Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Monster Codex (OGL)

4.80/5 (based on 16 ratings)
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Monster Codex (OGL)
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Menagerie of Mayhem!

The fiercest surprises often come from the most familiar foes! Just as no single class description can define every fighter, rogue, or wizard, no single creature entry can truly cover every vicious champion, unholy priest, or savage sorcerer in a band of organized and intelligent monsters.

With Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Monster Codex, fleshed-out hordes are at your fingertips! This volume presents a trove of entries for 20 classic monster races, giving you new ways to use your favorite monsters in a variety of encounters and challenge levels.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Monster Codex is an indispensable companion to the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook and Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Bestiary. This imaginative tabletop game builds upon more than 15 years of system development and an Open Playtest featuring more than 50,000 gamers to create a cutting-edge RPG experience that brings the all-time best-selling set of fantasy rules into a new era.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Monster Codex includes:

  • Pages upon pages of specialized entries for 20 classic monstrous races, from goblins and drow to kobolds and trolls. Face off against such formidable foes as gnoll packlords, ratfolk sages, and dinosaur-riding lizardfolk champions!
  • Detailed information on the ecologies and societies of these formidable creatures.
  • New feats, equipment, spells, and archetypes to help you customize all 20 monstrous races—and the adventurers who fight or trade with them.
  • A horrific new monster associated with each race—allies, thralls, and variants.
  • Sample encounters ready to challenge raw recruits and experienced adventurers alike.
  • ... and much, much more!

ISBN-13: 978-1-60125-686-7

Other Resources: This product is also available on the following platforms:

Hero Lab Online
Fantasy Grounds Virtual Tabletop
Archives of Nethys

Note: This product is part of the Pathfinder Rulebook Subscription.

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4.80/5 (based on 16 ratings)

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Everyone GM Should Own One


Monster Codex is a fantastic 256-page hardcover collection of new rules, variants, and background on twenty classic monstrous races for Pathfinder. The full-colour artwork inside is excellent and the book is laid out quite well. I'm not a particularly big "monster guy", but I found this book quite interesting and readable, and enjoyed finishing an entry every night before bed, often drifting off to sleep with fun (and nefarious) new ideas.

Each entry is twelve pages long and includes a half-page picture and a half-page of in-universe flavour text, followed by a really well-written page of description and background that goes far beyond what's available in a Bestiary. Each monster then receives about two pages of new rules, the exact content of which varies--it could be new archetypes, magic items, spells, feats, favored class options, and more. Some of these options could be taken by anyone, but most are limited to members of the particular race. Next, each entry has six pages of full stat-blocks for variant or specialized members of the race, many of which span a range of Challenge Ratings (CRs) (often through the addition of class levels) so that particular monstrous races don't become obsolete once the PCs reach a certain level. GMs might be surprised how useful this is in expanding the options they have when designing storylines, and the entries include a good mix of martial and caster variants. After that, a new creature associated with the race is presented in a one-page stat block--these are often some sort of animal (or animal-like) companion or pet often present. Last, there's a one-page summary of a few different types of encounters (of varying CRs) in which the PCs might come into conflict with the race--note that these are not true encounters detailed in the sense of maps, terrain, etc., but more like common ways the monsters might be encountered and the number and types that they'll bring to the occasion.

Since there's twenty entries, I can't go into full detail on each, so what follows is more like a list with some very brief comments of things that caught my particular attention added in.

1. Boggards. It was interesting to learn that they have a much more complex society than they might seem to at first glance. [3 new alternate racial traits, 4 new favored class options, 5 new feats, one new spell, 2 new magic items.]

2. Bugbears. The flavour text for this is fantastic (and chilling!). I've always thought of Bugbears and just larger orcs before, but this really helps to distinguish them (and make them scary). There's a really clever spell introduced (Isolate) that renders a creature invisible and silent, but only to their own allies! The artwork for the Bugbear Tyrant (a CR 13 antipaladin) is simply fantastic! [1 new Antipaladin archetype, 7 new feats, 1 new spell, 2 new magic items]

3. Drow. [2 new alchemist discoveries, 3 new feats, 2 new pieces of equipment, 2 new magic items]

4. Duergar. The picture of the Duergar Monk makes me laugh because of that huge pot belly! [2 new alternate racial traits, 3 new feats, 2 new weapons, 3 new spells, 1 new magic item]

5. Fire Giants. There's a new Oracle Mystery introduced here (Apocalypse) that one of the PCs in my Rise of the Runelords game has taken. So you never know what will prove useful in a game. I also like the new creature, a Steam Hog--a huge, tusked boar; a mounted Fire Giant cavalier would be terrifying! [1 new Oracle mystery, 1 new feat, 2 new spells]

6. Frost Giants. [7 new feats, 2 new spells, 4 new magic items]

7. Ghouls. I've been reading Classic Horrors Revisited at the same time as this book, so I was mildly surprised to see the race again here. But I like ghouls, so that's okay. The artwork here is great, and I really like the variant ghoul--the Masked Marauder (a CR 8 ghoul bard), who would be a great mastermind villain for an urban campaign. [1 new sorcerer bloodline, 5 new feats, 2 new spells]

8. Gnolls. [1 new Witch archetype, 1 new Barbarian archetype, 5 new feats (4 of them Teamwork, which makes perfect sense for hyena-like Gnolls), 1 new weapon, and 3 new magic items]

9. Goblins. I *really* want to play a Goblin Winged Marauder! I also liked (and was mildly disgusted by) the explanation of what a Goblin Alchemist formula book looks like. [1 new Alchemist archetype, 1 new Oracle curse, 1 new Witch hex, 1 new piece of equipment, and 2 new spells]

10. Hobgoblins. Perfect for anyone planning to run the Ironfang Invasion adventure path. The Hobgoblin Commander (a CR 12 Samurai) is really cool. [1 new Alchemist archetype, 6 new feats, 4 new pieces of equipment]

11. Kobolds. I liked the Dragon Yapper archetype for bards--instead of inspiring your allies, you annoy and distract your enemies! [1 new Alchemist archetype, 1 new Bard archetype, 2 new animal companions, 7 new traps, 2 new feats]

12. Lizardfolk. I have a new appreciation for lizardfolk after reading this entry, which means the writers did their job well. [1 new Druid archetype, 1 new Oracle curse, 3 new feats, 3 new spells]

13. Ogres. The focus here is on the degenerations and mutations that plague the race. The artwork is a bit tame considering how much fun the artist could have had. [4 new templates; 8 new feats]

14. Orcs. This entry would be particularly useful to players since Half-Orc is a Core race. [4 new feats, 2 new pieces of equipment, 6 new magic items]

15. Ratfolk. They seem like a lot of fun, and I'll have to make time to play one. The Cheek Pouch alternate racial trait is a classic. [4 new alternate racial traits, 4 new feats, 1 new piece of equipment, 1 new animal companion, 2 new magic items]

16. Sahuagin. [6 new mutant variants, 3 new feats, 3 new spells]

17. Serpentfolk. Such a fascinating race and mysterious race! [5 new feats, 2 new spells, 3 new magic items]

18. Troglodytes. I still find the race rather bland and forgettable after reading this entry--one of the book's only failures in that department. [3 new variants, 3 new spells, 2 new magic items]

19. Trolls. The Troll Fury archetype (for druids) presents an interesting take on trolls. I love (and fear) the Cooperative Rend teamwork feat--if a troll and its ally have the feat and are threatening the same creature, only one claw attack has to land for rend to kick in! I'm not a big fan, however, of Paizo's artistic take on trolls. The new monster, a CR 2 Sewer Troll, is a great way to help low-level PCs get acquainted with the regeneration monster ability before they fight the real thing. [1 new Druid archetype, 6 new feats, 1 new piece of equipment, 2 new spells, 2 new magic items]

20. Vampires. A GM will appreciate the new templates for creatures that have been repeatedly drained or dominated by vampires. Alchemical Blood is a logical thing to introduce in the game as well. [3 new templates, 2 new simple templates for minions, 2 new feats, 1 new piece of equipment, 2 new magic items]

An appendix introduces the concept of "Simple Class Templates". The idea here is to allow a GM to quickly modify a monster by adding class levels without having to laboriously rebuild a stat block from the ground up. Thus, each of the Core Rulebook classes are given quick template rules and simplified spellcasting. I haven't tried this method out, so I don't know how well it works.

As I said, I'm not a monster guy, so the fact that I enjoyed this book so much is telling. It really does freshen up monsters with the options presented. Long-time players, even those that do their very best not to metagame, may not be able to avoid sighing when yet another orc or troll appears in a game--but with the material presented here, the GM can add a surprising twist to every encounter. In addition, the stat blocks for higher CR versions of every monster makes many of these monsters viable opponents throughout a campaign instead of the old "goblins at Level 1, trolls at Level 5, and neither ever seen again afterwards" problem. I also liked how the addition of class levels can help turn common PC strengths against themselves--an alchemist monster hurling touch-attack area of effect bombs definitely changes up the battlefield! Although this book isn't literally indispensable for GMs, it would be among the first recommendations I would make. And, perhaps surprisingly, there's enough race-neutral options here that players will surely find something useful for their PCs as well (if they're cheeky enough to buy a copy). And you gotta love that cover!

Go Go Pathfinder!


I had this exact idea and wrote it down but never sent it. Now I have owned your version for awhile and I just love it and how you executed this book. You can really tell how valuable this book is to GM's as every review is 5 out of 5 stars except 1 review dragging down the median.

I echo the sentiments of my fellow reviewers when I ask to see a second Monster Codex and here is a list that might be good candidates. Love to hear what others ideas might be.

18 in total; 4 playable races, 8 monster races, 6 undead creatures.


Dryad & Fey Creatures
Giants (Hill & Stone)


Other possibilities are Cloud & Storm Giants, also Suli is a real cool playable race that could be added.

Finally I would also love to see a second Rival Guide but hopefully there would be more low level groups. It could be called Rival Codex and could also include a more extensive section for groups like primitive tribes, street gangs, crazed zealots, and evil monks than what is in the GMG.

One of the best


Read my full review on Of Dice and Pen.

I really cannot praise the Monster Codex enough. In the year since its release, it has become one of the most used resources at my game table. It's like a Bestiary, the NPC Codex, and the Advanced Race Guide all rolled into one! The Monster Codex covers 20 of the most common monster races and provides a selection of NPCs for each, as well as several new rules options, and still more. It gives GMs a chance to take these classic monsters and add huge variety to them.

Humanoid Monster Races Finally Get Development


This is really what the revisited products should be like: full of extra inspiration and details to make a GM's like easier. Why buy a product that just regurgitates what I already know about a monster race?

This focuses on many of the humanoid monster races and fleshes them out, something Paizo really needed to do. I'm hoping they do this with many of the other races that are sentient.

This book is well worth your money if you plan on using monsters as characters in your games and not just target practice.

One of my favorites


This is probably one of the best Pathfinder resources for DMs. I love the 'classic' monsters, but it can be hard to use them in other than their typical niches. This book takes care of that and lets orcs, kobolds, and the rest be diverse enough to keep the players guessing.

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Skeld wrote:
Dragon78 wrote:

Are there any new sorcerer bloodlines other then the ghoul's?

Are there any new oracle mysteries?

** spoiler omitted **


2 Curses & a Mystery! I want to know what they do, and in which monster section they are detailed in.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber

The mystery is with the fire giants, and then both goblins and lizardfolk each have one of the curses.

Grand Lodge

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Axial wrote:
Skeld wrote:
Dragon78 wrote:

Are there any new sorcerer bloodlines other then the ghoul's?

Are there any new oracle mysteries?

** spoiler omitted **


Whoa! What do all of those things do?


Ghould Bloodline I covered already.
Apocalypse Mystery Revelations - Defy Elements (gain resistance 5 to a selected energy type), Destructive Roots (creates difficult terrain centered around you), Doomsayer (causes enemies to become shaken), Dust to Dust (causes nearby weapons to shatter), Near Death (causes your body to ignite), Power of the Fallen (kinda like death knell), Spell Blast (bull rush attempt on an opponent you hit with a critical hit on a spell), Unstoppable Overrun (overrun targets up to 2 size categories larger than you), Final Revelation (any spell that deals 1 negative level instead deals 1d4 negative levels; any critical hit can bestow curse)
Cold-Blooded curse - Lizardfolk curse; your body gets sluggish without sufficient heat.
Infested curse - Goblin curse; you are constantly crawling with vermin.


Grand Lodge

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Dragon78 wrote:

Any more info on the new creatures related to each monster?

Are there any new 0HD races?


You'll have to be more specific about what you'd like to know about the creatures.
There aren't any new playable races for PCs if that is what you're asking.


How is the editing overall? I know they are not really the same type of book and thus wouldn't be terribly easy to compare but I am wondering how this compares to all of the editing issues we saw in the Advanced Class Guide.

Grand Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
James0235 wrote:
How is the editing overall? I know they are not really the same type of book and thus wouldn't be terribly easy to compare but I am wondering how this compares to all of the editing issues we saw in the Advanced Class Guide.

Someone else will have to field that question because I don't pay much attention to editing. It would have to be pretty egregious for me to notice it or for it to affect my opinion. I don't get my panties twisted if a word is misspelled or they leave our a word.


Skeld wrote:

Someone else will have to field that question because I don't pay much attention to editing. It would have to be pretty egregious for me to notice it or for it to affect my opinion. I don't get my panties twisted if a word is misspelled or they leave our a word.


I'm pretty much the same way. Well, except for the panties. I've never noticed much of anything wrong with any Pathfinder hardcover other than the logo on the side of Bestiary 3. But, the ACG had so many issues that I noticed. And if I am noticing them then I think they have to be pretty bad. I'm really hoping they worked out the editing problems in time for this one.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I think we'll have to wait for Strife2002 and chopswil to dig into the stat blocks for the "real" errors to crop up, but nothing has leapt out at me in my perusal.

Grand Lodge

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Chemlak wrote:
I think we'll have to wait for Strife2002 and chopswil to dig into the stat blocks for the "real" errors to crop up, but nothing has leapt out at me in my perusal.

Right. I'm not digging into statblocks. I also don't hand-wring about whether a +1 got added to something incorrectly or if a creature is underspent by 2 skill points.



James0235 wrote:
Skeld wrote:

Someone else will have to field that question because I don't pay much attention to editing. It would have to be pretty egregious for me to notice it or for it to affect my opinion. I don't get my panties twisted if a word is misspelled or they leave our a word.


I'm pretty much the same way. Well, except for the panties. I've never noticed much of anything wrong with any Pathfinder hardcover other than the logo on the side of Bestiary 3. But, the ACG had so many issues that I noticed. And if I am noticing them then I think they have to be pretty bad. I'm really hoping they worked out the editing problems in time for this one.

This is just a personal opinion, but errors tend to be noticed more often when they're errors with player options. For example, few people ever go back and double check monster stat blocks to make sure that every skill bonus is 100% accurate.

Monster Codex is VERY minimalistic on player options. I think I noticed a feat that wasn't bolded correctly somewhere, but that's about it.

Silver Crusade

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Alexander Augunas wrote:

Monster Codex is VERY minimalistic on player options. I think I noticed a feat that wasn't bolded correctly somewhere, but that's about it.

Well, that at least hopefully will cut down the amount of "No buffs for Clerics, there's a typo on page 45, still no official apology for not recognizing the utter failure of designers to address the caster-martial disparity, 0 stars" reviews.

Grand Lodge

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Alexander Augunas wrote:
James0235 wrote:
Skeld wrote:

Someone else will have to field that question because I don't pay much attention to editing. It would have to be pretty egregious for me to notice it or for it to affect my opinion. I don't get my panties twisted if a word is misspelled or they leave our a word.


I'm pretty much the same way. Well, except for the panties. I've never noticed much of anything wrong with any Pathfinder hardcover other than the logo on the side of Bestiary 3. But, the ACG had so many issues that I noticed. And if I am noticing them then I think they have to be pretty bad. I'm really hoping they worked out the editing problems in time for this one.

This is just a personal opinion, but errors tend to be noticed more often when they're errors with player options. For example, few people ever go back and double check monster stat blocks to make sure that every skill bonus is 100% accurate.

Monster Codex is VERY minimalistic on player options. I think I noticed a feat that wasn't bolded correctly somewhere, but that's about it.

Have you seen the NPC Codex error thread? :D


English isn't my first learned/primary language, so typos and missing words can be a problem sometimes (and I still notice the amount has increased in recent products).

I am talking about the new creature for each monster, only a few were descripted though all were named.

Skeld wrote:
Alexander Augunas wrote:

Monster Codex is VERY minimalistic on player options. I think I noticed a feat that wasn't bolded correctly somewhere, but that's about it.
Have you seen the NPC Codex error thread? :D

Yikes. I just did. I don't know whether I love those guys, or hate those guys.

Grand Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Dragon78 wrote:
I am talking about the new creature for each monster, only a few were descripted though all were named.


Bogwiggle - small, malformed spawn of boggard priest-kings.
Frightful Haunter - incorporeal, undead bugbear haunt to scare you from beyond the grave.
Abrakarn Viper - huge, demonic serpentine construct used by drow.
Dark Spitter Beetle -sometimes used as mounts by duergar.
Juggernaut Beetle - sometimes mounted by 2duergar.
Steam Hog - Huge, half-animal, half-construct, all steam hog! Used as pimped-out fire giant pet/mounts.
Svathurim - huge, 8-legged frost giant centaur thing.
Sootwing Bat - tiny, ghoul bat familiar.
Ghoul Hound - pet ghoul dog.
Flind - gnollier than the average gnoll (gnoll varient).
Mutant Goblin - acquired template to modify a goblin through mutation.
Yzobu - hobgoblin pack animal, sometimes mount/pet/companion.
Lizard Scion -variant lizardfolk.
Troggle - half-troll, half-ogre, all disturbing to imagine how that happens.
Gorthek -cantankerous orc bison rhino animal thing.
Feeder in the Depths - think shark, but bigger and eviler.
Seru -small flying snake .
Slaugrak -variant troglodyte.
Sewer Troll -variant troll.
Vampire Spawn -template for vampire spawning.
Kirrix and Kyrana are already described.

Hope that helps.


Power Word Unzip wrote:
Yikes. I just did. I don't know whether I love those guys, or hate those guys.

Love them for only from that obsessiveness can a campaign setting as interconnected as Planescape come to exist. Let alone as resource as helpful as Afroakuma.


A) which monster is the Apocalypse mystery associated with?

B) I recall that vampire spawn have been in Pathfinder for awhile, so what exactly is this new template?

C) Is there supposed to be some kind of potency index, i.e Vampire>Vampire Spawn>Dhampir?

Thanks for the info Skeld;)

Holy crap this is awesome. And I love Orcs, so it's got some Orky goodness right in there.

Grand Lodge

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Axial wrote:
** spoiler omitted **


A) Fire Giants.
B) IIRC, Vapire Spawn first appeared in the first Bestiary under the Vampire entry as "they have the same stats as Wights, but with these changes." The Vampire Spawn entry in the Monster Codex elevates them to a template that can be applied to any living creature with 4+ HD.
C) I didn't see anything of that nature.


Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber

Can any of the new animals be taken as companions/mounts?

Grand Lodge

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Nate Z wrote:
Can any of the new animals be taken as companions/mounts?

Yes. Some of them mention being pets, companions, familiars, etc. to the races they are attached to.


Shadow Lodge

Skeld wrote:
Dragon78 wrote:
I am talking about the new creature for each monster, only a few were descripted though all were named.

** spoiler omitted **

Hope that helps.


1. Is the mutant goblin effectively a goblin with the mutant template from the numeria setting book?

2. Is the Troggle like an ogrekin troll then, and if so what abilities does it get?

3. Could you go into more detail about the Troglodyte creature?

Shadow Lodge

Gorbacz wrote:
Alexander Augunas wrote:

Monster Codex is VERY minimalistic on player options. I think I noticed a feat that wasn't bolded correctly somewhere, but that's about it.
Well, that at least hopefully will cut down the amount of "No buffs for Clerics, there's a typo on page 45, still no official apology for not recognizing the utter failure of designers to address the caster-martial disparity, 0 stars" reviews.

Your naivety is adorable.

Grand Lodge

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
doc the grey wrote:
Skeld wrote:
Dragon78 wrote:
I am talking about the new creature for each monster, only a few were descripted though all were named.

** spoiler omitted **

Hope that helps.


1. Is the mutant goblin effectively a goblin with the mutant template from the numeria setting book?

2. Is the Troggle like an ogrekin troll then, and if so what abilities does it get?

3. Could you go into more detail about the Troglodyte creature?


1) I don't have access to the Numeria book right now, so I'll have to revisit this.
2) I guess you could look at it as an Ogrekin Troll, although I don't know that you would get this creature by adding the Ogrekin template to a Troll. The only ability it has (if you want to call it that) is Ogre Blood (counts as an Ogre).
3) It's described as a demon-blooded Troglodyte that have fiendish deformities and pop up every few generations. It's a large, CE native outsider. The one depicted in the art looks like a Troglodyte mutant (lots of extra little arms, eyes, and mouths).


Shadow Lodge

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Skeld wrote:
doc the grey wrote:
Skeld wrote:
Dragon78 wrote:
I am talking about the new creature for each monster, only a few were descripted though all were named.

** spoiler omitted **

Hope that helps.


1. Is the mutant goblin effectively a goblin with the mutant template from the numeria setting book?

2. Is the Troggle like an ogrekin troll then, and if so what abilities does it get?

3. Could you go into more detail about the Troglodyte creature?

** spoiler omitted **



1. No. The mutant goblin has its own template. Gaining a random mutation such as a breath weapon, and fast healing for every 5 HD it gains.

2. Troggles are their own create not a template. The picture, and text as animals more than ogres. Ogres keep tham as pets, and trolls kill on sight,

Lazaro wrote:
Skeld wrote:
doc the grey wrote:
Skeld wrote:
Dragon78 wrote:
I am talking about the new creature for each monster, only a few were descripted though all were named.

** spoiler omitted **

Hope that helps.


1. Is the mutant goblin effectively a goblin with the mutant template from the numeria setting book?

2. Is the Troggle like an ogrekin troll then, and if so what abilities does it get?

3. Could you go into more detail about the Troglodyte creature?

** spoiler omitted **


** spoiler omitted **

So, Half Elf and Half Orc, but with even less luck?

Dark Archive

Potential Error:

Bag Of Bones on page 80

Bag Of Bones:
Your undead form ignores the limits of mortal physiology. Prerequisite: Ghoul. Benefit: You are treated as one size smaller for the purpose of calculating penalties for squeezing, and gain a +5 competence bonus on Escape Artist checks. If you possess 10 or more Hit Dice, this bonus increases to +4.

Why is it that the archetypes aren't useful for PCs? Are they...overpowered or something? Or can they just not be used with 0HD characters?

Grand Lodge

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Axial wrote:
Why is it that the archetypes aren't useful for PCs? Are they...overpowered or something? Or can they just not be used with 0HD characters?

Because this is a Monster/GM book. It's not meant for PCs.


Skeld wrote:
Axial wrote:
Why is it that the archetypes aren't useful for PCs? Are they...overpowered or something? Or can they just not be used with 0HD characters?

Because this is a Monster/GM book. It's not meant for PCs.


But WHY can they not be used by PCs? Is there something mechanical preventing them from being used?

But WHY can they not be used by PCs? Is there something mechanical preventing them from being used?

I believe some of them can in fact be used as PC"s (I think the drow, goblin and hobgoblin might be three of them). As for the rest, I think they might be just too powerful for a PC to use without unbalancing the game (or making the monster player's companions seem pale in comparison). I dunno, are the rules for level adjustment from D&D 3.5 transferable in this case?

Is there a frost giant druid?

If so, is it a female frost giant and does it worship Thremyr?

What feats do the frost giants have?

2 Curses & a Mystery!

Yes! Finally we get more oracle curses!

The mystery is with the fire giants, and then both goblins and lizardfolk each have one of the curses.

AAARRRGGGHHH! (beings cursing and pulling out his own hair in a fit of RAGE equal to the fury of a THOUSAND SUNS)

Grand Lodge

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Axial wrote:
Skeld wrote:
Axial wrote:
Why is it that the archetypes aren't useful for PCs? Are they...overpowered or something? Or can they just not be used with 0HD characters?

Because this is a Monster/GM book. It's not meant for PCs.


But WHY can they not be used by PCs? Is there something mechanical preventing them from being used?

There's nothing to prevent a player from using any of this stuff for a PC. Since the characters in the Monster Codex are monsters and monsters are typically the purview of GMs, players will get less use from this book than GMs will. Much of the rule content has a racial requirement, but if you're playing in a game as a monster PC, then there is likely nothing mechanical preventing you from using an options from the book.


Grand Lodge

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Berselius wrote:

Is there a frost giant druid?

If so, is it a female frost giant and does it worship Thremyr?

What feats do the frost giants have?

2 Curses & a Mystery!

Yes! Finally we get more oracle curses!

The mystery is with the fire giants, and then both goblins and lizardfolk each have one of the curses.
AAARRRGGGHHH! (beings cursing and pulling out his own hair in a fit of RAGE equal to the fury of a THOUSAND SUNS)


There is an NPC stat block for a Frost Giant Druin (level 10, Article Druid). The accompanying art depicts it as a female. I don't believe the stat block makes any mention of the deity it worships.

Frost Giants get the following feats: Ancestral Enmity (+2 to attacks vs. Dwarves/Gnomes), Awesome Charge (free Awesome Blow attempt on a successful charge attack), Born of Frost (+1d6 cold damage to natural/unarmed attacks), Chilled Rocks (+1d6 cold damage on thrown weapon attacks), Cleaving Sweep (trip attack on successful 2-weapon attack), Icy Stare (stare at an enemy to deal 1d6 cold damage), Sure on Ice (no movement penalty for moving on snow or ice).


Skeld wrote:
Axial wrote:
Skeld wrote:
Axial wrote:
Why is it that the archetypes aren't useful for PCs? Are they...overpowered or something? Or can they just not be used with 0HD characters?

Because this is a Monster/GM book. It's not meant for PCs.


But WHY can they not be used by PCs? Is there something mechanical preventing them from being used?

There's nothing to prevent a player from using any of this stuff for a PC. Since the characters in the Monster Codex are monsters and monsters are typically the purview of GMs, players will get less use from this book than GMs will. Much of the rule content has a racial requirement, but if you're playing in a game as a monster PC, then there is likely nothing mechanical preventing you from using an options from the book.


What about the archetypes that are associated to non-playable races, like the Bouda witch for instance? Is the archetype itself player-friendly?

Ok, I gotta get specific now with everything for the two following races. I'm getting this on the 22nd when the PDF gets out, no question, but dammit I can't wait any longer.

What is actually in the book for the two following races:
Orc and Fire Giant.

I love Orcs, and for monster races, outside of Rune Giants, Fire Giants are another favorite of mine. Tell me of feats, abilities, spells, all of it please!!!!!

Also, you can assume that the Fire Giant who has that specific apocalyptic mystery worships either the god of the fire giants or any one of the Horsemen. It's a nice touch, because I never really thought of the Fire Giants, incredibly militaristic and uptight, to put much stock in oracles and divining and divinations and such.

The Exchange RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16, Contributor

Axial wrote:
Skeld wrote:
Axial wrote:
Why is it that the archetypes aren't useful for PCs? Are they...overpowered or something? Or can they just not be used with 0HD characters?

Because this is a Monster/GM book. It's not meant for PCs.


But WHY can they not be used by PCs? Is there something mechanical preventing them from being used?

There is no reason players can't take them. Some might have abilities or powers that assume racial abilities though.

Finally got my shipping order email:)

Dragon78 wrote:
Finally got my shipping order email:)

You.. very lucky person :)

Another ~8 hours of pressing of F5 starting right now

Grand Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Dennis Baker wrote:
Axial wrote:
Skeld wrote:
Axial wrote:
Why is it that the archetypes aren't useful for PCs? Are they...overpowered or something? Or can they just not be used with 0HD characters?

Because this is a Monster/GM book. It's not meant for PCs.


But WHY can they not be used by PCs? Is there something mechanical preventing them from being used?
There is no reason players can't take them. Some might have abilities or powers that assume racial abilities though.

Pretty much what Dennis says here. Of the 9 Archetypes, I didn't see any that players specifically could not take. However, so of them are weirdly specific in what they do and don't readily lend themselves to players. For example, the Troll Fury (Druid) Archetype has a class ability that allows it to whip other Trolls into a rage and gain combat bonuses. That's probably not a useful ability for a PC. Again, the book is written with GMs in mind, not players, so that point of view affects everything in the book.


Grand Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Major_Blackhart wrote:

Ok, I gotta get specific now with everything for the two following races. I'm getting this on the 22nd when the PDF gets out, no question, but dammit I can't wait any longer.

What is actually in the book for the two following races:
Orc and Fire Giant.

I love Orcs, and for monster races, outside of Rune Giants, Fire Giants are another favorite of mine. Tell me of feats, abilities, spells, all of it please!!!!!

Also, you can assume that the Fire Giant who has that specific apocalyptic mystery worships either the god of the fire giants or any one of the Horsemen. It's a nice touch, because I never really thought of the Fire Giants, incredibly militaristic and uptight, to put much stock in oracles and divining and divinations and such.


Orc section:
Feats - Horn Rider, Horn Rider's Charge, Mutual Hatred, scarred Legion.
Equipment - Gorthek Saddle, Horn Harness.
Magic Items - Ambush Cauldron, Banner of the Rushing Horde, Crashing Boots, Gorthek Masks, Spikebones, Wardrums of Savagery.
Statblocks - Orc Sergeant, Orc Lieutenant, Orc Mystic, Orc Thug, Orc Wardrummer, Orc Scout, Gorthek Rider, Orc Warlord, Orc Chieftain, Orc Witch Doctor.
Monster - Gorthek.

Fire Giant section:
Oracle Mystery - Apocalypse (Deities: Gorum, Rovagug).
Feat - Smoking Boulder.
Magic Item Properties - Burning (weapon), Steaming (armor).
Statblocks - Fire Giant Glaive, Fire Giant Strongarm, Fire Giant Lieutinent, Giant Dire Boar Mount, Fire Giant Magmablade, Fire Giant Doombringer, Fire Giant Queen, Fire Giant King.
Monster - Steam Hog.


RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Berselius wrote:
does it worship Thremyr?

This is a Core-line hardcover, which means Golarion-specific proper nouns (like deities outside the core 20) are generally avoided.

Skeld wrote:
Major_Blackhart wrote:

Ok, I gotta get specific now with everything for the two following races. I'm getting this on the 22nd when the PDF gets out, no question, but dammit I can't wait any longer.

What is actually in the book for the two following races:
Orc and Fire Giant.

I love Orcs, and for monster races, outside of Rune Giants, Fire Giants are another favorite of mine. Tell me of feats, abilities, spells, all of it please!!!!!

Also, you can assume that the Fire Giant who has that specific apocalyptic mystery worships either the god of the fire giants or any one of the Horsemen. It's a nice touch, because I never really thought of the Fire Giants, incredibly militaristic and uptight, to put much stock in oracles and divining and divinations and such.

** spoiler omitted **


*Reads the list of Fire Giant stat blocks*

Does this mean the book shows us King Snorre Iron-Belly and Queen Frupy in all their glory? Now lets see if anyone's old enough to get those references. Really, though, it sounds like an impressive list.

And do any of the monsters use classes from the ACG? I think that the Brawler would be a great class for giants.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Thank you skeld! So awesome.

Grand Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Eric Hinkle wrote:
Skeld wrote:
Major_Blackhart wrote:

Ok, I gotta get specific now with everything for the two following races. I'm getting this on the 22nd when the PDF gets out, no question, but dammit I can't wait any longer.

What is actually in the book for the two following races:
Orc and Fire Giant.

I love Orcs, and for monster races, outside of Rune Giants, Fire Giants are another favorite of mine. Tell me of feats, abilities, spells, all of it please!!!!!

Also, you can assume that the Fire Giant who has that specific apocalyptic mystery worships either the god of the fire giants or any one of the Horsemen. It's a nice touch, because I never really thought of the Fire Giants, incredibly militaristic and uptight, to put much stock in oracles and divining and divinations and such.

** spoiler omitted **


*Reads the list of Fire Giant stat blocks*

Does this mean the book shows us King Snorre Iron-Belly and Queen Frupy in all their glory? Now lets see if anyone's old enough to get those references. Really, though, it sounds like an impressive list.

And do any of the monsters use classes from the ACG? I think that the Brawler would be a great class for giants.

I got your reference. :D

I don't remember seeing anything from the ACG (and it's missing from the book references sidebar), but there's plenty from the APG and ARG.


While there weren't a lot of player options, intimidate martial builds got a significant amount of those options.

The Hateful feat alone(swift action full BAB attack against demoralized foes) is amazing. And its only prerequisites are a str requirement and power attack

I don't think there is any archetype support for the ACG, but ACG classes are included in the spells, bloodrager for example got a couple nice spells.

Can you tell me the prerequisites for all the Frost Giant feats? Also, what is the alignment of the Frost Giant Druid?

Contributor, RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16, 2011 Top 32, 2012 Top 4

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Eric Hinkle wrote:

Does this mean the book shows us King Snorre Iron-Belly and Queen Frupy in all their glory? Now lets see if anyone's old enough to get those references.

That's King Snurre to you! Now turn in your grognard badge and hand over your agonizer if you please, Mr. Hinkle! :-)

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