All's Well that Ends in a Well

Game Master Choon

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The Man. The Myth. The Mask!

Welcome to the discussion thread!

The Man. The Myth. The Mask!

Please make any last minute purchases and make sure you're familiar with the Player's Guide as it is cannon for your original entry into Zelkor's Ferry. Initial post will be coming in the next 24 hours or so. If you wish to RP before I get over there you may assume that you meet your companions in the Bristleback Inn. Because what other way can an adventure begin?

Hello everyone! I'll be playing Ignatzia Thrune, the party psionic enchantress/ telepath. Because why do work when you can have your mind controlled thralls taken from dungeon enemies do it for you, am I right?

I'll have something of a more proper introduction later. Right now, I need to sleep.

Haste +1 Atk/AC [] Mutagen +3 Nat Armor, +4 Dex, -2 Wis [] 50 Min - Heroism, +2 ATK/SV/SK, 50 Min Net Change +6 AC (3T 3FF) +2 CMD, AC 20 CMD 21
CMB+6 | +9 Main XBow 1d10 19-20x2 - 5/5 DB | (2x) +8 L XBow2 1d8 19-20x2 - 1) SB 2) PB | +6 Dorn Derger 1d10+3 Rch+Adj | +9 Bombs - 3d4+4 Spl 7 Fire - TF/SI 8/8 TF/FI 2/2 | MTGN Dex 1/1
AC:20|T15|FF15 +4 vs Giants | HP: 49/49 | CMD: 20 +4 BullR/Trip | Saves (F|R|W): 8|9|6 +3 Spells/Poisons | Perception: +13 +2 Stonework; 10ft Secret Doors | Init +6 | Alch Save DC 17

Maglin Wizard 4 / Alchemist (mindchymist) 2

Marco T. Cain Elan Soulknife 4/aegis 2

Vuzi Ognok half-orc oracle 4/sorcerer (tattooed sorcerer) 2

Simon Blue-Eye Catfolk Hunter 4 / UC Rogue 2

Ignatzia Thrune Psion 4 / Mesmerist 2

Dalkk Windukslagdam Dwarven Alchemist (Grenadier PFS) 4 / Gunslinger (Bolt Ace) 2

Haste +1 Atk/AC [] Mutagen +3 Nat Armor, +4 Dex, -2 Wis [] 50 Min - Heroism, +2 ATK/SV/SK, 50 Min Net Change +6 AC (3T 3FF) +2 CMD, AC 20 CMD 21
CMB+6 | +9 Main XBow 1d10 19-20x2 - 5/5 DB | (2x) +8 L XBow2 1d8 19-20x2 - 1) SB 2) PB | +6 Dorn Derger 1d10+3 Rch+Adj | +9 Bombs - 3d4+4 Spl 7 Fire - TF/SI 8/8 TF/FI 2/2 | MTGN Dex 1/1
AC:20|T15|FF15 +4 vs Giants | HP: 49/49 | CMD: 20 +4 BullR/Trip | Saves (F|R|W): 8|9|6 +3 Spells/Poisons | Perception: +13 +2 Stonework; 10ft Secret Doors | Init +6 | Alch Save DC 17

Hi there! Until he meets his end my character will be Dalkk Windukslagdam. I'm open to combining Dalkk's backstory with anyone who would like to, but it would make most sense to build a link to anyone from a mountain ragion (goblins, dwarves, underdark) on that would meet through some form of study/scholarly connection.

I am very familiar with pathfinder and other both in person and online roleplay, but this will be my first time playing PbP with Pathfinder. Please if you see me doing anything less than kosher consider this your open invitation to let me know. I have read the PbP guide but all the same, entirely possible I've missed something.

As I understand it this Discussion thread is the OOC / Table Talk portion of our adventure and everything on table is in a different thread.

I hope it wasn't an overstep to link to all the Characters above. I figure s they fall off and new [strike]unfortunate souls[/strike] heroes enter you can list how they died as a sort of adventure log.

Possible RP opportunity with Dalkk:
-slagdam is a last name modifier that publicly identifies dwarves who are disgraced/exiled
Big Intellect, Tiny Charisma: With 6 in his CHA Dalk is as dull as he is Intelligent. Please, feel free to make joke's at his expense. He will be the ultimate straight man for your punchlines

Male Catfolk Hunter 8 UC Rogue 4 || Defenses (-2AC/CMD/R if surprised): AC:22|17|/, HP:28/57, CMD: 23, Saves (F|R|W): 10|13(+1vs traps, Evasion)|6 || Other: Ini+5, Perception: +14 (Traps/Ambushes+2, 30ft Scent) || Ressources: AF:8/8, Spells: 1st:5/6 | 2nd:5/5 | 3rd:2/2 || Effects: -

Wow, that's a way to start the day! Whohoooh!
*high-fives all around*
"Who's the tank?"

Haste +1 Atk/AC [] Mutagen +3 Nat Armor, +4 Dex, -2 Wis [] 50 Min - Heroism, +2 ATK/SV/SK, 50 Min Net Change +6 AC (3T 3FF) +2 CMD, AC 20 CMD 21
CMB+6 | +9 Main XBow 1d10 19-20x2 - 5/5 DB | (2x) +8 L XBow2 1d8 19-20x2 - 1) SB 2) PB | +6 Dorn Derger 1d10+3 Rch+Adj | +9 Bombs - 3d4+4 Spl 7 Fire - TF/SI 8/8 TF/FI 2/2 | MTGN Dex 1/1
AC:20|T15|FF15 +4 vs Giants | HP: 49/49 | CMD: 20 +4 BullR/Trip | Saves (F|R|W): 8|9|6 +3 Spells/Poisons | Perception: +13 +2 Stonework; 10ft Secret Doors | Init +6 | Alch Save DC 17
Simon Blue-Eye wrote:

Wow, that's a way to start the day! Whohoooh!

*high-fives all around*
"Who's the tank?"

Well I think Marco is essentially Wolverine.... so I vote Maglin to the front. Happy to be playing with you Blue!

Male Catfolk Hunter 8 UC Rogue 4 || Defenses (-2AC/CMD/R if surprised): AC:22|17|/, HP:28/57, CMD: 23, Saves (F|R|W): 10|13(+1vs traps, Evasion)|6 || Other: Ini+5, Perception: +14 (Traps/Ambushes+2, 30ft Scent) || Ressources: AF:8/8, Spells: 1st:5/6 | 2nd:5/5 | 3rd:2/2 || Effects: -

I must be thoroughly blind but I can't find him under the linked page..?

Haste +1 Atk/AC [] Mutagen +3 Nat Armor, +4 Dex, -2 Wis [] 50 Min - Heroism, +2 ATK/SV/SK, 50 Min Net Change +6 AC (3T 3FF) +2 CMD, AC 20 CMD 21
CMB+6 | +9 Main XBow 1d10 19-20x2 - 5/5 DB | (2x) +8 L XBow2 1d8 19-20x2 - 1) SB 2) PB | +6 Dorn Derger 1d10+3 Rch+Adj | +9 Bombs - 3d4+4 Spl 7 Fire - TF/SI 8/8 TF/FI 2/2 | MTGN Dex 1/1
AC:20|T15|FF15 +4 vs Giants | HP: 49/49 | CMD: 20 +4 BullR/Trip | Saves (F|R|W): 8|9|6 +3 Spells/Poisons | Perception: +13 +2 Stonework; 10ft Secret Doors | Init +6 | Alch Save DC 17

Marco T. Cain, 2nd one from the top. It links to his character in Forum.

Character Image Female half-orc oracle 8/sorcerer (tattooed sorcerer) 4/gestalt 4 | N Medium humanoid Init +8; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Per +9 AC 24, T 16, FF 19 hp 68/68 | Fort +7, Ref +8, Will +7; Defensive Abilities sacred tattoo[APG]; DR 5/lethal; Immune disease, sickened; Resist cold 5

Hello Vuzi here. Your friendly neighborhood undead controlling oracle here. Honestly she's creepy. She grew up in basically a grave yard, and has an affinity for the undead. She's not particularly intelligent or wise, but man is she charismatic. She draws your eye even if you really really want to look away.

Looks like I'm your healer. Who as the wand of cure light? Do I need to switch out my wand of Bless for one?

One issue is my familiar isn't dead, but she counts as undead on chanels. If anyone has channel positive, please exclude her or I'll have her scamper away out of range.

Male Catfolk Hunter 8 UC Rogue 4 || Defenses (-2AC/CMD/R if surprised): AC:22|17|/, HP:28/57, CMD: 23, Saves (F|R|W): 10|13(+1vs traps, Evasion)|6 || Other: Ini+5, Perception: +14 (Traps/Ambushes+2, 30ft Scent) || Ressources: AF:8/8, Spells: 1st:5/6 | 2nd:5/5 | 3rd:2/2 || Effects: -

I have a wand of healing with me and are also able to cast heal at will. My DC is not great, so I took mostly buffing/summoning/healing spells. And also decent non-magical healing.

Mainly I am a sneak-scout, trap-spotter & disarmer and cq-striker. So you may take my wand if you want.
I hope that I am able to navigate us around successfully. I have prepared quite a lot to ensure this: Know Direction Cantrip, high Survival skill and my special catfolk pheromones to reliable mark key-spots we have passed.

Mundane/Magic items we should have (after talking with the villagers, aka reading the players guide again):
- a boat or means to breath under water (anyone?)
- climbing equipment (would be 80g for +2 climb checks?)
- anyone capable of teleportation spells for an emergency evac? Was mentioned many times in the stories
- spiky-iron to shut down doors sounded really helpful 5cp each (I guess I will take ... 20-ish? Can be used for climbing as well!
- lots of different light sources (I have torches and the light-cantrip spell)
- more to eat (but don't fear for water, I can create water with a cantrip)

Haste +1 Atk/AC [] Mutagen +3 Nat Armor, +4 Dex, -2 Wis [] 50 Min - Heroism, +2 ATK/SV/SK, 50 Min Net Change +6 AC (3T 3FF) +2 CMD, AC 20 CMD 21
CMB+6 | +9 Main XBow 1d10 19-20x2 - 5/5 DB | (2x) +8 L XBow2 1d8 19-20x2 - 1) SB 2) PB | +6 Dorn Derger 1d10+3 Rch+Adj | +9 Bombs - 3d4+4 Spl 7 Fire - TF/SI 8/8 TF/FI 2/2 | MTGN Dex 1/1
AC:20|T15|FF15 +4 vs Giants | HP: 49/49 | CMD: 20 +4 BullR/Trip | Saves (F|R|W): 8|9|6 +3 Spells/Poisons | Perception: +13 +2 Stonework; 10ft Secret Doors | Init +6 | Alch Save DC 17

-Outside of expensive Swan Boat Tokens I have no idea how to get a boat but agree we need it. Airbladders could work for small instances, but I've got nothing for full party long term water ventures
-I've got a +13 or 15 to climb, a mount with a climb speed, monkey fish, and 250 ft of rope. As long as we're not rushing I can get us up most any surface
-Yeah... I would love an escape path, I don't have any ideas though
-I could pick up a Stubborn Nail, but I'm a little shy on cash. If anyone has extra cash they're only 100 Gold
-I'm relying on Darkvision, but the Light Sources mentioned seemed to indicate Light beyond illumination. I don't know if that means just Good Aligned sources or....?
-Oh thank Brigh, I was going to bring 80 Lbs of water with us, I'll work on Rations

Other concerns
-Can anyone make Holy Water? I think it'd come in handy a lot, but Alchemists can't make it
-Any idea how many days we should prepare for per trip? This will dictate our food/survival needs. It's been said by our GM that there is a man who can get his hands on just about anything in a few months... so are we going in with the idea of returning in days? Weeks? Months?

Male Catfolk Hunter 8 UC Rogue 4 || Defenses (-2AC/CMD/R if surprised): AC:22|17|/, HP:28/57, CMD: 23, Saves (F|R|W): 10|13(+1vs traps, Evasion)|6 || Other: Ini+5, Perception: +14 (Traps/Ambushes+2, 30ft Scent) || Ressources: AF:8/8, Spells: 1st:5/6 | 2nd:5/5 | 3rd:2/2 || Effects: -

Mhh I guess more than two weeks is unrealistic for average rations (food that lasts longer is unlikely to fully support you unless specially treated thus expensive).

@Ignatzia: How obvious are you with your heritage and the fact that you are a Hellknight? Simon had a *very unfriendly* encounter with Hellknigths back in Cheliax and only barely escaped them. Gozreth protects, maybe you were even send after him? If you are not obviously one from the start, this will get *fun* once he finds out.
If you are pretty obviously one, we have to ... talk a bit how&why they end up working together ^^

Generally, how are we want to start this? We all us superficially and start to head for the dungeon, because ... *reasons*.
Who's in for a thorough get-to-know-each-other in the tavern?

Active Effects, limited use abilities:
Active Effects: Mage armor 4 hours, shaken (sheltered drawback) | Bombs 5/7 | Arcane Bond 1/1 | Shift 7/8 | Cognatogen 1/1 |
Familiar stats:
Initiative +3 | HP:15/15 Fast Healing 5 when attatched| AC16 (Touch 15, FF 13), | CMD 9 (+4 vs trip) | Fort 1 Ref 5 Will 5 | Perception +7, SM +0|
Defensive stats:
Initiative +16 | HP:9/30 0 nonlethal | AC14[17] (Touch 13[17], FF 11 [14]), +2 from familiar | CMD 14 | Fort 4 Ref 5 Will 5 (+2 vs ench spells & effects; +2 vs poison)(Immune: Sleep)| Perception +8, SM +1|

Oh man, it feels good to get selected, I have a feeling this GM knows what they're doing. Plus the backstories that I read during recruitment were good, and I'm sure they've gotten better since then. This is the first time in a while where the only tabs I have open are related to this game.

Regarding knowing people in the past, Maglin might know someone, but probably not too well. It's feasible he could have corresponded with Dalkk about seventy to forty years ago, if he was in the area near Korvosa. Anyone from Riddleport or Korvosa might know him. He would have been well known among the student body of the Academae in Korvosa, but that's a fairly insular group. If you needed a letter decoded or checked to see that it was in fact written by your dearest loved one and you were in Riddleport in the last forty years, Maglin was your guy. But only in passing, he was somewhat more of a misanthrope back then, moreso the further back you go.

I can technically only goes ten feet though. And it's self only.

Regarding water breathing, I have Aboleth's Lung as a second level spell known. This gives a total of 1 hour/CL of water breathing, which can be divided among any number of creatures. They can't breathe air any longer, though, and there's no built in way to end the spell early, so it could prove problematic. I also have the monkey fish infusion, which gives 10ft climb and swim speeds.

I'll probably leave one second level slot open when I can once we're in the dungeon, so water breathing will be just 15 minutes away. I'm also planning on leaving most of my extracts open, so monkey fish infusions will be just one minute away.

Regarding other infusions, what do people want? Infusions are a standard action to drink and will give good buffs. Here's my list:

Maglin's Formulae List wrote:

Monkey Fish, Enlarge Person, Long Arm, Expeditious Retreat, Cure Light Wounds, Anticipate Peril, Shield, True Strike, Reduce Person, Polypurpose Panacea, Endure Elements, Detect Secret Doors, Ant Haul

DW Duck's also got infusions, so I'll put his list here so that we can coordinate:

DW Duck's Formulae List wrote:

Comprehend Languages, Cure Light Wounds, Enlarge Person, Monkey Fish, Enlarge Person, Reduce Person, Shield, True Strike, Alchemical Allocation

I can also cast enlarge person as a spell, to change around who's spending actions. Notably, the wombo combo of long arm plus enlarge person exists here, which can give an ordinary humanoid 15ft reach, or 25ft reach with a reach weapon. Given our dearth of fighters that might be a fairly common thing to happen.

While I'm at it, here's my spellbook. If anything catches your eye, let me know. I exist to rule as a god over you puny...uh...serve your every need.

Maglin's Spellbook wrote:

All level 0 spells not in Necromancy or Enchantment Schools
1st-Protection from Evil, Grease, Color Spray, Silent Image, Obscuring Mist, Comprehend Languages, Mage Armor, Feather Fall, Crafter's Fortune, Alarm, Mount, Hold Portal, Enlarge Person,
2nd-Resist Energy, Glitterdust, Summon Monster II, Web, Invisibility, Levitate, Aboleth’s Lung, Create Pit, Flaming Sphere, Make Whole, Pyrotechnics, Rope Trick, Bear's Strength, Cat's Grace

I think every single one of us can do some sort of magic, so we probably benefit a lot from knowing what we're up against and having time to prepare. Knowing? Like the knowledge skill that I have a +14 modifier on? Which one, you ask? Hahaha, all of them, of course...Minchymist, a reasonable archetype.

I'm going to be getting the standard mundane gear like chalk and a knife. I had wanted to get that done over the last hour or so. I might go to sleep before that happens, but I should still have plenty of time. Speaking of me doing work, I'm going to need someone to carry like thirty pounds of assorted stuff. Actually, I don't, don't feel obligated to be my doorman. Maglin functions fundamentally the same with a medium load, he just takes a movement penalty and a bit of ACP. But, you know, if you want to make my life easier, that's a good place to start. Wait a second...Marco keys off wis for melee.

*Frantically checks strength scores*

Oh man, I did say that I had a good feeling about our GM...already playing tricks on us, I see. Also glad to see that DW Duck's carrying lots of rope.

Maglin has a ring of sustenance, mainly to eliminate a big glaring weakness in that he would otherwise need eight hours of peaceful calm every night. But it has the added bonus of meaning I don't need to eat, hooray! Now if only I could figure out how to make one in real life.

I think we should prepare to go down for a long time. I bought a second spell component pouch and alchemist's components kit so that I wouldn't get put out of action easily. But I think we should try to limit the duration of our visits to just a few days, especially at the beginning where it's easier to get in and out. To be honest, though, it might be that there's some weird thing that makes the first level really dangerous and tough to move through, or we could get lost or something like that, so best to come prepared. We'll talk about that in character extensively, I'm sure.

Regarding light, who doesn't have darkvision? Looks like Simon, Emily, Ignatzia, and maybe Marco? So we definitely need to have access to light, I suggest a lamp since the oil doubles as a flammable. It's also cheap enough to have as a backup in case the light cantrip isn't working the way we want it to.

I suppose I should talk a little about myself while I'm here. I like writing things, to some degree, and would always appreciate anything you have to say that would help me write better. Two weeks later, I'm describing Maglin's thoughts, someone writes "it's really boring when you do that, and I can't read minds so it's not relevant." I don't do it anymore, and my posts are less boring. Or whatever, that's probably a bad example. Actually it's definitely a bad example, since I'm planning on not really showing Maglin's thoughts a whole lot. I just don't feel I'm intelligent enough to adequately figure out how he would think. But I hope you get the idea: any suggestion you have I'll take.

I will try to post frequently, and even if nothing's happening I'll probably post in a given day just because I've heard it's a good idea to do so. I will try to move the action forward with each post, and will try to react to everything that other people say. I'm also planning on not saying too many words in a given post, so that it reads more like a conversation and less like a series of monologues. I've recently started using quotations in my posts so it's clear who I'm reacting to and don't have to constantly tell you who I'm directing my words at, and I think I'll be doing that unless someone doesn't want me to. I'm also planning on making use of spoilers to do a little bit of predictive posting, when I can. Again, let me know if you object.

I live on the east coast of the US, so GMT -4, but that's soon to change to GMT -3. Currently I'm awake all through the night and sleep until the afternoon, but that's also going to change to at least some degree soon. I can't really say when I'll be most likely to be posting.

I've checked out this guide on standards of posting and this guide on advanced techniques. I recommend both to anyone who hasn't read them, although I'd guess you've all already been there.

Should be a good get together in the tavern. I've been dabbling with the idea of writing a flier Maglin would post up around town looking for people who know what they're doing. He'd definitely do that, since he knows he doesn't know what he's doing. And also wants friends.

Speaking of Maglin, I think the best introduction and description I can give about him is that he's not got a mundane weapon. Yet.

And that about wraps up this post. I'm sure there's a lot more to say, but not right now.

Male Catfolk Hunter 8 UC Rogue 4 || Defenses (-2AC/CMD/R if surprised): AC:22|17|/, HP:28/57, CMD: 23, Saves (F|R|W): 10|13(+1vs traps, Evasion)|6 || Other: Ini+5, Perception: +14 (Traps/Ambushes+2, 30ft Scent) || Ressources: AF:8/8, Spells: 1st:5/6 | 2nd:5/5 | 3rd:2/2 || Effects: -

Well I'm posting from Germany (UTC+1) and should be able to post ... well nearly all day long really - but I have to take care, since I am currently writing my master thesis - so I have to constrain myself from spending TOO much time here. Nevertheless I should be able to at-least post 1-2 per work-day. Weekends tend to be unstable posting-wise but that goes for most I think.

As per extracts ... Shield! I love that spell and it will up my AC to a neat 23+. Maybe detect secret doors as well, for when I am scouting?

Male (M) Elan soulknife (shielded blade) 6/aegis (abarent) 3
passive defenses:
DR 2/- Saves Fort +7 reflex +6 will 10 AC 25 ff 23, t 13) CMD 12

I am excitement personified

Also, I can breath underwater, see in the dark, go without food (if I spend a power point) and tank legally well

Male (M) Elan soulknife (shielded blade) 6/aegis (abarent) 3
passive defenses:
DR 2/- Saves Fort +7 reflex +6 will 10 AC 25 ff 23, t 13) CMD 12

Also, Maglin, since you seem to like knowledge skills, I happen to know of a feat that gives a +4 to all knowledge skills (and does more things when you get to higher levels)

Would that be of interest to you?

Re: all of us have spells
Right now all I have is the shield power and the ability to as an immiediete action exchange power points for HP

Male Catfolk Hunter 8 UC Rogue 4 || Defenses (-2AC/CMD/R if surprised): AC:22|17|/, HP:28/57, CMD: 23, Saves (F|R|W): 10|13(+1vs traps, Evasion)|6 || Other: Ini+5, Perception: +14 (Traps/Ambushes+2, 30ft Scent) || Ressources: AF:8/8, Spells: 1st:5/6 | 2nd:5/5 | 3rd:2/2 || Effects: -

Spells for the matter of discussion:

.. lvl 0:
.....Read Magic,
.....Know Direction Where's north?,
.....Create Water drink all you want,
.....Detect Magic,

.. lvl 1: 5/day, spontaneous
.....Acid Maw let's Emily disolve trolls with her new acid-damage maw,
.....Faerie Fire ruins the day of any invisible within it's range,
.....Obscuring Mist We gotta go, now!,
Cure light Wounds Obvious,
Summon Nature Ally I meat-shields

.. lvl 2: 2/day, spontaneous
.....Barkskin +2 stacking natural armor,
.....Versatile Weapon covers quite some DR sources,
.....Summon Nature's Ally II meatier-meat-shields

Also I have a couple of animal focus things I can slap on myself for 4min/day (1min at a time) and one all-day-long for Emily. The following are the non-combat ones:
... Bat: Darkvision 60ft
... Falcon: +4 Per
... Frog: +4 Swim & Acrobatics to jump
... Monkey: +4 Climb
... Owl: +4 Stealth
... Wolf: Scent 10ft <-- GM: Will this increase my scent range if I already have one?

Male (M) Elan soulknife (shielded blade) 6/aegis (abarent) 3
passive defenses:
DR 2/- Saves Fort +7 reflex +6 will 10 AC 25 ff 23, t 13) CMD 12

Who wants to make bets on who dies first?

Male Catfolk Hunter 8 UC Rogue 4 || Defenses (-2AC/CMD/R if surprised): AC:22|17|/, HP:28/57, CMD: 23, Saves (F|R|W): 10|13(+1vs traps, Evasion)|6 || Other: Ini+5, Perception: +14 (Traps/Ambushes+2, 30ft Scent) || Ressources: AF:8/8, Spells: 1st:5/6 | 2nd:5/5 | 3rd:2/2 || Effects: -

A summoned creature/undead of Vuzi.
@Cain: Can you give us a bit of a description of your appearance? I have a hard time to get a picture of you atm.

The Man. The Myth. The Mask!

Good morning, and nice activity already! Excellent!

I Should be making the intro post soon. Depends on the level of whack-a-mole I have to do at work.

For the uninitiated, this is generally the ooc thread. If you want to make a short (1 sentence or so) comment in gameplay that is fine using the [ooc] tags. People tend to use those to note mechanical stuff in-post.

Now, to some house cleaning. In your profile you have a Class/level field. In this field I ask that you put your defensive stats. That's for my ease of reference in combat.

Male (M) Elan soulknife (shielded blade) 6/aegis (abarent) 3
passive defenses:
DR 2/- Saves Fort +7 reflex +6 will 10 AC 25 ff 23, t 13) CMD 12

He's yonger looking, maybe late teens with chocolate colored skin and short afro textured blond hair, slightly pointed ears and brown eyes.
If he wasn't wearing that cloak you might notice a web of scar tissue all over his body

I think I might change up my archetypes a bit

But if I'm going to change archetypes I need to ask the DM: is this game High/moderate magic/psionics or low magic/psionics

Re:the bet
You know that's not what I meant

Haste +1 Atk/AC [] Mutagen +3 Nat Armor, +4 Dex, -2 Wis [] 50 Min - Heroism, +2 ATK/SV/SK, 50 Min Net Change +6 AC (3T 3FF) +2 CMD, AC 20 CMD 21
CMB+6 | +9 Main XBow 1d10 19-20x2 - 5/5 DB | (2x) +8 L XBow2 1d8 19-20x2 - 1) SB 2) PB | +6 Dorn Derger 1d10+3 Rch+Adj | +9 Bombs - 3d4+4 Spl 7 Fire - TF/SI 8/8 TF/FI 2/2 | MTGN Dex 1/1
AC:20|T15|FF15 +4 vs Giants | HP: 49/49 | CMD: 20 +4 BullR/Trip | Saves (F|R|W): 8|9|6 +3 Spells/Poisons | Perception: +13 +2 Stonework; 10ft Secret Doors | Init +6 | Alch Save DC 17

FYI I've swapped out Ablative Barrier for Bull's Strength, I'm open to suggestions if anyone has any.

@Maglin 40 years ago Dalkk wasn't an adult, so that's out. My mount L'nshpad could carry an extra 30lbs of gear in exchange for helping to keep him alive enough to do so.

I have AC20, but with standard action I can get it to 25, with 2 I could get it to 28 is I had to, so I can tank a little if needed.

Outside of 6/10 Knowledge, and all CHA based skills, Escape Artist (+4), Handle Animal (+5), and Swim (+6) all my skills are +8 or higher. Everyone here collectively could probably beat that, but I've got a solid 2nd line of defense in skills and should make every Aid Another Skill Check.

Questions for The Choon;

Does my Climbing Kit +2 stack with my barbed arrows/Crank Crossbow +2?

Precise Bombs allow me to exclude squares of Splash Damage from my bombs, does this allow me to exclude squares of Splash Damage from other thrown Alchemical Items, such as Acid?

Any chance in hell you'd let me use a Full Round to consume 2 Potions/Extracts. Normally each one is a Standard Action, but if I use a Spring Loaded Wrist Sheath I can reduce retrieve a previously stowed item as a Swift Action so... yes? Please?

Haste +1 Atk/AC [] Mutagen +3 Nat Armor, +4 Dex, -2 Wis [] 50 Min - Heroism, +2 ATK/SV/SK, 50 Min Net Change +6 AC (3T 3FF) +2 CMD, AC 20 CMD 21
CMB+6 | +9 Main XBow 1d10 19-20x2 - 5/5 DB | (2x) +8 L XBow2 1d8 19-20x2 - 1) SB 2) PB | +6 Dorn Derger 1d10+3 Rch+Adj | +9 Bombs - 3d4+4 Spl 7 Fire - TF/SI 8/8 TF/FI 2/2 | MTGN Dex 1/1
AC:20|T15|FF15 +4 vs Giants | HP: 49/49 | CMD: 20 +4 BullR/Trip | Saves (F|R|W): 8|9|6 +3 Spells/Poisons | Perception: +13 +2 Stonework; 10ft Secret Doors | Init +6 | Alch Save DC 17

Re: The bet
Do Vuzi's undead really die? or just stop moving...

If your not counting L'nshpad or Emily... I dunno... tough call.. better question is when one of us dies will the rest escape? I get the feeling that losing any of us will make the journey back out much more perilous then the way in.

@Mags If fliers were posted, at least 1 would respond :)

The Man. The Myth. The Mask!

DW Duck, have you set up an alias for your character yet? That may come in handy if you want to play in more than one game.

The Man. The Myth. The Mask!

Magic level: Should be pretty standard magic, which is considered high, I think.

Questions for The Choon;

Does my Climbing Kit +2 stack with my barbed arrows/Crank Crossbow +2?
--I think so, yes

Precise Bombs allow me to exclude squares of Splash Damage from my bombs, does this allow me to exclude squares of Splash Damage from other thrown Alchemical Items, such as Acid?
--No, unfortunately. They are precise because they are your bombs

Any chance in hell you'd let me use a Full Round to consume 2 Potions/Extracts. Normally each one is a Standard Action, but if I use a Spring Loaded Wrist Sheath I can reduce retrieve a previously stowed item as a Swift Action so... yes? Please?
--Nope. That's a key alchemist limitation. ;)

Haste +1 Atk/AC [] Mutagen +3 Nat Armor, +4 Dex, -2 Wis [] 50 Min - Heroism, +2 ATK/SV/SK, 50 Min Net Change +6 AC (3T 3FF) +2 CMD, AC 20 CMD 21
CMB+6 | +9 Main XBow 1d10 19-20x2 - 5/5 DB | (2x) +8 L XBow2 1d8 19-20x2 - 1) SB 2) PB | +6 Dorn Derger 1d10+3 Rch+Adj | +9 Bombs - 3d4+4 Spl 7 Fire - TF/SI 8/8 TF/FI 2/2 | MTGN Dex 1/1
AC:20|T15|FF15 +4 vs Giants | HP: 49/49 | CMD: 20 +4 BullR/Trip | Saves (F|R|W): 8|9|6 +3 Spells/Poisons | Perception: +13 +2 Stonework; 10ft Secret Doors | Init +6 | Alch Save DC 17

Not yet. I'm still new to the site and learning my options. I'll probably put off coverting to an alias when Dalkk dies and I need a new one, to preserve posterity. My RL is 40+ hrs of fluxuating work schedule and GMing a weekly game in person. I'm excited for PBP because I have spare time, just not consecutively. I don't think I'll be picking up any other games any time soon though. I have a great deal of respect for the time and energy that good players and GMs put into a game and won't divide my attention by taking on another unless I am absolutely sure it won't pull time and energy focused here. Cheesy perhaps, but that's how I feel.

If having my char on an alias though helps you as GM in some manner though I can make it a priority

Male Catfolk Hunter 8 UC Rogue 4 || Defenses (-2AC/CMD/R if surprised): AC:22|17|/, HP:28/57, CMD: 23, Saves (F|R|W): 10|13(+1vs traps, Evasion)|6 || Other: Ini+5, Perception: +14 (Traps/Ambushes+2, 30ft Scent) || Ressources: AF:8/8, Spells: 1st:5/6 | 2nd:5/5 | 3rd:2/2 || Effects: -

@Choon: How about the *existence* of a foldable boat? Something like a canoe made from animal hide over a wooden skeleton? I think something like that could be lightweight enough to get carried if distributed over a couple of characters? What would something like that cost? A small rowboat cost only 50g for comparison.
Maybe we can get two three-man canoes?

One Choon-Question was missed due to duck-induced-flooding of this thread: If I get the scent ability from multiple sources, do they stack (aka does the scent range increase?)

Haste +1 Atk/AC [] Mutagen +3 Nat Armor, +4 Dex, -2 Wis [] 50 Min - Heroism, +2 ATK/SV/SK, 50 Min Net Change +6 AC (3T 3FF) +2 CMD, AC 20 CMD 21
CMB+6 | +9 Main XBow 1d10 19-20x2 - 5/5 DB | (2x) +8 L XBow2 1d8 19-20x2 - 1) SB 2) PB | +6 Dorn Derger 1d10+3 Rch+Adj | +9 Bombs - 3d4+4 Spl 7 Fire - TF/SI 8/8 TF/FI 2/2 | MTGN Dex 1/1
AC:20|T15|FF15 +4 vs Giants | HP: 49/49 | CMD: 20 +4 BullR/Trip | Saves (F|R|W): 8|9|6 +3 Spells/Poisons | Perception: +13 +2 Stonework; 10ft Secret Doors | Init +6 | Alch Save DC 17

I knew I forgot questions.

There's not a price for every combination of bolt/special material. Durable Bolts cost 1 gp each. A rack of 5 Normal Bolts cost 1 gp. Cold Iron Bolts cost 2x normal. I'm assuming the price for 1 Rack of 5 Durable Cold Iron Bolts to cost 11 Gold. 5 GP (5 Durable) X 2 (Cold Iron) + 1 (put in a rack). An argument could be made for this being cheaper, but I'm assuming the higher possibility due to cost of manufacturing and making the math easier. Are these type of assumptions acceptable?

The repeating crossbow states that there is a lever to pull as a free action to "chamber" the next bolt. In place of the free action to reload can I front load a specialty bolt as a move action?

Male (M) Elan soulknife (shielded blade) 6/aegis (abarent) 3
passive defenses:
DR 2/- Saves Fort +7 reflex +6 will 10 AC 25 ff 23, t 13) CMD 12

Poo, one of the archetypes I was considering doesn't stack

Regardless, with abarent I am now more durable but less able to dodge

The Man. The Myth. The Mask!

Scent: Most things like that do stack, so yes. I can't find a rule against it right now.

Boat: It may be less material, but designing and building something like that to be light, water-tight, and rigid enough would be quite the challenge, bringing up the cost to at least 50g.

The pricing looks good.

You may load a specialty bolt as you would a normal crossbow, but the clip must be off the weapon to do so. So you cannot get an additional shot in by "chambering" a bolt and then loading the clip.

Male Catfolk Hunter 8 UC Rogue 4 || Defenses (-2AC/CMD/R if surprised): AC:22|17|/, HP:28/57, CMD: 23, Saves (F|R|W): 10|13(+1vs traps, Evasion)|6 || Other: Ini+5, Perception: +14 (Traps/Ambushes+2, 30ft Scent) || Ressources: AF:8/8, Spells: 1st:5/6 | 2nd:5/5 | 3rd:2/2 || Effects: -

50g? I'm in (or was there a typo in that pricing?)
Leaves me with 50g.
5,5g for additional 10 days worth of food for me and Emily.
0,5g worth of iron spikes (10)
Earplugs (+2 saves vs hear-based magic! For 3cp!)
Filter Hood (+2 saves vs everything inhaled, 10g)

Leaves me with ~33ish gold.
Get myself 2 more trailscent kits for 10 g each and some coins for emergencies.

Shopping done!
This catfolk is now officially ... Blank.

The Man. The Myth. The Mask!

Well, 50g and I get to decide when it falls apart. :)

Haste +1 Atk/AC [] Mutagen +3 Nat Armor, +4 Dex, -2 Wis [] 50 Min - Heroism, +2 ATK/SV/SK, 50 Min Net Change +6 AC (3T 3FF) +2 CMD, AC 20 CMD 21
CMB+6 | +9 Main XBow 1d10 19-20x2 - 5/5 DB | (2x) +8 L XBow2 1d8 19-20x2 - 1) SB 2) PB | +6 Dorn Derger 1d10+3 Rch+Adj | +9 Bombs - 3d4+4 Spl 7 Fire - TF/SI 8/8 TF/FI 2/2 | MTGN Dex 1/1
AC:20|T15|FF15 +4 vs Giants | HP: 49/49 | CMD: 20 +4 BullR/Trip | Saves (F|R|W): 8|9|6 +3 Spells/Poisons | Perception: +13 +2 Stonework; 10ft Secret Doors | Init +6 | Alch Save DC 17

I'm not looking to get an extra shot, I'm looking to load a single special shot in between normal shots without having to remove the clip. Exchanging my clip is a Full Round, so I was hoping to be able to shove a single magic bolt I might need down the front in between shots 2 and 3. No worries though.

The Man. The Myth. The Mask!
DW Duck wrote:
I'm not looking to get an extra shot, I'm looking to load a single special shot in between normal shots without having to remove the clip. Exchanging my clip is a Full Round, so I was hoping to be able to shove a single magic bolt I might need down the front in between shots 2 and 3. No worries though.

Oh, I rule that you can totally decide the order of bolt types in your clip. So if you wanted shot 3 to be a special type you can. No problem. Just make a note of your clip setup when you load it during down time or whenever.

The Man. The Myth. The Mask!

Gameplay post is up! Go!

Haste +1 Atk/AC [] Mutagen +3 Nat Armor, +4 Dex, -2 Wis [] 50 Min - Heroism, +2 ATK/SV/SK, 50 Min Net Change +6 AC (3T 3FF) +2 CMD, AC 20 CMD 21
CMB+6 | +9 Main XBow 1d10 19-20x2 - 5/5 DB | (2x) +8 L XBow2 1d8 19-20x2 - 1) SB 2) PB | +6 Dorn Derger 1d10+3 Rch+Adj | +9 Bombs - 3d4+4 Spl 7 Fire - TF/SI 8/8 TF/FI 2/2 | MTGN Dex 1/1
AC:20|T15|FF15 +4 vs Giants | HP: 49/49 | CMD: 20 +4 BullR/Trip | Saves (F|R|W): 8|9|6 +3 Spells/Poisons | Perception: +13 +2 Stonework; 10ft Secret Doors | Init +6 | Alch Save DC 17
GM Choon wrote:
Gameplay post is up! Go!

Damn you! Just as I'm headed to bed

Haste +1 Atk/AC [] Mutagen +3 Nat Armor, +4 Dex, -2 Wis [] 50 Min - Heroism, +2 ATK/SV/SK, 50 Min Net Change +6 AC (3T 3FF) +2 CMD, AC 20 CMD 21
CMB+6 | +9 Main XBow 1d10 19-20x2 - 5/5 DB | (2x) +8 L XBow2 1d8 19-20x2 - 1) SB 2) PB | +6 Dorn Derger 1d10+3 Rch+Adj | +9 Bombs - 3d4+4 Spl 7 Fire - TF/SI 8/8 TF/FI 2/2 | MTGN Dex 1/1
AC:20|T15|FF15 +4 vs Giants | HP: 49/49 | CMD: 20 +4 BullR/Trip | Saves (F|R|W): 8|9|6 +3 Spells/Poisons | Perception: +13 +2 Stonework; 10ft Secret Doors | Init +6 | Alch Save DC 17

Also, how do I add the Spoiler over my avatar? I know how to use spoiler tags, but not sure where to type it in. It's very groovy

The Man. The Myth. The Mask!

Spoiler tags operate in stat lines just like they do in posts, but you don't have to use them. You don't have to put your actual classes and levels in here. In fact, I prefer if you didn't. I know what you are. I would like defensive info up there so I don't have to click on your profile to check if an attack affects you.

The Man. The Myth. The Mask!

If you mean getting info up there in general, simply type in the info in your class line in your profile like:
AC 18/14/14 | HP: 20/20 | F:4 R:5 W:3 | CMD 18 | Init: 4 Perception: +8
And add in any resistances or bonuses. It could end up like:
Initiative +5 | HP:96/96[108] | AC19 (19Touch, 12FF)[-2], +4dodge vs AoO| DR 3/-, Resist Fire 2 |CMD 16 | F9 R12 W3 (+2will while raging, +4 vs fear)(Immunities: none)| Perception +13, SM +13| Active Conditions: Hungry
As long as I have things like AC, HP, Saves, and Passive skills like perception up there I'll be happy. I may ask you to add something later if it comes up a lot.

Okay, there's a lot to cover, so this post is likely to be long.

Ignatzia's got 2 main roles.

1. Turning enemies that doesn't have immunity to mind effecting effects into puddy (via mind thrust) or her playthings (various mind control fun), depending on the circumstance.

2. Support in the form of scouting, buffing, and debuffing.

I have a power list for all of your thoughts and feedback.

Powers Known:

- Detect Psionics (At will with psionic focus)
- Mindlink (At will with psionic focus)
- Mind thrust (reduced to 1d6 damage, at will with psionic focus)
- Defensive Precognition (1st)
- Empathetic Connection (1st)
- Energy Ray (1st)
- Force Screen (1st)
- Vigor (1st)
- Mind Thrust (1st)
- Untouchable Aura (1st)
- Clairvoyant Sense (2nd)
- True Terror (2nd)
- Read Thoughts (2nd)
- Share Pain (2nd)

I've got the ability to stun enemies (true terror), scouting behind corners and behind doors (clairvoyant sense), to make someone effectively take half damage for 4 hours (share pain), enable us to communicate without speaking (mindlink), read thoughts, and charm a variety of enemies (empathic connection), and detect magic/psionics, and deal every type of energy damage (energy ray). I'm pretty happy with my power list for now, but if anyone has any suggestions I'd be glad to hear them.

Speaking of suggestions, I have some for other people.

Vuzi Ognok wrote:

Hello Vuzi here. Your friendly neighborhood undead controlling oracle here. Honestly she's creepy. She grew up in basically a grave yard, and has an affinity for the undead. She's not particularly intelligent or wise, but man is she charismatic. She draws your eye even if you really really want to look away.

Looks like I'm your healer. Who as the wand of cure light? Do I need to switch out my wand of Bless for one?

One issue is my familiar isn't dead, but she counts as undead on chanels. If anyone has channel positive, please exclude her or I'll have her scamper away out of range.

Hello friendly neighborhood healer and necromancer! We'll get along well, as we both follow the school of thought that says "throw other people's bodies at a problem until it goes away".

Anyways, as for healing (and honestly, this goes for everyone), I recommend wands of Infernal Healing, as it's a guaranteed 10 HP recovered per use, whereas wands of cure light wounds can, at best, heal 9 HP.

Furthermore, once you become more powerful and continue to use necromancy, the onyx cost might really start to get painful. There is however, a spell called Blood money that should be quite useful for you- especially because you can heal the strength damage you get with lesser restoration, an oracle spell.

Also (and again, this is good advice for everyone), you might want to look into the Magical knack trait , increasing the caster level of your half gestalt class by 2 should be really helpful.

One last thing- I think you might have one two many traits. Shouldn't we only be allowed to have two (sorry).

DW Duck wrote:

FYI I've swapped out Ablative Barrier for Bull's Strength, I'm open to suggestions if anyone has any.

@Maglin 40 years ago Dalkk wasn't an adult, so that's out. My mount L'nshpad could carry an extra 30lbs of gear in exchange for helping to keep him alive enough to do so.

I have AC20, but with standard action I can get it to 25, with 2 I could get it to 28 is I had to, so I can tank a little if needed.

Outside of 6/10 Knowledge, and all CHA based skills, Escape Artist (+4), Handle Animal (+5), and Swim (+6) all my skills are +8 or higher. Everyone here collectively could probably beat that, but I've got a solid 2nd line of defense in skills and should make every Aid Another Skill Check.

Questions for The Choon;

Does my Climbing Kit +2 stack with my barbed arrows/Crank Crossbow +2?

You asked for suggestions, and I've got them :)

First of all, you're our group's archer, which puts you in the unique position to use holy weapon balm:

Holy Weapon Balm

Source Advanced Class Guide

Price 30 gp; Weight 1/2 lb.

This violet balm comes in a small ceramic pot. When applied to a weapon as a standard action, it forms a transparent coating. Weapons coated in this balm deal an additional 2d4 points of damage to undead or evil outsiders. A creature affected by the balm must succeed at a DC 10 Reflex save or take an additional 1d4 points of damage the following round. Any non-magical weapon coated with the balm affects incorporeal undead or evil outsiders as if it were a magic weapon. Any magic weapon coated with the balm affects incorporeal undead or evil outsiders as if the weapon had the ghost touch special ability. The balm remains effective until you make a successful attack with the weapon or until 1 minute has passed, whichever is sooner. Each dose of balm can coat one weapon or 10 pieces of ammunition.


both undead and evil outsiders were mentioned in the players guide. This will help you tear through them like a hot knife through butter, even if they are incorporeal.

I was going to recommend swapping out tanglefoot bomb for something else, but honestly the entangled condition is pretty potent, so those should be useful. Still, you might want to consider cold bombs, which stagger enemies and have a less resisted damage type. Might be of some help to be able to have the two different types of damage at your disposal.

As for extracts, maybe fox's cunning would be better than bulls strength. I don't think any of us even use strength, but I know for a fact that Ignatzia would be nearly unstoppable at this level if she boosted most of her save DC's by 2. Don't know about Maglin and your character, but it seems that extra INT bosts would he helpful for more of the party. It would mean more damage for your bombs, and better DC's for me and Maglin.


Already covered Maglin in the recruitment thread. Anyways, just remember that our dwarf alchemist can copy spells from your spellbook that are also alchemist spells, but not vice versa. Might be helpful to know.


I know basically nothing about mind blades and aegis's so I'm afraid I'm of no help to you Marco. But I can make you take half damage from enemy attacks, and as a front liner that should help you.


Simon Blue-Eye wrote:

** spoiler omitted **

Also I have a couple of animal focus things I can slap on myself for 4min/day (1min at a time) and one all-day-long for Emily. The following are the non-combat ones:
... Bat: Darkvision 60ft
... Falcon: +4 Per
... Frog: +4 Swim & Acrobatics to jump
... Monkey: +4 Climb
... Owl: +4 Stealth
... Wolf: Scent 10ft <-- GM: Will this increase my scent range if I already have one?

Alright, time for spells, since I know about those things.

I typically prefer simply carrying other weapon types when it comes to overcoming DR, I don't think versatile weapon is that good for you. It doesn't last long and takes up a second level spell slot. I'd go for protection from energy- it lasts for a while and is quite versatile.

I typically prefer ironskin to barksin, but that's really just a preference thing.

Also, I'm sad you don't have cat's grace. I feel like this needs no explanation :P


Now, for the GM:

1. How long do a day's rations preserve for? I've got 3 weeks worth in my minor bag of holding (which is inside my backpack).

2. In the recruitment thread, I believe I mentioned that if I got accepted, I could work with you to determine a specific reason why the order of the gate sent her to Rappan Athuk, as opposed to "poke around and find unspecified magic stuff to tell us about".

It might just be "find a specific magic Mcguffin and give it to us". Since you know more about the dungeon more than me, I figure I'd ask you about it.

Also, I'm going to ditch my portable alchemst's kit, because we have two people with the actual alchemist class in the party, so it feels unecissary. I'm still going to keep my ranks in the craft skill though, on the off chanse our alchemists suffer from a severe case of Rappan Athuk stabbing them in their face until it ceases to be a face.

Simon Blue-Eye wrote:

Mhh I guess more than two weeks is unrealistic for average rations (food that lasts longer is unlikely to fully support you unless specially treated thus expensive).

@Ignatzia: How obvious are you with your heritage and the fact that you are a Hellknight? Simon had a *very unfriendly* encounter with Hellknigths back in Cheliax and only barely escaped them. Gozreth protects, maybe you were even send after him? If you are not obviously one from the start, this will get *fun* once he finds out.
If you are pretty obviously one, we have to ... talk a bit how&why they end up working together ^^

Generally, how are we want to start this? We all us superficially and start to head for the dungeon, because ... *reasons*.
Who's in for a thorough get-to-know-each-other in the tavern?

It's very obvious that she's from Cheliax and was at least moderately well to do. Beyond that, it's by no means obvious that she's a hellknight or a Thrune. She's in a very light undercover. She isn't going around saying she's a hellknight, because that's a good way to get killed in the very lawless shackles. IIRC, Cheliax is effectively at war with the shackles anyways.

However, on the off chance someone is actively looking for someone called Ignatzia (for good or for ill), she wants them to be able to find her. If they are there to harm her, she's confident enough that she thinks she'll be able to handle them.

Shadow Lodge

Male. Vaguely humanoid Ninja 3/Bard 1/Ranger 2/Scholar 1

By "make you take half damage from enemy attacks" do you mean like passing saves?
Because I have both evasion and stalwart

Lord Foul II wrote:

By "make you take half damage from enemy attacks" do you mean like passing saves?

Because I have both evasion and stalwart

No- although having both evasion and stalwart is actually really amazing. No, I'm talking about regular weapon and attack damage.

I link Share Pain, and connect you with my psicrystal. My psicrystal won't be taking damage directly, and has a hardness of 8.

Say you get hit for 16 damage. You would instead only take 8 damage, and my psicrystal would also take 8. The psicrystal's damage would be reduced to 0 because of his hardness, which effectively acts as Damage reduction.

And this will keep happening over the course of 4 hours.

Also, does anyone have acess to the mending cantrip? It might be the only way to heal my psicrystal.

Character Image Female half-orc oracle 8/sorcerer (tattooed sorcerer) 4/gestalt 4 | N Medium humanoid Init +8; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Per +9 AC 24, T 16, FF 19 hp 68/68 | Fort +7, Ref +8, Will +7; Defensive Abilities sacred tattoo[APG]; DR 5/lethal; Immune disease, sickened; Resist cold 5

I have taken Bless Water for making Holy water. I have dark vision, but several sources of light: 10 Candles, 1 Everburning Torch, 2 Sun Rods. Two waterskins, 100 feet of rope, 4 pitons.

I have a handy haversack (I think that was a legal purchase), and have some room for things. 30 days of rations, and I have Purify Food and Drink as a cantrip. Even if the rations rot I can make them better.

No teleport yet. I think the wizard will get it much sooner than I do.

Magical Knack- with the GM permission I'm switching that out for sure.
We have three traits, because we had to take a drawback. (I think I'm remembering that correctly).

Here's my current spellbook.

3/day—touch of fatigue (DC 15)
Oracle Spells Known (CL 4th; concentration +9)
2nd (4/day)—align weapon, cure moderate wounds, false life
1st (8/day)—bane (DC 16), cause fear (DC 16), cure light wounds, Bless Water, protection from evil
0 (at will)—create water, detect magic, guidance, purify food and drink (DC 15), read magic, stabilize
Mystery Bones
Sorcerer (Tattooed Sorcerer) Spells Known (CL 2nd; concentration +7)
1st (6/day)—ear-piercing scream[UM] (DC 16), mage armor
0 (at will)—acid splash, disrupt undead, mage hand, mending, spark[APG] (DC 15)
Bloodline Undead

The Man. The Myth. The Mask!

I missed that in your sheet, Vuzi. My apologies. You only get two traits total. One plus one from the drawback.

Active Effects, limited use abilities:
Active Effects: Mage armor 4 hours, shaken (sheltered drawback) | Bombs 5/7 | Arcane Bond 1/1 | Shift 7/8 | Cognatogen 1/1 |
Familiar stats:
Initiative +3 | HP:15/15 Fast Healing 5 when attatched| AC16 (Touch 15, FF 13), | CMD 9 (+4 vs trip) | Fort 1 Ref 5 Will 5 | Perception +7, SM +0|
Defensive stats:
Initiative +16 | HP:9/30 0 nonlethal | AC14[17] (Touch 13[17], FF 11 [14]), +2 from familiar | CMD 14 | Fort 4 Ref 5 Will 5 (+2 vs ench spells & effects; +2 vs poison)(Immune: Sleep)| Perception +8, SM +1|

Oh man, so much to catch up on already. And I still haven't even purchased my mundane gear.

Guess I should just never ever go to sleep.

Speaking of me not being here, I'm going on a vacation next week. I should have reliable access to the internet and my posting really shouldn't decline at all, but uh...just wanted to let you know.

The Man. The Myth. The Mask!

Lady. Thrune, I'll have your quest shortly.

The Man. The Myth. The Mask!

Don't worry, Matlin. PbP usually starts with a flurry of coordination posts. Things will settle into a rhythm once we officially set out.

GM Choon wrote:
Lady. Thrune, I'll have your quest shortly.

Awesome. If you need any more info about the Order of the Gate, just let me know!

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