CajunAtx's page
Organized Play Member. 36 posts. No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 4 Organized Play characters.
Oh wow okay, I read that 1d4 bonus incorrectly. Thanks for the help!
The Harrow you get comes on a Blessing card.
Does it REPLACE the ability of the blessing card?
I mean, is it no longer a blessing while it's your harrow?
So in Scenario 1*star* -
My harrow can be played ONLY for the 1d4 bonus to non-combat dex check?
My harrow can be played as the Blessing card it is PLUS the bonus 1d4 non-combat dex check (if applicable)?
Will there be character sheets for the new core set?
1 person marked this as a favorite.
The existing characters from previous releases will all work with the new stuff? Will there be a conversion guide for the old terminology and text?
Keith Richmond wrote: End of turn happens before reset. Ugh thanks. Now I have to start this scenario over :)
I have trouble finding this answer. But I'm unsure of the timing of the scenario power.
During end of my turn do I have to reset my hand first or after I use this recharge power?
Can we trade and share Arueshalae's loot?
The way I understand it from reading around these forums and bgg, because it says she is the owner, she can build her deck with them as if they were BASIC cards.
So, can she trade them to someone else so they can play with them? Or - when we get to Adventure Deck 5, can they be picked up to fill holes in a deck?
Thanks everyone!
Now it says that. This morning it said "ships in 1 to 7 business days". I even had to ask the coworker here that is subscribed to the game. He knew when it was supposed to come out and I had him look too.
It's better now though, says pre-order a couple different times.
Thank you for fixing it Paizo!
The product page is quite disturbing. There's text on the page that the game ships in 1 to 7 business days. Neither the product page nor the cart page says anything about this being a "pre-order" or that the game street date is not here yet. I thought Paizo would be more forthcoming about this. It just feels wrong. You buy the game and then "Oh by the way the game is out at the end of the month. You'll get it then...
We only sleeve the cards that people are actively playing with. I handle all of the location cards, so I can make sure they don't get messed up. Everyone has some extra sleeves, so they can sleeve up any boons they acquire during play. this way you only have to sleeve a small fraction of the set. This saves TONS of money on sleeves, and don't have to deal with slippery cards in the location decks. This also means that storage is not a problem.
Theryon Stormrune wrote: I use the Ultrapro Pathfinder sleeves on all my base sets and adventure decks single sided cards. The Ultrapro clears on double-sided cards like locations, ships, etc.
Both sleeves have been holding up through organized play.
I did do something different for my personal class decks. Using different color Ultrapro Matte Pro sleeves. (Green - Ranger, Red - Fighter, White - Sorceror, Blue - Bard, and Black - Wizard) The Matte sleeves don't reflect fluorescent light much.
I use colored sets for my different class decks also, it's SO helpful when running 3 characters solitaire.
White for cleric
Red for Warrior
Green for Rogue
So there's only one location for this first scenario? and it's filled with henchmen, barriers, and the villain? Maybe I'm missing too much information from the back of the card?
I'm so rude! Sorry!
Welcome Liz! This post is very interesting to me.. keep them coming!
Melemkor wrote: Thanks; I'm very interested to see how the S&S + Class Decks game plays out as we proceed through the adventure path. We started this endeavor this week. We're playing only class deck characters, but not mixing anything in, instead we're using OP rules. (The class decks are owned by the players, the box/add-on deck is owned by me.)
1st scenario went fairly well, the second one got away from us quickly!! No one managed to get any allies except for the bard. And the villain was defeated once, then ran to 1-2 locations where she proceeded to hide at the very bottom of the location deck. We only found this out AFTER we ran out of cards in the blessings deck. And after all this, we only managed to get 2 allies the whole time.
Well, we have good reason for class decks, I don't want to sleeve all my cards again, but I don't think they'll survive. (Food & drinks + cards + my friends = sticky mess *learned during RotR*)
But I wanted to play Jirelle with other people rather than by myself.
This is why we can't mix all the cards from class decks into the box.
I also have the ability to replay scenarios with Jirelle for upgrades (since I own the box), so while I might not get upgrades while playing with friends, I can always try to get them that way...
How in the world do you get to play Jirelle while playing another character? and then what? you have to give up the character you were playing and start from scratch with Jirelle? I don't get this...
My group is about to begin playing Skulls & Shackles with all class deck characters. But, I was thinking about using Jirelle for my character (I've been enjoying playing her solo). Does anyone out there have experience mixing character sources like this?
My thoughts without experience...
She almost seems like she might be overpowered at first in comparison to the class deck chars, due to her benefits from swashbuckling and ship bonuses... And then she might be at a disadvantage at late game, because while class deck chars are getting cards geared specifically to their class, Jirelle would have to get lucky with cards acquired from the box.
Would appreciate your thoughts...
Mike Selinker wrote: yesterday during a 16-hour playtest.* Mike Selinker wrote: *Not our longest ever. I think I would love this - cause you know you HAVE to play this awesome game - it's for work! :D
Which just reminded me that Extra Life is coming in 2 weeks and this is a perfect game for that! Consider it even if you're already signed up! It's not JUST for video games!
No Valeros? Who shall protect Lini?
NO LINI?!??!
Does anyone know when this will come out?
I'll be sure excited if I can really fit my whole class deck and a set of dice to go with it!
Is there any chance we'll be seeing a downloadable set of Community Use Graphic files for the characters that come in the Class Decks?
I'd really like to make stand-up cardboard representations of them!
My adventure, addon-deck and class deck boxes had that hanger tab and they all seemed to easily fold back as if they were stored that way for a while.
I have a question about my shipment also.
I got and email saying that Adventure 2 and a Cleric Class Deck are in this shipment and it says "is expected to ship". So there's no class decks and that means I'm waiting on my add-on deck for ANOTHER month? Our group is ready to write this game off ... 8 people who loved the first game are about to say "screw it" and just go back to playing RPGs.
Quick question,
If I have a sub but also I've had a separate order for a cleric deck, I've got the new email for the sub and the email from july 31 for the class deck, both say pending. (in the email AND on the web site.)
Are they going to get charged at the same time and get shipped together?
- Cajun
Orbis Orboros wrote:
As to the 8 players, rotate around and play two games of 4. That's what i'd do anyway.
While this would have been possible with RotR - we had 2 copies in the group, it's not possible with S&S. Only I have a copy. Plus, everyone really likes playing together! :D

Hey gang!
Just wanted to say HI! This is a random chat post right? Hehe.
I love this game, I only wish I could play it even more! It already takes most of my free time :)
Just wanted to say I think it's great how the community and the developers are always around here and the communication that goes on in here is REALLY impressive.
Thanks for the great game Paizo!
My favorite character so far has been RotR Lini (and I never thought of using frog + resto combo), and I think Jirelle is a close second so far with S&S. I'm looking forward to playing Flenta though I expect many questions to arise.
I've so far managed to resist buying all of the class decks. I have Fighter and Cleric on the way though. Also, I want to try Ranzak, mostly to annoy a certain person with which I played through most of RotR :D
I have a regular game night with some co-workers that I've actually considered dropping out of just so I can go play OP and have a regular game every week! Shhh... don't tell them I'd rather play this game ALL the time rather than all those eurogames :)
We have played PACG almost every game night since Rotr started, until we finished it, and it's great! We've got TOO MANY people into it! There's usually at least 8 people who want to play it now. Anyone out there figure out how to add an 8th without throwing the balance all to heck?! hah!
I think I've talked too much! :D
Okay, we've been reading it as the caltrops banish a bane, not defeat.
Good to know. Thanks!
But since you aren't rolling a number can't you also just say it's defeated? There's no way to tell whether the caltrops do a 10 or a 16. It just says "defeat a monster".
That's how we've been playing it. Caltrops just defeats it regardless of the extra "by at least 4" clause.
Maybe I'm crazy and it's the exact same sleeves.. but even after playing tons of RotR scenarios, those sleeves feel stiffer than those ten sleeves in the S&S box
Theryon Stormrune wrote:
Yeah, the free sleeves were the same sleeves I use for other things. Were the ones that bent your cards ones with the hologram mark on them?
Yes, they had holograms on them, but so do my Ultra-Pro Standard Clear Deck Protectors from my RotR set
Yeah, I just re-read my post and I'm not saying they're guaranteed to bend cards, just that it happened. These sleeves seem slightly thinner and less stiff than the ones I had on RotR, and the bottom left corner of each one is also really bent at a hard angle.. maybe I got a bad batch of sleeves? I don't know.
Maybe it's the heat around here. (Austin, Texas, but it hasn't been any cooler for all my other sleeved card games) Or maybe it's because I had them up against the non-sleeved character decks. It could be other causes, but I jsut wanted to put it out there that it happened.
Here's a quick fleet sheet question:
When do you mark off a checkbox on the fleet card/sheet?
Did I miss a rule about this? Or is it a reward from scenario like a card feat or skill feat?
I just want to warn people. I put my character cards in those free sleeves and they sat in the box for about 4 days, and last night when I opened the box, they had totally bent those cards. They now have a curve in them and they won't lay flat any more.
I sleeved the whole RotR box without any of this happening! I think those sleeves were Ultra-Pro Sleeves: New Standard Clear Deck Protectors for that set.
Thanks! I thought I was doing #1 correctly, as it seems like it would kind of fall into "Cards do not have memories".
I wasn't sure about #2, I think I was reading it as "Player shouldn't know location" (like when a villian escapes to an open location) instead of "Just put it in a random location".
I was playing the first scenario in S&S and killed a hammerhead shark henchman, and the rule was to put it under another open location.
Here's 2 questions that have arisen:
1. If you defeat the hammerhead and it moves to another open location, then you defeat it in the new location, can you attempt to close that location? (I know that the original henchman in this location was the ship.)
2. to randomly choose a location to put that shark under after I defeated it, I took blessings from the box to make a stack of blessings + shark equal to the number of open locations, shuffled that stack, then added one to the bottom of each... was this correct?
Fromper wrote: Lini starts with 6 spells. Make two of them Inflict, and use it as your primary weapon. Discarding to wild shape and get 1d10 strength should be strictly a backup plan.
Actually, since you've got Kyra in your group, you can probably get away with only one Cure, rather than 2-3 if you were the only healer, so maybe try for three of Inflict. I'm still trying to figure out why Inflict isn't on the starting list for any character.
As you already figured out, keeping an animal ally in hand is key. NEVER discard your last animal companion. It adds 1d4 to every single check.
I think possibly the reason it's not in a starting list is because the Inflict spell is inspired by the Pathfinder spell: Inflict ____ Wounds spell line, which is negative energy/necromancy. It doesn't really seem to thematically fit any of these characters.
OK maybe I'm just brainfarting.. but what's a PoD card?