GM Choon |
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Seeking 1-2 players to fill out a party running the Witchwar Legacy module. Recruitment will be relatively short due to limited slots.
All paizo, including Occult, is available.
Point buy: 25
-Level 17
-WBL: standard
-Two traits total, one drawback required (think fatal flaw. Every great hero has one)
-Races unrestricted. No race builder.
-Monstrous races or monsters with class levels may be allowed via group concensus. This is a high level one shot. Why not. If you're interested in how to do this, please ask. :)
-Evangelist PrC (ISG) and Sacred Geometry feat prohibited
-Because this is a module, crafting will not avail you much. In order to keep the WBL in proportion, no crafted items will be allowed unless crafted from a feat gained as a bonus from your class (eg. scrolls for wizards).
The party so far:
They should all be posting here soon. We have a Rage Prophet, a ranger TWFer, and a bloodrager. Not all of this is 100% locked in, but it is firm.
Last but not least, you story. It should chronicle a being at the height of mortal power. Kings tremble in your presence. Gods regularly pay attention to you and may even have a betting pool on how long you can last. Your soul is invaluable in the Infernal exchanges. Drunks in Absolom speculate on your chances of passing the Test of the Starstone. Few people on Golarion can challenge you. Fewer can defeat you...
And yet...
There are places on this plane where even you fear to tread. The Veil of Frozen Tears is just such a place.
The location of this legendary dungeon, and therefore the location of the Torc of Kostchtchie the Demon Lord, has been discovered. Now the Demon Lord and Queen Eliana of Issiren are in a race to be the one to claim it. Either one winning is a loss for the rest of the world. Time to intervene.
I'm not looking for forty pages of exquisite detail. More of a "this is how I became what I am, for good or bad"
Questions welcome. :)

Asselus Screamingtrees |

as the ah... ranger I welcome you all. I am... more an extremely skilled bounty hunter and night warden really, look forward to meeting and playing with you all.
His story starts quietly. Not much was known of Asselus’ early life, His young life growing up in Kyonin was not noteworthy, he was neither the son of heros or kings, legends or villians. He was the son of a woodgrowing(carving) craftsmaiden, albeit one very skilled, when he started his lifes path. You see his mother had been commissioned to create and sculpture as a birthday gift for their very queen, and she poured countless energy into it only to have it stolen almost a year before the planned celebration. His mother was distraught, the young elf took what skills he had learned and began tracking the thief, following him through Kyonin, into the River Kingdoms and the small fledgling elven nation there Hymbria. (levels 1-2, first level of rogue)
The laws of that land annoyed the young ranger, it took almost six months to track the thief and in the process he became enamored and married his first wife. A “paladin” of Calistria (Esoja)who used her charm and contacts to discover the thief. The thief tried to claim the Six River Freedoms, claiming the art as his, because after all, it was in his possession. So Asselus told him to arm himself, and promptly ended his life.
Their return with the statue was the talk of the small town Avennara, and before he knew it while his young wife was establishing the shrine to Calistria He was hired by an old elven mage to be one of his guides far to the Northlands of the mammoth Lords. They were hunting a very rare ingredient needed for a powerful potion, and the search became long and difficult. It wasn’t until they crossed the Tusk mountains and managed to make it deep into the Thunder steppes. Frustrations mounted, and even the help of the almost shattered small elven tribe they discovered battling demonically tainted megafauna almost ended his life several times, but the growing attraction of the that small elven tribes chieftain’s daughter a burgeoning sorceress(Alyrria) and his growing ability to channel the rage of nature managed to allow them to discover the rare moss. When they finally returned home, he came back with more than just increased skills and his wealth from the missions success. He came back with an elven wife adapted to the chill. (level 3-4, first level of barbarian).
Tales of his prowess at tracking down fugitives were beginning to grow, and he found his services needed by a dwarven merchant traveling through Druma. Family business and demands forced the dwarf merchant back home to the Five Kings Mountains, but Asselus was hired to track down the strange cult of Humans who stole a family heirloom from the Dwarven Caravan. Much of that mission Hasn’t been detailed, but it took the Ranger three long years to finally track down the thieves at the yearly meeting of the “Guild of Liars”. The stories of what was done there are all discreditable, after all, the only truth that comes from that event are undoubtedbly lies, but he returned to his home briefly, a new bride (a bard named Glaycia) in tow. (levels 5-6)
He traveled to the Five Kings mountains to return the heirloomed amulet to the merchant, a rare excurstion where his wife’s tagged along. The tales of his prowess are better archived from that point, no doubt to the careful efforts of his bardic wife but the events that occurred in Davarn would be legendary almost by itself. They arrived to the small town of dwarves just before a dark siege of sorts struck from below. Depraved dark elves, seeking slaves, wealth or just out to cause death for its own sake, struck. Ancient wards locked the gates to the surface trapping them in the town until the menance was ended…For almost a year nothing was heard from the town or the ranger and his wives there, but when they emerged a year later, the drow threat was ended, and they had a young priestess (Malayvin, future priestess of Calistria)in tow as a captive. (levels 7,8,9)
The next 30 years passed uneventfully enough, small minor missions and jobs occurred, most involving the retrieval of goods or criminals who tried to make a new life in the River Kingdoms, each job took the skilled ranger very little time to complete. (relatively) Then came the request from an old friend, a reformed thief turned crusader in Mendev. Much wealth and a slew of magical gear was bid in an attempt to purchase one of the famed vials of the Sun Orchid Elixer for the noble Queen Galfrey leading the battle against the world wound to the North, but their were many fears that something would happen to the vial before it reached her. A contingent of elven warriors, some crusaders, other mercenaries were being hired and assembled to carry it to Nerosyan, and he wanted Asselus to be the ace up his sleeve. They traveled deep into the dangerous lands of Thuvia, it seemed at times the deserts themselves rose up to attack them. But perseverance and the meeting of a strange elven desert monk finally allowed them to get their precious cargo and escape the lands.
The plan to return the extremely important magical elixir was to have each elf take an identical locked case and make their way north, special arcane locks to keep the vial safe til it arrived in Mendev, and no elf was supposed to know which carried the real case, except for two souls. Asselus knew he was given the case, and his friend too knew he carried it. It took almost two years for him to reach the city successfully, another wife, this one the desert elven monk (Solee)in tow. They had battled bandits, thieves and even a few of the other mercenaries who thought to make a fortune off selling the elixir. (levels 10 to 14)
The temple there in Avennara had grown, itself almost a landmark, some else however became something of some fame. That of course was himself, and his wives. When he returned home with Solee to introduce her, he came home to a slight shock, he had a child, well two of them, and there was a young elven druidess named Druscilla his wives insisted her marry. Without realizing it, in a strange way he had become almost an agent of his first wives’ goddess, and his next few missions made it that much more obvious. A trip to Absolam for magical tome his magical wife Alyrria wanted led to nearly a half dozen trysts with maidens in temples of Calistria along the way, and a friendship with a Chelaxian half elven pirate hunter. (levels 15 to 17)
A trip on her vessel that took them through the shackles to distant Sargova where a sea battle brought him into contact with two other elven maids who he would eventually marry, a captured Aquatic elf figher named Ashalla whose entire home had been destroyed by pirates, and then Lairessa, a wild elven barbarian turned pirate from deep in Sargova. When he finally returned home a few decades later the temple thrived his wives were overjoyed to have him back and there were more children about. Pratically retired now, he spends his days teaching young hopeful bounty hunters, loving his wives and occasionally wishing for travels to give him a little time alone.
Word however reached him from distant family (on his Wife Alyrria’s side) about the legendary artifact Torc of Kostchtchie the Demon Lord been discovered and pressures from both Esoja and Malayvin tell him that his goddess Calistria perhaps thinks that it would be bad…. Very very very bad if it fell into the wrong hands. So he gathered his things, He kissed his wives and children goodbye (it took a few days) and he head north.

GM Choon |

as the ah... ranger I welcome you all. I am... more an extremely skilled bounty hunter and night warden really, look forward to meeting and playing with you all.
** spoiler omitted **...
For reference, this story is on the upper end of the length I'm expecting.
And it's awesome. Everyone should read it. :)
AdamWarnock |

Oh, sooooo tempted to play a barbarian/cleric of Gorum that's been patiently waiting for a chance to bust loose, but I don't want to step on toes, and she's being very, very patient.
I have some other ideas swimming in my head and I'm open to playing just about anything, so if anyone wants to chime in on what would help the party the most, feel free.
Also, hiya Choon!

Vrog Skyreaver |

It washed out about the same: basically, you have less spells that you can pick from, but they are more modular in what they do: I think that best example of this would be the wordcasting version of haste, which gives you an extra move action each turn, or an extra attack action if you take a full attack, but you don't get any of the other stuff like bonus to ac or attack, etc.

AdamWarnock |

Why not just go for Spheres of Power? It has the same idea behind it, but I think it did a better job of execution than Paizo's words of power. (Of course, this is still up to GM ruling.)
Personally, if the GM would be so kind as to allow them, I'd love to build a spherecaster for this.
Edit: Not trying to be a jerk, I was just curious is all.

GM Choon |

Are we meant to already be an adventuring group and/or do you have some idea how you're planning to get us into the adventure? I've got a few ideas and just trying to decide which one could work best.
You have probably heard of each other, given your power level. You might even be the subject of widely told legends. That being said, you don't have to know anyone or have really met. I have an idea or two on how to get youall there whether you know one another or not.
Re: words of power
I think I'd like to see both in action, so go for it. This should give me a reasonable idea of how they word and how they scale. In the time before this starts I'll be sure to read up on their actual mechanics so I'm at least passingly familiar with them.
Disclaimer: this is not a guarantee of acceptance. :)

GM Choon |

Why not just go for Spheres of Power? It has the same idea behind it, but I think it did a better job of execution than Paizo's words of power. (Of course, this is still up to GM ruling.)
Personally, if the GM would be so kind as to allow them, I'd love to build a spherecaster for this.
Edit: Not trying to be a jerk, I was just curious is all.
I know even less about spheres of power... I've seen people singing it's praises though.

AdamWarnock |

In a word, it's awesome.
The idea is that you, as a caster, have certain spheres that you can call upon at will to do certain things. However, you use talents to modify what you can do, and you can spend Spell Points that allow you to make the effects more powerful or what have you. It does differ from the regular magic system in that you don't run out of magic unless you take certain drawbacks as part of a tradition. The cool thing is that you have incentives to diversify into many spheres or concentrate on one, two, or three since things scale so that spell your beginning abilities are still relevant at higher levels.
I can put a copy of the book up for your perusal if you wish.

Vrog Skyreaver |

Well, crap. I looked at the words of power system again, and I'm not sure what I was thinking. With the archetype that I'm using, there are almost no cleric effect words that target weapons or armor, and that's my archetype's bag. I'll just stick with regular spellcasting for now and then if I app to another of your games I'll make a wordcaster.

GM Choon |

I'm interested! If I wanted to play an Aranea Sorcerer, how would I go about that? (it seems like the party's already got melee locked down)
(Alternately, I played an Iroran mummy skills character in a game once, that was pretty fun and only required a template level)
I should note that, at least in my games, if you play a monster you forgo your point buy. So an arenea could be CL 19, but starting cha would be 16 no matter what. This will mean a less than optimal DC for spells and abilities with a few extra tricks from your monstrous "base". Not to mention fewer bonus spell slots compared to a similar caster.
If I do accept a monstrous character and it turns out to be hugely out of balance I will reserve the right to hit you over the head with the nerf bat. :)

thunderbeard |

Oh, nooo—if I play a monstrous character, it will purely be for flavor, not power. Aranea is a CR 4 monster that casts spells as a CR 5 sorcerer (and advances as a sorcerer with additional levels), so I'd want to multiclass into something in order to keep CL from going too high for balance reasons.
(would monster feats be fixed, though?)
Just figured "master sorcerer/manipulator spider who's been secretly living as a human for 300 years" is a great backstory for "being at the height of mortal power, who's looking for a new challenge." Maybe go with focused enchantments, or Veiled Illusionist 10 focusing on shadow spells for full utility casting, which seems like it could help the current party.
I'm actually really liking the idea—a magical beast "addicted to human culture" who's been maintaining a dozen identities, from powerful merchants to famous novelists, and now, at the end of its lifetime, wants to be remembered by history as a mighty hero.

AdamWarnock |

Okay, I want to do an Arcane Trickster as a Sphere caster. There's a list of conversions that include the Arcane Trickster Prestige class here: SoP All Classes conversion
If you'll allow that, that's what I'll go with. If not, I'll be doing a sorcerer/rogue multi-class.

Taerine Doumont |

Note that I'm reusing a defunct alias. This character under the profile is not the character for this campaign. I'm out of town this weekend, so I won't be able to stat up the character until next week, unfortunately. That said, it shouldn't take more than a few hours to do should she be chosen.
Taerine's Story
"The Devil's daughter." That's what her mother called her, and that's what she believed. After all, while she may have been growing up in Corentyn's West Drenches, was she not blessed with power over Infernal flame? If not a gift of her never-seen father, what other explanation could there be?
And so, once she came of age, she went to claim her birthright, marching up to the doors of the city's Grand Cathedral to Asmodeus and presenting herself. The minor cleric laughed in her face ... right up until she lit it on fire. Seen by the other clerics, the teenage girl was taken in and given a spot, trained as an elite agent of the church.
Now fully grown -- though no less sure that she is the Devil's daughter -- Taerine has traveled much of the world performing tasks in Asmodeus' name. When a rebellion broke out in Pezzarch, it was Taerine who was sent to help put it down. When the Hellknights marched in the most recent crusade against the Worldwound, it was Taerine who accompanied them, facing down demon after demon.
Now, with rumors of Iomedaeans launching some sort of Glorious Reclamation and more trouble in Kintargo, Taerine has been sent by the church to track down tales of a powerful Irriseni item to claim it for Cheliax and help ... calm ... these latest instances of unrest.
Though few others believe it (even if many in Asmodeus' church humor her), Taerine firmly believes she's the gifted daughter of Asmodeus, and is doing his will on Golarion. She is incredibly prideful (that's her drawback), though works well with others who acknowledge her place.
Mechanically, she will be a 17th-level kineticist, likely with fire-aethyr-fire as her elements. I'll likely have her be human, though I haven't ruled out tiefling (devilspawn). She'll be LN.

Asselus Screamingtrees |

Hp was done - Hp progression will be 1/2+1 or rolled off your feeling lucky. No take backsies. :)
I rolled, it was slightly higher (i double checked yay rolling 12s on barb hp)
If anyone didnt look, My bounty hunter is a ranger 7,rogue 5, barbarian 2, shadow dancer 3.
Running about with a perception of 23 and a stealth of 31 I expect to be doing a lot of scouting, a lot of painful ambushes, and well making myself a nuisance. (to the enemies that is)
editted- dang you light bulb beating me to the punch! *lawls*

gyrfalcon |

OH! I've begun this once before and was very bummed when the game died after a few months. The character I played there would be adding melee to an already melee-heavy party...but I have an idea I'm excited about for a high level, buff/support-focused Bard devoted to Shelyn.
I'll get him written up this weekend!

Lessah |

Note on team composition: While I can't lie and say it is a total non-issue, at this level one does have the luxury of patching most glaring holes with a few scrolls and utility items so don't feel too constrained by that.
Also - my character (Rage Prophet) was initially built with a ranged focus but evolved towards a switch-hitter. If the party ends up being very melee heavy I could probably nudge stuff towards the ranged side again : )

GM Choon |

We already have plenty of people interested for the few slots I have, so let's call it
I know it's a little sudden, but I need to close it off at some point and now is as good a time as any.
To be very clear, there is still time to submit characters. I'm just closing new dots. Characters will be due middle of next week. I know high level builds take some time, so I'm going to be flexible and not near as sudden on that bit.