
The Abrasax's page

272 posts. Alias of Choon.

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Scarab Sages

So, I have three things in mind that I'd love to see folded into a singer character*, and I would like some extra minds to help me mull over the possibilities.

1) Mouser Cavalier cavalier. oops. Thanks, avr. You can get into your foe's square pretty easily (they just have to miss you) and you debuff them.

2) Monkey Shine style feat. Probably acquired via a two level dip into Master of Many Styles Monk. Even more in-your-space goodness, but buffing you this time!

3) Vexing Dodger Unchained Rogue. There is some fuzziness on whether you're technically in your opponents square, but it fits the theme of climbing on/around/over/etc. I'd like to incorporate this too as it's a nice class-based way to "stick" to your foe.

So, I have a few different builds floating around in my head, but most place the majority of the time in the Rogue. This character would be joining the game at 5, so I can get away with starter level awkwardness and get all my dips in early. With my current build, mouser 1/ MoMS 2/ Vexer 2+, I'm one level away from dex-to-damage, but that's ok. My main job would be to get in a foe's square and make life super difficult for them while my friends go to town.

Have any of you come up with builds that utilize any of these, or all three? I'd love to see them!

*I recognize that this is probably going to be a sub-optimal/weird/awkward build. That's ok. I'm just looking for maximizing being in a foe's space and seeing just how hard we can push that angle. Some parts of this character, like the swashbuckler's finesse thing and the rogue's overlap a bit. I'm ok with that too. Again, just seeing how far we can push being in a foe's square(s).

Our RotRL campaign has lost it's GM. Is there anyone out there who is willing to take up the reigns for this group of stranded adventurers?

Here is the campaign link.

The Man. The Myth. The Mask!

You are summoned to the Scar, the blasted, cratered area near the edge of the Refuge where the Sky Shell and the Earthen Shield meet at ground level. Each is independent of the other and they sometimes do not meet just right, leaving a crack for the Undead to exploit. You arrive to see a detachment of Troll and Minotaur shock troops suiting up alongside a more standard, but still huge, force of the Queen Ant's Soldier troops. You even spot several Knights coordinating the mass of Soldiers. This one was going to be bad.

A massive emerald green dragon hovers overhead near the Sky Shell doing something magical that makes your skin tingle.

The Man. The Myth. The Mask!

Let the Discussion begin!

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Hey everyone! I'm GM Choon, and I've gone insane. Hopefully in a good way but the jury's still out. Thus this recruitment.

I am seeking 4-6 players for a VERY homebrew game featuring the less used section of the Pathfinder Library: the Monsters.

The Setting: The world as you know it has ended. All nations anywhere near you have been crushed before an undead horde so powerful in the art of necromancy even the Whispering Tyrant and the Whispering Way have bent their boney knees. What's left of civilization has holed up far from you and for practical purposes might as well not exist. No one is even thinking about you anyway with the exception of a few exotic zoo keepers. You're the monsters, after all.

And who could be so powerful as to force the de facto ruler of the Whispering Way to heel. They are known only as the Cabal, a shadowy and yet very real organization seemingly bent on the death of... well everything that hasn't experienced death yet. Needless to say, this was met with some resistance.

But that doesn't matter now. What matters is Haven. Or Safety. Or Nexus. Or Glorious Garbage Pile. Or The Great Maze. Or any of the other hundreds of names the hundreds of different monsters call the sanctuary established by the Great Worm Sovereign Dragon named Lungarfiliax. Or the Savior Worm. Or Great Good Lizard That We Must Never Ever Eat. Having so many people with so many cognitive levels and languages has led to a bit of a problem with proper nouns.


All that is left of the monstrous races in this region have retreated to a large, heavily fortified, easily defended enclave on the ocean. Using their ability to cast Wish, Lungarfiliax and his dragon followers have crafted a nearly impregnable fortress. The Cabal found this little refuge in it's early stages and basically herded the remaining monsters throughout the entire region into the thing just to see what would happen. To their apparent surprise, everyone settled in and got along. Under the radiant glory that is the golden scales and majestic horns of Lungarfiliax all the myriad beasties actually came together and formed something approaching a coherent fighting force. They then proceeded to dig in like a burned tick.

You are one of them. Herded from your home, your families, tribes, clans, loved ones, etc, you were lucky to make it out before the horde of the Cabal. Sometimes entire clans made it in. Sometimes it was just a few ragged survivors of a once great species. Now, you are fighting for your existence in a bubble of life among the dead.

How do I do this? (build rules):

1) You may choose any Paizo published monster of CR5 and below that does not have a published stat block making it playable as a 0 racial HD PC character. So Drow is a no and Minotaur is a yes in spite of the former being the more monstrous of the two. You do not change anything about your stat block at this time. Just choose your beast. The "In the company of..." books from Rite are allowed for this campaign.
2) Choose two 1RP modifiers from Paizo's Race Builder to modify your monstrosity. Because what's a recruitment without choices, right!
3)If your chosen race is below CR5, you may choose one (1) template to bring it up to muster. Note that templates that change CR modifier with HD such as Celestial count as their highest CR modifier for this step. So a Celestial template would be a +1, even on a 4 HD creature.
4) Explain yourself! How did you come to this sanctuary? Did your family, tribe, whatever (if any) survive and come with you? If you have a template, how did you get it? What does your life in this green space under constant siege look like? What kind of life have you taken up? What does your home space in the refuge look like? (Basics on the structure of the refuge are given below)
5) A word on leveling: It's still in flux a bit. We will probably be "leveling" rather unconventionally with me granting HD advances, the occasional RP reward for you to go pick something shiny, or, if you're something like a Dragon, I'll grant an age category when the group reaches the appropriate CR for you to advance. This is going to be a very "by the feel" kind of system, so I'll be working with players in this to keep things relatively even.

While the setting is dark, I am not aiming for a super gritty, gunmetal and smoke world. I aim to keep this moderately light to contrast with the heaviness of your setting.

The Sancutary/Refuge/Dragon Place:

The safe harbor created by Lungarfiliax and his cadre of dragons can be described as three spheres of protection emanating through all materials out to a distance of about five miles. They are situated near the shore of what used to be Lake Encarthan and extends out into the water, up into the sky, out into the surrounding woods and costal grasslands, and down into the earth (though the stone and dirt limit it's reach to only a few miles downward). This provides a myriad of micro-biomes in which the many monsters have made their homes. The outer boundary of this place of safety from the Cabal is under constant assault, keeping most of the Dragons busy in maintenance. This is especially true of the Sky Shell, a magical barrier that is under constant artillery assault from Cabal forces.

Even with this mighty menagerie of magical mechanics the actual borders of the sanctuary and the Sky Shell vary by a few hundred yards daily. Once re-established, the undead that advanced into sanctuary territory are not immediately and magically ejected ("Because Reasons" is the actual, official reason given). This is where the monsters of the Haven earn their keep. Every day the shield is pushed back somewhere, and every day the monsters fight back the tide of undead.

The second layer of defence is the unique abilities of the monsters themselves. Each grouping of creatures has generally fortified their own areas to a large degree. The Minotarus have built a vast maze in their area, the Centaurs patrol the edges of the woods and plains, the gargoyles have taken up a part of the high, rocky hill that passes for a mountain and built stone mausoleums upon which they sit until needed. Some races have banded together to build small monster fortresses.

The third and final layer is the heart of the Haven. This is where the monsters that had young or mates that need protecting brought their vulnerable ones and it enjoys the strongest of protections. The war isn't even visible here unless the attack happens very high up or at night. Here is where one sees the wonder of the power Lungarfiliax holds in this place. Monsterous offspring play together and the stress and fear of the war seem to melt away. Farms dominate this inner region and raise all manner of crops like grasses, molds, and even some livestock like humans and gnomes. At the center of it all is the Dragonthrone. Or the Glowy Rock of Destiny. Or the Thing We Must Never Ever Eat. It is here that Lungarfiliax personally rules and governs in an effort to keep everyone alive.

No one is buried here. If the fallen can be eaten, they are. If they cannot, they are burned. If they cannot burn, they are brought before the dragons who summarily Disintegrate them. Resurrection does not work. Neither does Teleportaion for more than a handful of yards. The Cabal have cut off both from the world. Anyone buried inevitably rises again in the Cabal's service no matter how holy the ground.

So, who wants to come and play?

I am in the planning phase of a homebrew game that features no standard races. Or uncommon or rare or whatever races. In fact, if it has the option to be played as a standard, zero racial HD PC race, it's not allowed. All characters must be built from a certain CR range of monsters (right now looking at a 3-5 range) and a point or two from the race builder.
I understand that this is not fun for everyone, but I hope a few of you find the idea intriguing.
The Setting: Right now it's very much on the brainstorming/planning phase, but it'll likely feature a fight for survival vs impossible odds and lots of undead. Will feature both combat and monster politics/social stuff. This will probably end in your death. Just saying.

You can throw brainstorming ideas at the wall, but, fair warning, nothing you suggest may stick. We'll see how it goes on my end. Then again, it just might stick after all. You never know.

The Man. The Myth. The Mask!

Please make yourselves known here, hash out any acquaintances, and get your info all sorted into profiles. We begin early next week!

Also, please dot into gameplay and then immediately delete the post to mark yourselves active in the forum's code.

The Man. The Myth. The Mask!

Setup post. Please post here, then delete the post to mark yourselves as active in the campaign.

The Man. The Myth. The Mask!

Intro post to come within 24 hours.

The Man. The Myth. The Mask!

Congrats, Table 2! I want to welcome each of you! Please dot gameplay and then delete the dotting post and we'll get going within 24 hours!

Scarab Sages

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I recently started a PbP campaign recruitment and I am using a style of gestalt that I thought up. It has no play testing yet and I though I'd throw it up on here to see that the good house rules people had to say.

Basically, instead of the normal gestalt, you take your gestalt levels at every even level.
This system would get very awkward with BaB and Saves though, so I decided that his system does not affect those stats.
So, you usually get a slightly higher skills or HP progression, more options, and even some casting for the martials or martial HD for casters.
You can check the recruitment Here for some initial discussion.

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The Man. The Myth. The Mask!

You crest the last hill and finally the complex comes into view. In stark contrast to the lush greenery of the hills you just fought your way through lies a large sunken graveyard laid out in the shape of a cross. Rather than towering  above the ground, the graves have settled into depressions, and the  main mausoleum, a building of strange green stone, rests in the deepest depression some 40 ft. below the ground on which you now stand. At the other end of the grave-filled hollow stands what appears to be a stone well. There are no gravestones near it. The  normal sounds of wildlife are gone, and large carrion birds circle  overhead. An ominous silence rests about the place.
Each of you knows in your heart that you have found the legendary dungeon of Rappan Athuk. And though none dare speak it, you wonder if you  will live to return to the warmth of hearth and home.

The Man. The Myth. The Mask!

Welcome to the discussion thread!

2 people marked this as a favorite.

You crest the last hill and finally the complex comes into view. In stark contrast to the lush greenery of the hills you just fought your way through lies a large sunken graveyard laid out in the shape of a cross. Rather than towering  above the ground, the graves have settled into depressions, and the  main mausoleum, a building of strange green stone, rests in the deepest depression some 40 ft. below the ground on which you now stand. At the other end of the grave-filled hollow stands what appears to be a stone well. There are no gravestones near it. The  normal sounds of wildlife are gone, and large carrion birds circle  overhead. An ominous silence rests about the place.
Each of you knows in your heart that you have found the legendary dungeon of Rappan Athuk. And though none dare speak it, you wonder if you  will live to return to the warmth of hearth and home.

Welcome to this, the time of my Rappan Athuk recruitment! It's only the third one of these I've seen recently. Oh well.
You are like family to me, and because of that I'm going to throw a select group of you out of the frying pan of this recruitment and into the fire of Rappan Athuk!  You're so lucky!

The Setting
Generally Golarion. You may use the Golarion deities outlined in Inner Sea Gods and other locations from Golarion as you will. I am placing Rappan Athuk on an island in the Shackles if you want to include travels in your stories, but that won't really play into the game. The dungeon is deep in the Forest of Hope atop a decent hill.  The Coast Road runs nearby linking the port to the central town on the island.  Finding the dungeon isn’t hard.  Surviving is a different story.
In your backstories, please include what experiences you have had to achieve fourth level. Don't get too grandiose. You may have overcome a local menace but that's about it. Think of it as the ability level at the end of the first book of an AP.
This time could have been spent wandering the wild and dangerous lands around the entrance to the dungeon or guarding wagons on the Coast Road. We will be skipping that part of the book as it doesn't interest me all that much. It's nice and deadly and all, but I wanted to start a bit later than level 1.

The Build Rules:

I will be using a variation on the system used in the Way of the Wicked campaign.  Your characters may assign one 18 to any stat and must assign an 8 to another.  Each hero must have their flaw after all.  For the remaining four stats please roll 4d6 and drop the lowest.  If your roll comes to less than a 15 point buy (over the rolled stats) you may re-roll once.  If you are not satisfied with either array you may use a 15 point buy for the remaining stats.

Allowed Material
Paizo material is allowed.  Dreamscarred Psionics material is also allowed. The Technology Guide is not allowed. Path of War is not allowed. Spheres of Power or Might are not allowed.
No other materials allowed.

Build Rules
Classes:  All permitted, Starting level 4, Partial Gestalt, see below for extra specialness
Races: Core and Featured (save drow noble)
Extras: Background skills
Traits: 2 Two total.  One drawback required.
Alignment: Any, but if you go jerk mode I reserve the right to “corrective action”.
Wealth: 5k.  No more than half of this may be spent on a single item group (like “weapons” or “armor”). No pre-game crafting.
Extra Special Specialness!!
You may gain class levels in another class equal to half your level rounded down.  Meaning we are doing a kind of gestalt 1.5 class thing. Meaning you will build a Class 4/Class 2 to apply.
Double Extra Special Specialness
You will keep the saves and BaB of your primary class.  Your caster level, save DC’s, etc. will remain tied to the class that grants you a particular spell. The secondary class will not be able to grant you improved BaB or make up for the save you are weak in.  Hp will be altered as normal for Gestalt as will skills and anything else not mentioned above.
This is done to give more options to builds and improve their toughness a bit without me having to largely rework every encounter.

This recruitment will remain open for at least two weeks with a projected end date of August 2nd.  

As for tone, I will be playing this one pretty hard and not fudging in your favor.  Your advantage in the partial gestalt allows me to take the gloves off.  Death is possible, especially if I roll well...poorly… whatever.  If, when, a PC death happens we will discuss how to bring in a replacement.

About GM Choon:

This is not my first rodeo, but I’m not an old timer.  I have been playing and GMing PbP on these boards for several years now.  A fair number of my games have run to completion.  Some have run to the completion of an arc or a book (in the case of an AP).  Some have fizzled. I have experience dealing with each situation.  Most of my experience is with pathfinder and I have good system mastery.  I have experience in many other systems and this has allowed me to wing it rather well, or so my live group says.

I tend to post at least 1/day, sometimes much more.  If that needs to fall off for a time I will notify everyone.

Scarab Sages

I have just come into possession of the Rappan Athuk book and it got me to wondering, "How would I want to run this? How would I want to play this?"

That led me to wondering: what would the various personalities of this wonderful forum like to see out of an Rappan Athuk recruitment?

Full Disclosure: this recruitment will not happen for a while as I just got the book and I have little time to run a game at the moment. I am merely testing the waters as to what would be the most interesting for other people when I do open a recruitment in the future.

Does anyone have a certain set of books or rules that they would like to see used for this legendary death trap? Anything specific you are super tired of seeing that you think should be banned? Any quirky rules tweaks you think would lend spice to the mortality pie?

Lend me your thoughts! They will be considered for an upcoming recruitment near you!

Greetings. I am assiating Monkeygod in a second round of recruitment for his currently active Lords of Creation game. The original recruitment can be found here.
If you already applied in that thread please repost here for the sake of bookkeeping.

Rules found here

We are currently looking for a few gods to emerge from the original pantheon and continue the creation of the world. It would be good of prospective gods read the ongoing gameplay thread to get a general feel for the tone the game has taken so far.

Recruitment will end fairly quickly as we were already expecting a new crop of his at this point.

Atheos, god of skepticism wrote:

As a current player, just a breakdown of what we currently have, in case it gives anyone ideas:

-2 lawful gods
-2 chaotic gods
-3 neutral (regarding law/chaos) gods
-4 good gods
-2 neutral (regarding good/evil) gods
-1 evil god
Gods of:
-Fate, music, stars
-Rulership, justice, war
-Nature, predators
-Creativity, invention
-Elves (sort of), magic
No gods of:
-Death, afterlife, reincarnation, etc
-Any of the major elements (yet)
-Regular old chaos
-Light or darkness
-One pantheon, the "Gods of the Vault" of 6 gods who have taken a pledge to not destroy too much stuff
-One moon, "Kirtavo," home to constant storms of glowing magic and a race of glowing magic people
-No sun
-Two continents
-Two intelligent races (for anyone who wishes to play a new mortal just ascended to godhood): the "Irtara" (glowy, chaotic inventors who live on the moon; Tissari can provide more info), and the "Cull," giant hive-mind and strongly predatory; Zakaz can provide more info
-One demigod who could probably be promoted to full-godhood by an interested player (the TN "First Librarian," an Irtaran given power by Atheos to record and enforce the history and laws of the material plane)
-No outsiders of any type (yet)
-One outer plane (the "Great Axis," a LN plane arranged in rings of increasing/decreasing lawfulness, currently only populated by giant ant-dogs)
I think that's everything I can think of right now.


-a large percentage of the Itara have been transported to the Planet by Zakaz in an attempt to teach them invention by necessity. One such adventure by a Itara named Mirri, is being chronicled in detail by her goddess.

-Apedemak has won patronage of the Lions from Zakaz in combat. The devastation that their battle wrought was turned into a bioluminescent lake by the First Librarian.

-the Elves have been created upon their own mountain/island/mini-continent

Scarab Sages

1 person marked this as a favorite.

So I may have come up with a rather complicated yet interesting routine that could be very impactful, especially at higher levels, and I'm asking for a rules check here.

1) Raging song. Grants a morale bonus of +2 to str and con just like rage does. Does count as a Bardic Performance.

2) Another bardic performance (I'm looking into Archaeologist's Luck, specifically) + Lingering Performance

3) Community minded trait, which says that any morale bonuses persist for two rounds.

So, If I raging song one round, then switch to Bardic performance, could I grant both these bonuses to my party?

Round 1: Raging song. Everyone gains +1 attack and damage (as long as you're Str built).
Round 2: Bardic performance. Raging song benefits continue.
Round 3: Do whatever. Raging song continues.
Round 4: Renew raging song, bardic performance drops.
Round 5: Bardic performance renews...

This means that I am essentially doing nothing but performing for at least two thirds of my actions until later levels, I know. I would probably never do this just because of that. However, once getting the performances up becomes quicker, and the combined bonuses insane, could this become one of the most insane buffer for the melee members of the party?
If you were gestalt this could become obscene. Dip bloodrager + amplified rage means you grant a +4/+4 attack and damage on one side making your total bonuses +5+5. Unless you are an Archaeologist bard with Fate's Favored and that sweet swift action luck.
Then you're granting yourself +6/+6 attack and damage in one round. +6/+9 if you're using a two hander. At lvl 3ish and you would have two rounds with which to smash face like the Hulk.
It would still require a buffing round, but that seems a little... crazy.

Please review.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

So, by popular demand in another recruitment of mine, I am now opening recruitment for a "campaign" that is related to This one.

I described the event thusly:


I have a homebrew setting in which two city states are duking it out like men. That is to say, both are doing their level best to kill off each other's fighting age population. Cloud Kill at level 1? You'll probably see it. One shot sniper kills? It Happens.

It didn't quite turn out as planned. So, I have revised by tables of woe, changed up the build rules to match what was requested and what was hashed out in a previous thread, and here we go!

This time around you will not be a nameless Jo on the front lines of a WWI-esque battlefield. You're the heroes, the legends that propaganda posters are made from. You go in to finish off the death machines that have chewed up a regiment. You go in to clean up a spell so potent that it's literally melting the rank-and-file's faces off.

Build Rules
Starting Level: 6th, Gestalt
Point buy, 20 pts.
Wealth: by level, 16k
Races: Anything below 20 RP, no race builder.
Classes: Paizo is approved, naturally.
Dreamscarred Press is approved.
HP: max 1st, rolled (min 1/2 die) thereafter. (if you wish, rolling 1/2 die + the 1/2 die will do this. For example, a d10 class would roll 1d5+5, a d8 would roll 1d4+4)
Traits: ZERO. I have an idea for those that will come into play later.
Alignment: Any BUT! You must be willing to play nice and work with your team.

Additional clarifications:
-- "Will there be RP?"
Yes, but your job is to take out monsters. This will be leaning toward the combat side. I do have this idea for a monster that functions off Diplomacy attempts, but that's all you're getting from me on that. The lion's share of RP will be with each other.

--Multiclassing one (or both) sides of your gestalt is acceptable, but PrC's that are dual progression (eg., progressing both a divine and arcane casting ability or something like that) are only available on one side of the gestalt and only apply to that side. The side on which they are used must be the side that qualified for it.

--Psionics transparency is in full force, yes.

--Templates are a no go, sadly. I have to draw the line somewhere for my sanity's sake.

--Which gods?
Use Golarion Dieties for simplicity's sake.

-- Pool them as per the multiclassing rules

The other side of the Coin
This is not really for you to build some kind of unstoppable combat monster. This event's main purpose is to foster experimentation. Everyone has a list of characters they wish they could build and take for a spin. This is your chance. That's because Mortality will likely be high. You will be facing challenges that would be considered near-suicidal or definitely-suicidal in standard games. That's your job. You are the ones to stand up to the things that are specifically designed to mow your countrymen down.

How it works
-I send your suped up characters up against a madhouse challenge. Youall attempt to overcome it without dying.
-Everytime something major happens (aka: when I can't decide to kill you or not) and at the beginning of every round I shall make the Fate Roll. This is a 1d20. The higher I roll, the worse it is for youall. Basically it decides how mean I will be. I'm not naturally a mean person, so this is me abstracting my responsibility to be deadly and taking some of that responsibility and putting it on the boards.

Lastly, Because of the high anticipated character turnover, I will be keeping this recruitment open until this experiment runs out of bloo... I mean steam. *ahem*. That means we could have a very fluid cast of characters. This is the first time I've done this so I will be posting a lot of rules info and such in the campaign description in case I have to set up additional rules. Please build characters in this thread. Discussion will be used for tactics and such in game. Gameplay will be used for... gameplay.
I also suggest using a generically branded alias instead of creating 20 different aliases for one game.

Have at it. :)

The Man. The Myth. The Mask!

You currently reside in Bastion Aforethought, the largest of the Calfite forts and main supply dump for the armies on the front lines. It is a huge complex that constantly buzzes with activity. There is always a large number of new recruits and the supplies arriving from around the country are pouring in. You are stationed here and have individual rooms that are small and plain, but not uncomfortable.
Your rooms are in the main tower of white, magically reinforced stone that serves as the military HQ. There is a central meeting room where you get your briefings from a magical map/table that shows the real-time position of all the armies at the front and all the available information of their condition. Today the front is holding steady. Galbar seems content to send magical missiles and the odd lesser monster at the fortified trenches that are nearing completion, but nothing you need to worry about. Not so far at least...

The Man. The Myth. The Mask!

Here we go! I hope youall have fun!

So, by popular demand in another recruitment of mine, I am now opening recruitment for a "campaign" that is related to This one.

I described the event thusly:

I have a homebrew setting in which two city states are duking it out like men. That is to say, both are doing their level best to kill off each other's fighting age population. Cloud Kill at level 1? You'll probably see it. One shot sniper kills? It Happens.

It didn't quite turn out as planned. So, I have revised by tables of woe, changed up the build rules to match what was requested, and here we go!

This time around you will not be a nameless Jo on the front lines of a WWI-esque battlefield. You're the heroes, the legends that propaganda posters are made from. You go in to finish off the death machines that have chewed up a regiment. You go in to clean up a spell so potent that it's literally melting the rank-and-file's faces off.

Build Rules
Starting Level: 6th, Gestalt
Point buy, 20 pts.
If you wish to use a monster for your race (captured and forced to fight or something), you may use up to a CR6 creature as one "side" of your gestalt. However, you will not have a point buy in that case, use the monster's base stats.
Wealth: by level, 16k
Races: Anything below 20 RP, no race builder.
Classes: Paizo is approved, naturally.
Dreamscarred Press is pre-approved.
The Multiclass Archetypes list is also available.
I don't have access to other 3pp, so you'll have to be able to share a source with me so I can see how it works before you build it. I don't really want to be flying totally blind.
HP: max 1st, rolled (min 1/2 die) thereafter.
Traits: ZERO. I have an idea for those that will come into play later.
Alignment: Any BUT! You must be willing to play nice and work with your team.

The other side of the Coin
This is not really for you to build some kind of unstoppable combat monster. This event's main purpose is to foster experimentation. Everyone has a list of characters they wish they could build and take for a spin. This is your chance. That's because Mortality will likely be high. You will be facing challenges that would be considered near-suicidal or definitely-suicidal in standard games. That's your job. You are the ones to stand up to the things that are specifically designed to mow your countrymen down.

How it works
-I send your suped up characters up against a madhouse challenge. Youall attempt to overcome it without dying.
-Everytime something major happens (aka: when I can't decide to kill you or not) and at the beginning of every round I shall make the Fate Roll. This is a 1d20. The higher I roll, the worse it is for youall. Basically it decides how mean I will be. I'm not naturally a mean person, so this is me abstracting my responsibility to be deadly and taking some of that responsibility and putting it on the boards.

LastlyBecause of the high anticipated character turnover, I will be keeping this recruitment open until this experiment runs out of bloo... I mean steam. *ahem*. That means we could have a very fluid cast of characters. This is the first time I've done this so I will be posting a lot of rules info and such in the campaign description in case I have to set up additional rules. Please build characters in this thread. Discussion will be used for tactics and such in game. Gameplay will be used for... gameplay.
I also suggest using a generically branded alias instead of creating 20 different aliases for one game.

Have at it. :)

The Man. The Myth. The Mask!

15 Flamerule 375. Midsummer, to the surfacers.

Narbondel, the glowing pillar of rock that marked each passing day in Menzoberranzan, was burning bright at its center, another fine day in House Kewadin. The stalagmite you call home hangs high over the Bazaar giving the whole of the house a spectacular view of the city. The din of the Bazarr was mercifully muted inside a bubble of magic, but that didn't stop one from seeing the seething masses below selling and buying. If you stared long enough they seemed to turn into a many tentacled beast writhing on the cavern floor. And the vision wasn't too far removed from the truth.

Above, the gates of the House are busy with trade as well, though nowhere near the scale of the Bazaar. The house's main trade was skilled labor and spellcasting services, both of which were in high demand due to a new project ordered by House Banre in Tier Breche. Some new improvement to Arach-Tinilith in the honor of Lolth, no doubt. Today was special, however. For once, the whole family was home, and the family drama was in full swing.

Matron Vantgree Kewadin was re-asserting her control over her elder daughters Neithe and Severance, and everyone was feeling the Rothe dung roll downhill. Three nobody guards had been summarily roasted by the priestesses' holy flame already today. The slaves were skittish. If the guards were dropping like flies who knew who would wake up tomorrow and who wouldn't?

Please introduce yourselves and describe what you will be doing today, the day of the Kewadin family reunion.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
The Man. The Myth. The Mask!

Greetings victi... Friends! I hope this proves to be an enjoyable experience for me-us! Us.

Scarab Sages

Arcane Bolt wrote:

Arcane Bolt (Sp): Starting at 1st level, you can unleash a ray of magic force as a standard action, targeting any foe within 30 feet as a ranged touch attack. This ray deals 1d4 points of damage + 1 for every two sorcerer levels you possess. This damage is treated as a spell of a level equal to half your sorcerer level, and is a force effect. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your (see FAQ/Errata) Charisma modifier.

This bloodline power replaces arcane bond.

relevant FAQ referenced by text above:
Does a sorcerer with the sage bloodline use her Int or Cha to determine uses per day of arcane bolt?

The sage sorcerer uses her Int to determine the number of daily uses of her bloodline powers, including arcane bolt. Therefore, whether arcane bolt lists Int or Cha, the sage sorcerer still uses her Int. The bloodline power lists Cha because that's the standard terminology for sorcerer bloodlines (because all other sorcerers use Cha), and because there may be a way for a non-sorcerer to gain access to that bloodline power, in which case it should be based on Cha (like other sorcerer bloodline powers) instead of Int.

Dazing Spell wrote:

You can modify a spell to daze a creature damaged by the spell. When a creature takes damage from this spell, they become dazed for a number of rounds equal to the original level of the spell. If the spell allows a saving throw, a successful save negates the daze effect. If the spell does not allow a save, the target can make a Will save to negate the daze effect. If the spell effect also causes the creature to become dazed, the duration of this metamagic effect is added to the duration of the spell.

Level Increase: +3 (a dazing spell uses up a spell slot three levels higher than the spell’s actual level.

Spells that do not inflict damage do not benefit from this feat.

So, my questions is, due to the bolded above, could one use the Dazing Spell metamagic feat with Arcane Bolt? I know it says the Damage counts as a x level spell, but I'm not sure what the difference is between the damage being of a level and a spell being of a level. Is there a difference? Because if not then I just found a 9/day touch attack daze for my Sage Sorcerer.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Menzoberranzan, the City of Spiders and home to Lolth's chosen, the Drow, had six for thousands of years in the northern Underdark. It's master race is inherently evil and conniving. The only thing more deadly than openly opposing them is actually being them.

Welcome to house Kewadin, 15th House of Menzoberranzan. You are small, but ambitious. Your Matron, Lady Vantgree, is leading your house well. From your fort in a stalagmite hanging above the city you plan and plot and backstab (sometimes literally).

Character Creation

Starting Level: 3rd
Stats: 20 point buy
NOTE: The [url=] Drow Noble for player characters is available, but your point buy will be reduced to 5 points should you use it.
Classes All Paizo classes allowed. Summoners must be unchained. Other unchained allowed.
Alignment: Any, but you will need to be smart about it. No "lawful-stupid". Your character must be willing to work for the glory of a Drow noble house.
Skills Standard plus background skills from unchained.
Traits 2. Campaign traits provisionally accepted provided they fit with the character. One flaw is available in exchange for a third trait.
Wealth: Rolled
Health Max for first level. 1/2 +1 for subsequent levels
Things you need are:
Who you character is in house Kewadin (can't be the immediate heir or other ranking member. You're lvl 3), a description of their appearance and personality, and their goals and ambitions (which you totally have).

I intend to post at least once a day.
Recruitment will go until the 15th.
I intend to recruit 4 to 6 players.

The Man. The Myth. The Mask!

Now open.

The Man. The Myth. The Mask!

Sandpoint. The pleasant little town that was the favorite last stop for several traders before Riddleport. Through small and lonely on the lost coast, Sandpoint rarely suffered any of the hardships faced by the smaller settlements in other areas. It was young, by most standards. Not even a half-century had passed since its founding, but it had gathered a reputation as the place to get class.

That seemed to change one night five years ago.

The wife of one of the nobles in town was found dead, her body smashed on the rocky shore at he bottom of the cliff their home overlooked. A murderer went mad and slew twenty-five of the town's people, including the previous sheriff, before he was found to be a simple woodcarver named Stoot. The final blow was the conflagration that claimed the resident priest, his daughter, and the church before it was put out. The Late Unpleasantness it was called. As one of the more gruff residents said, it was a polite way of saying the town may have been cursed.

That was five years ago, during a long, cold, and gloomy winter. Today was the day of the Swallowtail Festival. Brilliant streamers create a riotous canopy of color above and the smells of cooks preparing treats and meals for today that fill the air. Children play, parents laugh, couples embrace, and guests are greeted like old friends that live only a few minutes down the street. Even Sheriff Hemlock seems ready to let a smile lighten his face.

This was not just any Swallowtail Festival either. It is not everyday that a new cathedral to not one, but six of the gods was dedicated, and dignitaries came from Magnimar, Korvosa, and even Absolom if the rumors about a Pathfinder attending were true. Representatives of the faiths of Abadar, Desna, Erastil, Gozreh, Sarenrae, Shelyn, and a few others mill about the market square. The inns are packed and tents crowd anywhere there's room. Passionate dances and powerful music awe the crowds as playful hints earn the ire of wife and husband alike. The air is cool, though it lacks the crispness of the coming autumn. The sun is bright overhead, and the sky is a deep, brilliant blue unmarred by clouds nor rain.

The Swallowtail Festival begins promptly, as scheduled, on the Autumnal Equinox. The square before the church quickly becomes crowded as locals and travelers arrive, and several merchant tents featuring food, clothes, local crafts, and souvenirs are there to meet them.

Scarab Sages

4 people marked this as a favorite.

The monster attacks you and... hits for... X damage. You fall unconscious/dead...


How about...

1) The ogre rushes you and bats your weary defense aside. In a single powerful stroke he removes your hand. And your arm. That whole side of your chest really. Oh, and your head. That too.

2) The enemy monk easily dodges your hasty Burning Hands spell and slips between your arms. He could have been hugging you if it weren't for the sound of your rib cage collapsing...

3) The enemy mage releases a coordinated blast of force missiles, each aimed for one of your chakras! Each hurts, but it's the lowest that really does it to you. You fall over in so much pain that every man in sight reflexively crosses his legs.

4) You face the charging knight with fierce determination, confident that you are in the right. Justice is on your side! How can you fail! His steed snorts and leaps at you, hooves thundering. Your heart matches it beat for beat as the distance closes. Metal crashes, you both Strike! And your true heart is shown for all to see. Literally. On the end of his lance.

Clarifcation, just in case:

This is an exercise that pops up every now and again on these boards and is a creative exercise for GM's in drama and storytelling and creativity. Specifically, this will be used to help me with a high mortality PbP module/adventure/thing I'm working on, so I want to say a big thanks in advance to everyone who posts. :)
Also, Please do number your entries. It keeps everything nice and tidy.

The Man. The Myth. The Mask!

Welcome! Please finish any last touches to your characters and get ready to roll. :)

The Man. The Myth. The Mask!

Please dot here, and welcome!

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Seeking 1-2 players to fill out a party running the Witchwar Legacy module. Recruitment will be relatively short due to limited slots.

All paizo, including Occult, is available. 
Point buy: 25
-Level 17 
-WBL: standard 
-Two traits total, one drawback required (think fatal flaw. Every great hero has one) 
-Races unrestricted. No race builder. 
-Monstrous races or monsters with class levels may be allowed via group concensus. This is a high level one shot. Why not. If you're interested in how to do this, please ask. :) 
-Evangelist PrC (ISG) and Sacred Geometry feat prohibited 
-Because this is a module, crafting will not avail you much. In order to keep the WBL in proportion, no crafted items will be allowed unless crafted from a feat gained as a bonus from your class (eg. scrolls for wizards). 
The party so far:
They should all be posting here soon. We have a Rage Prophet, a ranger TWFer, and a bloodrager. Not all of this is 100% locked in, but it is firm.

Last but not least, you story. It should chronicle a being at the height of mortal power. Kings tremble in your presence. Gods regularly pay attention to you and may even have a betting pool on how long you can last. Your soul is invaluable in the Infernal exchanges. Drunks in Absolom speculate on your chances of passing the Test of the Starstone. Few people on Golarion can challenge you. Fewer can defeat you... 
And yet... 
There are places on this plane where even you fear to tread. The Veil of Frozen Tears is just such a place. 
The location of this legendary dungeon, and therefore the location of the Torc of Kostchtchie the Demon Lord, has been discovered. Now the Demon Lord and Queen Eliana of Issiren are in a race to be the one to claim it. Either one winning is a loss for the rest of the world. Time to intervene.

I'm not looking for forty pages of exquisite detail. More of a "this is how I became what I am, for good or bad"

Questions welcome. :)

The Man. The Myth. The Mask!

Now open for dots.

The Man. The Myth. The Mask!

Character generation and discussion time!

-All paizo, including Occult, is available.
-Level 17
-WBL: standard
-Two traits total, one drawback required (think fatal flaw. Every great hero has one)
-Races unrestricted. No race builder.
-Monstrous races or monsters with class levels may be allowed via group concensus. This is a high level one shot. Why not. If you're interested in how to do this, please ask. :)
-Evangelist PrC (ISG) and Sacred Geometry feat prohibited
-Because this is a module, crafting will not avail you much. In order to keep the WBL in proportion, no crafted items will be allowed unless crafted from a feat gained as a bonus from your class (eg. scrolls for wizards).

Last but not least, you story. It should chronicle a being at the height of mortal power. Kings tremble in your presence. Gods regularly pay attention to you and may even have a betting pool on how long you can last. Your soul is invaluable in the Infernal exchanges. Drunks in Absolom speculate on your chances of passing the Test of the Starstone. Few people on Golarion can challenge you. Fewer can defeat you...
And yet...
The are places on this plane where even you fear to tread. The Veil of Frozen Tears is just such a place.
The Torc of Kostchtchie the Demon Lord has been discovered. Now the Demon Lord and Queen Eliana of Issiren are in a race to be the one to claim it. Either one winning is a loss for the rest of the world. Time to intervene.

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Chronicler wrote:
Special: Must have authored or scribed something (other than a magical scroll or other device) for which another person (not a PC) paid at least 50 gp.

How are requirements like this handed in PFS? Do you need to roll 50g+ on your day job check?

The Man. The Myth. The Mask!

Thread open for dots.

The Man. The Myth. The Mask!

Welcome to the graveyard. Here the souls of the dearly departed look on and comment on the struggle below.

I have a homebrew setting in which two city states are duking it out like men. That is to say, both are doing their level best to kill off each other's fighting age population. Cloud Kill at level 1? You'll probably see it. One shot sniper kills? It Happens.

You will be a member of a regiment on the front lines. A nearly nameless Jo. He will probably die. So will your second and third.

Your task, should you choose to accept it, is to survive. Whichever characters you happen to be on when you are rotated off the line is the character who will go on to bigger and better things.

So, does this kind of blood soaked mess appeal to anyone?

The Man. The Myth. The Mask!


The Man. The Myth. The Mask!

Gameplay now item for dotting! :)

The thread title may or may not be false advertising.

Welcome, homies, to my second play through of SnS.

Now, for the meaty bits.

Books allowed: Pretty much anything on the SRD, Psionics, and Path of War (can be found on Magical items for psionic classes and guns aren't a part of the AP as written, so these classes may have to save their pennies to acquire specialized gear.

Specific Bans: prestige classes from Inner Sea Gods. Sacred Geometry.

I'm actually debating a point buy or rolled stats. Let's go ahead and roll. 4d6 drop lowest. Let's see where they end up and then I'll adjust as necessary to bring everyone on a level-ish playing field.

2 traits, one must be campaign. Optional drawback for a third
Rolled starting gold

I'm probably forgetting something, but that should get things started.


The thread title may or may not be false advertising.

Welcome, homies, to my second play through of SnS.

Now, for the meaty bits.

Books allowed: Pretty much anything on the SRD, Psionics, and Path of War (can be found on Magical items for psionic classes and guns aren't a part of the AP as written, so these classes may have to save their pennies to acquire specialized gear.

Specific Bans: prestige classes from Inner Sea Gods. Sacred Geometry.

I'm actually debating a point buy or rolled stats. Let's go ahead and roll. 4d6 drop lowest. Let's see where they end up and then I'll adjust as necessary to bring everyone on a level-ish playing field.

2 traits, one must be campaign. Optional drawback for a third
Rolled starting gold

I'm probably forgetting something, but that should get things started.


The Man. The Myth. The Mask!

Obligatory dots welcome!

The Man. The Myth. The Mask!

Thus it begins.

Scarab Sages

I am trying to come up with a good class to fit the Disney character Pinocchio using the Wyrwood race and using the stats:
18 17 13 13 12 10 arranged as you will. This will start at lvl 1 for a light hearted/ comedy campaign.

At first I was thinking cleric following his own philosophy to get some construct friendly domains, but I'm not sure. Nothing seems to Fit in my head.

What do you all think? How would you build Pinocchio?

So, I originally planned to take this here Guisarme wielding character into the Stalwart Defender PrC, but have recently come to the realization that my group favors mobility. This has thrown a bit of a wrench into my plans and I now have no idea where to go from here.

The question: Where would you take a Phalanx Fighter 3?
In my specific game, guns are disallowed and I prefer to avoid spellcasting in any form due to RP. However, don't let that keep you from sharing an awesome build. Even if I don't use it, your magicy build might prove useful for my thought process.

Scarab Sages

So, Flash of Insight (Su)

Once per day as an immediate action, a cyclops can peer into an occluded visual spectrum of possible futures, gaining insight that allows it to select the exact result of one die roll before the roll is made. This effect can alter an action taken by the cyclops only, and cannot be applied to the rolls of others.

Vs a Swashbuckler's Parry.

The cyclops is going to change a roll to a 20 most of the time. Does the Parry ability overrule this even though it would normally auto-hit and threaten a crit? The text of the ability seems to imply that it should override all defences as he is peering into the future and picking out the success, but I'm not sure.

The Man. The Myth. The Mask!

The Lion Sleeps Inn lies 35 miles northeast of Zimar. The 300 year-old, two-story structure was once a far more elaborate affair, back when mining was a going concern in the rocky foothills of the region. The once-rich veins of copper, iron, and silver played themselves out nearly 30 years ago, causing the hill settlements to shrink so that today they are mere shadows of their former selves, and traffic has been reduced to an anemic trickle.

Know: Local DC 25:
In addition to its obvious role, the Lion Sleeps also served as a hiding place for priests of Sarenrae during the Great Purge, and finally as a clandestine rallying point for smugglers moving goods to and from Qadira. The latter was abruptly ended 4 years ago by an earthquake and subsequent fire, which destroyed the great lodge behind the main building and collapsed secret tunnels and storage chambers beneath the stony soil.

DC 30:
Hanoris Dellum, a prominent merchant of Zimar is financially invested in the Lion Sleeps Inn. The Lion Sleeps would have long ago closed its doors without him. Dellum has bankrolled the inn for the past several years, and has been playing his investment very close to his chest.

As you push in the door you are met with a large, open room that has a 25-foot-high ceiling, with a wooden balcony above the west, north, and east walls. A large central fireplace is at the center of the room, and a second hearth is shared with the kitchen. However, only the shared hearth is lit. It crackles merrily as a pair of black iron pots bubble above.

Heavy oaken tables with sturdy benches are arranged about the room, and the walls boast the trophies of successful hunters of years gone by: taxidermied heads of various animals — elk, deer, lions, wolverines, etc. Over the kitchen hearth hangs the stuffed head of a manticore. Wooden stairs lead up to the balcony.

Just to the west of the entry door, firmly affixed to the wall, is a fancy bronze plaque of a sort not uncommon in various Taldan establishments—a marker that commemorates the visit of some historical notable. This one reads:
“Micheaux the Magnificent, Future Grand Prince of Taldor, Father of Stavian, Slept on these Premises on 5 Lamashan in the Year 4497.
May Divine Providence Reward Him as He Deserves.”
The date embossed on the plaque at the bottom is only 2 weeks after the commemoration date—19 Lamashan 4497.

DC 10 Know: History, Local or Nobility:
Stavian I was the Taldan monarch who infamously outlawed the Dawnflower Cult in 4528 ar. The current monarch of Taldor, Stavian III, traces his lineage all the way back to Micheaux the Magnificent, a point of especial pride for the Grand Prince.

DC 15:
Micheaux succeeded the childless Beldam II to the throne of Taldor upon Beldam’s death in 4499, only a year after Micheaux was formally adopted and made heir to the throne.

DC 20:
Micheaux was given the moniker of “the Magnificent” by his son Stavian I, soon after his own elevation to the throne in 4526.

DC 25:
5 Lamashan 4497 is also the birth date of Micheaux’s son and heir Stavian I, born that night in Oppara to Micheaux’s wife and Stavian’s “sainted mother,” Euphemi Finara.

The bar on the right wall is made of sturdy oak, is surrounded by tall stools, and has leaves that fold up at either end so that the barkeep may enter the common room. Below the bar are two washbasins and an array of goblets, mugs and tankards, as well as some tableware and a large cudgel, which the proprietor, Vadim, judiciously applies to the heads of patrons who have forgotten themselves.

Today Vadim is running himself and his help ragged. Dellum's offer of riches and glory has attracted a slew of adventurers with heavy pockets. Vadim is behind the bar while his mentally challenged son, Oleppo, cooks and adolescent nieces, Magand and Corrine, serve. They are all working furiously to keep up with demand. By the looks of things, Dellum himself has yet to arrive.

The Man. The Myth. The Mask!

The Lion Sleeps Inn lies 35 miles northeast of Zimar. The 300 year-old, two-story structure was once a far more elaborate affair, back when mining was a going concern in the rocky foothills of the region. The once-rich veins of copper, iron, and silver played themselves out nearly 30 years ago, causing the hill settlements to shrink so that today they are mere shadows of their former selves, and traffic has been reduced to an anemic trickle.

Know: Local DC 25:
In addition to its obvious role, the Lion Sleeps also served as a hiding place for priests of Sarenrae during the Great Purge, and finally as a clandestine rallying point for smugglers moving goods to and from Qadira. The latter was abruptly ended 4 years ago by an earthquake and subsequent fire, which destroyed the great lodge behind the main building and collapsed secret tunnels and storage chambers beneath the stony soil.

DC 30:
Hanoris Dellum, a prominent merchant of Zimar is financially invested in the Lion Sleeps Inn. The Lion Sleeps would have long ago closed its doors without him. Dellum has bankrolled the inn for the past several years, and has been playing his investment very close to his chest.

As you push in the door you are met with a large, open room that has a 25-foot-high ceiling, with a wooden balcony above the west, north, and east walls. A large central fireplace is at the center of the room, and a second hearth is shared with the kitchen. However, only the shared hearth is lit. It crackles merrily as a pair of black iron pots bubble above.

Heavy oaken tables with sturdy benches are arranged about the room, and the walls boast the trophies of successful hunters of years gone by: taxidermied heads of various animals — elk, deer, lions, wolverines, etc. Over the kitchen hearth hangs the stuffed head of a manticore. Wooden stairs lead up to the balcony.

Just to the west of the entry door, firmly affixed to the wall, is a fancy bronze plaque of a sort not uncommon in various Taldan establishments—a marker that commemorates the visit of some historical notable. This one reads:
“Micheaux the Magnificent, Future Grand Prince of Taldor, Father of Stavian, Slept on these Premises on 5 Lamashan in the Year 4497.
May Divine Providence Reward Him as He Deserves.”
The date embossed on the plaque at the bottom is only 2 weeks after the commemoration date—19 Lamashan 4497.

DC 10 Know: History, Local or Nobility:
Stavian I was the Taldan monarch who infamously outlawed the Dawnflower Cult in 4528 ar. The current monarch of Taldor, Stavian III, traces his lineage all the way back to Micheaux the Magnificent, a point of especial pride for the Grand Prince.

DC 15:
Micheaux succeeded the childless Beldam II to the throne of Taldor upon Beldam’s death in 4499, only a year after Micheaux was formally adopted and made heir to the throne.

DC 20:
Micheaux was given the moniker of “the Magnificent” by his son Stavian I, soon after his own elevation to the throne in 4526.

DC 25:
5 Lamashan 4497 is also the birth date of Micheaux’s son and heir Stavian I, born that night in Oppara to Micheaux’s wife and Stavian’s “sainted mother,” Euphemi Finara.

The bar on the right wall is made of sturdy oak, is surrounded by tall stools, and has leaves that fold up at either end so that the barkeep may enter the common room. Below the bar are two washbasins and an array of goblets, mugs and tankards, as well as some tableware and a large cudgel, which the proprietor, Vadim, judiciously applies to the heads of patrons who have forgotten themselves.

Today Vadim is running himself and his help ragged. Dellum's offer of riches and glory has attracted a slew of adventurers with heavy pockets. Vadim is behind the bar while his mentally challenged son, Oleppo, cooks and adolescent nieces, Magand and Corrine, serve. They are all working furiously to keep up with demand. By the looks of things, Dellum himself has yet to arrive.

The Man. The Myth. The Mask!

The Lion Sleeps Inn lies 35 miles northeast of Zimar. The 300 year-old, two-story structure was once a far more elaborate affair, back when mining was a going concern in the rocky foothills of the region. The once-rich veins of copper, iron, and silver played themselves out nearly 30 years ago, causing the hill settlements to shrink so that today they are mere shadows of their former selves, and traffic has been reduced to an anemic trickle.

Know: Local DC 25:
In addition to its obvious role, the Lion Sleeps also served as a hiding place for priests of Sarenrae during the Great Purge, and finally as a clandestine rallying point for smugglers moving goods to and from Qadira. The latter was abruptly ended 4 years ago by an earthquake and subsequent fire, which destroyed the great lodge behind the main building and collapsed secret tunnels and storage chambers beneath the stony soil.

DC 30:
Hanoris Dellum, a prominent merchant of Zimar is financially invested in the Lion Sleeps Inn. The Lion Sleeps would have long ago closed its doors without him. Dellum has bankrolled the inn for the past several years, and has been playing his investment very close to his chest.

As you push in the door you are met with a large, open room that has a 25-foot-high ceiling, with a wooden balcony above the west, north, and east walls. A large central fireplace is at the center of the room, and a second hearth is shared with the kitchen. However, only the shared hearth is lit. It crackles merrily as a pair of black iron pots bubble above.

Heavy oaken tables with sturdy benches are arranged about the room, and the walls boast the trophies of successful hunters of years gone by: taxidermied heads of various animals — elk, deer, lions, wolverines, etc. Over the kitchen hearth hangs the stuffed head of a manticore. Wooden stairs lead up to the balcony.

Just to the west of the entry door, firmly affixed to the wall, is a fancy bronze plaque of a sort not uncommon in various Taldan establishments—a marker that commemorates the visit of some historical notable. This one reads:
“Micheaux the Magnificent, Future Grand Prince of Taldor, Father of Stavian, Slept on these Premises on 5 Lamashan in the Year 4497.
May Divine Providence Reward Him as He Deserves.”
The date embossed on the plaque at the bottom is only 2 weeks after the commemoration date—19 Lamashan 4497.

DC 10 Know: History, Local or Nobility:
Stavian I was the Taldan monarch who infamously outlawed the Dawnflower Cult in 4528 ar. The current monarch of Taldor, Stavian III, traces his lineage all the way back to Micheaux the Magnificent, a point of especial pride for the Grand Prince.

DC 15:
Micheaux succeeded the childless Beldam II to the throne of Taldor upon Beldam’s death in 4499, only a year after Micheaux was formally adopted and made heir to the throne.

DC 20:
Micheaux was given the moniker of “the Magnificent” by his son Stavian I, soon after his own elevation to the throne in 4526.

DC 25:
5 Lamashan 4497 is also the birth date of Micheaux’s son and heir Stavian I, born that night in Oppara to Micheaux’s wife and Stavian’s “sainted mother,” Euphemi Finara.

The bar on the right wall is made of sturdy oak, is surrounded by tall stools, and has leaves that fold up at either end so that the barkeep may enter the common room. Below the bar are two washbasins and an array of goblets, mugs and tankards, as well as some tableware and a large cudgel, which the proprietor, Vadim, judiciously applies to the heads of patrons who have forgotten themselves.

Today Vadim is running himself and his help ragged. Dellum's offer of riches and glory has attracted a slew of adventurers with heavy pockets. Vadim is behind the bar while his mentally challenged son, Oleppo, cooks and adolescent nieces, Magand and Corrine, serve. They are all working furiously to keep up with demand. By the looks of things, Dellum himself has yet to arrive.