GM Choon presents The Triple Module Extravaganza! (Inactive)

Game Master Choon

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The Man. The Myth. The Mask!

The Lion Sleeps Inn lies 35 miles northeast of Zimar. The 300 year-old, two-story structure was once a far more elaborate affair, back when mining was a going concern in the rocky foothills of the region. The once-rich veins of copper, iron, and silver played themselves out nearly 30 years ago, causing the hill settlements to shrink so that today they are mere shadows of their former selves, and traffic has been reduced to an anemic trickle.

Know: Local DC 25:
In addition to its obvious role, the Lion Sleeps also served as a hiding place for priests of Sarenrae during the Great Purge, and finally as a clandestine rallying point for smugglers moving goods to and from Qadira. The latter was abruptly ended 4 years ago by an earthquake and subsequent fire, which destroyed the great lodge behind the main building and collapsed secret tunnels and storage chambers beneath the stony soil.

DC 30:
Hanoris Dellum, a prominent merchant of Zimar is financially invested in the Lion Sleeps Inn. The Lion Sleeps would have long ago closed its doors without him. Dellum has bankrolled the inn for the past several years, and has been playing his investment very close to his chest.

As you push in the door you are met with a large, open room that has a 25-foot-high ceiling, with a wooden balcony above the west, north, and east walls. A large central fireplace is at the center of the room, and a second hearth is shared with the kitchen. However, only the shared hearth is lit. It crackles merrily as a pair of black iron pots bubble above.

Heavy oaken tables with sturdy benches are arranged about the room, and the walls boast the trophies of successful hunters of years gone by: taxidermied heads of various animals — elk, deer, lions, wolverines, etc. Over the kitchen hearth hangs the stuffed head of a manticore. Wooden stairs lead up to the balcony.

Just to the west of the entry door, firmly affixed to the wall, is a fancy bronze plaque of a sort not uncommon in various Taldan establishments—a marker that commemorates the visit of some historical notable. This one reads:
“Micheaux the Magnificent, Future Grand Prince of Taldor, Father of Stavian, Slept on these Premises on 5 Lamashan in the Year 4497.
May Divine Providence Reward Him as He Deserves.”
The date embossed on the plaque at the bottom is only 2 weeks after the commemoration date—19 Lamashan 4497.

DC 10 Know: History, Local or Nobility:
Stavian I was the Taldan monarch who infamously outlawed the Dawnflower Cult in 4528 ar. The current monarch of Taldor, Stavian III, traces his lineage all the way back to Micheaux the Magnificent, a point of especial pride for the Grand Prince.

DC 15:
Micheaux succeeded the childless Beldam II to the throne of Taldor upon Beldam’s death in 4499, only a year after Micheaux was formally adopted and made heir to the throne.

DC 20:
Micheaux was given the moniker of “the Magnificent” by his son Stavian I, soon after his own elevation to the throne in 4526.

DC 25:
5 Lamashan 4497 is also the birth date of Micheaux’s son and heir Stavian I, born that night in Oppara to Micheaux’s wife and Stavian’s “sainted mother,” Euphemi Finara.

The bar on the right wall is made of sturdy oak, is surrounded by tall stools, and has leaves that fold up at either end so that the barkeep may enter the common room. Below the bar are two washbasins and an array of goblets, mugs and tankards, as well as some tableware and a large cudgel, which the proprietor, Vadim, judiciously applies to the heads of patrons who have forgotten themselves.

Today Vadim is running himself and his help ragged. Dellum's offer of riches and glory has attracted a slew of adventurers with heavy pockets. Vadim is behind the bar while his mentally challenged son, Oleppo, cooks and adolescent nieces, Magand and Corrine, serve. They are all working furiously to keep up with demand. By the looks of things, Dellum himself has yet to arrive.

Female nagaji Druid 18/Fighter 1/Monk 1 | hp 211/192 [211] | AC 32, T 18, FF 30 | Fort +20, Ref +11, Will +19 | Grapple +37, Perception +34

Salrann enters, looking quickly for an empty table. She finds one that will seat 6, and slips into it, watching the other patrons intently for both danger and for anyone she recognizes.

Perception: 1d20 + 22 ⇒ (4) + 22 = 26

She takes her dwarf caiman familiar, Lucy, from her shoulder and places her on the table, pulling out a few morsels of meat from her pack to feed her.

Liberty's Edge

Male Tengu Bard ( thunder caller) 20 AC 33, touch 23, flat-footed 24 (+8 bracers, +5 amulet +9 Dex, +1 NA) hp 114 Fort +6 Ref +20 Will +12 +2 vs. Poison

Chu'ko enters shortly thereafter also hoping for a bite to eat and a quiet place to read.

He glances about and thinks if he recalls anything he may have heard....

Knowledge DC 15 or less check

1d20 + 1 ⇒ (13) + 1 = 14

He then approachs a table with a solitary occupant.....a reptilian of some sort...

" this seat taken?"

Female nagaji Druid 18/Fighter 1/Monk 1 | hp 211/192 [211] | AC 32, T 18, FF 30 | Fort +20, Ref +11, Will +19 | Grapple +37, Perception +34

The nagaji female gives a small bow to the tengu.

"Hello, my friend. Are you also here in response to the call for adventurers? What field have you been trained in?"

Sovereign Court

AC 44, touch 36, flat-footed 23, CMD 44 | HP 223 | Fort +25 Ref +21 Will +32 (Evasion & Stalwart) | Active: Arcane Sight, Aura Sight, Darkvision, See Invisibility, Tongues, Enchantment Foil

Alathos enters the tavern, he is obviously interested in the architecture and history of the place, but you can hear him muttering to himself about the fact that he wished he knew more.

Perception: 1d20 + 30 ⇒ (5) + 30 = 35

Knowledge (local): 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (17) + 4 = 21

After a short time of staring at the building he notices Salrann and Chu'ko at the table and walks over.

Ah, Salrann, you beat me here. I see you are doing well. Who is your fine feathered friend here?

Alathos then seats himself next to Salrann and motions for the one of the serving girls to take his order.

The Man. The Myth. The Mask!

Corrine, a girl in her early teens walks over carrying a tray of dirty tankards. M'lord?

Liberty's Edge

Male Tengu Bard ( thunder caller) 20 AC 33, touch 23, flat-footed 24 (+8 bracers, +5 amulet +9 Dex, +1 NA) hp 114 Fort +6 Ref +20 Will +12 +2 vs. Poison

"Trained is a strong word, I would say instead that among my people I am one who speaks and sings to the sky...."

As the man arrives.....

"Oh I am Chu'ko. A pleasure." the serving girl.... "House specialty?"

Sovereign Court

AC 44, touch 36, flat-footed 23, CMD 44 | HP 223 | Fort +25 Ref +21 Will +32 (Evasion & Stalwart) | Active: Arcane Sight, Aura Sight, Darkvision, See Invisibility, Tongues, Enchantment Foil

To the Corrine serving girl, I'll have a bottle of fine red, and a large platter of cheese, meats and bread. Oh, and something pickled if you have it.

Alathos counts the chairs...

Six glasses as well please.

He then takes out two Platinum pieces and sets them in front of Corrine.

After he orders his food and drink, he looks to Chu'ko

Sorry for the delay, I didn't want to leave the young lady waiting. Chu'ko is it? Nice to meet you. Care for some wine?

Female nagaji Druid 18/Fighter 1/Monk 1 | hp 211/192 [211] | AC 32, T 18, FF 30 | Fort +20, Ref +11, Will +19 | Grapple +37, Perception +34

Salrann chuckles at Alathos. "You humansss and your imbibing of poisssons for pleasure. I have poisonsss of my own. I have no need for your 'wine'." She seems to suddenly realize that what she said may have been a bit rude, and turns a deeper green. "Oh, but thank you for the offer, of course, Alathos!"

To Chu'ko: "Ah, a song-magician, then? I'm sure your words will inspire us in combat. I, myself, am one with the natural world. I have studied ancient secrets allowing me to tap into the heritage of the great nagaji that runs through my veins, and one day I will become a true nagaji, ascending to godhood!" During the last bit of her speech, her voice rises quite a bit and she gets a manic look in her eyes, but she quickly calms. "At least, I hope to..."

Liberty's Edge

Male Tengu Bard ( thunder caller) 20 AC 33, touch 23, flat-footed 24 (+8 bracers, +5 amulet +9 Dex, +1 NA) hp 114 Fort +6 Ref +20 Will +12 +2 vs. Poison

"Aye, wine is a fantastic permutation upon the grape."

"Lofty goals, I myself am still but a student, though I have been acquiring a most curious set of books, I hope to one day return to my tribe and place them within the chamber of knowledge, so that all may learn of the world beyond."

You notice a bundle that he pats as he talks about books....

Female Elf Transmuter Wizard 20 | AC 17 T 15 FF 13 | HP 162/162 | F +17 R +17 W +23 (+2 vs. enchantments) | CMD 37 | Init +14 | Perc +33 (LLV, SID, SI)

Knowledge (Local): 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (1) + 17 = 18
Knowledge (History): 1d20 + 20 ⇒ (15) + 20 = 35

As she enters the Lion Sleeps Inn long after the others, Eden Kenway absentmindedly adjusts her hair, a nervous habit of hers when much is on her mind. She wishes that she knew more about the inn itself; it seems like a place that has quite a history. As she begins looking around for the contact, the elf stops in her step as she sees the bronze plaque and analyzes it. She finds herself nodding as little mental notes from her studies flash through her mind about the long history of the Taldoran royal family.

Eden's search eventually proves fruitless; no seems to know where this Hannoris Dellum might be. However, she does not give up hope. There is one part of the room that she had not investigated fully. However, the transmuter is brought to a pause as she turns her full attention to that area.

She had the strangest dream the previous night, one where this very inn was filled with strangers of all stripes, all here for the same mission. Eden spent most of it reading her spell book and watching the people, though toward the end she found herself talking with a Thassilonian enthusiast right before being offered a piece of cheese by a Ratfolk...

Regardless of what happened, these three individuals all appeared in that dream. The Tengu and Nagaji she definitely remembers, and the Human man is certainly familiar... She shrugs and decides that there is no harm in asking them.

"Would you three happen to be here to meet Hannoris Dellum?"

The Man. The Myth. The Mask!

Speak of the Devil and he shall appear, so it seems to be with Mr.Dellum. As soon as his name is mentioned, a shorter man with brown hair, a pronounced chin and fine clothes trimmed in gold strides into the Lion Sleeps Inn. He walks like he owns the place and proceeds to a room in the northwestern corner. All eyes watch him as he walks.

A few minutes later he re-appears and calls each of you by name. He beckons you to join him in the room.

When you enter you are met with a cheery fire in the hearth shared with the next room over to the east. There are two windows in the north wall and a table on the west. In the center is a large conference table of polished walnut.

Please, my friends, come, sit! He offers each of you a chair and a drink of fine wine.

Liberty's Edge

Male Tengu Bard ( thunder caller) 20 AC 33, touch 23, flat-footed 24 (+8 bracers, +5 amulet +9 Dex, +1 NA) hp 114 Fort +6 Ref +20 Will +12 +2 vs. Poison

Chu'ko hangs back letting the human and elf enter the room first...

He nods to Salrann.... "After you."

Once he enters the room he drifts to the side, keeping the doorway on his right.

He quickly takes in the room details.....

Female Elf Transmuter Wizard 20 | AC 17 T 15 FF 13 | HP 162/162 | F +17 R +17 W +23 (+2 vs. enchantments) | CMD 37 | Init +14 | Perc +33 (LLV, SID, SI)

When she is called, Eden follows Hannoris into the room, making careful mental notes about the three other names she just heard. Using her knowledge of various Golarion species and ethnicities, the wizard assigns each one of her new comrades with the name that she thinks fits best. If she had to make an educated guess, Chu'ko Buzenbo is the Tengu, Salraan is the Nagaji, and Alathos Nevben is the Human.

Once inside the room, Eden settles into a seat near the chest and adjusts her robes.

"Good to meet you, Mr. Dellum. Might I ask what is on the agenda for this meeting?" the elf asks carefully, recalling one of the many books she has read on diplomacy and public speaking.

Sovereign Court

AC 44, touch 36, flat-footed 23, CMD 44 | HP 223 | Fort +25 Ref +21 Will +32 (Evasion & Stalwart) | Active: Arcane Sight, Aura Sight, Darkvision, See Invisibility, Tongues, Enchantment Foil

Alathos glances over the platter of food at the table, eats a few of the choicest pieces, and grabs the partial bottle of wine knowing his name is coming soon.

He looks to the serving girl.
If we do not return to finish this food in the next hour, please eat what you can and give the rest to an orphanage.

I hate to see good food go to waste, but I guess it would as good a use as any to let her have her fill, I doubt she is allowed to eat the food she serves.

Alathos waits for his name to be called and then enters the next room. Before seating himself he introduces himself in the most eloquent manner he can.

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 34 ⇒ (8) + 34 = 42 or Diplomacy: 1d20 + 34 ⇒ (17) + 34 = 51
(Alathos can roll twice for diplomacy and take the better result, if successful in shifting a creature's attitude, they can shift up to three steps up rather than just two)

Nice to meet you Mr. Dellum, I have been eagerly anticipating working with you. Thank you for your invitation. I hope you don't mind that I brought an extra bottle of wine, we had just opened it when you arrived.

Alathos then sits at the table and awats further instruction.

Female nagaji Druid 18/Fighter 1/Monk 1 | hp 211/192 [211] | AC 32, T 18, FF 30 | Fort +20, Ref +11, Will +19 | Grapple +37, Perception +34

Salrann slithers into the room, politely declining the proffered wine. "How may we be of service, Master Dellum?" she asks in her slightly raspy, reptilian voice.

The Man. The Myth. The Mask!

Hanoris takes his seat and gets right to the point. I have gone to considerable lengths to find each of you and bring you here. While digging in some of the posessions that one of my dearly departed relatives left me, I came across evidence that I may be the last living scion of a disgraced Taldan noble House, the Adellas. My relation to them is indirect, to say the least, but when curiosity about the disgrace the family suffered years ago drove me to research my ancestry, I found that there really wasn't much to learn—the Adellas have been pronounced damnatio by the government, and as such, all public and even most private records of the family have been destroyed.

But I did find something—mention of the family’s secure and remote boneyard. So secret and well defended is this Necropolis that it has escaped the damnatio purge. It is known today as the Tomb of the Iron Medusa and is a relatively obscure site.

But I could hire anyone to crack an old tomb. Why you? Well, I believe that the Adellas were framed. Proof of this is nearly impossible to come by due to the aforementioned purge. The only proof left is likely inside that old burial ground.

I ask you to travel to this necropolis and explore it—to seek out the secrets hidden within the Tomb of the Iron Medusa, and to find proof that the rumors about the Adellas’ evil and disgrace were lies. In particular, I feel that the once-famous family sword, the intelligent Infensus Mucro, could be key in exonerating the family’s name.

I feel I must also point out that the vast treasures no doubt contained within the Tomb of the Iron Medusa could make brave adventurers rich, and that aside from the family sword and any proof you can find of falsehoods brought against the Adellas, I have no interest in those treasures—you can keep whatever else you find in the ancient necropolis. After all, I've done quite well for myself without such things.

So, what say you?

Know: Nobility or History for the Adellas house DC 10:

The Adellas were an old Taldan noble family who disgraced themselves and were stripped of their title many years ago.

DC 20:

The Adella house symbol was the medusa, said to have been derived from the family’s patriarch, Marcus Junius, who according to stories was so feared by his military subordinates that a mere glance from him would turn an unruly recruit to stone. The three branches of the clan each developed their own variation of this emblem: the howling medusa (Sardisi), the mocking medusa (Voxus), and the cross-eyed medusa (Daellum).

DC 30:

The Adellas house eventually split into three distinct branches that all met their end in a matter of a few years. The first to fall was the Sardisi branch when the last male of that line, Drusus Adella, opened his veins in the bath of a seedy Absolom brothel. His five daughters, who were acutely sensitive to public shame, slew their five noble husbands and fled society in discrace in 4222 AR.
The second was the Voxus branch who withered under a literal civil war between twin brothers Vespacio and Vincenzo, who went so far as to field armies against one another. The crimes of their five murderous cousins may or may not have directly led to the fratricidal feud that dealt utter ruin to the Voxus branch in a single generation.

The third and last branch was the Daellum clan. At first, it seemed likely to weather the ignominious end of their cousins. The cunning and ruthless Bartolomae Adella, who led the Daellums, was an exemplary and highly successful commander in the Taldan military, and for some months it seemed that what had come to be known as the Adella curse had passed this final clan by. Yet Bartolomae went on to suffer a crushing military defeat on the fractious Qadiran frontier. Humiliated to the point of blasphemy (although some held that Bartolomae’s blasphemies were nothing new), he fell on his powerful sword Infensus Mucro in contrition, yet even this act was hardly salve enough to atone for the family’s military failure. Indeed, so appalled was Grand Prince Beldam II by the family’s impressive descent into murder, hubris, and blasphemy that he proclaimed the entire family damnatio—their memory was to be wiped from every public record and monument, and all members stripped forever of noble status.

Female nagaji Druid 18/Fighter 1/Monk 1 | hp 211/192 [211] | AC 32, T 18, FF 30 | Fort +20, Ref +11, Will +19 | Grapple +37, Perception +34

"Sounds like a worthy use of my time. Though I do hope you are ready for the resultssss of our investigation whether they exonerate your family or prove that they were disssssgraced rightfully... In either case, I'm sure I will be able to add to the knowledge base of the Pathfinder Society, and so I will join this quesssst. What say you, companionsss? This seems right your proverbial alley, Alathos."

Salrann looks thoughtful for a moment.

"Should we expect any magical barriers or locks, or even guardians of your family's remains? It would be nice to know what, if anything, we should prepare to fight or disable."

The Man. The Myth. The Mask!

This necropolis was constructed during the protracted war with Tar-Baphon. Dellum confides. Noble families went to great expence to construct tombs that were secure and safe from invasion, should the necromancers come looking. I'm certain there will be both traps and guardian monsters in abundance, though I have no actual information to share.

Liberty's Edge

Male Tengu Bard ( thunder caller) 20 AC 33, touch 23, flat-footed 24 (+8 bracers, +5 amulet +9 Dex, +1 NA) hp 114 Fort +6 Ref +20 Will +12 +2 vs. Poison

"Might you have a copy of the family crest and motto?"

Female Elf Transmuter Wizard 20 | AC 17 T 15 FF 13 | HP 162/162 | F +17 R +17 W +23 (+2 vs. enchantments) | CMD 37 | Init +14 | Perc +33 (LLV, SID, SI)

Knowledge (History) - Taking 10: 1d20 + 20 ⇒ (12) + 20 = 32

Eden frowns as she remembers the history of the Adellas family. She recalls reading the entire tale not too long ago, and it struck her as nothing but tragic. It would certain be worth her time to help this man clear his family name.

"I will help you," Eden replies in a thoughtful voice. "I do have to ask: is there an easy way in? From you just said and from what I recall about Taldoran necropolis architecture during those years, it would be difficult to break in with brute force."

The Man. The Myth. The Mask!

The House seal was the Medusa, in various forms (He describes the DC 20 spoiler). Their motto, like so much about them, has been lost to time and the Damnatio. As to entry... Hanoris retrieves a white marble funerary baton from a pouch and places it on the table. When I first discovered my connection to the family, I put significant effort into researching the Adellas. As you can imagine there is almost nothing left of the family's holdings or even records of their holdings, but I did manage to discover that this very inn was once owned by the family. It was in a hidden panel behind the plaque you saw when you entered that I found this baton.
Hanoris then twists the top of the baton, causing the tip to pop open and reveal a hollow inside containing a rolled parchment. He pulls it out and passes it around for each of you to see.
I believe that in the Adellas’ last days, one of their members wrote the lines on this parchment as a sort of guide or map, in the hope that they could guide future descendants through the wards and defenses of the tomb so that proof of the falsehoods could be found.

I haven’t been able to find more information about the parchment, but I suspected that the “Slumbering Cat” mentioned in the first line refers to the Lion Sleeps Inn. Working from this assumption, I spent several weeks exploring the lands northeast of the inn, and after some time confirmed my hunch, finding the necropolis in the foothills of the World’s Edge Mountains. I have not the courage nor skill to explore the necropolis itself, but I suspect that both the poem and the baton itself are the keys to entering the ruins.

I will be staying here at the Inn. When you are finished, report back here. As I said, I would like the sword, Infensus Mucro, and any proof of my family's innocence, but any other treasures you come across are yours.

Have you any other questions for me?

Female Elf Transmuter Wizard 20 | AC 17 T 15 FF 13 | HP 162/162 | F +17 R +17 W +23 (+2 vs. enchantments) | CMD 37 | Init +14 | Perc +33 (LLV, SID, SI)

"Could we get a map perhaps? If not, are there any landmarks we should look for?" Eden inquires as she examines the baton. "Unless the complex is rather large, even with your directions, we might be searching for a while. For what you have said, the tomb seems to be well hidden."

The Man. The Myth. The Mask!

It is, unless one knows where to look. Never fear, with my directions you will find the tomb with ease. It's not small, just enough out of the way as to be troublesome to the local shepherds and any encroaching armies. A small band of determined individuals can find it easily enough.

Sovereign Court

AC 44, touch 36, flat-footed 23, CMD 44 | HP 223 | Fort +25 Ref +21 Will +32 (Evasion & Stalwart) | Active: Arcane Sight, Aura Sight, Darkvision, See Invisibility, Tongues, Enchantment Foil

Why yes Salrann, clearing the name of a falsely accused house, and purging an ancient crypt of potential evil? Sounds like a good use of my time.

Alathos tries to remember anything he can about the Adellas house
Knowledge(nobility): 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (14) + 4 = 18

I agree with Eden, we could likely find the crypt with the clues on the parchment, but even a crude map would expedite our progress.

Do you have any information, or theories, on why your family was disgraced? Knowing what they were accused of could help us find evidence of innocence.

Female Elf Transmuter Wizard 20 | AC 17 T 15 FF 13 | HP 162/162 | F +17 R +17 W +23 (+2 vs. enchantments) | CMD 37 | Init +14 | Perc +33 (LLV, SID, SI)

Eden snaps her fingers as another question comes to mind.

"Do you have any information about Infensus Mucro? What it looks like maybe? I imagine that it wouldn't be the only sword in the crypt. For example, a couple of my brothers were buried with their weapons."

Liberty's Edge

Male Tengu Bard ( thunder caller) 20 AC 33, touch 23, flat-footed 24 (+8 bracers, +5 amulet +9 Dex, +1 NA) hp 114 Fort +6 Ref +20 Will +12 +2 vs. Poison

Chu'ko had been transcribing the parchment and was reading through it most intensly.....

"Aye tis a trick of writers who hide meanings in words that sound similar, such sights are normal in my craft. I once saw a pictures clue that was a horse rearing in front of the moon, but on second examination and other clues the female horse and the time gave rise to the picture being about literal nightmares....that I fear is a story for another time."

The Man. The Myth. The Mask!

I know very little of the sword beyond that it is intelligent. The fragments of references I have found have been frustratingly silent about it's form.
Hanoris retrieves a white marble funerary baton from a pouch and places it on the table. When I first discovered my connection to the family, I put significant effort into researching the Adellas. As you can imagine there is almost nothing left of the family's holdings or even records of their holdings, but I did manage to discover that this very inn was once owned by the family. It was in a hidden panel behind the plaque you saw when you entered that I found this baton.
Hanoris then twists the top of the baton, causing the tip to pop open and reveal a hollow inside containing a rolled parchment. He pulls it out and passes it around for each of you to see.
I believe that in the Adellas’ last days, one of their members wrote the lines on this parchment as a sort of guide or map, in the hope that they could guide future descendants through the wards and defenses of the tomb so that proof of the falsehoods could be found.

I haven’t been able to find more information about the parchment, but I suspected that the “Slumbering Cat” mentioned in the first line refers to the Lion Sleeps Inn. Working from this assumption, I spent several weeks exploring the lands northeast of the inn, and after some time confirmed my hunch, finding the necropolis in the foothills of the World’s Edge Mountains. I have not the courage nor skill to explore the necropolis itself, but I suspect that both the poem and the baton itself are the keys to entering the ruins.

I will be staying here at the Inn. When you are finished, report back here. As I said, I would like the sword, Infensus Mucro, and any proof of my family's innocence, but any other treasures you come across are yours.

Have you any questions for me?

Liberty's Edge

Male Tengu Bard ( thunder caller) 20 AC 33, touch 23, flat-footed 24 (+8 bracers, +5 amulet +9 Dex, +1 NA) hp 114 Fort +6 Ref +20 Will +12 +2 vs. Poison

"And if there is no other treasures to be had?"

The Man. The Myth. The Mask!

Then I will compensate you according to the terms in the agreement. He points out a section that Chu'ko hasn't quite gotten to copying yet. The pay is average for people of your standing. Nothing special.

Female Elf Transmuter Wizard 20 | AC 17 T 15 FF 13 | HP 162/162 | F +17 R +17 W +23 (+2 vs. enchantments) | CMD 37 | Init +14 | Perc +33 (LLV, SID, SI)

"I have no further questions for you, Mr. Dellum," Eden replies. As far as she knows, everything important has been covered, and since he has never ventured into the necropolis proper, she doubts her client would be able to give them any clearer information. "I suppose my next question is to my peers: when do we head out?"

Liberty's Edge

Male Tengu Bard ( thunder caller) 20 AC 33, touch 23, flat-footed 24 (+8 bracers, +5 amulet +9 Dex, +1 NA) hp 114 Fort +6 Ref +20 Will +12 +2 vs. Poison

At the meeting
"I have no other questions."


After the man has left
"I am not as familiar with areas underground, I defer to those with more experience for what we might need to add. I have heard tales where things like adamantine chain has meant the survival of a band of adventurers."

The Man. The Myth. The Mask!

Dellum bows and leaves you to your preparations. The area is well into the backwater category, so to procure any special equipment you'll have to do a little traveling. Thankfully, time is something you have.

Sovereign Court

AC 44, touch 36, flat-footed 23, CMD 44 | HP 223 | Fort +25 Ref +21 Will +32 (Evasion & Stalwart) | Active: Arcane Sight, Aura Sight, Darkvision, See Invisibility, Tongues, Enchantment Foil

Thank you Mr. Dellum I think we are set to head out soon.

Alathos looks to his companions.

I need to purchase a few items, but it can wait for morning. For now, let us enjoy our time in civilization while we can.

Alathos grabs the wine from the conference table and returns to the table they were seated at previously.

The next morning, Alathos purchases some additional adventuring equipment.
50ft of Spider Silk Rope
Traveler's Any Tool
10 Bullets

Female nagaji Druid 18/Fighter 1/Monk 1 | hp 211/192 [211] | AC 32, T 18, FF 30 | Fort +20, Ref +11, Will +19 | Grapple +37, Perception +34

"Given that we're entering a crypt, it may be wise to prepare for things such as ghosts, and we should definitely have a way to find and disable magical traps."

Salrann will purchase five Spiritbane Spikes for 1500gp and will also suggest that the party purchase a Ring of Maniacal Devices for the character best suited to dealing with traps to wear, offering up 1250gp toward it as a party purchase.

Sovereign Court

AC 44, touch 36, flat-footed 23, CMD 44 | HP 223 | Fort +25 Ref +21 Will +32 (Evasion & Stalwart) | Active: Arcane Sight, Aura Sight, Darkvision, See Invisibility, Tongues, Enchantment Foil

I have spells that should be able to help us in those categories. Unfortunately I find myself embarrassingly short on funds to assist with the ring purchase. I could possibly ask Mr. Dellum for a partial payment up front?

Alathos then describes the Knock and Ghostbane Dirge spells to the party.

I can cast each of those a few times per day. While Knock does not eliminate traps on doors and such, I have found that casting it from far away reduces the danger of opening doors. Maybe our other spellcasters have similar spells they can prepare?

Liberty's Edge

Male Tengu Bard ( thunder caller) 20 AC 33, touch 23, flat-footed 24 (+8 bracers, +5 amulet +9 Dex, +1 NA) hp 114 Fort +6 Ref +20 Will +12 +2 vs. Poison

"I have some knowledge of dealing with traps, locks and devices. Though it is limited to some degree."

I have both ring slots filled, and would be unlikely to trade either of them out, for the maniacal devices ring...

Female nagaji Druid 18/Fighter 1/Monk 1 | hp 211/192 [211] | AC 32, T 18, FF 30 | Fort +20, Ref +11, Will +19 | Grapple +37, Perception +34

Fair enough, just a thought. :-D

Female Elf Transmuter Wizard 20 | AC 17 T 15 FF 13 | HP 162/162 | F +17 R +17 W +23 (+2 vs. enchantments) | CMD 37 | Init +14 | Perc +33 (LLV, SID, SI)

"I have the Knock spell in my book. On average, I prepare it once each day," Eden tells Alathos. "As for any Ghosts, I think your Ghostbane Dirge is probably our best bet against them. It is quite an interesting spell; I wish I had access to it."

Eden bites her lip and thinks about how they can handle traps.

"If Mr. Chu'ko is unable to disable magical traps, then perhaps we can dispel them? Afterward, I can Disintegrate them."

Sovereign Court

AC 44, touch 36, flat-footed 23, CMD 44 | HP 223 | Fort +25 Ref +21 Will +32 (Evasion & Stalwart) | Active: Arcane Sight, Aura Sight, Darkvision, See Invisibility, Tongues, Enchantment Foil

Alathos smiles and chuckles to himself.

Our tools may be untraditional, but the outcome should prove effective.

On a tangential note, I must say that I am excited to see the kind elven maiden blow holes in walls that stand in her way.

Alathos nods to Eden with a "tip of the hat" gesture.

If that is all, I am going to take a stroll around town before I go off to bed. Is there anything else to discuss? Shall we meet back here for breakfast around dawn?

Bluff: 1d20 + 41 ⇒ (6) + 41 = 47

Sense Motive DC Above:
Alathos' walk is taking him straight to the best brothel he can find. He intends to live tonight as if it is his last night alive, for it very well may be.

Female nagaji Druid 18/Fighter 1/Monk 1 | hp 211/192 [211] | AC 32, T 18, FF 30 | Fort +20, Ref +11, Will +19 | Grapple +37, Perception +34

"Ah, Alathos... sleep well. Good to sssee that you will not be falling int your old habits and visiting brothels. You've matured a great deal sincccce I met you. I will go out into the forest and commune with nature until the morning."

The Man. The Myth. The Mask!

The night passes without incident. You wake to the smell of freshly frying sausage and there is a crisp bite to the air that comes from being so close to the mountains. The bar has pulled out all the stops they have, which isn't much, but still, they try. Mountain nuts and some fruit are set out and fresh juices are available in addition to the usual beers and ales. The girls are both up and greet you cheerily as you emerge. The heat from the fire downstairs mingles with the morning chill and the smell of breakfast to create a comfortable yet invigorating setting.

Liberty's Edge

Male Tengu Bard ( thunder caller) 20 AC 33, touch 23, flat-footed 24 (+8 bracers, +5 amulet +9 Dex, +1 NA) hp 114 Fort +6 Ref +20 Will +12 +2 vs. Poison

Chu'ko had spent the evening reading from his assorted tomes of numerous subjects....

The next morning he enjoys the chill morning and the excitement of being close to the mountains makes him think of home.

He looks around while waiting for the others to arrive.....

Sovereign Court

AC 44, touch 36, flat-footed 23, CMD 44 | HP 223 | Fort +25 Ref +21 Will +32 (Evasion & Stalwart) | Active: Arcane Sight, Aura Sight, Darkvision, See Invisibility, Tongues, Enchantment Foil

Alathos, being the first one to the table, sits down and inspects breakfast feast.

This is great. I've never had one of these...

Ooh these are delicious

This pattern continues until he has tried a small portion of everything on the table.

Then, once he is fully content that he has sampled all of the food, he unsheaths his new Traveler's Any Tool and begins methodically pressing each of the buttons.

I really wish the instructions for this were not in Dwarven. Oh well, a bit of surprise is fun I guess!

Female Elf Transmuter Wizard 20 | AC 17 T 15 FF 13 | HP 162/162 | F +17 R +17 W +23 (+2 vs. enchantments) | CMD 37 | Init +14 | Perc +33 (LLV, SID, SI)

Before she heads to bed, a thought crosses Eden's mind. Realizing that she has not set one yet, she casts a Contingency spell to Teleport her to the nearest temple of Shelyn should she ever be rendered helpless against her will or utter a certain sentence.

After she prepares her spells, Eden joins the others. After she scarfs down two plates of food, the elf turns to her new teammates and asks.

"Ready to head out?"

Greater False Life Temp HP: 2d10 + 16 ⇒ (7, 8) + 16 = 31

Aside from her usual four daily buffs (Greater False Life, Life Bubble, Extended Overland Flight, Mage Armor), I will get back to you on Eden's exact spells for the day. The spells I have listed in her Stat Block were intended to be a template/placeholder, so I am going to stick a new section on the top of her character sheet to keep track of them. If I can't cast Contingency/Teleport from my Day 1 spells, then I will just take them off Day 2.

Liberty's Edge

Male Tengu Bard ( thunder caller) 20 AC 33, touch 23, flat-footed 24 (+8 bracers, +5 amulet +9 Dex, +1 NA) hp 114 Fort +6 Ref +20 Will +12 +2 vs. Poison

"Eden and Alathos, have you seen our druid friend?"

Munches on a fried sausage as he asks.....

Female nagaji Druid 18/Fighter 1/Monk 1 | hp 211/192 [211] | AC 32, T 18, FF 30 | Fort +20, Ref +11, Will +19 | Grapple +37, Perception +34

At that exact moment, Salrann walks into the inn from the front entrance. She sits with the others.
"Good morrow, friends. Did you all sleep well? I found myself a very nice tree, and caught my own breakfast, so I am refreshed and ready for the new day." (She took 10 on Survival check for a 22 for foraging for food/)

"Are the rest of you ready to go? I am ready to stretch my muscles with a good fight."

Salrann's morning preparations included pouring a potion of lockjaw into her Sipping Jacket and casting a scroll of pernicious poison into her spell-storing bodywrap.

The Man. The Myth. The Mask!

You set out and travel north east about 35 miles. The terrain gets rougher as you go, and the journey takes you the rest of the day plus the morning after. The sun is up and shining when you arrive. It's a beautiful day to rob a tomb.
The necropolis itself sits in a hidden dale in the foothills of the World’s Edge Mountains, surrounded by a 15-foot-high wall made of tightly fitted gray stone blocks. Wider sections resembling castle watchtowers are spaced along the wall. Spaced equally around the wall between these towers are 10-foot- diameter iron discs decorated with the leering medusa face of the Adella family crest. Sturdy vines make for easy climbing (DC 5)

Liberty's Edge

Male Tengu Bard ( thunder caller) 20 AC 33, touch 23, flat-footed 24 (+8 bracers, +5 amulet +9 Dex, +1 NA) hp 114 Fort +6 Ref +20 Will +12 +2 vs. Poison

Chu'ko sets what looks like a stack of wood/kindling for a fire, but then covers it with thick foilage.

"Who knows we might need a rally point or to build a fire out here in the future."

Chu'ko is suspicious upon approach and tries to detect any magic in the walls/vines before getting too near....

Female nagaji Druid 18/Fighter 1/Monk 1 | hp 211/192 [211] | AC 32, T 18, FF 30 | Fort +20, Ref +11, Will +19 | Grapple +37, Perception +34

During the course of the day, Salrann wild shapes into a bird often to scout ahead, and she offers to let someone ride on her tail in naga form when traveling on land. She also is more than willing to forage for meals for those who would be interested in live game and fresh berries and nuts.

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