R_Chance |

True. It's something I puzzled over myself trying to think of a way to make an items description descriptive, vague and complex. Some items are kind of easy. Like color coded medicine. Call something strange blue icor in a glass jar and the players will have a hard time guessing it's a healing potion. Others are a little hard. Like how do you describe a gun without players imminently saying oh that's a gun and knowing everything about it. (I tried to do this myself once before and it didn't do all that well.)Then there is the question of how many often do you want to do the laser caveman thing in an adventure. On every item, or just the big ones.
That was the problem. When I used flowcharts I used them for categories of similar items. I don't know if you're familiar with Petal Throne / Tekumel but there is a category of tech item known as "eyes". Small oval eye shaped objects with a stud on one side and an aperture on the other. You press the stud and the effect emits from the aperture. Once you solved the simple method you could activate any of the 3 dozen or so eyes but you wouldn't know what the effect was without a written inscription or using the item. I also had multiple charts for different complexities of items. And "mishaps" were fun :)

Lloyd Jackson |
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Oceanshieldwolf wrote:Triple ehrmagherd!!! Have you people no pity?!?!NONE. YOU WILL HAVE OUR SCI-FI PEANUT BUTTER IN YOUR FANTASY CHOCOLATE AND LIKE IT.
Or not—not everybody's gaming tastes are the same. :D
Aggressive Liz is aggressive, or not. ^_^
I am really looking forward to this. Combined with Rasputin Must Die, I'll be fully ready for any world/time hopping shenanigans my players attempt.

Drock11 |
I think peanut butter with chocolate is a bad analogy myself. A better one is somebody that very much dislikes the notion of putting chocolate syrup on top of his pepperoni pizza even though he loves both of them.
Anyway if this book is actually going to be necessary to go though the Iron Gods AP and not just regular material from the campaign line I might have to reconsider staying with my AP subscription. I just can't have that much material be of no use to me to justify the cost even if I will really miss all the associated things that come with each book from an adventure path like deity articles and monsters. True the rules themselves for the Technology Guide book might be out there for free as it's been stated in this thread, but I have to be brutally honest, I hate having to print things like that out or go online for them instead of having them be in a nice convenient book I can have with illustrations as a bonus, to the point I would rather not play it if it requires that.
This also points to it not being an AP with just some science like things added in, but that being almost the whole basis of the AP in most facets of it. That sounds like a total nightmare to try and fix for the people that don't like that sort of thing. One of the biggest reason I buy material is so I don't have to do the work myself. It's also almost always easier for people to add in things they like that don't exist than to surgically remove material from a setting and replace it all, and then after that to somehow hope one doesn‘t leave any gaping plot holes or miss something. When so much has to be changed it hard to even mine it for ideas.
Plus, if enough people don't buy it maybe they will stop with this sort of thing. I don't mind people that like that sort of stuff or even Paizo making material for it. I'm glad they do in fact, but they should have totally decoupled things like this from Golarion as a setting, and made material like that optional for people that like to play that sort of stuff so they could add it in themselves. At the least this should be taking place on another planet or plane that can be conveniently ignored. Golarion might be an alright mechanism for table top RPG, for now, but Paizo's everything but the kitchen sink philosophy of world building is coming back to bite them I think. It's getting to the point it's not so much as opening options for story telling as it's creating a big mess. While as a basis for a table top game Golarion might be alright for the moment, as a fictional setting it's starting to lose quality and heading for shark jumping territory, and that's going to effect even the table top stuff eventually.

Steven "Troll" O'Neal |
5 people marked this as a favorite. |

I think peanut butter with chocolate is a bad analogy myself. A better one is somebody that very much dislikes the notion of putting chocolate syrup on top of his pepperoni pizza even though he loves both of them.
Anyway if this book is actually going to be necessary to go though the Iron Gods AP and not just regular material from the campaign line I might have to reconsider staying with my AP subscription. I just can't have that much material be of no use to me to justify the cost even if I will really miss all the associated things that come with each book from an adventure path like deity articles and monsters. True the rules themselves for the Technology Guide book might be out there for free as it's been stated in this thread, but I have to be brutally honest, I hate having to print things like that out or go online for them instead of having them be in a nice convenient book I can have with illustrations as a bonus, to the point I would rather not play it if it requires that.
This also points to it not being an AP with just some science like things added in, but that being almost the whole basis of the AP in most facets of it. That sounds like a total nightmare to try and fix for the people that don't like that sort of thing. One of the biggest reason I buy material is so I don't have to do the work myself. It's also almost always easier for people to add in things they like that don't exist than to surgically remove material from a setting and replace it all, and then after that to somehow hope one doesn‘t leave any gaping plot holes or miss something. When so much has to be changed it hard to even mine it for ideas.
Plus, if enough people don't buy it maybe they will stop with this sort of thing. I don't mind people that like that sort of stuff or even Paizo making material for it. I'm glad they do in fact, but they should have totally decoupled things like this from Golarion as a setting, and made material like that optional for people that like to play that sort of stuff so they...
But Numeria is a part of Golarion, and it's a science fantasy setting. Therefore, the pizza had chocolate all along, you just hadn't bitten into it yet.

nighttree |
4 people marked this as a favorite. |

I think it's somewhat short sited to assume you won't like what Paizo has done in this regard without looking at the material and giving it a chance.
As I have said before...historically I am not a fan of Sci-fi mixed with my fantasy.
I can actually be pretty snarky when it comes to my biases.
However I have come to trust what the developers come up with....even if it doesn't match my taste(for example...the way skinwalkers have been handled)
I suppose it makes sense to cancel subs if you are certain you are not interested in everything that might pop up...
I know I don't do the subscription thing for that very reason.
I completley skipped the Kobald book, because I knew it was of no interest to me "sight unseen"....we have always thought Kobolds where daft...so without a complete overhaul they are of no interest to me or my table.
However...this stuff, I will get simply becuase they MIGHT handle it in a way I like.....not likely....but they might.

zergtitan |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

I think peanut butter with chocolate is a bad analogy myself. A better one is somebody that very much dislikes the notion of putting chocolate syrup on top of his pepperoni pizza even though he loves both of them.
Anyway if this book is actually going to be necessary to go though the Iron Gods AP and not just regular material from the campaign line I might have to reconsider staying with my AP subscription. I just can't have that much material be of no use to me to justify the cost even if I will really miss all the associated things that come with each book from an adventure path like deity articles and monsters. True the rules themselves for the Technology Guide book might be out there for free as it's been stated in this thread, but I have to be brutally honest, I hate having to print things like that out or go online for them instead of having them be in a nice convenient book I can have with illustrations as a bonus, to the point I would rather not play it if it requires that.
This also points to it not being an AP with just some science like things added in, but that being almost the whole basis of the AP in most facets of it. That sounds like a total nightmare to try and fix for the people that don't like that sort of thing. One of the biggest reason I buy material is so I don't have to do the work myself. It's also almost always easier for people to add in things they like that don't exist than to surgically remove material from a setting and replace it all, and then after that to somehow hope one doesn‘t leave any gaping plot holes or miss something. When so much has to be changed it hard to even mine it for ideas.
Plus, if enough people don't buy it maybe they will stop with this sort of thing. I don't mind people that like that sort of stuff or even Paizo making material for it. I'm glad they do in fact, but they should have totally decoupled things like this from Golarion as a setting, and made material like that optional for people that like to play that sort of stuff so they...
It's not like they haven't done something like this before. look at Wrath of the Righteous, it used Mythic rules which required a Mythic core rulebook. and considering the cost of that compared to the cost of this, I say it looks like alot more connected to the setting considering this is a campaign setting book.

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16 people marked this as a favorite. |

But Numeria is a part of Golarion, and it's a science fantasy setting. Therefore, the pizza had chocolate all along, you just hadn't bitten into it yet.
A better analogy is to think of Golarion as a big supermarket. Not everything in there is to any one person's liking, but you shouldn't eat everything in there anyway.

christos gurd |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |

Steven "Troll" O'Neal wrote:But Numeria is a part of Golarion, and it's a science fantasy setting. Therefore, the pizza had chocolate all along, you just hadn't bitten into it yet.A better analogy is to think of Golarion as a big supermarket. Not everything in there is to any one person's liking, but you shouldn't eat everything in there anyway.
speak for yourself, "nom, nom, nom"

Neongelion |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |

Crystal Frasier wrote:I feel it is only fair to remind people that *I* have written part of this AP, and thanks to my contract with Melpomene I am incapable of writing anything bad. So give Iron Gods a chance. At least through my volume!You're volume is the last one...

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I feel it is only fair to remind people that *I* have written part of this AP, and thanks to my contract with Melpomene I am incapable of writing anything bad. So give Iron Gods a chance. At least through my volume!
Before or after she gave up singing?

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Crystal Frasier wrote:I feel it is only fair to remind people that *I* have written part of this AP, and thanks to my contract with Melpomene I am incapable of writing anything bad. So give Iron Gods a chance. At least through my volume!You're volume is the last one...
Even more reasons to love this AP!

Liz Courts Webstore Gninja Minion |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Thank you Liz for the link to the FFVI soundtrack.
You have officially ripped a hole in my wallet for 2 different reasons. =P
Runs off to hopefully find and buy a copy of FFVI
A remastered version of FFVI is available for Android and iOS...
...Just in case you needed to know that. :P

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3 people marked this as a favorite. |

Sindalla wrote:....Too....Much.....Awesome.....
Thank you Liz for the link to the FFVI soundtrack.
You have officially ripped a hole in my wallet for 2 different reasons. =P
Runs off to hopefully find and buy a copy of FFVI
A remastered version of FFVI is available for Android and iOS...
...Just in case you needed to know that. :P
Also available on PSN for PS3. >_> Which is great! It got added to my playstation copy and my copy for gameboy. Still need a copy for super nintendo... again.

Tacticslion |

To me, from what I've played of the numbered non-MMO Final Fantasy Series (of which I've played 1-8 and 10), FF6 was and remains the best of them.
My all-time favorites from Square are (in no particular order) FF6, Chrono Trigger, FFT (I actually like the original better than the War of Lions remake*), and Vagrant Story. I enjoyed FF7, and FF4, FF5, and FF8 were all really good*... right up until the end (at which point you kind of went, "Uh... what? Riiiiiiiiiight. Okay... going for the 'from nowhere' vibe... for some reason. I see."), while FF1 was... extremely basic, and not terribly gripping**. FF3 was just... well... it was... I mean... you know, it happened, and that's okay***.
For the other FFs, I'm missing a lot. I've played FFX-2 (great gameplay, really annoying characterization), and (obviously) FFT, but I've missed most of the other non-core series of games.
I really like what I've played of Last Story****, though being a stay-at-home nets me a surprisingly little amount of time to play.
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaand now I've gone on a Final Fantasy tangent. Liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiz! Look what you made me dooooooooooo!
... also, do you happen to know how much the iOS version is, and how it plays? 'Cause that's... interesting.
** I mean this in both gameplay and story-crafting; it's not a bad game, but it's not really up to any of the other standards, which makes, considering it was the first.
*** It was a good experiment that didn't work like they wanted it to. I still think it has great potential, though the execution could use some work.
**** Though, bizarrely enough, the men's clothing looks much better on the women, while the women's clothing looks much better on the men. I mean, really. Why would you make their clothes completely change every facet of style, substance, and essence like that? In any event, it's relevant because several of the FF designers moved on over to making that game...
^ Yes, it was after I'd beaten it several times already first. Sheesh.

Tels |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

brad2411 wrote:Tels wrote:Legend of Dragoon > Final Fantasy IMO.I loved Legend of Dragoon, but i loved FF7 about as much. Also the Final Fantasy series has gone down hill for a while now.Kids these days can't appreciate the older FF.
I dunno, I grew up playing Final Fantasy on my best friends Super Nintendo, I just didn't like any of the versions that came after. Loved Legend of Dragoon though.

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Please remember that this is a product thread. I love Final Fantasy as much as the next person, (but not as much as Liz, I don't think), but this isn't the place for such a tangent. We have a whole section of the message boards for discussion of video games where such a discussion would likely flourish without derailing this thread.

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All this cool stuff is supposed to fit within 64 pages...? I feel like we need twice that amount.
Fitting every possible science fiction element into one book was NEVER the goal or intent of this book, no more than fitting every possible spell and magic item element into the Core Rulebook was that book's goal.
This book is about setting foundations on which we can expand. We'll be introducing new elements of science fiction tropes going forward in the six volumes of Iron Gods, for example—for items alone, we'll be detailing about 40 additional technological items beyond those in the Tech Guide.
Beyond that, we have no plans on continuing to do sci-fi stuff... but if folks love the Technology Guide and Iron Gods enough and there's demand, we may well do more books or products in these themes in the future.
The Technology Guide is, in other words, a start... not a start, middle, and an end.
(NOTE: That does mean that certain significant elements of science fiction are not even really going to be touched upon in this book—vehicle combat, including things like hover bikes, would be a good example of something we don't cover in the book, mostly because that trope doesn't play a role in Iron Gods.)

Ambrosia Slaad |
5 people marked this as a favorite. |

All this cool stuff is supposed to fit within 64 pages...? I feel like we need twice that amount.
You know, sooner or later, there's eventually gonna be a Numeria-themed Wayfinder... so if you just gotta have something(s) that didn't make it into the Technology Guide, start writing it up now so you can have it polished and ready to submit when the time comes.

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Will you guys be releasing any details on the technomancer (core abilities, prerequisites, etc.). I want to figure out if I should spec an npc towards it, and want to figure out if it's appropriate.
We're still a few months away from even starting to consider how we're going to preview this book... and in the grand scheme of things, the technomancer is one of the less outlandish and unusual elements of the book, so that may mean it's less appropriate to preview and thus get folks's expectations for how things like lasers work managed right.
We'll see though!