steve496 wrote:
Ahh - you're right. I missed the "spell" part of Damiel's recharge power. At least Time Stop is a high level spell (only useful for one adventure). Commune is a base-level (or maybe 1st adventure?) spell, which means the craziness can happen for almost an entire adventure path if you're lucky.
In a related note - Mother Myrtle is the only character I know of that can use Commune repeatedly during a scenario to get lots of blessing (normal spellcasters would bury it, but Myrtle instead replaces the "banish" effect with "recharge/discard"). I'm curious is this interaction was intended (this becomes extra powerful when she can pull spells/allies whenever she/anyone-around-her defeats a monster).
Vic Wertz wrote:
To get slightly more complicated (since this is basically what happened to us at our second session)... what would happen if the first of your examined cards is a monster whose trigger forces you to encounter it? If you defeat it, I assume it goes to the box and you examine the subsequent cards. However, if you fail to defeat it, does it: 1) Immediately shuffle it into the deck (meaning you could examine the same monster again)
I was wondering if there's an estimate on when the class deck character sheets will be updated with the new druid class deck (which seems to be available now?). I ordered the deck Monday, but it still hasn't shipped. I'm wondering because we're just starting to re-play Skull and Shackles now and I'm trying to settle on a character and the druids are very tempting :) Even if you guys just had spoilers for the skill and card feats and alternate roles of Gronk and Maznar that would probably be enough information to go on. Thanks!
Character Name: Adowyn
Character Name: Seelah (WotR version)
Character Name: Siwar (Bard Class Deck)
Character Name: Shardra
No characters or cohorts have died |