Community Use Package: Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Character Sheets

4.80/5 (based on 8 ratings)

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This package contains the following character sheets for use with the Pathfinder Adventure Card Game and Pathfinder Adventure Card Society. Each character is provided as a half-sheet printout with available roles, with deck lists available as a secondary document. The following can be found in the download packages:

Core Set

  • Deck List
  • All Core Set Characters

Curse of the Crimson Throne

  • Deck List
  • Rallied Supporters Cards
  • All Curse of the Crimson Throne Characters

Mummy's Mask

  • Deck List
  • All Mummy's Mask Base Set Characters
  • All Mummy's Mask Add-On Characters

Rise of the Runelords

  • Deck List
  • Tup Promotional Character
  • All Rise of the Runelords Base Set Characters
  • All Rise of the Runelords Add-On Characters

Skull & Shackles

  • Deck List
  • Fleet Card
  • Ranzak Promotional Character
  • All Skull & Shackles Base Set Characters
  • All Skull & Shackles Add-On Characters

Wrath of the Righteous

  • Deck List
  • Champions of Mendev Card
  • Knights of Kenabres Card
  • Mythic Path Cards
  • Redemption Card
  • Ekkie Promotional Character
  • All Wrath of the Righteous Base Set Characters
  • All Wrath of the Righteous Add-On Characters

Class Decks

  • Deck Lists for All Class Decks Listed Below
  • All Alchemist Characters
  • All Barbarian Characters
  • All Bard Characters
  • All Cleric Characters
  • All Druid Characters
  • All Fighter Characters
  • All Goblins Burn! Characters
  • All Goblins Fight! Characters
  • All Gunslinger Characters
  • All Inquisitor Characters
  • All Monk Characters
  • All Oracle Characters
  • All Paladin Characters
  • All Ranger Characters
  • All Rogue Characters
  • All Sorcerer Characters
  • All Summoner Characters
  • All Warpriest Characters
  • All Witch Characters
  • All Wizard Characters

Last Updated Thursday, May 30, 2019

Product Availability

Fulfilled immediately.

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Average product rating:

4.80/5 (based on 8 ratings)

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Please update the class deck character sheets, there are several missing! The sheets are so amazing but not when you don't have one for a new class deck box you just purchased...

Great but Waiting


Just stating the character sheets work really well with the game. But an update for the new class decks like Hell's Vengeance and Hunter, etc. is currently in high demand by people I play with. Any ideas on when or if there will be an update too integrate the new class decks in?

These are so helpful


All of these resources are awesome. They're great to keep track of what feats your taking with each character.

Just curious when you'll add the Hunter Class sheets to the list.

A Great Resource


As someone that loves playing the card game, and loves to try different characters, this is one of the best resources ever.

Great...but, missing two classes


Where are the character sheets for:
* Barbarian
* Druid

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They usually don't do it prior to the "street date" of the product. For Mummy's Mask, that is October 19, 2016. I wouldn't expect them before then. And, while they try their best, there is no guarantee they will have them up that day. It might be a little while after the release.

When will Warpriest and Summoner get uploaded? We're also still missing Wizard.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

It's nearly two weeks after the "street date" release of Mummy's Mask (and probably over 3 weeks since subscribers got the game)... any update on when characters sheets will be available?


In any given update, is there a way to tell if any of the older characters have been updated with corrections, e.g. the minor change in phrasing of one of Jirelle's powers that was added to the FAQ and updated on the sheets after I printed her to use?

Are you going to make available a card list for Mummy's Mask that is downloadable? I'm desperately needing one as we swap characters in and out of the adventure. I don't see one in the downloadable resources.


Any word on when we'll see Magus and Reepazo sheets?

Community & Digital Content Director

Updates to the Adventure Card Game packages and downloads should be arriving in the next couple weeks. We apologize for the inconvenience!

Chris Lambertz wrote:
Updates to the Adventure Card Game packages and downloads should be arriving in the next couple weeks. We apologize for the inconvenience!

Friendly reminder to our beloved Chris....

Chris Lambertz wrote:
Updates to the Adventure Card Game packages and downloads should be arriving in the next couple weeks. We apologize for the inconvenience!

I still don't see the downloads; can someone else comment?

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I'm hoping to push some revisions out next week.

Vic Wertz wrote:
I'm hoping to push some revisions out next week.

So this is why the current downloads are broken? I'm interested in getting the character sheets for the base set but the links seem to be broken :(

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Can you be specific about which links are broken?

Vic Wertz wrote:
Can you be specific about which links are broken?

I was attempting to download the rise of the runelords character sheets, but they seem to be working now. When I tried earlier I was just redirected to the home page with no download.

Any news about a revision? The last update was in february.

Vic Wertz wrote:
I'm hoping to push some revisions out next week.

I’m also waiting for this....

Just bought the Hunter deck a few days ago - but unfortunately the downlaod for this deck is not available yet. Any idea when it will be made available?

3 people marked this as a favorite.

I see a lot of people asking about character sheets, I too am looking for them. Any idea when they will be posted? I would love to see them for the new sets coming out so I can use them right away!

Grand Lodge

I'm Just curious when they will update it too have the Hell's Vengeance Class Deck 1 and 2 on there too download character sheets for them.

Liberty's Edge

6 people marked this as a favorite.

Can we please get this updated? It's been a year since the last update now!

6 people marked this as a favorite.

Can we please get an update for the 7 missing character/class decks? The official sheets work so much better than me marking on my cards. Or making a copy with the copier.

Liberty's Edge

Love these sheets! Much lime the rest, hoping an update comes soon for the newer decks!

1 person marked this as a favorite.
death4507 wrote:
Can we please get an update for the 7 missing character/class decks? The official sheets work so much better than me marking on my cards. Or making a copy with the copier.

Any Chance we can please get an update for these Paizo? More Decks release every month and they are not as easy to use without these sheets.

Like others, I am eager for updated sheets!

Sadly, it appears they have abandoned these character sheets. They were very helpful; and I'm not sure if it means they are going to stop producing cards at some point.

Mistarrel wrote:
Can we please get this updated? It's been a year since the last update now!


Updates? My brother wants to play Radovan from Pathfinder Tales. If no updates are coming any time soon, does anyone have any "blank" character sheets that you can edit so we can make our own Radovan character sheet?

Are you guys ever going to update these? It's been over a year and there are many additional characters.

Rick Andrews wrote:
Are you guys ever going to update these? It's been over a year and there are many additional characters.

Agreed, there's so many missing! Came to grab the Hunter Class Deck ones and nothing...

I understand why Paizo stopped making character sheets, but can we at least get deck lists? Vast majority does not have enough money to buy all decks, so seeing a list could make the decision easier. I want to buy the newer decks, but it feels like I dont know what Im buying. Sure previews give an idea, but its only 10% of the cards.

As a PACG Character Deck Subscriber I really liked using these sheets, they were super convenient. If they're not going to be updated can you release a blank sheet we can use to make our own?

Grand Lodge

Deck lists AND Character sheets, please?

14 people marked this as a favorite.

Using a fantastic template made by someone else and artwork from the Community Use Package my wife made Character Sheets for all the missing decks. She has posted them over at boardgamegeek - Hell's Vengeance 1, Hell's Vengence 2, Hunter Class Deck, Magus Class Deck, Occult Adventures 1, Occult Adventures 2, Pathfinder Tales, Ultimate Combat, Ultimate Equipment, Ultimate Intrigue, Ultimate Magic.

@Mr Jacket Potato & wife, thank you very much for putting these together and sharing them with every one. Great work! :)

@Mr Jacket Potato & wife, thank you so much for those! They look fantastic!

@Mr Jacket Potato and your resourceful wife. Thank you so much for these. I see even the links to the old character sheets are broken even if you already have them on your downloads page.

Does anyone know where I can get the previously published character sheets from now?

Still waiting. I really am irritated that I can't play because they seem to be refusing to update the printable character sheets. (I'm sure as hell not marking up my cards.)

@Mr Jacket Potato & your resourceful wife. Thank you for these. They are great and much appreciated.

Are there character sheets available for the newer products such as the ultimates series and the pathfinder tales/occult adventures etc.?

Liberty's Edge

Apparently, support for printable character sheets has been abandoned, as it has been over a year since a dev has posted here.

@Mr Jacket Potato, your wife does excellent work...I couldn't do it better (and it would take me a good long time to equal it).

Much appreciated!!!

Also, where would one find the 'template made by someone else' that you mentioned? I'd like to make a presentable-looking homebrew character or three and that could be a big time-saver. :)

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Still sad, would like to have them from Paizo for all my new class decks

FYI: someone (not me) made the Ultimate Wilderness character sheet on BGG too: r-sheet

Sovereign Court

Will there be character sheets for the new core set?

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

2 people marked this as a favorite.

They're being worked on as we speak.

Liberty's Edge

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Still waiting for an official Rivani sheet here. Won't be terribly happy if the several that have been waiting for years will be just skipped over.

Pathfinder LO Special Edition, Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, PF Special Edition Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber

Rivani? Who dat?

Liberty's Edge

1 person marked this as a favorite.

The reason I bought the Occult Adventures deck, to play her in Mummy's Mask.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I just bought the new Core Set where it says right there in the Rule Book -

"We recommend you use a pencil to lightly check the feat boxes, or you can track your character with the free character sheets posted online at"

Yet they're not here yet. I think it's a bit rubbish to have that right there in the rule book when you haven't actually uploaded the sheets. The sheets should have been uploaded the same time the game was released.

otakugirly wrote:

I just bought the new Core Set where it says right there in the Rule Book -

"We recommend you use a pencil to lightly check the feat boxes, or you can track your character with the free character sheets posted online at"

Yet they're not here yet. I think it's a bit rubbish to have that right there in the rule book when you haven't actually uploaded the sheets. The sheets should have been uploaded the same time the game was released.

Chill out bro they'll be here soon

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

The game's street date isn't even technically here yet... from what I've seen its official street date is June 11th. So, yeah, try to be patient.

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