Cayden Cailean

jquest716's page

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber. Organized Play Member. 129 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 2 Organized Play characters.


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Grand Archive

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Welcome to the Dreaming Palace, take a load off...

Agents of Edgewatch - Dossier 16 Praise be to Hathor!

After the craziness occurred at the House of Planes, and our contingent of guards returned to the City Barracks, and meet up with Sergeant Ollo. Once the party has discussed with Sergeant Ollo, and compared their notes, and evidence, they realize that the scores of missing people all end up at Dreaming Palace. But to get into the Dreaming Palace and attempt to rescue the people held there, as well as find evidence to shut down this horrific place, the Agents must go undercover, and take it down from within. So Sergeant Ollo gives the party 1 week to concocted their identities, and enter the Dreaming Palace, where things begin to get strange.

Stay tuned for the next great episode of Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gamed!

So please drop by and check us out, let us know what you think and come chat with us at 8pm EST Wednesdays on Twitch!

See you around Pathfinders!

We are Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gamed: Giving advice, rolling dice with a little of that New York spice!

Grand Archive

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

We can dance if we want to!

Agents of Edgewatch - Dossier 15 Sometimes you just need to dance it out!

This episode, our officers continue with their investigation through the rooms in the House of Planes, when it turns to almost disaster, as one of the officers must subdue a belligerent drunken patron, and nearly get caught themselves enforcing laws in a lawless area, with no way out! While this chaos is spreading, the members of the party collect Morgan, whom is still under the effects of the strange food fed to her familiar Ordo, and report back to Ollo, where their next mission begins to take shape.

Stay tuned for the next great episode of Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gamed!

So please drop by and check us out, let us know what you think and come chat with us at 8pm EST Wednesdays on Twitch!

See you around Pathfinders!

We are Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gamed: Giving advice, rolling dice with a little of that New York spice!

Grand Archive

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

They'll say you are bad or perhaps you are mad

Agents of Edgewatch - Dossier 14 When the law meet the lawless

Sorry about the audio this episode, we did have some connection issues, and that caused some audio degradation. Please bear with us.

Once our stalwart officers got to the House of Planes, they were greeted by a woman dressed up as the Goddess of Death, Pharasma! She eloquently described the different rooms, and what is necessary for success in each, as this is a Speakeasy, with an eccentric kick. The party were separated into several different rooms, and as the night went on, some were more successful in gathering information than others, and Morgan was just about keeping it together, with her being unknowingly being affected by some interesting mushrooms.

Stay tuned for the next great episode of Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gamed!

So please drop by and check us out, let us know what you think and come chat with us at 8pm EST Wednesdays on Twitch!

See you around Pathfinders!

We are Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gamed: Giving advice, rolling dice with a little of that New York spice!

Grand Archive

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Back to work AGENTS!

Agents of Edgewatch - Dossier 13 Remember kids, Don’t Do Drugs!

Sorry about the audio this episode, we did have some connection issues, and that caused some audio degradation. Please bear with us.

The party, now deep into the bowels of the cavern, trying to sneak their way into the House of Planes, ran up to a hellish hound; some beast from another plane, probably guarding the entrance to the House of Planes! There was an ally that helped the party vanquish the house, but also tried to feed the party some weird mushrooms, Morgan's familiar, whom Morgan has a direct connection has eaten some, and Morgan is now affected by the powerful effects of the mushrooms, loosing the ability for rational thought!

Stay tuned for the next great episode of Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gamed!

So please drop by and check us out, let us know what you think and come chat with us at 8pm EST Wednesdays on Twitch!

See you around Pathfinders!

We are Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gamed: Giving advice, rolling dice with a little of that New York spice!

Grand Archive

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Welcome back from our holiday break!

We came back with a BANG as we go through the GUNS AND GEARS playtest in this special one shot....ahhh get it one shot like the Way of the Sniper.

Pathfinder 2e Guns and Gears Playtest Oneshot SPECIAL. This time, it is Steve as the GM, running a Pathfinder Society mission for Fabio, Jeff, Zach, and Tina as they run some new options as playtest characters, as we play Path of Kings! Where Fabio playing a new class called the GUNSLINGER!, and Zach, and Jeff playing a different new class called the INVENTOR!, and Tina reprising her role as the first class she played when we first learned Pathfinder 2nd edition, the BARBARIAN!

Stay tuned for the next great episode of Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gamed!

So please drop by and check us out, let us know what you think and come chat with us at 8pm EST Wednesdays on Twitch!

See you around Pathfinders!

We are Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gamed: Giving advice, rolling dice with a little of that New York spice!

Grand Archive

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

I am gonna put my money on Inquisitor and Arcanist

Grand Archive

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Do you understand the words that are coming out my mouth?!

Agents of Edgewatch - Dossier 10 A Delve into the Cantina of DOOM!

Once the hostages have been rescued, and the kobolds have been detained, the guards of Edgewatch realize that these five hostages weren't the masons we were tasked to locate. Once the situation calms down, the kobolds and the laborers indicate that the last person to see the masons was the owner of the the building, Hapa. Hapa is currently in House of Planes, which is in the Coins district, which has a completely different set of rules when it comes to the laws. Guards aren't allowed in there normally, so they must go in the secret entrance, in disguise.

Stay tuned for the next great episode of Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gamed!

So please drop by and check us out, let us know what you think and come chat with us at 8pm EST Wednesdays on Twitch!

See you around Pathfinders!

We are Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gamed: Giving advice, rolling dice with a little of that New York spice!

Grand Archive

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Disturbing The Peace? I Got Thrown Out Of A Window!

Agents of Edgewatch - Dossier 9 A Second Chance At Negations!

As our contingent of guards make their way through the pagoda, trying to locate the hostages, and in search of the masons, while not doing any irreparable damage to the building, they stumble upon more kolbolds, and are forced to take action to stop the virulent lawbreaking, and take them down. But the final group of kolbolds may be more receptive to a discussion than the last!

Please bear with us, as we had some sound issues, and we had to use the stream audio instead of the local feed, so you may notice some audio quality loss. Thank you for listening!

Stay tuned for the next great episode of Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gamed!

So please drop by and check us out, let us know what you think and come chat with us at 8pm EST Wednesdays on Twitch!

See you around Pathfinders!
We are Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gamed: Giving advice, rolling dice with a little of that New York spice!

Grand Archive

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

A guard's work is never done...

Agents of Edgewatch - Dossier 8 When Negations Fail

Our Edgewatch Guard envoy met with the working kobolds to negotiate the release of the hostages, in hopes of deescalating the situation. But their hopes to rescue the hostages, and maintain order of the situation without violence quickly collapsed, and the fighting began! Will the Edgewatch be able to save the hostages in time, and return the situation back towards peace before the entire building is up in flames?

Stay tuned for the next great episode of Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gamed!

So please drop by and check us out, let us know what you think and come chat with us at 8pm EST Wednesdays on Twitch!

See you around Pathfinders!

We are Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gamed: Giving advice, rolling dice with a little of that New York spice!

Grand Archive

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

We Ride Together, We Die Together. Bad Boys For Life

Agents of Edgewatch - Dossier 7 Worker Riots at Dragonfly Pagoda

Our Edgewatch Guard envoy seemed to clean up the Menagerie quite nicely, and after some r&r, the guards get their next assignment; dealing with a labor dispute and hostage situation down at Dragonfly Pagoda! Where some worker kobolds have taken some hostages in some form of worker strike. Once the guards of Edgewatch arrived, and questioned people there, they began negotiations with the kobolds to secure the hostages safely. It seeks that the negotiations may take a turn for the worse as the Edgewatch may not be able to concede to the demands of the kobolds in time!

Stay tuned for the next great episode of Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gamed!

So please drop by and check us out, let us know what you think and come chat with us at 8pm EST Wednesdays on Twitch!

See you around Pathfinders!

We are Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gamed: Giving advice, rolling dice with a little of that New York spice!

Grand Archive

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Just cause you got the monkey off your back doesn't mean the circus has left town

Agents of Edgewatch - Dossier 6 Finale at the Menagerie

As the animals continue to rampage around, causing danger to all the civilians, the Edgewatch try to save as many lives as they can, at the same time as they subdue all of the creatures at the Menagerie! The also must try to free Ryder, as he is currently trying to coax 'The Bastard' into its cage, while they lower the emergency fence around it. Now the Edgewatch guards finally gain control of the situation, and make sure that all of the civilians are out of harms way, and captured all the rampaging animals, there is still the mystery of why the animals all went berserk, and had that strange black foam coming out of their mouths.

Stay tuned for the next great episode of Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gamed!

So please drop by and check us out, let us know what you think and come chat with us at 8pm EST Wednesdays on Twitch!

See you around Pathfinders!

We are Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gamed: Giving advice, rolling dice with a little of that New York spice!

Grand Archive

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Welcome to the jungle it's all just fun and games!

Agents of Edgewatch - Dossier 5 Chaos at the Circus

We last left our party of misfit guards heading over to the Knights Menagerie Zoo to answer a call of the zoo animals going haywire, and attacking the civilians. As the investigation progressed, the party discovered that there is a creature called 'The Bastard', that was actually an Ankhrav, which is a horse-like creature that is a mix between a scorpion and an ant, and inside that enclosure was a son of one of the civilians. The Edgewatch members split into groups, one of witch rushed to discover some useful supplies, and the other rushed to hold 'The Bastard' off.

Stay tuned for the next great episode of Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gamed!

So please drop by and check us out, let us know what you think and come chat with us at 8pm EST Wednesdays on Twitch!

See you around Pathfinders!

We are Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gamed: Giving advice, rolling dice with a little of that New York spice!

Grand Archive

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Step right up and view the wonders from Knights Menagerie Zoo!

Agents of Edgewatch - Dossier 4 Chaos at the Circus

We last left our party of misfit guards heading over to the Knights Menagerie Zoo to answer a call of the zoo animals going haywire, and attacking the civilians. Once the party got to the zoo, they broke off into smaller groups to help various civilians, and began to coral the different creatures, some way too dangerous for even them to handle. As the investigation progressed, the party was able to save most of the civilians and circus folk they came across. Stay tuned to find out what they discovered, and what kind of chaos was to yet be unveiled.

Stay tuned for the next great episode of Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gamed!

So please drop by and check us out, let us know what you think and come chat with us at 8pm EST Wednesdays on Twitch!

See you around Pathfinders!

We are Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gamed: Giving advice, rolling dice with a little of that New York spice!

Grand Archive

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Welcome to the mean streets of Absalom...

Agents of Edgewatch - Dossier 3 Madness at the Menagerie

In this episode has the two teams finishing up their patrols and heading back to the barracks, when Sergeant Ollo tells us about an emergency occurring at the Knights Menagerie Zoo! The party rushes over to find the beasts are attacking everything, seemingly wanting to devour as much food as possible. there may be a link to all these out of control animals, but what could it be? Will the party be able to put their heads together and figure out this mystery, while saving the townsfolk?

Stay tuned for the next great episode of Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gamed!

So please drop by and check us out, let us know what you think and come chat with us at 8pm EST Wednesdays on Twitch!

See you around Pathfinders!

We are Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gamed: Giving advice, rolling dice with a little of that New York spice!

Grand Archive

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Welcome to the mean streets of Absalom....

Agents of Edgewatch - Dossier 2 We split the Party.

The presence of the city watch, The Edgewatch, was put into full force to quell a local tavern fight, with no fighting, Sargent Ollo thought we were ready for a full blown patrol. We were broken up into two groups, where we patrol the Radiant Festival in order to maintain the peace, and aid the patron goers with any saftey conerns. Morgan, Savious, and Copper were tasked to investigate an assault on a shop keeper's establishment, while Ryder, Chakkrundin, and Nielock were sent to the merchant quarter to quell a dispute between two goblin shop owners.

Stay tuned for the next great episode of Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gamed!

So please drop by and check us out, let us know what you think and come chat with us at 8pm EST Wednesdays on Twitch!

See you around Pathfinders!

We are Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gamed: Giving advice, rolling dice with a little of that New York spice!

Grand Archive

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Welcome to the the Radiant Festival!

Agents of Edgewatch - Dossier 1 The First Patrol

Held every 100 years, where people come from all over the world to visit the sites, magics, and other grand endeavors! With any grand event with massive tourism, comes crime, and danger, and to combat this threat, and keep the festival goers safe a new city watch organization was created called the Edgewatch! Our players are newly appointed members of this new brigade, and they must prove they are up to the task of keeping the people safe, and enjoying the festival. Will these bunch of misfits be able to gain each other's trust enough to keep the people of Absalom safe, or will the new Edgewatch brigade crumble under the weight of this city?!

Stay tuned for the next great episode of Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gamed!

So please drop by and check us out, let us know what you think and come chat with us at 8pm EST Wednesdays on Twitch!

See you around Pathfinders!

We are Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gamed: Giving advice, rolling dice with a little of that New York spice!

Grand Archive

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

WELCOME TO SEASON 2 of Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gamed!

Season 1 wrapped up and it was a blast, the players had full closer and not a single death even though the GM tried their best. So with time off the crew had time to figure out what they wanted to play next and it was unanimously decided to give Agents of Edgewatch a go.

Season 2, we are trying to step out game up and give the listeners and views some more content. Firstly, every other Tuesday at 9pm EST our GM will be doing live game prep for that Wednesday's game. You can check it out on our twitch channel or watch it on our Youtube Page. Here is his first attempt NVNG Youtube, drop him a comment and let us know what you think. Secondly, every Wednesday you can get our actual play of Agents of Edgewatch at our usual twitch channel and if that isn't your cup of tea we alway have our live plays back up as Podcast on your favorite podcast stations. Finally, the Thursday the week after our game we will be hosting Talking Ventured, Talking the Game where our players will chat about what happened in the last game and the audience can ask questions. So alot is happening this season on Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gamed.

Agents of Edgewatch - Dossier 0 The Pre-Beginning
Join us as we discuss the different characters we will be playing, from ancestry, background, and class choices as well as a glimpse into the psyche of our characters personality.

Stay tuned for the next great episode of Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gamed!

We are Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gamed: Giving advice, rolling dice with a little of that New York spice!

Grand Archive

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber


So I have an ongoing subscription to Pathfinder Adventure Path and I was charged for the latest book Sixty Feet Under (Agents of Edgewatch 2 of 6) but I cannot download the PDF as it is still asking to pay for it. Normally the other adventure paths would be already in my downloads when they release. Please advise on how I should proceed.

Grand Archive

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Greetings Pathfinders

Wow! It has been some time since I was able to log on and get an update to our podcast, very sorry about that. We here at Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gamed have just done our 1 year anniversary stream and we raised over 1k for our furry friends over at North Shore Animal League which was utterly amazing for us and we just can't believe how generous everyone was!

But many of you are here to find out what has been going on in the wild adventures of the Heroes of Sandspoint. In episode 30 part 1, after the party members searched the rubble of the tower for Aratare, with no success, they retreated back to their room accommodations, to try and come at this fresh the following day, in hopes of recovering Aratare, in whatever state he may be in. The next day was met with some hope, that led them on a while dire wolf chase to find answers, and a potential to bring Aratare back from the brink, speaking with "an old friend" Monica, from the Misty Haven Cafe, whom brokers with information. She led us to a potential "friend" that may help us.

Stay tuned for the next episode of Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gamed!

So please drop by and check us out, let us know what you think and come chat with us at 8pm EST Wednesdays on Twitch!

See you around Pathfinders!

We are Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gamed: giving advice, rolling dice with a little of that New York spice!

Grand Archive

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Greetings Pathfinders

What is on the docket for this week? Firstly, I don't know if you have heard but Nothing Venture, Nothing Gamed turns one year old in about two weeks and we are planning to do a charity stream for the celebration. More to come on dates and events on that one!

Next up we have some good news, we are now putting up book reviews, class dives, and character builds on our Youtube Page. So far we have 2 episodes of our POWER UP series, where we take an idea like using the Aid action and build characters around that single action. More to come and it would help us if you liked and subscribed on it.

Finally why we are all here the Monday podcast up date! YAY!!! This week its a two part, sorry but sometimes we lose track of time and just keep playing. Part 1 is about the fallout from last weeks episode and the party trying to find clues to help them find their lost friend and Part 2 is the party making a deal with a shady soul broker for a possible solution to their current situation. Alot of RP in these last few episodes and the DM actually got a few players to tear up which he was proud off.

Stay tuned for the next episode of Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gamed!

So please drop by and check us out, let us know what you think and come chat with us at 8pm EST Wednesdays on Twitch!

See you around Pathfinders!

We are Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gamed: giving advice, rolling dice with a little of that New York spice!

Grand Archive

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Is that a wanted picture of Valeros next to Quinn?

Grand Archive

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Greetings Pathfinders

This week Episode 29 Part 2 we pick up with the mysterious events that happened to Aratare. He got swarmed by these weird vampire-esque monsters, and with fate unknown, we swap to what the rest of the party are doing. First, that horse, with strange powers still needs help, and may be able to aid the party in some way! Will this bode well for them in the future? But then, the party quickly tries to catch up to Aratare, to help their friend, but trouble arises! The tower is now falling, and the ground is spouting fire. In a desparate attempt to quell the flames, Kayco asks her patron for help, and gets a whole lot more help than she bargained for, and the party needs to find a way to calm her down before she causes more harm than good!

Stay tuned for the next episode of Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gamed!

So please drop by and check us out, let us know what you think and come chat with us at 8pm EST Wednesdays on Twitch!

See you around Pathfinders!

We are Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gamed: giving advice, rolling dice with a little of that New York spice!

Grand Archive

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Greetings Pathfinders

Sooooo, I may have been away dealing with an infestation of Pugwampis but never fear I have triumphed and am back bringing you the info for the next few episodes of the most okiest podcast of Pathfinder 2e NOTHING VENTURED, NOTHING GAMED!

What have I missed? In Episode 27 the group started their investigation to track down Foxglove, and Nualia before they can complete whatever evils they are trying to complete! The party splits?! into two teams, Aratar, Benji, and Balen head over to the Under-Bridge to the Mistyhaven Cafe to scope out the the less scrupulous part of town to find answers. While Kayco, Bishop, and Aratare head over to the bar Silver Chestnut, run by the former captain of the guard, Brollfas.

Monday and Friday of last week we had a 2 part Episode 28 Part 1&2. Here the group finally deals with Foxglove and Nualia along with some new breed of vampires and a undead vampire bat!

Which finally brings me to today and our regularly scheduled Episode 29 Part 1. I know another 2 part episode, really sorry about that and here is another kicker I can't really explain what the episode is about because it would ruin everything in the last few episodes. Really sorry about that but trust me it is totally worth listening!

Stay tuned for the next episode of Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gamed!

So please drop by and check us out, let us know what you think and come chat with us at 8pm EST Wednesdays on Twitch!

See you around Pathfinders!

We are Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gamed: giving advice, rolling dice with a little of that New York spice!

Grand Archive

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

LOVE THIS! Im so glad we got to see this encounter. Paizo writers have been knocking out of the park these Iconic stories! Thankyou for this =)

Grand Archive

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Greetings Pathfinders

This week we are back to our regularly schedule play. In Episode 26, we pick up after the climactic end to our previous episode, Nualia, and Foxglove apparently escaping to Magnamar. Leaving clues for our intrepid heroes to follow, 2 weeks have passed while our adventurers traveled, and bonded on the trip to finally catch these avatars of evil, to stop their evil from spreading. When they finally arrived, they are met with some opposition, a long line to enter the city, but with some quick investigations from Aratare, and a sly tongue, and a quick flash of a badge by Aratar, the group was able to gain expedited access into the city proper, and the chase began!

Stay tuned for the next episode of Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gamed!

So please drop by and check us out, let us know what you think and come chat with us at 8pm EST Wednesdays on Twitch!

See you around Pathfinders!

We are Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gamed: giving advice, rolling dice with a little of that New York spice!

Grand Archive

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Greetings Pathfinders

This week Nothing Ventured Nothing Gamed is bring you a new segment where we do interesting build ideas. This week we have two builds which focus on using the Aid action and how to maximize it in play, so check it out on our new NVNG Youtube page and please drop us a like and subscribe if you can =)

On our podcast we are up to Episode 25 of Rise of the Runelord in 2e, where the party finally finds the final room in the house of horrors, that is Foxglove Manor! Although more unhinged by the house than ever, the party pushes through after rescuing some halflings from being fed to the horrors of the house. The finally Nualia, and Foxglove reveal themselves, and the combat ensues. Will the party survive? Stay tuned to find out!

Stay tuned for the next episode of Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gamed!

So please drop by and check us out, let us know what you think and come chat with us almost every at 7pm EST Wednesday!

See you around Pathfinders!

We are Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gamed: giving advice, rolling dice with a little of that New York spice!

Grand Archive

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Greetings Pathfinders

This week we move deeper into the creepy Foxglove Manor! In Episode 24 of Rise of the Runelord in 2e, picking up with the party after the battle with the shadow, not either side being able to gain the upper hand on the other. The party's inability to easily locate and hurt the incorporeal shadow, and the shadow constantly losing places to hide as fire starts to rage in the room, the party moves on. Finding a hole to even lower sections of the house, as Aratar, and Balen scout ahead to clear the path for the rest of their friends.

Stay tuned for the next episode of Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gamed!

So please drop by and check us out, let us know what you think and come chat with us almost every at 7pm EST Wednesday!

See you around Pathfinders!

We are Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gamed: giving advice, rolling dice with a little of that New York spice!

Grand Archive

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Greetings Pathfinders!

We have a special treat for our followers, two episodes this week! We are quickly trying to get our podcast listeners to match our live play viewers on Twitch in expectations for our 1 year anniversary where our group will be starting the new and exciting Agents of Edgewatch Adventure Path.

This week with Episode 23 of Rise of the Runelord in 2e, The party finished exploring the upper floor, and now descended into the basement, where they come to find more horrors. First they trigger some maleficent force that starts drowning some of the party members above water, and they are in dire need of assistance from their friends! Later, they enter a room of horrors, with a riddle. Will the party figure out the riddle, or will a great darkness come!

Stay tuned for the next episode of Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gamed!

So please drop by and check us out, let us know what you think and come chat with us almost every at 7pm EST Wednesday!

See you around Pathfinders!

We are Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gamed: giving advice, rolling dice with a little of that New York spice!

Grand Archive

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Greeting Pathfinders!

We are back with Episode 22 Part 2 of Rise of Runelord in 2e:

The party finishes to explore the second floor of the Mansion of Madness, Foxglove's Manor! Last we left off with our hero's they just narrowly escaped the quicksand made of wood planks, and Benji, and Balen escaped to the other room, as the rest of the party managed to escape back they way they came. But once was a crisis averted, leads to new troubles, as Balen starts to become affected by the strange dealings of the house and begins to go a bit crazy, and eyes the closest living creature as an enemy, Benji!

Stay tuned for the next great episode of Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gamed!

So please drop by and check us out, let us know what you think and come chat with us almost every at 7pm EST Wednesday!

See you around Pathfinders!

We are Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gamed: giving advice, rolling dice with a little of that New York spice!

Grand Archive

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Greetings Pathfinders!

We go back to our roots with Ramblings with the Runelords and in Episode 13 we chat about Pathfinder Society play.

This week DM Jared is joined by Steve as they discuss Pathfinder Society, what it's all about, some differences from Pathfinder 1st edition Society, making a character, how DMing works, general rules, and why you might want to play or run in Pathfinder Society (PFS).

If your interested in learning more about Pathfinder Society for 2nd Edition, please follow the following link: Pathfinder Society Rules.

Stay tuned for the next great episode of Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gamed!

So please drop by and check us out, let us know what you think and come chat with us almost every at 7pm EST Wednesday!

See you around Pathfinders!

We are Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gamed: giving advice, rolling dice with a little of that New York spice!

Grand Archive

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Greetings Pathfinders

In Episode 22 of our continual Rise of the Runelord adventures:
The party starts to explore the the upper floors of this haunted house, but as they continue to explore, more strange and potentially dangerous situations begin to arise! What is the party to do when the floors themselves become as quicksand under their feet, triggered by strange shifting paintings. Will the party survive, will they drown in seemingly quicksand like wood planks, will Bishop continue to "Hate This?!" Join us to discover how the party handles the strange, and mysterious house of horrors!

Stay tuned for the next episode of Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gamed!

So please drop by and check us out, let us know what you think and come chat with us almost every at 7pm EST Wednesday!

See you around Pathfinders!

We are Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gamed: giving advice, rolling dice with a little of that New York spice!
Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gamed

Grand Archive

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Greeting Pathfinders!

In Episode 21 of our continual Rise of the Runelord adventures:
Still entrenched in the battle with the Will-O-Wisp's the battle is a hard fought, but once the Will-O-Wisp's are dispatched, the party proceeds to finish exploring the main floor, where they enter a drawing room, with an unusual that attempts to strangle a party member! Will the party survive an attack from the items of the house itself?!
Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gamed LINK TREE.

Stay tuned for the next episode of Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gamed!

So please drop by and check us out, let us know what you think and come chat with us almost every Wednesday!

See you around Pathfinders!

We are Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gamed: giving advice, rolling dice with a little of that New York spice!
Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gamed.

Grand Archive

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Who are we?

We're a group of seven friends playing table top role-playing games in New York City. We are Jeff, Steve, Fabio, Zack, Trevor, and Tina with DM and Host-with-the-Most Jared. Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gamed officially launched with our first podcast episode in August 2019 and our episodes, which include both actual-play sessions and open discussions about our games we call Rambling with the Runelords can now be found here --> Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gamed Linktree. New episodes are released each Monday at 7 AM Eastern.

On Wednesday nights around 7:45pm EST (that is a lose time because when we go live we usually spend time talking with chat a bunch) we live stream on twitch which gives us the opportunity to laugh and have a blast chatting with our viewers.

Coming soon! Since we have been around for a year and having a blast with Runelords we want to expand and decided that we will be diving into the newest AP Agents of Edgewatch when that releases.

So please drop by and check us out, let us know what you think and come chat with us almost every Wednesday!

See you around Pathfinders!

We are Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gamed: giving advice, rolling dice with a little of that New York spice!
Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gamed.

Grand Archive

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Is anyone able to download this yet? It got charged to my subscription and I have not been able to download the PDF yet. Am I too early for it yet?

Grand Archive

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Currently running a convereted Rise of Runelord for 2e, wish I had this earlier so I didn't have to lug the giant hardback of it to my games. Check out our conversion to 2e on our Podcast here . Have fun out there pathfinders!

Grand Archive

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Hi everyone, I would like to introduce my group's actual/live play of Pathfinder 2e conversion of Rise of the Runelords. We're a group of seven friends playing table top role-playing games on Long Island. We are Jeff, Steve, Fabio, Zack, Trevor, and Tina with DM and Host-with-the-Most Jared. Our episodes, which include both actual-play sessions and open discussions about our games we call Rambling with the Runelords can now be found on Podbean, Spotify, iTunes, Google Play, along with other podcast platforms. New episodes are released each Monday at 7 AM Eastern or you can find us live playing Wednesday at 7:30pm Eastern. You can find all the links here on our linktree =) Thankyou all and hopefully we hear from you all soon. Also if you join us for our Rules with Steve session we continually try to stump him so he will be forced to give us starburst so come with rules questions and help us get sweet treats!

Grand Archive

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

So my brother is building his character for our first game and his idea was a dark elf who raised a spider from hatching to be his ranger companion. Basically he is a ranger with a spider companion and I was wondering if anyone had an idea how to write this out? Would Badger or dromaeosaur stats? Thankyou!

Grand Archive

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

So my pathfinder group just did a stream of the playtest characters where we talk about what we hope from them and how we liked them after playing them. It is a long stream but we would love some feed back and next Wednesday we will be doing a live Q&A on the classes so if you want to stop by and chat with us! Thanks!!!

Grand Archive

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

So I know this is going to sound weird but I feel magical weapons kinda take away from the idea that combat is deadly (I know it doesn't but I feel aways about it). I know magical items are a necessity in Pathfinder to allow the players to keep up with monster scaling but is there another way? Is there a better way to allow for lower magical items and keep the fun and scaling on the same level? Im looking for any advice and help on this topic so I can start handing out magical items to my players before they drawn and quarter me!! Thanks!

Grand Archive

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Ahhhh thankyou for that. I assumed it but wanted to make sure we were all reading it right.

Grand Archive

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Need a clarification question, a player of mine wants to use the new Ancient Elf Heritage from the character guide and they want to dedicate cleric. After reading the rule for it and the cleric dedication do they gain those 2 extra cantrips at level 1? Am I understanding it correctly that it is a full dedication at level 1 with all the stuff that naturally comes with a normal dedication? Thankyou!

Grand Archive

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Hey everyone we just wanted to say thank-you all for your support and suggestions! Also coming soon we will be moving over to live streaming on Twitch in the next month or so but do no fear we will be converting those episodes to podcast. Again, thank you from the Nothing Ventured Nothing Gamed group to all our friends and fans out here!

Now onto the actual play: After entering the Thieves' Guild to meet with Mama Selese and gather supplies, Benjy is discovered to be a member of the Merchant's Guild. After a tense encounter, a deal is struck. Back at the Rusty Dragon, the party revise their plan and head out for Thistleop after meeting up with Benjy and Aratar. What will they face when they arrive, and will they get there in time?

Spotify: //
Apple: 064146
Twitter: @NVNGpodcast (

Grand Archive

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

So I am currently in a bind, my rogue (I am the DM the rogue is a player) just got locked into a room with basically the mob. The rogue offers them 5gp to talk with him. I coming from older additions took this as an insult as the NPC but one of my players informed me after the session that 5gp is now similar to about 150gp in Pathfinder 1. Is this true? I know they went to a silver base now but is it really that extreme? Thanks for any help

Grand Archive

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Good day to all you fine Pathfinder players the Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gamed Podcast group just dropped episode 4 of our actual play, so come on down and listen. Also help me figure out some names for 7 dwarfs who work in a mine


[Apple Podcast]( 7064146)


[Google Podcast]( mp;ius=googleplaymusic& ing_Gamed%26pcampaignid%3DMKT-na-all-co-pr-mu-pod-16)

Grand Archive

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Paradozen wrote:
The Azlanti empire did a lot of work on the magical properties of Aeon Stones, so likely any Azlanti seen with gems growing from their body had Aeon Stones implanted in them.

AHHHH That makes sense! I was questioning why do some of them have these gems and some depictions the people don't.

Grand Archive

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

I can't seem to find the answer I am looking for but why do some depictions of Azlanti people show they have what looks like gems growing out of their body. Is that a natural thing or what? I have been looking for an answer and can't seem to find one. Thanks!

Grand Archive

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Depends on what you hope to get and what your DM feels. Personally I would say: knowing scholarly works, knowing certain schools, knowing how to traverse higher educational schools, maybe knowing certain names of famous teachers. Those are just some of the stuff I can think,off hand

Grand Archive

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Those lovable scamps from New York are at it again in this weeks episode from your podcast group Nothing Ventured Nothing Gamed. In this weeks actual play of the Rise of Runelords, our band of intrepid adventurers just escaped from the dungeon below the Glassworks factory, and were found by Nathanial, who told us that some commotion was happening back at the Rusty Dragon. As the adventurers show up, and have a conversation with an up until now, an unknown person, who seems to have some issue with the Rusty Dragon's owner Amiko. Follow along with us as we parley with this new person, and also take time to have a rest from our trials and tribulations, on this episode of The Uncrowned



Appleplay: 064146

Grand Archive

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Out crazy team of Adventures battle some monstrous foes in this weeks live play episode of our 2e Rise of Runelords AP. If you're interested in crazy combat, ridiculous RP and a good amount of chatting about rules come check us out!


Apple: 064146


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