Pathfinder Player Companion: Magic Tactics Toolbox (PFRPG)

3.70/5 (based on 3 ratings)
Pathfinder Player Companion: Magic Tactics Toolbox (PFRPG)
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Master Your Magic!

Magic can do anything, but good tactics are the key to using it effectively. Hone your methods of spellcasting to a razor edge with Pathfinder Player Companion: Magic Tactics Toolbox! This handy volume includes effective spell strategies to augment allies, control the battlefield, or just blast foes—along with plenty of new spells and other rules options designed to work with these eldritch tactics.

Inside this book, you'll find:

  • Archetypes designed to increase a character's access to specific magic tactics, including the dimensional excavator, havocker, spell trapper, and more!
  • Magical options for characters of any class, including penalizing rods and rods of hindrance, new item mastery feats, and an array of wondrous items.
  • A multitude of new abilities, including investigator and rogue talents, metamagic feats and other types of spell-augmenting feats, and bloodline mutations.

This Pathfinder Player Companion is intended for use with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game and the Pathfinder campaign setting, but can easily be incorporated into any fantasy world.

ISBN-13: 978-1-60125-838-0

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Iron Casters...


I love this book. Good flavor, amazing options.

But what I love the MOST, is that this book made vanilla fighters great again. You might be saying, hold on, how can a book about magic make fighters great? Well, it introduces a new Martial Mastery option that lets fighters get "on the fly" supernatural abilities multiple times per day, such as flight, darkvision, see invisibility, and all sorts of cool options. It really revolutionizes fighters.

To check it out, just Google "Pathfinder Iron Caster".

Tons of weak choices with little flavor


There are a few things that are neat, but not solid thought out.

For example the pit alchemist. He is cool, but he can not use any of the other new pit mechanics in the book. They have a magical item to make pit more deadly, and a new pit spell that they can not use. This is a poorly edited document to not notice this.

Somethings are stupidly too powerful, like the blood mutations.

Despite being a magic splat book has no wizard or sorcerer archetypes, but 3 investigators!

In the end it feels like Paizo had a ton of magical like items that were scrapped from other books and plopped them into this.

Overall pretty weak book.

Solid new options


This is a pretty typical Paizo product, with several useful options and a few great ones.


1. Dimensional Excavator (Alchemist) archetype, use Create Pit line of spells as throwable extracts.

2. Questioner (Investigator) archetype, Bard casting in place of alchemy.

3. Divine Scourge (Cleric) archetype, hexes in place of channel energy, must choose the curse subdomain regardless of deity.

4. Bloodline Mutations, blaster support options for Sorcerer and Bloodrager.

5. Manifold Stare (Mesmerist feat), use your painful stare more than once per round. Can be purchased with Bold Stare improvements rather than feats, and you don't need more than one or two of those anyway.

6. Rod of Perilous Pits, add a 3rd level or below spell effect to anyone who falls into your pit spell.

7. Secluded Grimoire (spell), protect a spell book that you can remotely summon at any time.

8. Lore Needle (item), 3/day use your highest Knowledge skill ranks to answer any other Knowledge skill you're trained in.

9. Impenetrable Veil (spell), allows high level casters to stealth at any time, get a bonus on stealth checks, avoid blindsense or similar effects, and avoid divination trying to locate them.

There's also some of the usual bad: most of the feats are bad and many of the spells are meh. The new Blood Hexes are awful, with bad action economy, bad effects, and 1/day unless you're a Witch/Shaman who has better options than trying to damage people in order to (later!) trigger these things.

Overall, however, the gems outweigh the stinkers, and I'm glad I spent my money to support more work like this.

151 to 200 of 274 << first < prev | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | next > last >>

Warrior Spirit sounds more like the Occultist's transmutation focus power.

Silver Crusade

CBDunkerson wrote:
Rysky wrote:
Ashram wrote:
CBDunkerson wrote:
Yes, but they only get 1 + weapon training bonus 'points' per day to spend on enhancements, and any such enhancements applied only last for one minute. So, if you had an existing +1 weapon you could eventually add bane (that thing) to it up to 5 times a day.
Technically seven, 'cause Gloves of Dueling makes your weapon training bonus two higher. :D

Yep, and while Divine Bond lasts a minute per Paladin level it has a limited amount of bonuses to grant.

Warrior spirit doesn't so Bane away!


As above, my reading is that Warrior Spirit only gives you 1 + weapon training bonus (1 to 5, 7 with Gloves of Dueling) points to spend per day for one minute of benefit(s).

Paladin's get 1 to 6 points which they can spend 1 to 4 times per day on a limited list for one minute per level of benefit(s).

Thus, they work fairly differently, but both are limited. You can't use Warrior Spirit to make your weapon bane against every creature you meet.

You can't do that as a Paladin, even if they did have Bane on the small list of stuff you can add on.

Other than that it works similar, the Paladin's just lasts longer.

Silver Crusade

Okay, juts looked up Legacy Weapon, and yeah, they both work pretty much the same, with both being based on the Paladin's Divine Bond most likely.

Can someone please elaborate on the Havocker?
I'm guessing the blasts and the Kineticist abilities are weaker than a standard kineticist so I'm wondering in what way exactly.
Secondly, I'm wondering about the new blood hexes. Is any one of them stand out and is really worth spending a feat on? I love the flavor of blood magic.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Here´s an important question:
Is blood havoc meant to be and does it stack with similar abilities from bloodlines or other sources?

Since it is an untyped bonus, i guess so, but i can imagine that this question might be very relevant.
A human sorcerer with the draconic bloodline, spell focus and point blank shot could be getting a +3 on damage unlimited times a day on level 1. (Awesome!)

Two other questions springing to mind:
-Does crossblooded count as altering or replacing bloodline powers for bloodline mutations? (I think so.)

-When the sorcerer takes a second spell focus, let´s say spell focus conjuration and spell focus evocation, are both schools spells subject to the blood havoc and other bloodline mutations? (I certainly hope so!)

Please clarify this precautionary, i imagine this questions will come up.
Here´s also a call to the PFS team to make this a legal game option please.

Aleristhe wrote:

Can someone please elaborate on the Havocker?

I'm guessing the blasts and the Kineticist abilities are weaker than a standard kineticist so I'm wondering in what way exactly.

No metakinesis, and the infusions (which you get fewer of) require sacrificing an equivalent level spell slot. Plus you're half-BAB with no accuracy boosters, so you'll be picking a touch option. No expanded element either.

Scarab Sages

Aleristhe wrote:

Can someone please elaborate on the Havocker?

I'm guessing the blasts and the Kineticist abilities are weaker than a standard kineticist so I'm wondering in what way exactly.
Secondly, I'm wondering about the new blood hexes. Is any one of them stand out and is really worth spending a feat on? I love the flavor of blood magic.

Havocker gains the Elemental Focus and Simple blast of a kineticist of equal level in exchange for the patron and altering the familiar. They trade all hexes for infusions at level 2, but they can't accept burn. They can sacrifice a prepared spell to power the burn cost on infusions.

The blasts are weaker than a kineticist because they are still 1/2 BAB, they don't have Elemental Overflow, and they can never get expanded element for a composite blast.

Because of this, you pretty much have to take an energy blast to be able to hit.

On the plus side, they are still 9th level prepared casters.

EDIT: Rabbit-ninjas

Dark Archive


should be called "NONDETECTION, LESSER"

Sovereign Court

Imbicatus wrote:
Aleristhe wrote:

Can someone please elaborate on the Havocker?

I'm guessing the blasts and the Kineticist abilities are weaker than a standard kineticist so I'm wondering in what way exactly.
Secondly, I'm wondering about the new blood hexes. Is any one of them stand out and is really worth spending a feat on? I love the flavor of blood magic.

Havocker gains the Elemental Focus and Simple blast of a kineticist of equal level in exchange for the patron and altering the familiar. They trade all hexes for infusions at level 2, but they can't accept burn. They can sacrifice a prepared spell to power the burn cost on infusions.

The blasts are weaker than a kineticist because they are still 1/2 BAB, they don't have Elemental Overflow, and they can never get expanded element for a composite blast.

Because of this, you pretty much have to take an energy blast to be able to hit.

On the plus side, they are still 9th level prepared casters.

EDIT: Rabbit-ninjas

The nice thing is you are now a 9th level prepared caster with and unlimited use damage "spell" with half decent damage

Grand Lodge

Any more description on the Skald sagas mentioned?

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Grandlounge wrote:
Any more description on the Skald sagas mentioned?

Lay of the Scholar-King lets you add your Charisma modifier to Intelligence-based skill checks, but your Intelligence modifier as a penalty to Charisma-based skill checks for the duration of the ability.

Saga of the Witch Queen lets you pinpoint a creature you've seen or who once owned an object you have in your position as per discern location, but they immediately learn your name and that you determined their whereabouts as a result of using this ability.

Fourshadow wrote:
Owen K. C. Stephens wrote:
FedoraFerret wrote:

Question for the writers: Sagas say that only Skalds can take them. However, like one paragraph later it says Bards can also get them. Que?

(for context, non-subscribers, Sagas are basically Masterpieces).

Mea culpa.

Sagas were supposed to be skald-only. My apologies for allowing an errant piece of text to come in and directly contradict that.

But weren't Skalds allowed access to Bardic Masterpieces?! If so, that is the very definition of "double standard". Once again, Bards are shafted, if this is so (the 1st time was when Skalds got Spell Kenning...I've been arguing that is very Bardic).

Don't have an answer to this conundrum either.

Not that I am particularly enthused about the two Sagas in this book... they are interesting, but do not come across as really useful or must haves.

What does Lesser Nondetection do?

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Does the implement mastery feat have anything to do with occultist?

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32, 2010 Top 8

Sulking there's no Bard archetypes, myself. Will have to closely read that barvestigator archetype...

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Barachiel Shina wrote:
What does Lesser Nondetection do?

It works as nondetection, but only against divination effects that target an area, and not against a divination spell targeting you or an object in your possession.

MusicAddict wrote:
Does the implement mastery feat have anything to do with occultist?

Yes. You can treat your implements as if they were magic items for using item mastery feats, can spend mental focus to use an item mastery feat without spending one of your daily uses, and can select item mastery feats in place of focus powers if desires.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
Luthorne wrote:
MusicAddict wrote:
Does the implement mastery feat have anything to do with occultist?
Yes. You can treat your implements as if they were magic items for using item mastery feats, can spend mental focus to use an item mastery feat without spending one of your daily uses, and can select item mastery feats in place of focus powers if desires.

Well thats a new must have for every occultist, on that note, what kind of item mastery feats are in this book?

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
MusicAddict wrote:
Luthorne wrote:
MusicAddict wrote:
Does the implement mastery feat have anything to do with occultist?
Yes. You can treat your implements as if they were magic items for using item mastery feats, can spend mental focus to use an item mastery feat without spending one of your daily uses, and can select item mastery feats in place of focus powers if desires.
Well thats a new must have for every occultist, on that note, what kind of item mastery feats are in this book?

There's too many for me to want to go into too much detail...but roughly, Ability Mastery lets you get a +2 enhancement bonus to a stat for 24 hours, Concealment Mastery lets you cast vanish and some other spells at higher levels, Force Shield Mastery gives you a toned down version of shield, Implement Mastery I described, Racial Item Mastery lets you get more uses out of racial spell-like abilities, Resistance Mastery lets you get some scaling energy resistance for 24 hours, Restoration Mastery lets you cast lesser restoration and some other spells at higher levels, Symbolic Mastery lets you use touch attacks or ranged touch attacks from a holy symbol, and Weapon Evoker Mastery is kinda like arcane strike except enhancing a weapon ability that deals extra energy damage, and +1d4 instead of +1, and of course you don't need arcane spellcasting.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Luthorne wrote:
Barachiel Shina wrote:
What does Lesser Nondetection do?

It works as nondetection, but only against divination effects that target an area, and not against a divination spell targeting you or an object in your possession.

MusicAddict wrote:
Does the implement mastery feat have anything to do with occultist?
Yes. You can treat your implements as if they were magic items for using item mastery feats, can spend mental focus to use an item mastery feat without spending one of your daily uses, and can select item mastery feats in place of focus powers if desires.

I believe lesser nondetection also blocks the detect spells...

Symbolic Mastery is one I really like: Using a holy symbol, you may make a ranged attack based on your religion's domain...depending on the domain, your attack can be just about any energy (force appeared to be excluded) and even untyped! Damage is based on UMD ranks(1/2) and a d6. Not optimal, but useful, fun and thematic!

Matthew Morris wrote:
Sulking there's no Bard archetypes, myself. Will have to closely read that barvestigator archetype...

Please take a look at the spells! The Bard got some interesting and some really good ones! I am stoked the Bard was included for Release the Hounds and Phantasmal Reminder.

Also, for fans of the Sound Striker: Biting Words allows NO Spell Resistance! 1st level spell that mimics the pre-FAQ'd Weirdwords (though nerfed a bit).

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32, 2010 Top 8

Oh I've been reevaulating the bard before this came out to see if one based around Spell focus evocation was doable, and I like. The spells over the years really make the arcane duelist a nice companion for the magus, was just hoping for a bard archtype.

Any spells/feats/archetypes of note?

Scarab Sages

Harleequin wrote:
Any spells/feats/archetypes of note?

It's already been mentioned, but Havocker Witch has a lot of potential. Trade all hexes for a kinetic blast.

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Fourshadow wrote:
Luthorne wrote:
Barachiel Shina wrote:
What does Lesser Nondetection do?
It works as nondetection, but only against divination effects that target an area, and not against a divination spell targeting you or an object in your possession.

I believe lesser nondetection also blocks the detect spells...

Symbolic Mastery is one I really like: Using a holy symbol, you may make a ranged attack based on your religion's domain...depending on the domain, your attack can be just about any energy (force appeared to be excluded) and even untyped! Damage is based on UMD ranks(1/2) and a d6. Not optimal, but useful, fun and thematic!

Yup, most detect spells are divination spells that target an area, so you have a chance to foil them, since there's a caster level check involved.

And yes, Symbolic Mastery is quite fun, very flavorful for devout characters of all sorts, especially ones with a good Fortitude save.

Scarab Sages

Luthorne wrote:
Fourshadow wrote:
Luthorne wrote:
Barachiel Shina wrote:
What does Lesser Nondetection do?
It works as nondetection, but only against divination effects that target an area, and not against a divination spell targeting you or an object in your possession.

I believe lesser nondetection also blocks the detect spells...

Symbolic Mastery is one I really like: Using a holy symbol, you may make a ranged attack based on your religion's domain...depending on the domain, your attack can be just about any energy (force appeared to be excluded) and even untyped! Damage is based on UMD ranks(1/2) and a d6. Not optimal, but useful, fun and thematic!

Yup, most detect spells are divination spells that target an area, so you have a chance to foil them, since there's a caster level check involved.

And yes, Symbolic Mastery is quite fun, very flavorful for devout characters of all sorts, especially ones with a good Fortitude save.

I plan to flavor it as a Kiai to do sonic damage on a follower of Irori. (who has the rune domain, that allows sonic)

zergtitan wrote:
Rysky wrote:
Witch - Havocker - gains Kineticist abilities (there ya go Nighttree :3)
Could I know more about this?

Not so much what I was looking for......I'm looking more for feats and such that work with Keneticist (not things that allow other classes to partially act like Keneticists).....

Fourshadow wrote:
Symbolic Mastery is one I really like: Using a holy symbol, you may make a ranged attack based on your religion's domain...depending on the domain, your attack can be just about any energy (force appeared to be excluded) and even untyped! Damage is based on UMD ranks(1/2) and a d6. Not optimal, but useful, fun and thematic!

Are there limited uses per day to Symbolic Mastery like most Item Mastery feats? Is there a save required, and if so, is that based on CON? What are the pre-reqs?

I ask because that sounds perfect for several of my clerics, but I don't want to get my hopes up in case the logistics don't work out.

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Sharkles wrote:
Fourshadow wrote:
Symbolic Mastery is one I really like: Using a holy symbol, you may make a ranged attack based on your religion's domain...depending on the domain, your attack can be just about any energy (force appeared to be excluded) and even untyped! Damage is based on UMD ranks(1/2) and a d6. Not optimal, but useful, fun and thematic!

Are there limited uses per day to Symbolic Mastery like most Item Mastery feats? Is there a save required, and if so, is that based on CON? What are the pre-reqs?

I ask because that sounds perfect for several of my clerics, but I don't want to get my hopes up in case the logistics don't work out.

You can use it a number of times per day equal to your base Fortitude bonus. You need 4 ranks of Use Magic Device, and a +2 base Fortitude saving throw bonus. No save, just a touch attack or a ranged touch attack.

Luthorne wrote:
Sharkles wrote:
Fourshadow wrote:
Symbolic Mastery is one I really like: Using a holy symbol, you may make a ranged attack based on your religion's domain...depending on the domain, your attack can be just about any energy (force appeared to be excluded) and even untyped! Damage is based on UMD ranks(1/2) and a d6. Not optimal, but useful, fun and thematic!

Are there limited uses per day to Symbolic Mastery like most Item Mastery feats? Is there a save required, and if so, is that based on CON? What are the pre-reqs?

I ask because that sounds perfect for several of my clerics, but I don't want to get my hopes up in case the logistics don't work out.

You can use it a number of times per day equal to your base Fortitude bonus. You need 4 ranks of Use Magic Device, and a +2 base Fortitude saving throw bonus. No save, just a touch attack or a ranged touch attack.

What a beautiful feat (though yes, not optimal). Thank you!

Scarab Sages Contributor

1 person marked this as a favorite.
nighttree wrote:
zergtitan wrote:
Rysky wrote:
Witch - Havocker - gains Kineticist abilities (there ya go Nighttree :3)
Could I know more about this?
Not so much what I was looking for......I'm looking more for feats and such that work with Keneticist (not things that allow other classes to partially act like Keneticists).....

How about Expanded Metakinesis? It basically gives you a few metamagic feats to choose form, that you can use as per normal metakinesis. Personally, Furious Spell interests me the most. RAGEFIREBLASTKILL

UllarWarlord wrote:
nighttree wrote:
zergtitan wrote:
Rysky wrote:
Witch - Havocker - gains Kineticist abilities (there ya go Nighttree :3)
Could I know more about this?
Not so much what I was looking for......I'm looking more for feats and such that work with Keneticist (not things that allow other classes to partially act like Keneticists).....
How about Expanded Metakinesis? It basically gives you a few metamagic feats to choose form, that you can use as per normal metakinesis. Personally, Furious Spell interests me the most. RAGEFIREBLASTKILL

THAT sounds more like it ;)

nighttree wrote:
UllarWarlord wrote:
nighttree wrote:
zergtitan wrote:
Rysky wrote:
Witch - Havocker - gains Kineticist abilities (there ya go Nighttree :3)
Could I know more about this?
Not so much what I was looking for......I'm looking more for feats and such that work with Keneticist (not things that allow other classes to partially act like Keneticists).....
How about Expanded Metakinesis? It basically gives you a few metamagic feats to choose form, that you can use as per normal metakinesis. Personally, Furious Spell interests me the most. RAGEFIREBLASTKILL
THAT sounds more like it ;)

What other options does it add ?

Scarab Sages Contributor

2 people marked this as a favorite.

It also gives the options of Disrupting Spell, Ectoplasmic, Merciful, and Piercing. Each are usable for one burn apiece.

Since merciful spells don't cost a higher spell slot I think that it shouldn't cost any burn as well.

I'd appreciate any info on the rogue talents.

Dragon78 wrote:
Since merciful spells don't cost a higher spell slot I think that it shouldn't cost any burn as well.

They wouldn't have made it zero cost, they would have just left it off the list as a poor fit. I'd rather have it on the list for a point of burn. That's fine if the GM allows reducing the cost with Gather Energy as if it were Metakinesis. If not, yeah, I'd pass.


Dragon78 wrote:
Since merciful spells don't cost a higher spell slot I think that it shouldn't cost any burn as well.

Wood gets merciful for free as a utility talent. To add no-cost Merciful to metakinesis with this feat would have cheapened what was originally one of the few perks of the wood element.

Yeah, I know wood gets it for a utility ability though it is not the only element I could see getting it.

UllarWarlord wrote:
It also gives the options of Disrupting Spell, Ectoplasmic, Merciful, and Piercing. Each are usable for one burn apiece.

Um, yes...this was detailed a page or two ago. Perhaps more. The thread really is worth reading rather than asking the same Question over and over again. I promise. :-D

*has already marked spells for his wizard*

Alexander Augunas wrote:
Dragon78 wrote:
Since merciful spells don't cost a higher spell slot I think that it shouldn't cost any burn as well.
Wood gets merciful for free as a utility talent. To add no-cost Merciful to metakinesis with this feat would have cheapened what was originally one of the few perks of the wood element.

I've editted for enough of N. Jolly's books to know by know that would just trigger more Wood bashing. :p

Honestly though, even at 1 burn it's there when you need it and works on every blast you could potentially know. And it is a feat which is cheaper than a utility wild talent. It's still really quite good. Possibly to the point where several Wood Kin would take it over the talent.


The Mortonator wrote:
Alexander Augunas wrote:
Dragon78 wrote:
Since merciful spells don't cost a higher spell slot I think that it shouldn't cost any burn as well.
Wood gets merciful for free as a utility talent. To add no-cost Merciful to metakinesis with this feat would have cheapened what was originally one of the few perks of the wood element.

I've editted for enough of N. Jolly's books to know by know that would just trigger more Wood bashing. :p

Honestly though, even at 1 burn it's there when you need it and works on every blast you could potentially know. And it is a feat which is cheaper than a utility wild talent. It's still really quite good. Possibly to the point where several Wood Kin would take it over the talent.

Which is okay! It has it's ups and it's downs compared to the utility talent. For instance, you can totally reduce the cost of the feats with gather power, but that might mean you'll need to take burn to add something like empower to your blast. The wood ability costs a utility talent, but it doesn't add burn.

It gives everyone an option for dealing Nonlethal damage, and gives wood kineticists choices. That's honestly why I wrote this feat the way I did; I feel that kineticists lack meaningful feat choices beyond 7th level, and a feat that can give a kineticist a meaningful choice that isn't a new wild talent seemed pretty cool.

Yeah, but water and air would have been good choices for the merciful wild talent version as well.

Alexander Augunas wrote:

Which is okay! It has it's ups and it's downs compared to the utility talent. For instance, you can totally reduce the cost of the feats with gather power, but that might mean you'll need to take burn to add something like empower to your blast. The wood ability costs a utility talent, but it doesn't add burn.

It gives everyone an option for dealing Nonlethal damage, and gives wood kineticists choices. That's honestly why I wrote this feat the way I did; I feel that kineticists lack meaningful feat choices beyond 7th level, and a feat that can give a kineticist a meaningful choice that isn't a new wild talent seemed pretty cool.

Choices is good, and definitely something I am eager to see more of. It's nice when such a simple feat adds quite a few options to a landscape that needs it. ^_^

Alexander Augunas wrote:
The Mortonator wrote:
Alexander Augunas wrote:
Dragon78 wrote:
Since merciful spells don't cost a higher spell slot I think that it shouldn't cost any burn as well.
Wood gets merciful for free as a utility talent. To add no-cost Merciful to metakinesis with this feat would have cheapened what was originally one of the few perks of the wood element.

I've editted for enough of N. Jolly's books to know by know that would just trigger more Wood bashing. :p

Honestly though, even at 1 burn it's there when you need it and works on every blast you could potentially know. And it is a feat which is cheaper than a utility wild talent. It's still really quite good. Possibly to the point where several Wood Kin would take it over the talent.

Which is okay! It has it's ups and it's downs compared to the utility talent. For instance, you can totally reduce the cost of the feats with gather power, but that might mean you'll need to take burn to add something like empower to your blast. The wood ability costs a utility talent, but it doesn't add burn.

It gives everyone an option for dealing Nonlethal damage, and gives wood kineticists choices. That's honestly why I wrote this feat the way I did; I feel that kineticists lack meaningful feat choices beyond 7th level, and a feat that can give a kineticist a meaningful choice that isn't a new wild talent seemed pretty cool.

Thanks Alex! I like it more for the Piercing and Ectoplasmic options. Both energy and physical needed a way to hit incorporeal for full damage and energy needed a boost to penetrate SR. Those are the reasons I like the feat.

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Dragon78 wrote:
Yeah, but water and air would have been good choices for the merciful wild talent version as well.

I'd rather just take Bludgeoner for those myself...a feat is cheaper than a utility wild talent.

The Drovier sounds awesome - besides trading out the Wild Shape, does it alter anything else about the base druid?

Scarab Sages

Luthorne wrote:
Dragon78 wrote:
Yeah, but water and air would have been good choices for the merciful wild talent version as well.
I'd rather just take Bludgeoner for those myself...a feat is cheaper than a utility wild talent.

You can't do non-lethal damage with a blast. It's not a melee weapon, and you are never considered to be "wielding" it.

Imbicatus wrote:
Luthorne wrote:
Dragon78 wrote:
Yeah, but water and air would have been good choices for the merciful wild talent version as well.
I'd rather just take Bludgeoner for those myself...a feat is cheaper than a utility wild talent.
You can't do non-lethal damage with a blast. It's not a melee weapon, and you are never considered to be "wielding" it.

What about a Kinetic Whip?


Alexander Augunas wrote:
The Mortonator wrote:
Alexander Augunas wrote:
Dragon78 wrote:
Since merciful spells don't cost a higher spell slot I think that it shouldn't cost any burn as well.
Wood gets merciful for free as a utility talent. To add no-cost Merciful to metakinesis with this feat would have cheapened what was originally one of the few perks of the wood element.

I've editted for enough of N. Jolly's books to know by know that would just trigger more Wood bashing. :p

Honestly though, even at 1 burn it's there when you need it and works on every blast you could potentially know. And it is a feat which is cheaper than a utility wild talent. It's still really quite good. Possibly to the point where several Wood Kin would take it over the talent.

Which is okay! It has it's ups and it's downs compared to the utility talent. For instance, you can totally reduce the cost of the feats with gather power, but that might mean you'll need to take burn to add something like empower to your blast. The wood ability costs a utility talent, but it doesn't add burn.

It gives everyone an option for dealing Nonlethal damage, and gives wood kineticists choices. That's honestly why I wrote this feat the way I did; I feel that kineticists lack meaningful feat choices beyond 7th level, and a feat that can give a kineticist a meaningful choice that isn't a new wild talent seemed pretty cool.

I agree with Mortonator and Alex; at 1 burn, it's a fun and interesting choice that's there when you need it, even potentially for phytos as mentioned (though a phyto can probably grab merciful for a feat with an extra wild talent since the level is low). There's a lot of cool opportunities with the feat, and each metakinesis on the list is a balanced and interesting option that doesn't clash with infusions, which is always a danger when introducing new metakinesis based on metamagic. Plus now you can do barbarian or bloodrager multiclass!

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