Painlord wrote:
Thanks, what do you think of season 3 so far? I have to say Frostfur captives caused a lot of issues between the players, almost on the verge of breaking the no PVP rule. The faction missions seem to be geared to pitting the players against eachother in that MOD more then most I have played in the past.
Thanks for all of your input, most of it is how I precieved things also. I agree with the points about rewarding characters that do somethig out of the norm, my arguement is that there should be something extra given to those individuals, not that which they would already be getting if they did it the mundane way, even if it was just a one time use boon on a check or something. I do wish the guides were a bit more specific when it comes to GMing, it would seem that if you wanted to standardize operations that would be the audience to address.
That is a nice clarification. It is about what I expected, though I do wish there was more on the issues you mentioned(the reskinning, alignments). I also found the rewarding creative decisions part kind of flat(reward them with... what they would have already gotten!) I am looking forward to having more experiance with the rules, but they really take any of the creativity out of being a GM(other then funny NPC voices I guess).
I am a new GM to PFS, I decided to wait until season 3 so that everything would be current. One thing I have came across a lot on these boards has to do with what does GM's Approval mean for PFS. This is a phrase found at least once in almost all the books for Pathfinder, and for those of us that run house game's it is a simple concept, but what does it mean in PFS? After reading the new field guide and the society guide, I did not find a simple answer to this. So I will pose it to the boards and I am sure I will get varied answers, but any and all will help. What rules/regulations does the GM have any say in changing or adjusting in PFS?
Dragnmoon wrote:
Well it says it is metal coming out, but besides that the whole Technic League sounds like the perfect basis for many of the gun archetypes. I didn't write the book, but it is in there. To say they do not exsist in Golarion is false. If I am to ignore this material(which is a 2011 copy), then I guess no reason to buy any of the books previously printed since it is going to conflict. They must be taking ques from George Lucas.
Akori of the wastes wrote:
pg 143 Inner Sea Guide bottom of last paragraph" Other rumors speak of even larger constructs, including strange insectoid behemoths capable of spitting fire and metal from ttheir boedies with devestating power" pg 142 has a picture of it. So they have giant mechs with machine guns attached, just no guns?
Bob Jonquet wrote:
And that is when we as GMs make a ruleing, stick too it, and come on the forums to discuss it later. As the OP did. What I do not like is a player from that session coming on to a GM forum, and trying to bash him. Things like that make people not want to GM. Based on the Ipod incident alone I would have banned that player anyway, though I make it clear before anyone sits down where I stand on that sort of thing.
Kerney wrote:
I have just finished reading the entire scenario in question. I am about to run it on Sat. I have to say that the GM was right, though I do agree that this particular scenario is not well-suited(as are many in PFS) for a cavilier of any kind.
Male Telvani Summoner -1 (School of Starry Night)
"Allow me to introduce myself, I am Thraxital Tal_Vo of the Starry Night. This is my companion Kola of the Starry Night. We are both schooled in the arcane." Thraxital bows, and Kola smiles and nods. Thraxital is a tall, thin Telvani that is very attractive. He is sometimes confused with a female, at least in his facial apperance.
" I will agree to purchess a tent and some rations"
Race would be a factor for sure. Differant changes in the body for each race. Someone else mentioned time. Add 5 to the DC for each factor, add another 5 or 10 if the character doing the heal check is trying to do it in the field, and without making the patient strip naked. That is my take on it. I have never seen a real break down as far as in a book or something, but thats what GMs are for is to make calls like this and hopefully you trust his/her ability enough to do so.
There are a lot of skills and feats that are more important in a house game, then in a PFS game. Though sometimes a PFS scenario will throw in a random skill or feat that if you and/or your party do not have, things can really suck for you. So I would not totally ignore any skill, but I would not plan on using a lot of them.
K Neil Shackleton wrote:
Thanks, fast response. I will be heading to the store tommorow and see if they have the Inner Sea World Guide, sounds like a good one to have, maybe I'll get lucky with the field guide too. Betiary 2 I will probably have to wait on.
Would like to see a version of the summoner where you can forgo your additional summon monster, and a slower spell progression, in exchange to have access to more teamwork feats that worked with you and your eidlon simular to solo tactics for inquisitor, but instead they only work with your Eidlon. This would make you and your Eidlon more of a combat team. Would also to have liked to see more Prestige Classes.
Male Telvani Summoner -1 (School of Starry Night)
I will have no problem shedding this violent path, but I know it must be done Thraxital reflects quietly to himself, and looks over his companions I am not so sure about these others though, they seem very accustom to violence Kola smiles up at Thraxital from her small-fey like body with a gesture of joy. She has been waiting for this since she met me, She seems a very kind soul, but she came to me for retribution. "Very well, thank you your Majesty for your hospitality" Thraxital respectfully bows. The only thing I think would be nice to have if someone does not already have is one of those compass devices.
I am going to try and GM for our local store this weekend. I have a few questions. I do not have the Seeker of Secrets, and am aware that there is a new field guide out there, but I have been unable to find one. Is there anything vitally important that is not covered in the new society guide? This is a list of the books I have so far. If there are others you would suggest I would be glad to hear it. Core, Bestiary(just first one), Advanced Players Guide, Ultimate Magic, and Ultimate Combat. I have downloaded the new society guide, the additional rescources pdf, and all of the new pregen characters. Is there something else I need to download? Thanks.
I would say that First and Foremost, that Geralt is a Fighter. The potions and spells are nice augmentations, but in the end of the day most things die by his sword. I would go Fighter(Weapon Master Archetype)With Craft Alchemy/Knowledge Nature/Dungeoneering to start.Then multiclass as you would(even in the game though there are many personal choices you can make to augment your own version of Geralt, but all of these would have a Fighter base.) If you were to create your own class, aspects of other classes I would look at besides fighter are, Wizard(Elementalist), Inquisitor(Monster Lore), Alchemist(Mutageons). If anything it could be a Prestige Class, I think this would be too much to incorperate into any class an keep it balanced, and not spread it too thin one way or the other.
Painlord wrote:
LambdaLambdaLamda all the way! That fight the power trait just too good.
I am not as familar with Pathfinder dragons, but in the Dragonlance world the Metallic dragons were against the Chromatic dragons, and the chromatic and metallic dragons seemed to both have a lot of immunities to attacks of their enemy, probably to make the battles more dynamic and require melee in flight type of situations.
I do not see how it effects flavor, it would a nice twist to add a faction/country that has developed into more of a renessance. And if it is about flavor, how is limiting the archytypes doing that? All someone has to do is multi-class one level of Gunslinger. Now they are just as out of place as a spellslinger ect. I agree with the OP that the restrictions in society has really had me thinking twice about new purchesses.
Male Telvani Summoner -1 (School of Starry Night)
Wow, I never would have guessed this! Establish a colony OUTSIDE of sanctuary! " Other then demons and kaiju, is there any other threats that are common in that region?" Thraxital asks this question with a fear that is hard to mask. Kola moves in closer to Thraxital to comfort him. " Once we have completed this mission, will we return here or will we be communicating remotly?" Thraxital adds hoping his last remark will mask his fear from the other summoners present.
javi ballesteros wrote:
you can use any deeds for your level, you spend grit points determined by your wis mod to use them.
Todd Lower wrote: Let me ask the question from a slightly different direction. Is there ever a time where a 5' step counts as a move action? No, no its not that I am confusing that a 5'-step is a move action(though I can see where other people would it is referred too as a move or movement through out the book), I did find the paragraph in an unexpected portion of the book though that states that my perception was wrong. On page 187 under Deciding between an Attack or Full Attack " After your first attack, you can decide to take a move action instead of making your remainng attacks, depending on how the first attack turns out and assuming you have not alread taken a move action this round. If you've already taken a 5'-step, you can't use your move action to move any distance, but you could still use a different kind of move action" So by this I would say you are all correct, of corse this is assuming that because it is in the same paragraph it is linked to the same thought(which apparently does not apply to the rules in the entire book). I will adjust my gaming in the future, this changes a lot for me and makes some feats a bit more appealing then I thought them to be(improved fient comes to mind).
Eric Clingenpeel wrote:
I would think that interpretation resonable, but it is a seperate concept and thus should have its own paragraph. Since they started with that sentence, it seems tied to it.
Todd Lower wrote: Does the order of things make any difference. In the example given the character wanted to 5' step (to avoid the AoO) then reload, then shoot. I don't think it's a matter of sequence so much since it does mention that it can be done befor or after, it just seems an excessive amount of actions. If this is true, it seems to me that it puts ranged based characters at even more of an advantage then I previously interpreted.
ZomB wrote:
Yes, but the entire paragraph on pg 181 that you are referring too is this. " You can take a move action in place of a standard action. If you move no actual distance in a round ( commonly because you have swapped your move action for one or more equivalent actions), you can take one 5'-foot step either befor, during or after the action. " The first sentence seems to mean that the reload would take place of shooting the weapon, and as long as you did not move during that reload action you could also make a 5'-foot step prior or after the event.
There was recently a discussion on our yahoo group about a 5'-step ruleing. A player wanted to reload his weapon as a move action(his ammo allowed this), shot his weapon, and make a 5'-Step. My understanding of the rules on 181, is that you can switch out a standard action for a move action, and then 5'-step, or make a standard action and 5'-step, not both. So the player could only 5'step and reload, or 5'-step and shoot.
Male Telvani Summoner -1 (School of Starry Night)
Well this IS what I have trained for, but I am still afraid. I must not allow it to controll me as master has said Kola seems to sense Thraxital's fear and gently caresses his leg. " I am ready for your task your majesty, I will do what is nessecary to defend sanctuary in the name of the Tal_Vo and the memory of Ahrimal, my he rest in eternal peace." Thraxital seems almost amazed at himself for being able to say the words without succumbing to his fear. For the first time I have said something I truly believe, and I feel stronger for it. Is it because of her? She is so wonderful and beautiful Thraxital realizes he is staring at the queen and embaressed he looks away, Kola covers her mouth and giggles.
hogarth wrote: The big problem was that they were using the wrong point buy (15 points instead of 20 points). Whoa no wonder, man I knew we should have went with the Wizard! Would have rather used a cleric honestly, but our GM did not have that pregen. I printed them all now so I have a copy on me of the new core ones, which are a lot better also.
I think it would be cool to allow fighter types to research and develop there own feats, within the same strength range of an exsisting feat, but tailored to their character. I also would allow alternate prereqs for feat chains that made sense. For example instead of cleave requiring power attack have it require combat reflexes if that is more your style, as long as you can argue to some degree I would probably allow a lot more choices in this regard. I do not own UC yet though, and hear there is many new play options that might assist in this.
Male Telvani Summoner -1 (School of Starry Night)
Thraxital diverts his gaze shyly from Hyral "Yes, of course, ah, I appologize it's just I never have meet a Sorceror before, and this place is so strange and empty, OH, I didn't mean strange it is lovely. I have never been so far from a crowd though. Kola rolls her eyes and tugs on Thraxital's sleeve, motioning him to sit down. "Thank you Lord Hyral, ah, I will sit." Thraxital sits, his eyes still full of wonder and his mouth slightly open in pure amazement. He looks to Kola, she seems very comfortable here. She has always told him of places where there were no crowds. With a shock that almost causes him to jump Thraxital notices Jathal and N'Gurai. They look so fierce, I wonder why they sent for me with company like them. (with this thought Thraxital sits up straight in his chair) I must make clan Tal_Vo and the Starry Night proud, I AM a summoner and these are dark times
Male Telvani Summoner -1 (School of Starry Night)
Thraxital will timidly approach with Kola encouraging him by his side. " Um, I have come as requisted your Graces, ah, and so has my Eidlon, this is ah Kola and well I um, that is I am pleased to meet you. Your holinesses." Thraxital stutters, then awkwardly bows. Kola covers her Fey-like face with her hand in embarassment.