You have been with the Hanataz Troupe known as the Blue Veil for long enough to be accepted as one of them. For some of you this means your whole life, some of you it has been more recent but you have proven to be an asset to the troupe. Whatever your circumstances, you are now Hanataz-and will be for the rest of your life.]
The Hanataz...Wayfarers..."Carnivaliers." Road travelers with no homes save for the wagons, and no kin save for the troupe. It is the life of a vagabond. Many of the folk of the north believe your lives are cursed. Some say you bring ill fortune. Some say you carry a shadowed taint. In truth, many of you do..for when the Blood-Touch of the Abyssal, Fey, Elemental, Draconic, or others are detected in a child, the parents often give such children to the Hanataz. They do this to avoid having the children be ostracized, imprisoned or even killed by superstitious and fearful people in their hometowns. Some parents even do this if their child is a Half-Elf or has been stricken with a disease or affliction that disfigures or cripples them.
But, Even though the Hanataz are regarded with suspicion, your arrival on the outskirts of a town or village causes the locals to flock to your camps and see the shows you put on, which are called "Carnivalles." These events are popular among the common-folk, who come to watch your women dance, cheer your performances, and gasp at your freaks. All while they eat your spicy foods and drink your strong spirits.
Oftentimes, the “Townies” will bring their local champions and wager on them in wrestling matches against your stout-folk, or in contests of skill with bow and blade. Gambling is also common at Carnivalle, and there are always games of chance being run for those willing to place their bets. Lastly, and perhaps the most popular of all, the people come to hear the portents of their futures from your Seeress.
You never stay long in one location. Someone always blames you for a picked pocket, or starting a fight, or some evil happening that seemed to arrive with your coming. Most priests decry your arrival saying you bring immorality, debauchery, and drunkenness; that your women are whores, and your men thugs and thieves. And so , you travel…from the outskirts of one settlement to another. Never welcome in the town proper…but seemingly always greeted by those who would seek out your particular, and unique offerings.
It is the 5th day of Dezu’un. The last month of the year…in the annum named the Year of the Rogue Moon. In just three weeks, the month of Dezu’un will give way to Jazu’un and the new year. Soon after, the true cold of the northlands will come screaming like a banshee from the Icingraez and drive into the very bones of all who dwell in the Central and northern territories of the continent of Verdestia.
You will set a “hard camp” before then, likely within the vicinity of the city of Dragon’s Cross, and there will be no more traveling for nearly three months. Not until the first of Winterblooms push through the melting snows to spread their red petals…and flutter in the spring breezes like newborn butterflies.
As Dezu’un comes to a clost, Wintersdance will soon be celebrated in the Cities, towns, and villages of Verdestia- and indeed across most of the world of Zyathe. This festival begins on the 20th of Dezu’Un. Wintersdance is a time of great joy with many parties and much revelry…coupled with gift-giving and all manner of festivities. The celebration is long…extending to the first day of the new annum some two weeks later.
Some, however, do not welcome the arrival of the new year. There are whispers that the days that are coming will bring times of great evil. That the prophecies of the powerful sages speak of a time of great fears and horrors that rapidly approaches. [/ooc]
[ooc]Indeed, even the name of the coming annum is ominous. For it is called..the Year of Dark Dreams.
If the sages of old are to be believed, this year will bring great turmoil to the world, horrible wars, deadly plagues, and many, many, deaths. Some in the troupes say it is the “end of days” and that the Seeresses know it…but will not speak of it. These fears lie upon you as shadows in your minds-with the unalterable fact that time is moving slowly forward towards the inevitable. Whatever it may be.
You have more immediate concerns, however, the Carnivalle is soon to begin. You have arrived outside the town of Nevermore. Your group, known affectionately and sometimes with exasperated sarcasm as the Zatis, or “Helpers” in the common tongue, are capable enough to assist directly with the Carnivalle. Borag and Calnasse have chosen you to escourt them into town while they negotiate the terms of the Carnivalle with the local council.
”Alright Zatis, listen good. These Nevermore folks have been good to us in the past, but like all places we visit not all of us are welcomed. Keep to yourselves and try not to cause any trouble. If forced to fight try to use your fists or what you can to knock out your opponent, but don’t kill them. We will only be here one night. We are going to stay at the Hall of Joyful Celebrations, a temple of sorts to Fuffan and Buffahn (The joylord and the lord concoctor). The priest owes us a favor, but do not interrupt their rituals or feasts. We have audience with the town council tomorrow, then we go back to the troupe and set up the Carnivalle. During the audience you will be posted outside watching the horses and our wagon. Any questions? Ask them now don’t be shy. ” Borag looks you all over as he speaks. He is more serious this time than you has been with you in the past, and you know being chosen for this duty is a big deal.
The Darkest Dream is a third party adventure from Gooey Cube. There is a free player's primer on their website I recommend to get familiar with the world of Zathe. In this game you will play a member of the Hanataz, which is a name for a group of people that live nomadic lives like gypsies, Romani, ect. You will be part of the Blue Veil Troupe and putting on a Carnivalle for the locals.
Character Creation:
Any race/class from official D@D material, and or gooey cube material. You can create a custom Hanataz background that is fine. Stats 5D6 drop lowest 2. Roll 2 sets pick one. Max HPs every level. Milestone leveling. Write a short background including why/how you joined the Blue Veil Troupe. What do you do at the Carnivalle? This will actually be important because I am starting the campaign on the first day of the Carnivalle and not the last requiring you to "Earn" your starting wealth before the game starts in earnest. You will get your standard equipment and the basics are provided by the troupe (food, shelter, relative safety)but you will have no wealth to start with.
Campaign Rules:
The game comes with some suggested house rules. I will adopt some of them. NPCs have to roll 20 to confirm a crit. Clerics and druids will start with a wand of cure light wounds. You will get a number of "Hero Points" equal to your proficiency bonus. These have uses similar to the ones from Pathfinder or Fate Points from games like Deathwatch/Dark Heresy. I will outline specifics in the campaign tab soon. Detect magic will be blocked by wood and anything denser. Identifying items will require a bit of research usually as magic in this world is...different. When casting identify or using a similar ability another roll will accompany it. The game suggests an intelligence check, but I think I will allow insight, perception or history rolls as well depending on the item being looked at.
What have I changed from the original?:
Some encounters will change. Biggest change is that I have started you all on the first day of the Carnivalle and not the last. The main themes/story of this campaign will not be altered so please don't read ahead.
*I should have recruitment done by the 7th of Aug. That gives me plenty of time to prepare, and you all time to submit quality characters you want to run. Feel free to coordinate with other applicants. I will take 6 (possibly one or two more knowing the nature of drop offs on this board). This game is more about playing the role of a nomadic carnival type and less about being a mercenary
"Get those tents up! The faster you finish the faster you eat!" Borag snarls in his usual menacing yet caring way that you have grown accustomed to during your many years with the Hanataz. As bravda of the Blue Veil troupe, Borag commands with strength and compassion. Qualities you recognize are necessary, even if you do not always approve. And if you did not approve, you are always wise enough to broach the subject subtly to the seven foot ogre touched strongman.
The Darkest Dream is Chapter One of the Red Star Rising. I can not promise we will do the entire campaign just knowing what I know about running games on these boards, but we can at least shoot to finish Chapter One. This is a third party campaign by Gooey Cube and will have some extras options and rules ect. I just got the box today and it is very Dense. I will probably make profiles for prominent NPCs to help with the atmosphere. This campaign is meant to be played in person, but these days that isn't always an option for everyone so we will do our best. Gameplay with be TOTM and will try to make meaningful posts and encourage the same from my players. This campaign is PG-13, though I will probably tone it down a bit as this is a more public forum. Still some gritty concepts will be covered so if certain subjects are an issue for you don't be shy shoot a private message. This is an interest check because I do not see a lot of 5E on the boards and this is going to be a bit of work before I can even begin recruitment.
Character Generation:
Reading the material it suggests some modifications to the typical character generation that I am thinking of adopting. Feel free to ask questions here or give suggestions. Stats 5D6 drop 2 lowest. Roll 2 sets pick favorite Set. Will allow any D@D official material so long as it fits the theme. In this game you play a member of the The Blue Veil Hanataz. A Hanataz is a kind of gypsy or nomad and you start the game assisting in Carnivalle a circus like setting. Will also allow things from Gooey Cube and their World of Zyathe stuff. Gooey Cube Site Feel free to create a custom background for the Hanataz, I used a combination of Criminal/Spy and Noble for Borag. In your background include how you joined the Hanataz.
House Rules/Gooey Rules:
The box set includes some house rules many of which I will try out or try in a modified way due to the nature of PBP. This includes Mitigation of Critical Hits (Enemies need to confirm with a second 20) , Healers will start with a wand of healing, Detect Magic is obscured by wood and anything denser, Will use a modified version of the "Gooey(Interlevel) Rewards" similar to Hero Points from Pathfinder 1E or Fate points from games like Deathwatch
Changes from original module:
There will be some changes as I can never trust that players won't read published material. The most notable is that you are starting the adventure on the first day of Carnivalle, not the last. Things changed will mostly be minor, but some of the encounters may be changed though the story and concepts mainly untouched.
Female Human Rogue (Scout/Poisoner)6 / Red Mantis Assassin 2
You approach closer and realize it is Synthia "Blood Scythe". She is a newly appointed member of the Vernai. She takes you through the cavern until it stops at what appears to be an opening and a dead end, though you know better than to assume the path stops here. These caverns are filled with hidden passages.
In the opening stands nine other members of the Vernai. All cloaked in ceremonial red hooded robes. In the center is a man bound and gagged and appears to have been beaten. You recognize him as a local go-between for contracts.
"This man conspired against us. After some torture and magical compulsions, we have learned his secrets. It appears our services are no longer appreciated by the local cult of Nethys. We will send them a message." She stands the man up then steps back.
There is chanting in the room from the Vernai that echoes, and builds. Then suddenly the chamber is filled with large red preying mantids. They swarm fill the chamber in a swirl of red death. The man's screams can be heard through his gag as they leave only bones and fatty bits on his corpse.
"We will take his body to their temple. Their priests will be able to see what we did and know our anger. They will taste fear knowing we are coming for them, but it will make your job a bit more difficult. " Synthia looks at you intently.
"But if you truly are favored by He Who Walks In Blood, than it will just be a routine contract. It so happens that the priests of Sarenrae also have an issue with the local cult of Nethys. The church would never hire us directly, but a zealous follower of Sarenrae has had enough. "
She sleeps you a piece of paper with the mark's name on it and where and when he can be found. Father Dado. Bazaar during the day, hut behind the main church of Nethys in the center of town at night. Make a display, but do not be caught. Give him the Red Blessing.
You understand that you are now dismissed and have your task ahead of you.
After you meet with Viscount Inspector Nigel, you learn that you are chosen for a security detail for the launching of a new warship the R.N.S Coaltongue You are sworn to secrecy and are allowed to canvas the area and the ship one day prior to the event. You will be tasked with a security checkpoint to ensure the safety of the King during the event.
Everyone gets to make one skill roll and tell me what and where they are canvasing for. Once you are done you are each given a Gentleman's Outfit or Lady's Outfit (whichever you choose) and a pocket watch. These items are found in the extended players guide on starting onpage 15. Each of you also has a pair of gold laced handcuffs. All of these items are considered requisitioned for the mission in addition to your starting gear.
"Report back to me if you discover anything significant. Make sure to get a good rest this evening." The Viscount says before you depart for the day. He gives you a rare smile with a glimmer of pride in his eye.
You are inside a deep cavern underneath the city of Azir. This is the secret entrance to the lair of Achaekek, the meditation chamber of the Vernai and the Blood Mistress herself. You have never been this deep inside the compound before, and are awestruck by the engravings and cave paintings of the Red Mantis, some dating back to primitive times.
You turn the corner, but stop and just miss a trap designed to drop a massive stalactite in the passage. Had you not been forewarned of such traps you probably would have missed it due to it being expertly hidden among in the wall.
A man in a hood approaches you from down the cavern hall way. It is one of the Vernai, but you are not such which. "Come, we have much to discuss."
Take this time to get your profile set up and post here when ready. The campaign should be up later tonight/tomorrow morning I work graves.
"Ok, the following recruits fall in! Agents Lysander,
Declane, Bas ,Jacob, and Hugo. The rest of you report to your standard duty stations. " The stern inspector reads from a parchment with the royal seal on it as he is calling out the names. He waits for the rest of the recruits to dissipate before approaching you, allowing you for some time to associate with each other.
The year is 2498 AR in North West Garund (Known as Rahadoum in current timeline). The Oath Wars have broken out with the religion of Sarenrae pushing in on the territories once ruled by followers of Nethys and Norgorber. They do not take it laying down and the nation breaks into war and chaos.
The cult of Achaekek, largely ignored before this, begins to make great profits in taking contracts out on all sides. Though one rule frustrates their clients, the cult's refusal to accept contracts on rightful monarchs. Now some members of all three factions are seeing the cult as a threat better removed from the equation all together, but they soon find that the followers of He Who Walks In Blood are not going to go quietly in the night without slitting a few throats.
This is a recruitment for a one player PbP. This will be fast paced, at least one post a day but probably more. In this game you will get a contract and upon completion of the contract you go up a level. In many cases this will be one combat encounter. This will keep the pace quick even though its only a PbP. This will also be a Mythic Campaign allowing me to reward you at certain points in the campaign when appropriate. This will be theater of the mind, no maps ect. Old School RP. If this interests you please submit a character using the rules below.
Character Creation:
25 point buy, only the strong survive training into the Red Mantis. Books Allowed Any listed in the official PRD (not the D20SRD, the PRD to the left on this website) And the Inner Sea World Guide. Classes This is heavy stealth/assassinate/investigate so chose accordingly. If you think you can manage as a Sorcerer go ahead, but remember you are alone. Races Any from the official sources I posted. Though at this time certain races are even less common than in present day, so if you want to play something exotic you might want to invest in disguise. The locals might not be interested in trading with a Vishkanya for example. Traits 2 + the campaign trait I will list below. Background Skills Yes. Mythic Yes, ascension will be described below.Alignment LN, LE, NE only. Achaekek does not appreciate those that stray from the path. Starting Gold 200 gold and two Sawtooth Sabres. Potions and scrolls may be purchased, but no partial charged wands.
Campaign Trait:
Favored of the Vernai The Vernai have taken notice in your abilities and believe you are chosen by Achaekek to do great things. You start the game with Exotic Weapon Proficiency- Sawtooth Sabre and when fighting with two Sawtooth Sabres you have the Two Weapon Fighting feat. You must adhere to the code of Achaekek and never commit Regicide and you must kill only when compensated or in true self defense. When you do kill, you must paint your armor with the blood of the victim. If you fail to paint your armor, you must fast and pray until a night of a new moon and inflict 5 hp of damage on yourself with a sawtooth sabre spilling your own blood on an alter to Achaekek.
You are Granted your Mythic Powers by Achaekek. You are tier 1 at the start of the campaign. He communes with you and comes to you in dreams. When he appears his red mandibles are dripping with blood and he speaks face to face with you. You have shared these visions with the Vernai and they have confirmed that you are chosen and are treated as such, but only so long as you continue your piety to He Who Walks In Blood.
So it had been awhile since I ran some PbP on these boards and expectations have changed a bit from then. Back then the newest supplement was Ultimate Combat so navigating the different player options was not very difficult.
Lately when I put up a PbP recruitment I get bombarded with links from D20pfsrd with various requests from obscure Pathfinder compendiums and third party supplements.
I won't go on a rant here about how difficult this makes for GMs to balance a game if they were to give in to every request, instead I would just like to ask one question.
What is the new core expectation for Game Masters in your opinion for play by post? I am using some PFS terminology there so to clarify, what supplements besides the Pathfinder Core and Adventure Path do you expect a good GM to be familiar with?
"Listen up recruits! You have passed the initial screening process. Now you must submit to more rigorous scrutiny to determine if you are right for the Royal Homeland Constabulary. Should you continue on, you will become official RHC agents and wield authority from King Aodhan himself. Remember that, and be worthy of that authority. Now line up and prepare for final selection." The Viscount declares and signals with his hands where to line up. He is wearing full military regalia today, a rarity for this humble veteran of the fourth Yerasol War. Though he needs no such uniform to wield respect, his charisma and competence as a commander are obvious.
Welcome to the Zeitgeist Recruitment. Here is the players guide Zeitgeist Player's Guide Become familiar with it before you submit a character please.
Character Creation:
25 points. This AP is heavy investigation so consider adding points into int for more skills. No Traits The players guide has theme feats to chose from that are actually quite powerful. You get to choose only 1. Races Core races, Gnomes in this setting are rarer and more connected to the fey and what is called the Dreaming. Tieflings are common and allowed, though you may be regarded with some suspicion. There are two races that are AP specific, the Deva and the Eladrin which are also allowed find them in the player's guide. Other races exist in the AP, but will require a compelling back story to justify them as a PC. Classes Core classes, barbarians are rare and will require justification. Advanced Player's Guide classes are allowed with the exception of the summoner. Gunslingers are also allowed from the Ultimate Combat. Starting Gear 150 gold in starting gear. Third Party No other third party will be allowed in this campaign as the AP itself has a lot of additional material to sort through. Alignment No Evil alignments. LG-N for all others. CN alignments are allowed for gnome characters due to the strange nature of those associated with the dreaming in this setting. Background Your background should include why you joined the RHC and show that you have read the player's guide. It does not need to be a novel. Expect that I will use things you write about.
I expect to finish recruitment a week from now. I expect people to post once a day, not including the weekends. I will not bot your character just narrate a reason for your absence. I will be adding information to the campaign tab this weekend. I originally was not going to generate a recruitment thread yet, but I have to in order to have access to the campaign tab so apologies if things are a bit piece meal initially.
I wanted to do an investigation AP for Pathfinder and did some research and this one came up in my findings and looks quite good.I want to see how much interest there is before I commit to the amount of reading that is going to be required to run this properly.
I will be running it theater of the mind, so no maps. I want emphasis on investigation and role play. There are many free supplements for this you can find here on Paizo just search Zeitgeist. Besides those supplements I will be allowing Pathfinder Core, The APG (No Summoners though), Some of the Advanced Class Guide (the Investigator for sure), Ultimate Intrigue, Some of the Occult Adventure stuff I might allow as long as it fits the theme. There are two races unique to the setting, and it looks like Tieflings are also in the setting so besides core races those will be the only ones allowed. Gnomes looke like they are rare if even in the setting so they might not be allowed or at least limited.
I think that is all for now if and when I get enough interest I will make a much more detailed and specific recruitment put up. If anyone is familar with this AP and has suggestions beyond what I have posted I am open to suggestions.
The live action of Ghost in the Shell and the new Blade Runner movie have certainly reinvigorated my community's thirst for Cyberpunk. Is there anyone developing something with that sort of flare for this?
..."Sounds like you are in. Wiz! Let's not beat around the bush then. EVO corp has a facility across the way here, everyone knows that, but did you know what they are doing under ground? I don't either. Find out. Do this and I will out fit you all from my special stash so we can get to the real fun."
2 hits on Perception:
The cliental at knockers is mostly students from MIT@T looking to be part of the wild life that the ROXX has to offer, but not too wild. There are some people that do not fit in though, especially an Ork with tattoos Gang or other appropriate Knowledge for more information that is sitting near the entrance and looking at people that come in.
And suddenly there was war...
" What do you know about Mars chummer?" The gaunt elf listens to your responses, then grins slightly and simply says. "Wrong." He sips some tea and gauges your reactions before continuing. "I used to live there, an EVO wageslave of sorts you could say. Something big is brewing, and it starts here in Boston. The chip truth is this, I can't go back. I don't want to go back. I won't go back. But I left something there that will change everything, and I want you to get it for me, eventually. There is only one way there that I have access to, and that's a one way. So for now we have work to do here, and it isn't a milk run. Before I give you that though, I need to know. Are you in?"
Hello, and welcome to my Shadowrun 5E recruitment thread. This is going to be a theater of mind pbp. I have only recently gotten into 5E. I did play 2E back in the day, and have done several PbPs on these boards in the past. Now after a hiatus due to illness I believe I am ready to get back into it. So let's get into the details.
Character Generation:
We will use the standard (established runner) Priority System. I know some are not keen to this, but I rather like it. I suggest Hero lab or some other character generator to help you with this task as it can be a bit tedious, but ultimately satisfying in that you have the character you want. Stick to the basics for gear (No Beta or Deltaware yet) an all other basic restrictions. I currently own the Core and the Street Grimoire so I am comfortable with those resources, if you simply cant live without something from another book to make your character I will see how I can accommodate on case by cast basis. I do plan on getting the rest of the set soon. As far as background goes, I am pretty open, but no one has been to or is from Mars.
Useful things:
In addition to all the normal Shadowrun Themes, this campaign will focus on: EVO Corp, Dragons, Metahumans ,Biotech, Boston,Greek Mythology, Mars, Space. This is your "player's guide" so to speak.
*Please don't ask if I want to run another edition , this is what I have and I am sorry if you prefer a different version.
You land the Aquila Lander in a discrete landing pad hidden from view under and around large surrounding structures. The forges and buildings of this place are truly massive in scale. The air is filled with smoke and ash and visibility is limited through the dense fog of pollutants. You are met by a servitor that does not speak, it simply leads you through a connecting hallway into a large room.
"Four astartes. Welcome. I am called Ryth."
A very large Magos stands before you. He matches the description of Ryth and carries with him an Aquila Token with the I of the Inquisition between the wings. (Knowledge Inquisition/Ciphers Inquisition for more information) He speaks in short broken sentences, but also seems to be humming and buzzing as he speaks (Techa Linga for more information)"Brother Enoch. No reports. Last seen here." He projects a map on the wall using a built in pict recorder from one of the many mechanical tendrils that are attached to him.
Brother Sven comes in after Magos Ryth's first introduction. He simply adds Five Astartes.He looks at Brother Marius I do not know of Lady Orthan. I do not know of Camyr. Brother Enoch was quiet. I last saw Brother Enoch when I eased the Machine Spirit of his Dreadknight. The two became one, Blessed be the Omnissaih. He sought out a foe worthy of such a mighty machine spirit. I fear they both might be lost.
Brother Balaaki:
, you know that the Inquisitional Icon that Magos Ryth is carrying marks him as a Throne Agent in service of High Lord Inquisitor Caidin, of the Calixian Conclave and part of his personal retinue. Due to the proximity of Calixis sector to the Jericho reach via the Well of Night, it is common to see support elements from that sector here, but a member of the Conclave is rare. Your Paranoia is going off big time! The servators , skull drones, and tech priests seem to be everywhere and you are not sure if they are truly working as hard as it seems or quietly observing you.
You can click on Magos Ryth's profile for more information. I have certain information hidden in a spoiler tag, if you have the appropriate skill click on the tag to know more about Magos Ryth. This is mostly for tutorial purpose, but has some relivance.
Here is recruitment. There are tabs above for discussion, for out of character talk, game play (the actual game) and Campaign Tab with basic campaign information.
Let me preface this by saying I was a play-tester for this system, and my voice was heard as was many others. Fantasy Flight first released an editon of this game about a year ago that had vastly different mechanics than the previous edition, we in the community spoke out against that and Fantasy Flight did not ignore us, instead it went back to the drawing board and produced a better product. For that, I am grateful and I must say I have never picked up a Fantasy Flight game that I have been disappointed in.
PRAISE THE EMPEROR THIS BOOK ROCKS! Sums up my first impression, but for a more comprehensive opinion on why read on....
Layout Beautiful. The yellow coloring to the pages gives it the look of parchment and seems easy on the eyes. There is some rehashed artwork, but a lot of it( I would say at least half) seems new. I have two minor grips- The first is mechanical, I wish they kept the side tabs that tell you what section you are in as you are flipping through the book that some of the other WarHammer 40k games have. The second is ascetic - The map of the Askellon Sector is a bit odd, and though I understand the artistic concept, I would have liked a more official looking map like that of the Calixis sector in Dark Heresy 1st.
Concept They hit it out of the park here. The idea of balancing how subtle your team is and how much influence they have is a good concept and something I had starting doing in my home games. This gives me a clear mechanic for that, but still leaves enough ambiguity for creative license. The character creation has added the layer of background. Do you want to be a Psyker, but have a connection to the Adeptus Arbites? Yes, you can do that. Do you want to be an assassin of the Astra Telepathica? Yep you can do that too.
Mechanics As this is my first impression I have not looked closely at the mechanics yet. There is a very cool thing in the book about having the players make the Inquisitor and even his/her warband, but there are not solid mechanics for that. I do like that, but I think I might borrow the Regiment Creation Mechanics from Only War to do that. Speaking of Only War, the aptitudes from that system are in Dark Heresy 2nd . At first I was not in love with the aptitudes when they showed up in Only War, but I have grown to appreciate them, and I am kind of glad to see them, it also makes borrowing the regiment creation rules from Only War that much easier.
At first glance the basic mechanics are going to gel well with previous editions of the other Warhammer 40k rules, with the possible exception of Pskyer powers which has always been an issue across the editions. Fate points have some expanded usage, and most of the core mechanics remain in this edition with some overhaul.
Overall, I am very pleased with what I have read so far and think this will be the crowning jewel of the already great Warhammer 40k RPGs by Fantasy Flight.
I read the GM says GM means thread, now its time for the GMs to fire back.
Player says "Do you allow 3p material?"
Player means "Do you mind if I break the game with ridiculous combos?"
Player says "Can I be evil?"
Player means "I totally just want to screw with the other players"
Player says "Can my girlfriend play?"
Player means "Can you explain every aspect of the game in detail every session until she gets frustrated because she can not grasp the very rudimentary concepts of the game and when leaves can I blame you for it?"
Even though I construct these missions, I try to keep inline with the canon for the Calixis sector.
After your morning ritual and the prayer to the God Emperor is played via vox-casters throughout the Pious Immolation, you and your kill-team are called onto the Command Deck.
The Watch Captain exchanged the sign of the Aquila with you, and begins to speak right away. This is the world of Grangold. It doesn't look like much, and in truth it isn't much. The atmosphere is toxic to the point of being lethal to humans, and few mutants can survive here either. What this planet does have is a long standing shrine to St. Drusus. Long standing due to the vigil kept by two Ironclad Dreadnoughts of the Iron Hands chapter that have remained here since the Angevin crusade.
Watch Captain Enoch takes a moment to look you all over and then continues. Your mission is two parts. I will brief you on the first part, then I will let Sister Vesta brief you. The first part of the mission is to bring needed repairs to these stalwart brothers and convince them it is time to join us. They have been in the Service of the Calixian Conclave and we would now like to bring them under the jurisdiction of the Deathwatch. I have documentation from Scintilla and from Iron Father Vorsk for you to present to them. Once on board they will be given full honors including Imperial Laurels and once they complete hypno-indoctrination, membership into the Deathwatch. Sister Vesta you may proceed.
As you enter the command deck of the Pious Immolation the pale milky disk of a new planet shines into view. You offer the sign of the Aquilla and it is returned by the large Astartes before you. He has two service studs imbedded in his forehead and a bionic right leg, you notice no chapter trappings on his right shoulder it is only black.
Welcome brothers. I am Watch Captain Enoch of Watch Station Phyrr, and your liaison for the Tyrantine Cabal. This is the Pious Immolation the mobile command of the Cabal, and where you will reside in-between missions. As some of you may know, the prophecy of the Tyrant Star is starting to reoccur. Strange warp anomalies and reports of riots and criminal activity has increased 1000% in the Calixis sector. Ordo Xenos has joined forces with Ordo Malleus, and Ordo Hereticus to discern the nature of this threat, and eliminate it. That is all you are cleared to know for now, information is on a need to know basis. If you wish to speak to a commander from another Ordo it must go through me. Other than that you are free to speak to other members of the strike teams freely. I will contact you again when I have a mission for you. You are dismissed.
Hello and welcome to my Deathwatch PbP. This is thread is for recruitment and for those on the ship. I welcome any and all that want to play, how this will work is the first 6 to respond to a Mission will be on that mission. If someone fails to report after 48 hours you will go back to the ship and I will take the next available marine to fill your spot. While on the ship you can research, train, investigate, perform Chapter/Deathwatch Rituals. If I get enough people waiting on the ship I might start another mission
Character Generation
I loath rolling for stats. Especially on a PbP. Stats will be generated from a pool of points. You get 130 points to allocate to your 9 stats, allocating no more than 20 points to a specific stat. If you were to divide it evenly would be aprox 14.4 points per stat which is pretty decent. This saves me from seeing page after page of dice rolls and keeps it even. Some of you might have the magic touch and roll all 20s for your stats, which is rarely the case so let’s not bring up that argument.
You can be of any chapter from the Core or Rites of Battle including creating your own. Try not to break the system please. When role-playing with a chapter you do not agree with, remember to respect the other player and not allow it to escalate.
Any specialty from the Core or Rites of Battle is approved if you meet the requirements.
Fate Points:
Everyone starts with 5 Fate Points. I expand how fate points are used in my campaign, you can use them to alter the narrative slightly. This is similar to destiny chips in Edge of the Empire or Story Chips in Doctor Who if you are familiar. An example might be I say “You see two Eldar holding large weapons at the entrance” and you might pay a fate point and say “but they are currently distracted and looking the other way” or something to that effect. I reward fate points at the end of each mission based on the following criteria- Best Role Player, MVP(Voted on by the other players based on whatever critera they value), Best Kill, and Best use of a Fate point.
You may choose which ever Demeanor you want. You can only trigger a Demeanour once per mission since this is a PbP and session is not really applicable. Starting with max fate points help to mitigate this. Good use of a Demeanour will defiantly put you on the list of Best Role Player for a mission.
Power Armour History:
You may choose whatever history you want for the armour you start with. Future upgrades will come with histories rolled by me.
Past Events/Nature:
Please choose a past event and develop a bit of a back story using the criteria on pg 31. What is your Homeworld Like? What is your Personality? Why where you selected for the Deathwatch/Tyrantine Cabal? What Does Deathwatch mean to you? What do you desire/hate?
This is to see if there is any interest out there to play in a Deathwatch PbP of my design based on the Calixis Sector which is the Dark Heresy setting. It may move on to the Jericho Reach at some point, but this first chapter is in the Calixis Sector for sure.
You will be members of the Tyrantine Cabal, working with the other Ordos to discover the nature of the Tyrant Star.
I will allow material from the Core, and Rites of Battle only with the possible exception of someone wanting to play a specific chapter that is presented in a later book.
I have run or played in all the 40k RPGs and I play the table top(Iron Hands, Steel Legion, Tau(Kroot), and Sons of Cyclops(Black Legion), and I have read some of the stories, I have only finished the first of the Horus Heresy series though.
This will be theater of the mind. I do not use map tools sorry. If I was going to for any game it would be this one, but I think we can have a fun game with theatre of the mind approach. There will be some intrigue and investigation in this, but also plenty of Xeno slaying.
I hate to turn people down, and I also hate not having enough people for a game. How I plan on remedying this for this game is I am going to take all comers and once I have the official recruitment page up I will leave it open. The recruitment page will simulate being inside the Pious Immolation The Tyrantine Cabal's Firestorm Frigate and mobile command.
Once I post a mission the first 6to respond are on that mission.
If anyone fails to respond after 48 hours they are back on the ship and another marine is dispatched to replace them. If I get enough people sitting on the ship I might run multiple missions. While on the ship you can investigate, research, Chapter/Deathwatch rituals, train, ect...
Post here for now if you are at least interested in this and post any questions. If I get enough interest I will probably have something up this weekend.
....After you sign your name and offer your small drop of blood to the page, a duplicate of the contract appears. "One for you, and one for me." Horner says with a sly grin. "You are now Knight-Errants. I shall introduce you to your Knight-Captain. You may come down now Milax." Horner says as he looks up.
Dropping down from a stack of supplies in the storage room under the Crimson Coin, Milax lands on her feet, as she always does.
"Purrfect. I look forward to working with you all. You may call me Milax, or Lady Black, which ever you purrfer." The dark furred female Catfolk introduces herself with a graceful bow.
You all start with 3/3 Hero Points. At the end of every chapter(which is when you level-aprox every 3-4 encounters) I will award Hero Points for the following- Best Roleplayer, Best Use of a Hero Point, and MVP(this category is chosen by the players, you can not vote for yourself and can be based on any criteria you see fit.)
Please do not post here until I have done your final audit in the Discussion Tab.
When you step into the red painted building, one of the largest in the foreign quarter, the hairs on the back of your neck stand up.
The dark symbols on the wall
Knowledge Religion DC 15*DC 5 if worship LE deity:
The symbols of Asmodeus, Zon_Kuthon and Cheliax Diabloists paint the walls marking this as a sanctuary for such worshipers.
, the cheering and shouting barley louder than the constant onslaught of weapons cutting into flesh, and the thick overbearing smell of blood, like melted copper, make it clear that this is not a place one walks into idly.
You look back as the door closes and the door man, a very large humanoid greets you with a fang filled grin.
Knowledge Local DC 20:
This is a giant of some type. It seems to be able to see in the low dim of the crimson coin without difficulty
Knowledge Local DC 32:
This is Gnul, the head bouncer of the Crimson Coin. He is a Rune Giant(immune to cold, electricity, and fire. He can cast a shower of sparks and blind his enemies. Giants are easily manipulated by him) known to seek out only the most powerful arena opponents.
Inside Crystal Balls on tables in the center of the room illuminate the walls and ceiling of the Crimson Coins. Images and sounds of gladiatorial events throughout Golarion are displayed through these mystical devices as bards give blow by blow accounts of the visceral entertainment. Behind the large bar, bartenders take orders for drinks and bets.
Welcome to the Crimson Coin. This is the discussion tab. Feel free to talk in or out of character and introduce yourselves(meaning characters and players.)
Whether out of desperation or blackmail you find yourself in the Crimson Coin. A seedy tavern in the Foreign District of Absalom. You had heard rumors of the so-called Smoke Knights of Absalom, but did not believe them to be true, until now. Waiting in the basement you can hear the shouting of bets being placed on the various gladiatorial events in the Foreign District, and the stench of vomit and alcohol permeates the air. A voice barley heard over the crowd calls from behind a closed door.
"They may enter now.
The door opens and a large Half-Orc snarls at you. "Go in". He says in common with a thick Orcish accent.
Standing in the supply room is a gaunt faced Tian man, though his affinity with his undead-half is obvious even had you not heard the rumors of Horner "The Gargoyle" Shan. Infamous for his stoic stare, Horner was named the Gargoyle for his ability to stand watch for hours without rest, or at least that is another rumor...
"Welcome initiates. You have been screened or you would not have made it this far so I will make this brief. If you want in the Smoke Knights, you must sign a contract. This is a very important contract, not something to take lightly. If you are successful in the organization and make it past Knight-Errant, you will sign another for Knight, and yet another for Knight-Captain, and another still if you happen to relieve me of the title of Knight-Marshal. Take a momment and read the contract friends and ask me any questions."
You look down on the table in front of the Dhampir and see five contracts, one for each of you.
Code of Fire:
[i] I _____ solemnly swear to uphold the following tenants to the up most of my ability. Firstly, I vow never to commit Regicide, nor participate in any activity that is subversive to Absalom as a whole without the expressed consent of a senior Smoke Knight of Absalom. Secondly, I vow to make the gain of wealth the main goal of any mission I participate in for the Smoke Knights of Absalom, resorting to violence only when required or commanded by a senior Smoke Knight of Absalom. Lastly, I vow to never harm a fellow Smoke Knight of Absalom unless ordered by a senior Smoke Knight of Absalom, nor will I give out information about the Smoke Knights of Absalom even if it means my death."
"Sign at the bottom, and I must draw a small amount of blood from thumb with this blade. Smudge it next to your signature and the deal is struck." Horner says enthusiastically as he fingers a five pointed star pendant around his neck.
Welcome all to another home-brew AP by Nimon. As you can tell I like to use aliases to add some flare to my PbP. My PbP are generally Theater of the Mind. I would like people to post once a day, most my PbP end due to lack of participation by a majority of players. I am looking to start the campaign mid-september. I have to fly out of town for training until the 11th so I am thinking the 16th to start, which should give everyone time to submit a quality character.
Campaign Information:
In this campaign you will play members of the Smoke Knights of Absalom expanding on the information found in the Guide to Absalom supplement by Paizo, and the Inner Sea World Guide.
Character Creation:
You start this game as a NPC class. An Adept, Aristocrat, Expert, Warrior or Commoner. You can be any race, but if you are an Uncommon race you must start out as a Commoner with the Foreigner Campaign Trait*See Campaign Tab. It will be 20 point buy, with
2 traits, one Campaign*See Campaign Tab. You may Take one Drawback from Ultimate Campaign Guide for another trait. You will start with 100 gold. Once you complete level 1, which will be after the first mission, you will be able to choose any class/archetype you wish from Core, APG, UM, UC, or ARG. Max Hit Points every Level(I loath rolling for anything that has such a mechanical impact). Choose a district in Absalom you want to live in, be mindful though that the richer the district the more expensive it will be to live. You have to have one rank in either a Profession or Craft skill, though some traits replace these with other things. No Lawful Good or Chaotic Evil, you are in a thief guild run by Diabolists so those alignments will not fly, but any others are fine. If you have a strong Demon connection you will have issues as well, and Following Rovagug is forbidden as well.
So to sum it up seeking five players to be choosen September 16th for a game of intrigue in the slums of Absalom. Look to the Campaign Information Tab for more information.
The halls of Black Storm Fortress on Cloister are immense, greater than any you have seen. Black Storm Fortress was built to house the Adeptus Astartes, The Emperor's Greatest Warriors, also known as Space Marines. Black Storm Fortress has a presence that imbues you with awe and devotion to the God Emperor. A refreshing change from the hull of the Black Ships. Having survived this essential trial you feel empowered.
Servitors close the over-sized doors behind you as you enter the main hall. Storm Trooper sentries watch your every movement as you walk towards a room at the end of the hall. Ecclesiastical hymns echo the halls as you approach the room lit by a very large fireplace;a shadow of a man sitting in a large chair is cast against a stained glass window superposing itself over the image of St. Drusus.
Next to the window is a newly added piece of Inquisitorial iconography with an odd poem inscribed on a metal placard
Greater of Two Evils:
Blood red, the soul’s acquisition
Relentless violence, sound off oblivious
Pious young acolyte of the Inquisition
Devout sinners vying for position
Exhaustion in heat, willpower tenuous
Pious young acolyte of the Inquisition
Singing children in no need of confession
Fresh wound, sanguine and serious
Blood red, the soul’s acquisition
Exploitation of plague in remission
Find truth, fool’s errand continuous
Pious young acolyte of the Inquisition
Mirror image a stranger’s vision
Mutated sacrifice for Rex Deus
Blood red, the soul’s acquisition
Pious young acolyte of the Inquisition
Interrogator Gathrix Ordo Hereticus
A voice from the room asks "Are you ready for your blood red stains young acolytes? Are you prepared to make the necessary sacrifice in service of the God Emperor? Enter and I shall give you your last test."
The Campaign:
Hello all, I am Inquisitor Varon Zeth, A.K.A Nimon on the forums. I use a lot of different aliases to enhance my play by posts. I intend to use the new Dark Heresy 2nd edition beta from Fantasy Flight for this play by post to test the rules out. I will be using a campaign I wrote for 1st edition that takes place in the Calixis sector since the Askellon sector is not yet fleshed out enough and because I know it well. In this campaign you will start out on the Planet Cloister in the Calixis Sector, and you will travel much of the sector seeking out secrets and heresy in the Warhammer 40k universe.
Character Creation:
We will use the point allocation system on pg 19. Equipment will be given out later.
I am looking for 6 players to get a good range of characters to test out the mechanics. Recruitment will end Tues 6th of Aug. I will announce the chosen characters as soon as possible on Weds the 7th. Please include a background for your character, it doesn't have to be a novel just explain how you were recruited. I expect posts once a day, and I expect a post to include what your character is doing, saying, and maybe thinking with any appropriate rolls. If you do not roll I will simply roll for you, but it can get tedious checking profiles for the appropriate statistic. I think that is all for now, I look forward to the submissions.
The Female gamers have had a bit of fun poking at men and blaming us for the woes of womanhood, but let's face it the biggest offenders of female objectivity is females themselves.
Who buys Vogue, Cosmo, and all the other magazines on the market that are some of the biggest offenders? If these products were gone tomorrow it would not effect me one bit. Make-up? Not something heterosexual men care about sorry. Don't like dresses? Stop wearing them, I could care less.
Yes some comic and gaming artist put woman in bikini armor, but is this something they invent or are they just copying what they see. How many females do you see at a convention in "cute" costumes. If you hate it so much approach them about it.
When introducing things from Distant worlds into a Goloraian setting, would it be Knowledge Planes to identify it, or what ever the beast/NPC is. Example would be Lashunta, they are simply humanoids, but they are from another planet so I was thinking planes.
After you give your identifying information to the construct calling himself the Commander of the Vessel, Unit 5570-01 and other constructs secure you in a metal chair inside the vehicle. Those who have Psionics have the addition of a bowl shaped helmet that blocks your mental abilities, those who cast magic are gagged.
Once everyone enters the vessel the hatch closes and inside the hulking metal is pitch black. With a vibration and loud hum artificial lights fill the inside of the ship as it lifts into the air. Unit 5570-01 begins to speak again in that odd voice.
Prepare for terrestrial travel. Attempting to escape if futile. Upon reaching the destination you will be given an ingestible organic fuel replenishment with a proportional amount of hydrogen dioxide and 1800 seconds to finish the replenishment. After the announcement Unit 5570-01 walks out of this compartment and into another as the door he exits opens and closes on its own. You look over at your fellow prisoners many of who you have never seen before.
You can take this time for some in character introductions
Line up single file. Do not attempt to flee or you will be converted into carbon and hydrogen components. Enter the vessel one at a time. State your biological affiliation and numeric designation to the commander of the vessel. The large metallic construct speaks in a monotone manner as it gestures to you to join the others gathered outside the strange vessel that travels in the air without wings that is shrouded in light.
Just as you are getting use to the light of day again a strange humanoid in front of you screams something in a language you have never heard and runs out of the line. You reach out to stop him, and your hand is almost caught in the red light and heat that the construct fires from a hollow tube attached to its wrists. The odd humanoid crumbles into a pile of ash in front of you.
The emotionless automaton repeats Do not attempt to flee or you will be converted into carbon and hydrogen components.
Welcome to my Numeria Campaign. I will choose six players for this campaign on the 25th. My Play by Post style is Theater of mind meaning there are no maps. I do not expect large backgrounds, just explain why you have your traits and why you are imprisoned(which might be one in the same depending on campaign trait).
Character Creation:
25 point buy. Races allowed- Core Races, Androids from Inner Sea Bestiary,Featured Races with associated traits from the Advanced Race guide, Psionic Races from Dreamscarred, And Neo-Exodus races. Classes allowed-Any from Pazio, Dreamsccarred Psionics including the ones found in the Advanced Psionics and the MachineSmith from Neo-Exodus.Three Traits- One Campaign, Two others. No traits that award extra money or items(you are starting with nothing). Starting Wealth Nothing, you are wearing rags.
Campaign Traits/Choose One:
Tech Seeker – After the barriers when up around Numeria, there was a bounty put out by many of the nations for any Numerian technology. Like many others, you sought to make your fortune in finding these items and spent a good deal of time studying as much as possible about Numeria +2 Circumstance to any knowledge checks involving Numeria. You can make any such check untrained to a max of DC 15. Appraise, Knowledge Engineering and Use Magical Device are class skills for you and you can apply the circumstance bonus (+2) to checks made to use or appraise Numerian devices.
Otherworldly - Can only choose if a race from Dreamsccared Psionics or an Android You are a strange race previously unknown to Golarion. Choose two skills from the following list, they are always class skills for you: Autohypnosis (Dreamsccared), Knowledge Engineering, Knowledge Psionics (Dreamsccared), Intimidate. If trained, you gain a +2 circumstance bonus in any of these skills from the list, and to drive checks for tech propelled vehicles and reduces the required intellect to drive a tech vehical by 2 (so from 10 to 8). Slave - You have been a slave for so long you hardly remember the surface. You have been forced to work with many different races and have learned to communicate with them. Knowledge Dungeoneering, Linguistics, and Profession: Miner are all class skills for you. You start the game with one free rank in each. You gain low light vision 30’ in addition to any other vision standard to your race.
Technic League Acolyte - You are or were an acolyte of the Technic League. You studied the ruins of Numeria using magical methods and occasionally made unique discoveries. Knowledge Arcana is a class skill for you. You can replace a Knowledge Arcana check for any Knowledge Engineering check for a Numerian device. You gain Artificer’s Touch as the ability from the Artifice Domain. You can use your cha, wis or int bonus (choose one, once chosen can not change) to determine times of day you can use the damaging version. Victim of Experimentation You have something about you that the True Rulers of Numeria found interesting or they just needed a test subject. Either way your stay in Numeria has been unpleasant and you have gained some odd features. You gain +1 to Fort Saves, in addition gain ONE of the following :
Psionic Training You have been given some psionic training, gain Detect Psionics at will . +1 power point
Psionic Resistance You gain +4 moral bonus to saves against Psionics.
Robotic Augmentation You gain a Robotic augmentation to your body, trade 1 cha for 2 to another statistic (can only do this once). You gain electrical vulnerability (150% damage from electricity).
Spell caster Anomaly The true rulers are interested in this thing called magic that you possess, they forced you to display your talents often and under distress. +2 to concentration checks, also choose one level one spell, you gain the Quicken Spell to that spell. Prisoner of War - You attempted to breach the Numerian defenses on the orders of your liege lord. You gain Profession Solder as a class skill with one rank in it. Your experience in fighting the constructs of Numeria has given you insight into how they fight. +1 attack/damage/Knowledge checks against Androids and other Numerian constructs.
Historic Timeline for Campaign:
Age of Legend (approx. -5500) – Kellid tribals witness a strange “Metal Mountain” fall from the sky leaving the Silver Mount and other strange metallic debris across the land.
4709 - A monstrous metal scorpion takes prisoners in the Felldales region of Numeria.
4711 - End of “Official Timeline” 4712 - The Technic League rediscovers a secret to enhance the Automatons of Silver Mount, at that moment a bright beam of light shoots into the sky. It remains there for 20 years.
4720 - The Technic League creates a coup against the Black Sovereign, who is killed in the revolution. The Technic League begins a campaign to unify Numeria, their main targets are Castle Urion , Iadenveigh, Hajoth Hakados, and the followers of Erastil that reject technology.
4732 -On the 20th anniversary of the Bright Beam of Starfall being lit, a large “metal skyship” is seen landing on Silver Mount. Not long after its arrival the Bright Beam expands and forms a strange force field around central Numeria in a 50 mile radius, with Silver Mount at its center.
4735 - A large contingent of Crusaders from Mendev and other nations travel to Starfall on a diplomatic mission presumably to request aid in yet another crusade. They are never seen again.
4740 -Metal Skyships are a common site in Numeria. Odd rumors of otherworldly beings with mental powers unlike those of any Wizard are said to come from these ships. Androids become a more common site in Numeria. It is believed that these otherworldly beings are the True Rulers of Numeria.
4746 - The now large cities of Aaramor, Dravod Knock, Urion, Iadenveigh, Hajoth Hakados, Sable Barrow, Lackthroat, Gorum Pots and Sunder Horn all have force fields around them that expand 50 miles, in some cases crossing into other nations, much to the chagrin of those nation’s ruling classes. Any attempt to breach these force fields fail ending with a large loss of men for those nations seeking retribution.
Alternate Rules:
Hero Points Each player will begin with one. Rules for these are found in the APG. Feats and spells associated with hero points are allowed. Psionics from the Dreamscarred Materialincluding Autohyponosis and Knowledge Psionics Driving and Vehicle rules These are found in UC. In this game the Vehicles will have Tech Propulsion, and require an Int of 10 to drive.
Let me preface this by saying as a DM I personally do not try to kill my characters. My goal is for everyone to have fun and continue a story.
I do not intend this to be a guide to annoy your players, more so to challenge them.
I see a lot of threads titled "Help with X character because they are too strong in my campaign ect". So I wanted to give some advice as a resource to others about how to create some difficult scenarios for their players.
General Advice for all characters regardless of Class/Race
After everyone has finished making their characters and are ready to play in your campaign, Look At Their Sheets. Did they add up their bonuses correctly, do they have at level 1 a skill bonus beyond +10? If so how did they get it? Is it their first time playing x type of character, if so do they have any questions, ask specific questions of your own.
Make a quick reference guide to your characters for easy reference with things like Perception bonuses, Stealth Bonuses, Disable Device bonuses. I suggest rolling such things yourself as players should be separated from the success of these rolls, at least in certain situations.
After doing your initial audit, get an idea of where your characters are weak. Fort Saves, Will Saves, do they lack perception or social skill? Tuck this little nugget away for the future in case you need to step it up a notch.
Look for dumpstats. That fighter that has 7 cha, introduce him to the Cha draining flesh eating disease. When he is at 3 Cha and thinking about how to get over being catatonic he might have a bit more fear in his eyes the next encounter.
Steath, Flying, and Favored Terrain are nice bonuses for low level encounters to spice things up. If you have used a certain monster a bit and the players have gotten used to it, add a template or make it a shapeshifter that has infiltrated the camp, after all your characters are not the only things killing these goblins or what have you.
Create situations where the players have to explain their actions to a higher authority, if they can not, into the dungeon with you! Make social skills a part of survival too, think Game of Thrones.
Environmental Hazards- What's that your a level 4 ranger that has only 1 rank in survival because you want to be acrobatic eh? Ok try to find your way back from this underground maze without starving to death.
Use Teamwork feats for your various groups of mid-level baddies. It is likely they have developed some sort of coordinated attack. A group of thieves with feint partner or gang up can be a handful.
There are certain builds that are not viable for players, yet for NPCs can be annoying in the right situation, and even be thematically plausible. That could be a whole other thread though so moving on.
I was going to give some specific weaknesses for each class, but I think I will leave it so that if you have a certain class/archetype prestige combo that is giving you trouble post it here and we will try to come up with some situations that might be more of a challenge.
I am thinking of starting a campaign based in Numeria. I will be allowing Dreamsccared Psionics and races from their psionic books, as well as those found in Third Dawn Player's Guide which can be found free on this web site.
My games are Theater of the Mind, meaning I do not use maps. I have a few games I am running currently, you can take a look at some of my current campaigns to get a feel for how I GM my PbPs.
In addition to Dreamsccared I think the Machinesmith class from Neo-Exodus would work in this campaign and I would allow that as well.
The basic premise of the game will be that you escape some compound underground where you were being held for various reasons-Slavery, Experiments, ect(These will be the campaign traits) and you are discovering Numeria and Golarion for the first time, or rediscovering depending on your character.
Please share any questions or thoughts on this, and if I get enough interest I will put something together to start recruiting in a week or so.
It is the night before the Swallowtail Festival in Sandpoint. Some of you have traveled a great distance, some of you may have lived close to the city, but all of you are uncharacteristically tired this evening. Maybe it was the Varisian wine, or the hardships of travel. The night is still and warm, you close your eyes with eager contentment
So this is one of the fated? Is this some cosmic joke? You think this pitiful creature can prevent my Ascension? The voice wakes you from your sleep, when you open your eyes you are in a dark void. You see the source of the voice, a tall humanoid with strange clothing and a glow about him. Hmm, they are awake. How about a little test then. VILLA GHK ZOJ
Spellcraft DC 18 +2 circumstance if speak Thallosian:
You think this is some kind of summon spell
The words seem to have a physical presence and you can sense them in every way, you see them, feel them and even taste them. It is raw power.
Roll Initiative. I will respond to each of your dreams through spoilers, that way if someone is behind we can still continue with the rest of the story after the combat
Koryth, Aremyhk. Section Omega Headquaters
You enter a very plain looking building with a grey interior. There is no decoration of any kind in this building. It is a very sharp contrast to the extravagance of the Sanguine Cathedrals surrounding the building. Just as you are thinking you are in the wrong place...
No, you are in the right place. I accessed your mind to easily, remember your training.Just wait a moment and I will send my assistant to speak with you. Pay no attention to what she says, it is merely a means of distracting any unwanted ears. I will continue to tell you what you need to hear.A male voice in your head calls out.
A door opens and in walks a female Gevet who begins to give you directions to the nearest merchant and she apologizes for being out of various items you are supposedly here for.
You have shown potential in our program and we wish to give you a mission. You have no doubt heard of the trouble in the south regarding the Cult of the Emissary and her Phoenix Guard. Recently they have claimed to have come up with a cure for the quickslaver disease. I need you to investigate this claim. You will not receive any more help from this office until you return back with information on the issue. Specifically we need to know if this cure works, what is the cure, and is there any merit to these rumors that this cure is really a means of slavery for the cult. Once you feel you can adequately answer these questions return here at once for further instructions. You have already been given your stipend for the task, but if there is something you need to buy just ask my assistant where to find it. Dismissedand the mental connection ceases as quickly as it came about.
Cool here we go. This is will be a fun campaign I think. Since it is just you and me, and since you seem interested in the Sector Omega type of character I will focus a bit more on investigation and small to medium combat encounters.
First, let me thank those of you that have been with me for the long haul of this recruitment. PbP seems to come in waves and I guess I missed one on this go'round
Post your character and any questions you might have.
So I was just looking through games coming out soon on Steam, and I ran across this game called Chaos Chronicles. This looks like it may be just what I have been hoping for. Chaos Chronicles What do you think?
Ah, Mayor Deverin, even I did not expect to see you here. the aged gypsy smiles to herself without looking up from her table of cards. Across from her sits a thick bearded man in modest clothing , his face flush with anger. He looks at the mayor, then turns away to hide his face and mumbles under his breath Damn girl, I knew it! He hands the mysterious woman a bottle of wine. As promised He says plainly and nods to Mayor Deverin as he leaves the ancient manor.
…and here I thought you did not believe in my gifts Madame Mvashti continues as she gathers her harrow deck from the table. Worried about the festival or is there a personal matter to discuss? I have been having dreams, nightmares really. I want you to do a reading on me. Mayor Deverin says as she sits across Madame Mvashti, who finally looks up from the table to meet eyes with the troubled woman and replies Sometimes ignorance is bliss, are you sure you want to see this? Her words are cold, and her gaze colder. Just do it Niska! the mayor allows her stoic demeanor to fade for only a moment before she regains her composure I need to know. Cut the deck The Madame says simply as she hands her the cards. She recites a prayer in the old tongue as she takes the cards back and begins to deal them on the table.
Ah, The Keep. A strong and steadfast hero, they will cross your path in this time of need. the next card falls The Juggler, this one can be trusted with tasks, but not the silver. the third cardThe Vision, a powerful ally, the fourth card The Owl, a dealer of life and death with equal competence, the fifth card The Liar, the final member of this new relationship, trust in actions, but not their words
Suddenly the wise woman’s eyes glaze over and she speaks in a voice not her own such feeble creatures are no match for my will, FEAR! FEAR for your lives, what little is left of them and bear witness to my Rise!
Welcome to my Rise of the Runelords PbP. This is my first time running a game not of my own design. Word on the street is this is the best one, so let’s put that sentiment to the test shall we. I will be modifying this game from its original in minor ways since it is so popular and many have played it. No Maps in my PbPs, I use a theater of mind method, feel free to look into my history to see my past games and determine if they are the types of games you will enjoy. I use different aliases to add a little extra to the game.
I need five Mythic characters A Keep(Guardian Mythic Path), A Juggler(Trickster), A Vision(Archmage), An Owl(Heirophant) and A Liar(Marshall). Players are free to choose whatever Mythic flaw they wish. Moment of Ascension is Fated your character was born under the above mentioned sign. I will choose my characters on Friday the 8th.
Character Creation:
Max Hp 1st level 20 point buy(no stats above 20 or below 7 after racial adjustment). Races allowed Core Races, with extras from Advanced Race Guide accepted.Classes allowed Any from Pazio, with the exception of gunslingers. No gunslingers in this game, I am sorry. I have another game up that has psionics and gunslingers, so if that is your bag seek out that one called “Silver Nexus”. Sources Allowed Feats spells ect from Core, APG,ARG, UC, UM and Inner Sea World Guide.Traits 3 traits, 1 must be from campaign trait from the player’s guide, or from the campaign traits listed in the Advanced Player’s Guide. Starting Level 1 Starting Money Max gold per class. Alignments Any alignment, creative banter between good and evil are encouraged, bullying is not. If you do not understand the difference pick neutral and be nice.
Apply only if willing to post once a day, YES EVERY DAY, EVEN MINOR HOLIDAYS AND WEEKENDS, its 2013 get a smart phone if you find posting a paragraph of text difficult once a day.
What I expect from a post:
Please no one sentence posts. Every post should include the following- What your character is doing, what your character is saying(with an appropriate social skill roll Diplomacy, Bluff, Intimidate ect) and any rolls requested by me. What you are thinking might add some role playing flare and clarity as well. Hopefully you have joined this game because you enjoy being a character in a story.
Additional Rules used- Mythic Playtest*Hero Points*Words of Power:
Every character starts with one Hero Point. The rules for these are found in the APG. Additional hero points will be given to exceptional play and accomplishments (beyond simply rolling a critical hit) and at the end of every chapter with a new level. You can only have 3 hero points saved at anytime, unless you take feats ect to increase this. To give the Runelords a bit more uniqueness they will use the Words of Power system. Your characters will have opportunities to research these and take the Experimental Spellcaster feat to learn them yourselves.
You will level upon completion of each chapter. Mythic tiers will be gained by completing the required tasks as presented in the playtest material.Hit points will be done like the PFS system, D6=4,D8=5,D10=6,D12=7. At the end of each chapter I will award 1 additional hero point to characters for the following criteria- Best Role Play: This is based on how well the player follows alignment, other motivations and dialogue. Best Use of a Hero Point This is subjective and situational, but typically those who use their hero points in a unique or selfless way are up for this. MVP This is decided amongst you the players. Each player will vote in the Discussion tab once for whom they think was the MVP of the chapter and why. You cannot vote for yourself unless there is a tie of some sort.
Earthdawn was the game that introduced me to roleplaying, as such it has always had a special place in my heart. It came out when I was in highschool, and I have been playing Rpgs since.
Recently I found a pathfinder version of Earthdawn by Redbrick on RPGnow. I still have most my 1st edition books, so I just bought the players and gamemasters guide to see what was changed. I have to be honest this doesn't look like the best conversion ever done, but with a little tweaking I might get it to work nicely. One thing for example is there will be matrixes in my game, and even though it is mentioned in the players guide in a story I saw no mechanical rules for matrixes in the Redbrick version, so that is something I will have to develop.
I want to find out how much intrest there is for an earthdawn pbp by pathfinder befor I attempt to put one on these boards. I really only want players who are familar with Earthdawn, because it is a unique kind of world it would be difficult to explain every aspect of it.
As soon as you get to the bottom of the sewer you realize how dark it is. With only the light from the torches 15' above you, you can only see a dim section of the sewer. If you use a light source please let me know what type and how it is held.
The smell is nauseating. This section of the sewer has not been exposed to the surface in many years. There is a 5' wide path on either side of the flowing sewer.
Knowledge Dungeoneering(Can take 20):
This sewer is well built, but there are sections of the floor that have some kind of rot that has made it unstable.
This is a new Campaign tab for my second group of adventures in a story already in progress.
Recap of Events
The Duchess called you adventures to meet her in a secret bunker. There one of her own guards, a Gnome named Sleif from the Watts guild, attacked her and stole her seal. The Seal one peice needed to open the vaults of Martel. The Gnome escaped and tricked the exterior guards into sealing you inside the bunker. You are the brave souls selected to trudge the sewers in hopes of beating Sleif to the other group.
This world, this world will last. The mud, the wind, the waves and the rats. You, the Cavian, and all the slaves of the so called First Ones, you will not last. Not without the brand. Do you except the brand, believe the brand, promise to wear the brand? You need but ask.
The strange bearded man extends his hand with the confidence of someone that has never meet his equal. Will you embrace me as a brother and except your fate?
Welcome To The World of Neo Exodus
As the title says this is a Mythic Pathfinder Play by Post set in Neo Exodus. Mythic is in playtest and you can get the pdf free from Pazio. If you are new to Neo Exodus you can use the Pazio Search or use this link.
Full hit points. 25 point buy.3 Traits, 1 must be from campaign list below. Races allowed- Neo Exodus Races will be prefered. Other races that will fit this campaign:Dhampir,Elemental Types(Ifrits, Oreads ect.)Classes Anyclass/Archetype from Pazio or Neo Exodus. Psionics from Dreamsccared. Starting Level 3 and 1 Mythic Tier to be explained in tab below. Starting Money 3,300g with no one item worth more than 1,500g.Deities and Alignments Allowed Neo Exodus Deities(with exception of the Cult of the Emissary)if you choose The Lawgiver your brand works as a divine focus, any alignments.Creative banter between good and evil is encouraged, bullying is not, if you do not understand the differance pick neutral and be nice.Background You have been granted a Lazarus Brand from the Lawgiver.This marked your Ascension.He did not ask you to worship him all he did was show you the truth. The Emissary intends to bring havoc upon Exodus, and he has given you the power to stop her. What you do with it is up to you.In your background include why you have your choosen campaign trait. You can expand on your meeting with The Lawgiver.It does not have to be a novel, a few paragraphs is fine.
Campaign Traits-Pick One:
Refugee of the Plague- You saw the plague coming and sold everything you owned that was not travel worthy, escaping the horrors of the Quickslaver plague you witnessed firsthand. +500 starting gold, +1 save vs. Fear +2 Heal checks to diagnose plague symptoms, this is a class skill.
Horde Bounty Hunter- When Queen Thais first declared her bounty on the Emissary you were one of the ones foolish enough to try. You stalked your prey in the Sametian wilds and studied them- +1 survival, this is a class skill. +1 attack, damage, vs Phoenix Guard and Knowledge skills related to Phoenix Guard.
Morolt Native- You were one of the unfortunate individuals to have been there to see your home town taken by the Phoenix Guard. Forced to convert or die you played along - +2 Knowledge Religion rolls pertaining to the Cult of the Emissary, +1 Bluff this is a class skill.
Imperial Agent- In order to keep the peace of all the nations the Empire must sometimes employ less than favorable methods, but you know in your heart it’s for the greater good- Choose 1 Skill - Escape Artist, Disable Device, Sleight of Hand, Stealth this is always a class skill. You can ignore any alignment requirements for a chosen class.
Psionic Awareness- You have been exposed to the strange mental powers of a Psionic being and it awakened something in your mind- You can sense Psionic beings from 100’ away and get +1 in saves against them.
Forger’s Guild Assassin(Must be from the Arman Protectorate to Choose)- You are one of the Forger’s Guild’s infamous assassins that track down anyone foolish enough to steal their secrets, and they are grateful for it- +1d3 sneak damage, Take 10% off the cost of any Firearms or Ammunition.
Wyrd Apprentice- (Must be an Arcane Spell User from the Dominion to Choose) You are being groomed to become a WyrdCaster of the Dominon. +1 Concentration Checks and you gain 1 extra level 1 spell per day.
High Guard Squire (Must be Caneus Empire to choose)- You aspire to one day be one of the Caneus High Guards and have squired for one in the past- +1 Initiative and You gain proficiency with a Tower Shield .
Half-Giant Blood (Must be a Kalisan)- One of your ancestors was one of the infamous half-giants of Naphil, which fought against the Reis army centuries ago. Gain Large Size category.
Phoenix Guard Turncoat- After receiving the Lazarus Brand you left the Cult of the Emissary, one of the few able to break her hold on you. The Cult continues to track you relentlessly, but having to run for your life has its benefits- +5 to movement speed during a surprise round. If can act in a surprise round, you can move and use a standard action, but not a full round action.
Alternate Mythic Flaws:
Here are a couple differant flaws that fit the campaign.
Mythic Flaws
Psionic Vulnerability - You are extremely vulnerable to Psionic influence and power. -4 to saves against Psionics, You may not benefit from Psionic abilities. Psionic creatures are aware of your weakness and are attracted to you.
Grotesque- You are repugnant in every way possible. -4 Cha. Any attempt at a Cha Based Skill automatically fails as the target of the skill cannot bear to look at or listen to you. Swarms are attracted to you and you are unable to avoid them (You do not receive any saves against swarms or their abilities).
I will pick players the 12th of March. Those of you that responded in my gauging intrest tab have priority. I will choose Seven total.
This will be Theater of the Mind for the most part, I do not use maps. I try to paint a picture of the events and emphasize the story and role play. I do use many aliases to help that along. Feel free to explore the other campaigns I have done in the past on this web site. Do not apply if you can not commit to at least one post a day please.
Timeline up in campaign tab/ Alternate Rules