrounds and archetypes to more deeply root your character in their surroundings.

Does 'archetype' there mean:

1. A suggestion of CRB class, skill, feat combinations to create a culturally appropriate character like "Shoanti Burn Rider" or "Qadiran Sunrider" or "Aldori Swordlord?"

2. Suggested mechanical archetypes that will be published in the CRB?

3. New archetype/dedication feats for regionally appropriate archetypes (i.e. new rules content)?

Paizo Employee Developer

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Blake's Tiger wrote:
Product Description wrote:
Each region also includes suggested character backgrounds and archetypes to more deeply root your character in their surroundings.

Does 'archetype' there mean:

1. A suggestion of CRB class, skill, feat combinations to create a culturally appropriate character like "Shoanti Burn Rider" or "Qadiran Sunrider" or "Aldori Swordlord?"

2. Suggested mechanical archetypes that will be published in the CRB?

3. New archetype/dedication feats for regionally appropriate archetypes (i.e. new rules content)?

They will resemble the archetypes you've already seen in the Pathfinder Playtest.

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

I'm guessing the names of the World Guide books will have somthing to do with the regions/nations covered. This is "Lost Omens" which refers to the Age of Lost Omens which was precipitated by the death of Aroden. So I'm guessing this book covers the parts of the Inner Sea Region where Aroden was the main religion, i.e. Taldor and its descendants and successors.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Thanks, Luis!

I also stumbled upon this while trying to figure out how to Subscribe to the World Guide line...

Erik Mona wrote:
The World Guide line will contain player character options. This first one includes 10 archetypes and just shy of 100 new world-appropriate backgrounds, as well as some other stuff here and there.

So... awesomesause!

1 person marked this as a favorite.
James Jacobs wrote:

We'll have more info soon, but the 10 regions encompass what we used to call the "Inner Sea Region"—it's the same focus on Avistan and northern Garund, but split into a more manageable number of areas rather than one for every single nation. For example: The "Saga Lands" is one of the ten regions, and it includes Lands of the Linnorm Kings, Varisia, New Thassilon, Irrisen, and Realm of the Mammoth Lords.

"Lost Omens" is indeed the name of the setting overall—it never really had a good name before, other than "The Pathfinder Campaign Setting" I guess.

BUT yes, we're still focusing on the once-called "Inner Sea Region" in this book. We will have a few words to say about the other continents and planets, but not much—those'll be for other books later.

We WILL finally have a detailed global map though, which I'm very excited and relieved about! :P

Thank you very much for both letting me know what to expect on this!

Paizo Employee Chief Creative Officer, Publisher

Folks, this product comes out August 1st just like everything else. Any reference to a July release is a mistake.

James Jacobs wrote:

We'll have more info soon, but the 10 regions encompass what we used to call the "Inner Sea Region"—it's the same focus on Avistan and northern Garund, but split into a more manageable number of areas rather than one for every single nation. For example: The "Saga Lands" is one of the ten regions, and it includes Lands of the Linnorm Kings, Varisia, New Thassilon, Irrisen, and Realm of the Mammoth Lords.

"Lost Omens" is indeed the name of the setting overall—it never really had a good name before, other than "The Pathfinder Campaign Setting" I guess.

BUT yes, we're still focusing on the once-called "Inner Sea Region" in this book. We will have a few words to say about the other continents and planets, but not much—those'll be for other books later.

We WILL finally have a detailed global map though, which I'm very excited and relieved about! :P

Detailes Global Map... *0*

Alright, take my money!

I'm pretty much pleased with the name for the setting. Lost Omens makes gives a more unique and appealing impression, even though I have nothing against the previous name.

And I just remembered reading about this fantastic idea of taking some nations together and covering them all as a region. Sagas Lands World Guide is something we could dream about, right? *.*

With the rise of the new concept of Ancestries, I hope it doesn't take long for us to see a world guide for them...

Liberty's Edge

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

Welp, I'm all in. Fired up all my subscriptions again!

6 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Well, even if I am not on board with PF2E, I guess I'll have to get this, to be up-and-up on the current state of the Inner Sea, not to mention the world map.

I hope it's 99% fluff and 1% crunch, though. ^^

Paizo Employee Chief Creative Officer, Publisher

9 people marked this as a favorite.

It's not quite that lopsided, but this book definitely includes a ton of lore.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Of all the new books this is the one I am most excited about. I am curious to see what AP's have made it to canon (and the twists they took), what rulers have survived the times and what those results's looking forward to the Kingmaker official resolution.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

6 people marked this as a favorite.
Shivok wrote:
Of all the new books this is the one I am most excited about. I am curious to see what AP's have made it to canon ...

I can answer that now: All of them. :P

Not that all of them will have resolutions wide-ranging or notable enough to be mentioned in this book though... some APs are pretty low key from a historical point if the PCs win (which is going to be the assumption for all of them, I suspect... I'm not too fond of hard-coding into the campaign something that says YOUR PLAYER CHARCTERS ARE FAILURES by assuming one of the Adventure Paths is a canonically regarded a failure...).

But the book's still being worked on so I can't give full details yet.

Dark Archive

3 people marked this as a favorite.

As a skeptic I will also grant that I'm intrigued and I'm certainly on record as wanting bigger Lore books, and if it means a slower release of options and better controlled mechanically those are also pluses.

Paizo Employee Chief Creative Officer, Publisher

4 people marked this as a favorite.

It certainly means both of those things. :)

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Luis Loza wrote:
Blake's Tiger wrote:
Product Description wrote:
Each region also includes suggested character backgrounds and archetypes to more deeply root your character in their surroundings.

Does 'archetype' there mean:

1. A suggestion of CRB class, skill, feat combinations to create a culturally appropriate character like "Shoanti Burn Rider" or "Qadiran Sunrider" or "Aldori Swordlord?"

2. Suggested mechanical archetypes that will be published in the CRB?

3. New archetype/dedication feats for regionally appropriate archetypes (i.e. new rules content)?

They will resemble the archetypes you've already seen in the Pathfinder Playtest.

I suspect it will lean heavier into the third category, stuff like the Grey Maiden that is context specific.

That's what I want!

Would still buy the book for lore, but having regional archetypes right out the door is cool.

Second Seekers (Roheas)

I really thought finally seeing the books would raise my excitement level but even this one just isn't doing it

Grand Archive

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

So Aroden is dead, whelp looks like the Whispering Tyrant is going to run amuck.

Erik Mona wrote:

We're talking about Aroden, here. Understood that there's a bit of a conflict with Pharasma. Let's chalk it up to "poetic license."

Not a fan of poetic license in the main campaign setting book.... That's the sort of thing that needs to be clear.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Three thoughts:

1) Hurray! We finally get a full global map!

2) The timeline is going to be advanced and world events updated for all the APs that have come out. So some things will be different, some plot threads from the ISWG resolved, others left with ramifications and open ends (and so kicking off new adventures). But will we also see completely new plot hooks being written into the setting? Presumably, since the timeline has only advanced by a decade, that would necessitate these original story threads tie in to regions outside the Inner Sea, even if the adventures are still going to occur there (would this be one of the reasons for a full map?).

3) We're calling it "Lost Omens"? And partitioning the setting into 10 regions? Why? Honest question: why decide that the Pathfinder Campaign Setting, successfully referred to as "the Pathfinder Campaign Setting" for a solid IRL decade, needed to have another name and needed any partitioning? Because this honestly reminds me of the whole "we're not calling them 'races'; instead, they're going to be called 'ancestries'" thing.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Curious to see changes in world lore.

Dark Archive

I am curious about the two-sided giant poster map.
How big will it be?
Will it be bound-in?

I assume one side will show the 8 continents of Golarion and the other will depict the "Inner Sea Region", hopefully not only with borders for the 10 new regions like "Saga Lands", but also with their component lands like "Varisia", "New Thassilon" & "Irissen" visible inside.

I wish we could get a poster map folio down the road - that's the only thing i am missing with Starfinder too.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I hope the map is really big, I got a spot reserved for it on my wall. ^^

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Yep, there's one subscription I'm not going to be dropping... :D

Dark Archive

2 people marked this as a favorite.

What i don't like about this product is that it's only 126 pages (the Inner Sea World Guide has 320 pages, Starfinder Pact Worlds has 216).
A standard Pathfinder AP has 96 pages.
Even if i assume that the "Races", "Religion", "Life", "Factions", "Adventuring" & "Monsters" chapters have been moved into the CRB & Bestiary (as Golarion is now the standard setting), the previous "The Inner Sea" chapter had 180 pages.
If i only count the old 41 regions, 4 pages each, i come up to 164 pages.

Now that we have 10 regions we only need one map for four regions, which clears up some more space.

But if i take into account that we get backgrounds & archetypes, i can't shake the feeling that something will be left on the cutting room floor.

Marco Massoudi wrote:
But if i take into account that we get backgrounds & archetypes, i can't shake the feeling that something will be left on the cutting room floor.

...probably the next year's worth of World Guide products.

Erik Mona, I believe, mentioned that the first two World Guides are broad overviews while subsequent ones delve into the nitty-gritty of different regions.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Will the map be available separately for those who like having their entire library contained in a 12.9" screen and not on a 4000lb bookshelf?

1 person marked this as a favorite.
James Jacobs wrote:

I can answer that now: All of them. :P

Not that all of them will have resolutions wide-ranging or notable enough to be mentioned in this book though... some APs are pretty low key from a historical point if the PCs win (which is going to be the assumption for all of them, I suspect... I'm not too fond of hard-coding into the campaign something that says YOUR PLAYER CHARCTERS ARE FAILURES by assuming one of the Adventure Paths is a canonically regarded a failure...).

Mr. Jacobs i'm not totally agree with you on this.

Even if is awesome to have, finally, an advanced setting i want to ask you if there are even a small chance that people (like me) who are playing a "Grand Campaign" spanning all your APs will find at least suggestion, even small, on how to implement bad endings in PF2 setting.
For example, in my grand campaign, The Worldwound is still open since the Characters failed to kill deskari and we are totally fine with this since this mean our game and our story is even more "unique".
I understand that the setting for Pathfinder 2 will be (and has to be) one and only one...but at least some ideas, here and there, or small suggestion on some (if not all) bad endings will be great!

4 people marked this as a favorite.
James Jacobs wrote:

... some APs are pretty low key from a historical point if the PCs win (which is going to be the assumption for all of them, I suspect... I'm not too fond of hard-coding into the campaign something that says YOUR PLAYER CHARCTERS ARE FAILURES by assuming one of the Adventure Paths is a canonically regarded a failure...).

I would be very interested in an alternate post-apocalyptic Golarion "failed omens world guide" in which Golarion is reeling from the successive shocks of every AP's worst case scenario coming to pass. Probably at odds with what you have planned for the core setting, but a later supplement perhaps?

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Paizo has already stated they don't want to release multiple different campaign settings and Alternate Universes/Timelines count as that <_<

Like I'm just glad if we ever see the full worldmap of Golarion pre earthfall :P I don't need detailed campaign setting book on world around the time, but having the map would be nice for time travel or AU "Hey let's place on world were Earthfall never happened" home campaigns

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Guang wrote:
I would be very interested in an alternate post-apocalyptic Golarion "failed omens world guide" in which Golarion is reeling from the successive shocks of every AP's worst case scenario coming to pass. Probably at odds with what you have planned for the core setting, but a later supplement perhaps?

Well.. How to say it? Ahem.

Those books are already written. Just grab Wrath of the Righteous: City of Locusts Adventure Path volume and The Worldwound Campaign Setting book; note that it's not just one area, but everywhere in Golarion. That'd be the worse case I know of from Adventure Path bad endings.

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