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Askanipsion's page

Goblin Squad Member. 161 posts (195 including aliases). No reviews. 1 list. No wishlists. 2 aliases.


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Amanda Hamon Kunz wrote:

To heal a creature through a healing token, you need to be able to include or target that creature with the spell or ability you're using. So yep, if you're casting CLW through the token, you need to touch the creature, since the spell's range and target still applies.

Thanks for the clarification Amanda!

Just got my PDF - I have a question about the new spell Healing Token. If I use a Cure Light Wounds through the token, do I still have to touch the recipient since CLW is a touch spell?

If that is the case, the only benefit for using a CLW through it is that it can be used as an immediate, correct?

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The Stargazer is my favorite prestige class for Pathfinder - absolutely love it - perfect for my Sehanine priestess :)

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I would love a spell that summons a floating ball of healing positive energy that a cleric can move around like a flaming sphere but heals allies it contacts with

great cover!

hoping to see more channeling options for clerics

Skeld, PDF Prophet wrote:
Askanipsion wrote:
Skeld could you please tell me what the entry requirements are for the Desna prestige class?


** spoiler omitted **


Thank you!

Askanipsion wrote:

what are the requirements for access to the Desna prestige class?

what does it grant?

thank you ☺

Skeld could you please tell me what the entry requirements are for the Desna prestige class?

Thank you ☺

what are the requirements for access to the Desna prestige class?

what does it grant?

thank you ☺

I am hoping these prestige classes don't have high requirements (such as needing more than 2 feats to access)

Any chance you can spoil on the requirements for the Desna prestige class? ;)

hmm I just might give them a racial spell ability of Keep Watch 1x/day

I miss the trance flavor - i think Pathfinder humanized Elves too much by loosing their otherworldly mystical feel to them - I like my Moon elves like Noldor

Thank you for the assistance

I would like my new Elf to trance for 4 hours so I am building her with the race creation rules.

what would be a fair Racial Point cost for elven trance?

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Berselius wrote:
I'd also like to see a Mesmerist archetype that gives access to Psychic class only spells. :D

Would love to see this too - it is disappointing that mesmerist have no access to spells like Id insinaution, mentail barrier, etc

I would like to see Psychic reserve feats like the 3.5 feats

More mesmerist tricks

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Thomas Seitz wrote:
I'd like a Spiritualist that can have a phantom animal companion.

Would love to see this too!

Other items on my want list:

-more psychic archtypes - especially one that focuses on telepathy/communication that grants natural always on telepathy

-Precognition theme powers - immediate action spells

The Drovier sounds awesome - besides trading out the Wild Shape, does it alter anything else about the base druid?

Thank you Quandry!

so my owl animal companion would also need to take Weapon Finesse as it's 1st level feat then also I guess?

thank you everyone for the clarification

isn't there a rule though that tiny animals can use DEX to attack instead of STR though?

I am going to be making a new skin walker Hunter character & my DM is going to allow me to reflavor the were-bat kin into a were-owl kin.

I am going to be taking the feat at 1st level that allows me to take owl form, Owl Shape.

I will mainly use the form to acout/travel but in case I do have to fight in the form - Since the feat acts likes Beast Shape II & the owl is a Tiny animal, do I get access to the Weapon Finesse feat that owls have so I can use DEX to attack rolls or will I still have to use STR to attack?

Thank you for your assistance

Great choice of photos for the guide too!

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Yay for feyspeaker! Finally a fey based Druid :)

Will the Harrow Medium finally get released in this book?

Will there will any play tests?

I know it is an Arcane focused book, but any thing that a druid or hunter can access in the book?

Do leshy familiars give a familiar bonus? I know they grant the Leshy Warden the standard familiar abilities such as Alertness but what do Leshy specifically grant to their master?

Thanks Slithery D!

Is it just flavor for the medium spirits or is there crunch like there was for Next?

what are the legendary medium spirits in the book?

Thank you for your assistance EntryHazard and Carla the Profane!

Wow I really want to love the Medium but I am so disappointed how the final version turned out.

Many of their class features specifically the ones dealing with Haunts will never get used.

I have a question regarding the Archmage spirit.

When they are channeling the spirit, they use the Mesermist for the # of spells they cast....but are they still stuck with their awful Base Medium spells known +1 wizard spell known per spell level?

So a 1st to 3rd Medium would only be able to cast the 1 wizard spell they get from the Spirit plus their usual Medium knacks?

Does the Reliquarian use INT for their spells still or is it also changed to Wisdom?

It isn't very clear in the book.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I will be creating a new character for a new one else wants to handle the healer role so I will do it.

I really want to try one of the new occult classes and I was leaning toward the Medium (hierophant spirit as main with relic archetype since I don't want to deal with the useless Haunt ability & limited locations) or a Spiritualist maybe with a Zeal emotion.

I was leaning toward Aasimar for the race.

I would also like to maybe work a Hallow Deck into the flavor if possible

Any suggestions what feats or traits which would make a Medium or Spiritualist a decent healer?

Any way I can get Channel Energy at 1st level via a feat?

Any assistance would be appreciated!

Any chance the Harrowed Medium will appear in this?

Diego Valdez wrote:

Hello Askanipsion,

I have added Occult Origins to your order. You should be receiving an updated email confirmation.

Thank you Diego!

Katina Mathieson wrote:

Hello there!

Our community team just recently updated the page so that you should be able to start with Occult Origins, but it may be taking a while to fully update. Try checking back later on today to see if it is showing as an option.

If you do not see that option appear, please let me know and I should be able to assist you. Even if you start a subscription with Black Markets, I should be able to add Occult Origins on there for you manually.

Please don't hesitate to ask if there are any further questions or concerns that you may have, and I'll be more than happy to assist.


Good evening Katina,

I checked but still wasn't able to choose Occult Origins for the subscription. I placed a subscription order for Black Markets.

Could you please assist with changing it to Occult Origins?

Order number 3741025

Thank you so much for your assistance ☺

graywulfe wrote:
Askanipsion wrote:

I tired to order this through the subscription plan as I always do but it won't let me choose it anymore. Black markets & Weapons books are only options.

How can I choose Occult Origins through Subscription??

Try a message in the Customer Service forum.

Thank you - I left a message there

I tired to order the October release Occult Origins through the subscription plan as I always do but it won't let me choose it anymore. Black markets & Weapons books are only options.

How can I choose Occult Origins through Subscription??

Please assist

I tired to order this through the subscription plan as I always do but it won't let me choose it anymore. Black markets & Weapons books are only options.

How can I choose Occult Origins through Subscription??

Any new Witch hexes?

They are like PC archetypes - no feat needed to take one - they replace the default familiar abilities

I want a Rivani novel!!

Philo Pharynx wrote:
Lord Fyre wrote:

I'm going to risk being pummeled.

I wish her costume had a bit more "fanservice"

If you want cheesecake, there's a whole bunch on the internet. I'd rather have characters wearing whatever's appropriate for the character. Rivani's outfit does he history justice.

I agree - I like her attire just as it is - we have enough nearly-naked female fantasy art - she is fantastic

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Thanis Kartaleon wrote:
Askanipsion wrote:
As a huge psionics fan I was disappointed at first the route Paizo was taking for psychics....I was disheartened that there were no telepaths in the playtest.....

Psychics and Mesmerists both have telepathic bond on their spell lists. Psychics have access to it at 8th level (one level before wizards), while mesmerists can gain it at 13th level.

I do hope for a telepathy focused archetype, however.

I am hoping for telepathy (even if at only 30 ft) for 1st level archetype.

Do we know if there are any new Witch hexes or archetypes in this book?

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As a huge psionics fan I was disappointed at first the route Paizo was taking for psychics....I was disheartened that there were no telepaths in the playtest.....

but now reading the post-playtest class previews & getting hooked on the tv show "Penny Dreadful", I am getting excited for this book.

I am trying a warpriest for a new campaign.

1) Shouldn't the Warpriest have Knowledge Arcana on their skill list? Why do they have Knowledge Engineering instead?

2) Any word if the final version of the warpriest still gets the cleric spell list? I feel like they should have their own spell list like the Inquisitor

3) Really wish they had Channeling at 1st or 2nd - still feels like the cleric is far superior than the Warpriest

DragoDorn wrote:

Text from dissolving weapon.


"As dissolving touch, except your weapon is charged with acid until you make a successful attack."

From a melee weapon I understand that or if you threw a spear or dagger.

But the Dreamscarred designers said that "officially" a Soulbolt who uses Emulate Ranged Weapon doesn't get ammunition - only the longbow, is the acid transferring to every arrow until it hits?

Logically it would make sense going on 1 arrow but that would contradict the "successful attack" part of the power.

I have a question regarding the 2nd lvl Psychic Warrior power, Dissolving Weapon that I acquired with Expanded Knowledge for my Soulbolt/Psion.

1) Will Dissolving Weapon work on arrows from a Soulbolt longbow?

2) Lets say I manifest Dissolving Weapon on the previous round with a Standard Action & I get 2 attacks per round with a Full Attack (+6/+1) with my soulbolt longbow.

If I miss with my +6 first arrow but hit with my 2nd arrow (+1), will the Dissolving Weapon activate on my 2nd arrow?

Or is Dissolving Weapon only good on my 1st arrow which is now wasted because it missed?

Thank you to anyone who can help answer this :)

Weren Wu Jen wrote:


Thank you!

I am making a Dual Discipline Nomad/Telepath but i have some questions on how it affects the psionic item Students Robes.

Student's Robes - If i am a 3rd level Dual Discipline Nomad (Main)/Telepath & I use the Telepathy version of the robes which adds +5 levels to Discipline abilities, does that mean I can use the 2nd & 8th lvl Telepathy Discipline abilities as a 8th lvl psion?

If so, can I choose to take the alternate Telepath 2nd lvl discipline ability Mindbender Impose Will ability?

Thank you for your assistance

The mention of my favorite witch, Stevie Nicks, in the interview got my funding. :)

The Witch has needed more goodies as they seemed to get the short end in Pathfinder classes. My current character is a Witch/monk - I found it very frustrating to have a Lawful Neutral Witch with the current options available to the witch...luckily my DM let me add spells from Spell Compendium to her spell list.

I was also disappointed in the flavorless Patron abilities...oh gee just spells <yawn>

Congrats on reaching funding!

Thanks Justin & Jeremy for your help :)

I am a HUGE psionics fan since 2nd edition D&D. The Psion has always been my favorite class. My DM is finally allowing Psionics & he got a copy of Ultimate Psionics now too. :)

I was thinking of making a nomad/Soulbow/Elocater so just wanted to get some info before I rolled up the character.

Thank you!