The City of Spiders (Inactive)

Game Master Choon

Current Battle Map

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The Man. The Myth. The Mask!

Greetings victi... Friends! I hope this proves to be an enjoyable experience for me-us! Us.

The Man. The Myth. The Mask!

There are some things I'd like to say before this gets going.

1) I am very much a cooperative storyteller person. This goes double for the amount of people we are going to have around here. I don't have every little detail planned out. I don't have the whole house planned out even. I just have general events and the basics of the main NPC's (the Matron and her daughters at this point). If you need to interact with a minor NPC, I don't mind you doing so yourself and making stuff up as fits the scene you want to see played out. I may take them for a line or two to nudge the scene in a certain direction, I may not. We have enough creativity here to really make this a narrative derived from the many rather than depending exclusively on me, the GM.

2) Patience, sometimes. I'm going to be juggling more than a few things here even with narrative/environment/etc. help from youall. If I don't respond in a day or two, just poke me in discussion. I'll get around to figuring youall out. That being said, I am going to establish a 1/weekday except combat policy for this. The weekends will not be required and I will do my best to not have a combat on the weekends. However, it's probably going to happen eventually. Just saying. I'm also just saying that every group finds it's groove and this may end up with very different pacing than what I plan for in the beginning. I know of a PbP skull and shackles that did the whole AP in 3 months. We won't be that (my head would explode), but it is an example of just how varied the pacing can be.

3) How I run combat. I typically run what is sometimes called a "block" Init. I'll roll for everyone and determine who would most likely act first as a group, you or them. Then that group will go. Having individual Init with this many selectees would be just crazy. Within the block, I will generally follow a "first to post = first to act" standard. However, I reserve the right to tweak the order of things to make a more sensible and awesome round narrative.

4)Please, please, pretty please put your defensive stats and Init up in the race/class/that lines under your name. It makes resolving combat rounds soooo much easier when I don't have to open your sheet to see what your AC is.

5) Welcome. I'm glad you all are here. Let's have some fun, shall we?
Feel free to discuss relationships here if you wish to establish some of those before introducing yourselves in gameplay.

Male Dhampir Barbarian 2/ Monk(Martial Artist) 1 | AC 13/11/10 | HP (10)4/(31)| F +8, R +4, W +6 | CMB +7, CMD 23 | Init +2 | Perc +10;Low-light Vision; Darkvision; Light Sensitivity

Well. *cough* Was excited to have joined, but now I'm a bit nervous now that I'm in.

I look forward to joining in with you all.

With that said, any other half-breeds feel like cosying up with other thin-bloods/half-breeds? Or perhaps, would one of the noble pure-blooded drow like to establish a working partnership. Already have it in the backstory that I'm helping push someone else up the ladder, can easily be shifted a bit.

Edit: I think I got the defensive stat block in there right. If I messed something up, please correct me. I'm a bit new to the forum.

HP 22 l AC 15/T 14/FF 12 l Fort +4/Ref +5/Will +7 l Init +7 l Perc +13

Checking in. ;)

Vicalan is a half breed but he is a bit shifty to put it lightly and hard to read, how else has he lived so long all things considered. So he could be someone's ally but hardly be cozy with anyone that has not proven themselves loyal to him. A trait he would find very surprising from anything with drow blood, mixed or otherwise.

Male Active Conditions: Human (Aasimar) Monk / Rogue (Acrobat Dedication) 13

Hello all.

I am Standard Eastern time. I work M-F 630a-530p. My good rping posting will be happening after work but i do find a minute or two (like now) while at work to post something...err..short.

The Man. The Myth. The Mask!

Greetings to youall. I am also EST and post small bits pretty regularly, but try to make a larger post in the evenings, like Nathaniel here.

Hello! I'll make sure to get a proper alias up and running now, soon-ish : )

(Also there were some minor things that I didn't finish on Saeras so that I could adjust to what the party had. Now to figure out what that is :P)

Male Dhampir Barbarian 2/ Monk(Martial Artist) 1 | AC 13/11/10 | HP (10)4/(31)| F +8, R +4, W +6 | CMB +7, CMD 23 | Init +2 | Perc +10;Low-light Vision; Darkvision; Light Sensitivity
Vicalan Shal'Tludeint wrote:

Checking in. ;)

Vicalan is a half breed but he is a bit shifty to put it lightly and hard to read, how else has he lived so long all things considered. So he could be someone's ally but hardly be cozy with anyone that has not proven themselves loyal to him. A trait he would find very surprising from anything with drow blood, mixed or otherwise.

Hmm. What common grounds could the Lawful Neutral find with the Chaotic Evil? How about a sympathetic thin-blood to help you around the city? Maybe take care of a few assassins on your behalf? Half-breeds have to stick together after all?

Nathaniel the Bull wrote:

Hello all.

I am Standard Eastern time. I work M-F 630a-530p. My good rping posting will be happening after work but i do find a minute or two (like now) while at work to post something...err..short.

I'm in the eastern zone as well, and will be doing just that. Probably a post in the morning, maybe one during lunch, and the rest during evenings much the same as you.

Hmm, a slave. That's a tricky one. Not sure how much Calas would associate with a slave since he is trying to gain rank and prestige. The relationship depends on the type of slave too. Some slaves will over-hear things easily, and playing the information game is fun. Though, fighting side-by-side to crack a few heads isn't too bad either. What say you Nathaniel?

Lessah wrote:

Hello! I'll make sure to get a proper alias up and running now, soon-ish : )

(Also there were some minor things that I didn't finish on Saeras so that I could adjust to what the party had. Now to figure out what that is :P)

And an ambitious commoner, your backstory makes an easier tie in to Nathaniel's than mine. But, I've a feeling Lessah and Calas could get along swimmingly. This could tie into the idea I had for Nathaniel above. Slaves can hear things, useful things, who better to know what the slaves hear than the slave handler himself?

HP 11/27 | AC 17/13/14 | CMD 16 | Fort +3, Ref +8, Will +9 | SR 10 | Init +3 | Per +10; Darkvision 120' | Active Effects:

There! Now I'll just have to fill in the status bar and dot properly, then I should be able to start making connections with people : )

(Not 100% on the image though, I may have to play around with it a bit.)

The Man. The Myth. The Mask!

Just so everyone knows, you can post in gameplay, then delete your post. The campaign will then show up in your campaigns tab for easy tracking.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Male Dhampir Barbarian 2/ Monk(Martial Artist) 1 | AC 13/11/10 | HP (10)4/(31)| F +8, R +4, W +6 | CMB +7, CMD 23 | Init +2 | Perc +10;Low-light Vision; Darkvision; Light Sensitivity

To make it easier on everyone, this is a the role call.

Role Call:

Azzra'el Kewadin: Male Drow Noble, Magus. Born of house Kewadin, married to Refina. Father of three daughters and three missing sons. Doesn't seem to have any ambitions, but guess we'll have to see about that.

Calas Kewadin: Male Dhampir, half vampire/drow Barbarian/Monk. Born of house Kewadin, but essentially the lowest on the totem pole.

Hakk'Viddaro Kewadin: Male Draegloth(Half drow/demon). Likes hunting and is a holy symbol of Lolth.

Mourn'draxil: Male Drow Fighter/Wizard. Common birth, House guard I think? Not sure what the exact relation to Kewadin is.

Nathaniel, the bull: Male Half-Orc Brawler. Slave of house Kewadin?, not too sure if he is slave to the house but I'm assuming that's what is intended.

Saeras Illthyr: Male Drow Mesmerist. Common birth, runs house Kewadin's slave functions for them.

Vantrag Kewadin: Female Drow Investigator. Fifth daughter of house Kewadin, doesn't hate males.

Vicalin: Male Zekyl Half dragon/drow Conjurer. An exchange apprentice from Sshamath, exchanged to Kewadin.

Ok. I think I got everyone. I'm not sure if Hakk is the correct one, but he's the closest I could find to "Hakko", even if he was built by Jeremy and not Johnothan?

Looks like we have a fairly well rounded group. We've a bit of overlap even. Though, I'm not sure we have anyone who can heal us between engagements. So back to back engagements could be interesting.

I can see some potential hooks between backstories too.

Edit: I should also settle my item selection.

hp 24/24; AC (21, 14, 17) 17 t14 f13; f 4, r 5, w 3; bab 2, melee 6, ranged 6; cmb 2, cmd 16; sr 14; ap 5/5 drow noble magus/3
acro 5, fly 10, know arcane 10, know dungeon 8, know nobil 5, perc 5, perf dance 1, splcrft 10, stlth 4

Hello all, sorry I'm late checking in... I fell asleep. I'm on puppy patrol til he gets housebroken, so I'm not getting a lot of sleep of late.

Needless to say, but I'm really looking forward to rping with you all. Azzra'el is a Kewadin, but pretty low in the pecking order, being a male and all. Willing and able to get to know anyone, half-blood or full, noble or commoner, master or slave. Being a neutral soul, he's got no qualms about working with anyone as long as he maintains his own personal balance.

This seems like it's going to be LOTS of fun... and while I've read just ONE Drizzt book (the first), it was many many decades ago, and since then, I've been away from forgotten realms since Living City shut down, so please excuse me any faux pas I might make about Faerun or Menzo...

HP 11/27 | AC 17/13/14 | CMD 16 | Fort +3, Ref +8, Will +9 | SR 10 | Init +3 | Per +10; Darkvision 120' | Active Effects:

@Our "late" friend - I wouldn't say you have to apologize for checking in less then 3 hours after the announcement. If that is going to be our standard I'll be apologizing alot given I'm on GMT +1 :P

@Role Call - Nice : )

@Healing - I guess we could splunge for a Cure Light Wounds wand, as is tradition?

Or the slightly more evil brand; Infernal Healing.

Male Dhampir Barbarian 2/ Monk(Martial Artist) 1 | AC 13/11/10 | HP (10)4/(31)| F +8, R +4, W +6 | CMB +7, CMD 23 | Init +2 | Perc +10;Low-light Vision; Darkvision; Light Sensitivity
Saeras Illthyr wrote:

@Healing - I guess we could splunge for a Cure Light Wounds wand, as is tradition?

Or the slightly more evil brand; Infernal Healing.

I am one for tradition, but I like the infernal healing option more. (And not just because a cure light wounds wand would have the opposite of the intended affect on me...)

HP 11/27 | AC 17/13/14 | CMD 16 | Fort +3, Ref +8, Will +9 | SR 10 | Init +3 | Per +10; Darkvision 120' | Active Effects:

It seems as if my first attempt to thin the herd has been foiled :P

Yeah, Infernal Healing does have some advantages. Mainly that it is always 10 hp healed as opposed to 1d8+1. On the other hand, it takes a full minute (which can be annoying if you are in a hurry; say trapped in a warehouse full of enemies ... :P).

hp 24/24; AC (21, 14, 17) 17 t14 f13; f 4, r 5, w 3; bab 2, melee 6, ranged 6; cmb 2, cmd 16; sr 14; ap 5/5 drow noble magus/3
acro 5, fly 10, know arcane 10, know dungeon 8, know nobil 5, perc 5, perf dance 1, splcrft 10, stlth 4

I guess I should have spent some points in umd... but we do have folks who can use at least the infernal healing wand. Otoh, at what cost? muahaha...

The Man. The Myth. The Mask!
Saeras Illthyr wrote:

It seems as if my first attempt to thin the herd has been foiled :P

Yeah, Infernal Healing does have some advantages. Mainly that it is always 10 hp healed as opposed to 1d8+1. On the other hand, it takes a full minute (which can be annoying if you are in a hurry; say trapped in a warehouse full of enemies ... :P).

Hey, you're the one who decided that walking in was a good idea. :P

HP 11/27 | AC 17/13/14 | CMD 16 | Fort +3, Ref +8, Will +9 | SR 10 | Init +3 | Per +10; Darkvision 120' | Active Effects:
GM Choon wrote:
Hey, you're the one who decided that walking sneaking* in was a good idea. :P

*Sorta ... :P

Male Active Conditions: Human (Aasimar) Monk / Rogue (Acrobat Dedication) 13

Step this way, good drow. We have the fastest route to prestige: the glatorial area!

If only you had your very own champion!


HP 22 l AC 15/T 14/FF 12 l Fort +4/Ref +5/Will +7 l Init +7 l Perc +13

I think I just ninja'ed Azzra'el or did I drow him? ;P

Male Drow Fighter 3 / Wizard 1 HP: 18/26 AC 18 | FF 14 | TCH 14 Perception: +5 Fort +3 Ref +5 Will +3

Thanks for the role call list and thanks for including me into this fracas.

About me I am in the central time zone but work midnights, I dont believe in sleep (my current sleep schedule is from 11am to roughly 2 pm +/- an hour or so). can post from work and all in all look forward to playing with you all.

He is a house guard, all houses have them, A mook if you will (a rather better than average mook but still He would no doubt be considered expendible). But he is looking to upgrade his status, because lets face it, being expendible in drow society inevitibly leads to your expense... something he would very much like to put off for as long as possible.

Backstory wise, he was a part-time lover for a higher ranked officer within the guards until one of the noble sorts decided he was suitible entertainment for now.

If one of my lesser noble playing friends decides that was them great, if its random un named (yet) npc's great. Im flexible... (no really, high Dex :) )

hp 24/24; AC (21, 14, 17) 17 t14 f13; f 4, r 5, w 3; bab 2, melee 6, ranged 6; cmb 2, cmd 16; sr 14; ap 5/5 drow noble magus/3
acro 5, fly 10, know arcane 10, know dungeon 8, know nobil 5, perc 5, perf dance 1, splcrft 10, stlth 4

lol... Azzra'el has had his share of dalliances and not particular regarding gender... I'd be available as a lesser noble... but perfectly understandable if you prefer females. they are higher ranked usually. :) (He is very discreet about his affairs though so as not to embarrass his wife)

Male Drow Fighter 3 / Wizard 1 HP: 18/26 AC 18 | FF 14 | TCH 14 Perception: +5 Fort +3 Ref +5 Will +3

Oh im common enough i didnt think his preferences mattered? Im sure he is positionally fluid, while he would prefer females he is a survivialist.

Male Drow Fighter 3 / Wizard 1 HP: 18/26 AC 18 | FF 14 | TCH 14 Perception: +5 Fort +3 Ref +5 Will +3

With your permission would It be allowable to perhaps design a little laboratory/spell componant workship space within the bowels of the house.

Being a house who likes its mages I can imagine it would exist and all. and with their being some noble arcane users (even if male) I cant imagine they want to waste their time gathering what they need eh?

Give it an NPC in charge and the like, perhaps some mini servant minion names.

HP 22 l AC 15/T 14/FF 12 l Fort +4/Ref +5/Will +7 l Init +7 l Perc +13

Someone has to get my spirit of wine, I may pick up other spell enhancement components over time too. :)

Female Drow Investigator 3 ■ HP 21/21 | AC 17 (T 11, FF 14) CMD 15 | Init+3, Perception+6, Fort+2 Ref+6 Will+2 ■ Insp. 3/4, Extracts 2/3

Hello to everyone and thanks for accepting me to the GM :) This is baticeer (my name is Marie but you can call me Bat if you like -- and if you know what "baticeer" is a reference to you win a prize) with my character Vantrag. She is a noble member of the house but is kind of a weirdo because she is interested in alchemy and arcane magic instead of being a priestess.

I need to go read about everyone else's characters so I can figure out what our relationships would be :o

Also, I am pretty new to Pathfinder as a system so apologies in advance if I make any rules mistakes or have to ask for help on mechanical things, haha. Which reminds me! Can someone tell me if arcane spell failure chance interferes with drinking alchemist extracts? My assumption is no but I am not really sure from looking at the rules.

Male Dhampir Barbarian 2/ Monk(Martial Artist) 1 | AC 13/11/10 | HP (10)4/(31)| F +8, R +4, W +6 | CMB +7, CMD 23 | Init +2 | Perc +10;Low-light Vision; Darkvision; Light Sensitivity
Vantrag Kewadin wrote:

Hello to everyone and thanks for accepting me to the GM :) This is baticeer (my name is Marie but you can call me Bat if you like -- and if you know what "baticeer" is a reference to you win a prize) with my character Vantrag. She is a noble member of the house but is kind of a weirdo because she is interested in alchemy and arcane magic instead of being a priestess.

I need to go read about everyone else's characters so I can figure out what our relationships would be :o

Also, I am pretty new to Pathfinder as a system so apologies in advance if I make any rules mistakes or have to ask for help on mechanical things, haha.

If you look at my post, just a bit up, there's a role call with a link to everyone's characters.

And just realized I never actually described my character.

Calas is a dhampir, with the added fluff of having a drow as a mother. He's the son of one of the Matron's daughters, but in terms of ranking he's pretty low. He's a friendly sort, carries around candy for children (and no, it's not to lure them in for their blood, and typically does what his mother asks of him.

I never actually named Calas's brother and mother in his backstory, so Choom, I hope you don't mind if I use Neithe as his mother.

hp 24/24; AC (21, 14, 17) 17 t14 f13; f 4, r 5, w 3; bab 2, melee 6, ranged 6; cmb 2, cmd 16; sr 14; ap 5/5 drow noble magus/3
acro 5, fly 10, know arcane 10, know dungeon 8, know nobil 5, perc 5, perf dance 1, splcrft 10, stlth 4

I guess we're siblings then... or at least half-siblings... works for me.

Male Dhampir Barbarian 2/ Monk(Martial Artist) 1 | AC 13/11/10 | HP (10)4/(31)| F +8, R +4, W +6 | CMB +7, CMD 23 | Init +2 | Perc +10;Low-light Vision; Darkvision; Light Sensitivity
Azzra'el wrote:
I guess we're siblings then... or at least half-siblings... works for me.

Actually, believe that is my mistake. Your description never says who your mother is, and my mind wanted to use the word "brother" for some reason. I think cousin is much more likely if you'd prefer.

Edit: Switched it to be more ambiguous.

hp 24/24; AC (21, 14, 17) 17 t14 f13; f 4, r 5, w 3; bab 2, melee 6, ranged 6; cmb 2, cmd 16; sr 14; ap 5/5 drow noble magus/3
acro 5, fly 10, know arcane 10, know dungeon 8, know nobil 5, perc 5, perf dance 1, splcrft 10, stlth 4

I changed my background already to reflect our being brothers, lol

Male Dhampir Barbarian 2/ Monk(Martial Artist) 1 | AC 13/11/10 | HP (10)4/(31)| F +8, R +4, W +6 | CMB +7, CMD 23 | Init +2 | Perc +10;Low-light Vision; Darkvision; Light Sensitivity
Azzra'el wrote:

I changed my background already to reflect our being brothers, lol

Welp, we're commited now. There's no going back.

hp 24/24; AC (21, 14, 17) 17 t14 f13; f 4, r 5, w 3; bab 2, melee 6, ranged 6; cmb 2, cmd 16; sr 14; ap 5/5 drow noble magus/3
acro 5, fly 10, know arcane 10, know dungeon 8, know nobil 5, perc 5, perf dance 1, splcrft 10, stlth 4

hehe... hi, bro!

Male Dhampir Barbarian 2/ Monk(Martial Artist) 1 | AC 13/11/10 | HP (10)4/(31)| F +8, R +4, W +6 | CMB +7, CMD 23 | Init +2 | Perc +10;Low-light Vision; Darkvision; Light Sensitivity
Azzra'el wrote:
hehe... hi, bro!

We just may want to distinguish between you and the brother in my background though... kinda almost killed him.

Also... Choom. Is it a stalagmite or a stalagtite? You said stalagmite, but you also say we are hanging above the market?

Draegloth (Unique Half Drow/Half Demon) 4th Level Monster (Draegloth)| HP 27/39 | Speed 30ft | AC 16, touch 14, flat-footed 12 (CMD 20) | Fort +7 : Ref +4 : Will +4 | Init +4, Perception +6; Darkvision 60ft | Active conditions:
Nathaniel the Bull wrote:

Step this way, good drow. We have the fastest route to prestige: the glatorial area!

If only you had your very own champion!

"Champion...YEsssssss. Favored son Hakk will be House Champion!"

Sorry for the lateness of my arrival. Minor misunderstanding in the postings.

Female Drow Investigator 3 ■ HP 21/21 | AC 17 (T 11, FF 14) CMD 15 | Init+3, Perception+6, Fort+2 Ref+6 Will+2 ■ Insp. 3/4, Extracts 2/3

I think that makes Azzra'el and Calas my nephews? We'll need a family tree to keep everybody straight :P

hp 24/24; AC (21, 14, 17) 17 t14 f13; f 4, r 5, w 3; bab 2, melee 6, ranged 6; cmb 2, cmd 16; sr 14; ap 5/5 drow noble magus/3
acro 5, fly 10, know arcane 10, know dungeon 8, know nobil 5, perc 5, perf dance 1, splcrft 10, stlth 4
Vantrag Kewadin wrote:

Hello to everyone and thanks for accepting me to the GM :) This is baticeer (my name is Marie but you can call me Bat if you like -- and if you know what "baticeer" is a reference to you win a prize) with my character Vantrag. She is a noble member of the house but is kind of a weirdo because she is interested in alchemy and arcane magic instead of being a priestess.

Anagram of Beatrice, as in Beaudelaire from Lemony Snickets fame... and also means trainer of bats... what do I win?

Hi Marie

Azzra'el wrote:

Anagram of Beatrice, as in Beaudelaire from Lemony Snickets fame... and also means trainer of bats... what do I win?

Hi Marie

Well if you knew it without looking it up or anything... then you just win my immediate appreciation for being a fan of my favorite book series ever :P I am such a big Lemony Snicket fan that I got the VFD tattoo on my ankle, haha.

hp 24/24; AC (21, 14, 17) 17 t14 f13; f 4, r 5, w 3; bab 2, melee 6, ranged 6; cmb 2, cmd 16; sr 14; ap 5/5 drow noble magus/3
acro 5, fly 10, know arcane 10, know dungeon 8, know nobil 5, perc 5, perf dance 1, splcrft 10, stlth 4

wow... you really are a fan... And my knowledge is pretty much mostly second hand... but still, I knew about the anagram of Beatrice and guessed at the bat trainer... I did have to look up the Beaudelaire name though. I guess I don't win then, but it's still a cool name.

Male Drow Oracle 1(Shadow)

I will work on an official background(I deleted mine by accident before I saved it) but these are the important bullet points for Phaenox:

1) The Shraen family are a strong, but small bloodline that are cousins to the Kewadin. They never had the numbers or true power to try and seize a house for themselves, so instead they have allied themselves to Kewadin. Using their unique innate spells, they make perfect hunters of those who would dare oppose Lolth.

2) Phaenox is a slick talking, charismatic member of the Shraen family, the third born of his parents. His older sister, Tajila, is a warrior priest of Lolth, and is the eventual heir of the family. His older brother, Xar, is the family's head of security.

3) A year and a half ago, the trio was responsible for taking down a small cell of Vhaeraun worshipers who had taken over a minor outpost near the holdings of Kewadin.

4) Phaenox wishes to one day rid all of Menzoberranzan of false worshipers and adherents of enemy faiths to the Spider Queen.

I too am EST and can generally post whenever. I should have no problem with the 1/day requirement either.

Male Dhampir Barbarian 2/ Monk(Martial Artist) 1 | AC 13/11/10 | HP (10)4/(31)| F +8, R +4, W +6 | CMB +7, CMD 23 | Init +2 | Perc +10;Low-light Vision; Darkvision; Light Sensitivity

Probably need to do this sometime. Need to roll my Numerological Gift
3d6 ⇒ (1, 1, 6) = 8

Female Drow Investigator 3 ■ HP 21/21 | AC 17 (T 11, FF 14) CMD 15 | Init+3, Perception+6, Fort+2 Ref+6 Will+2 ■ Insp. 3/4, Extracts 2/3

one of the things I put in my background is Vantrag has a husband and it's basically a political marriage arranged to make a tie with another noble family... Phaenox, do you want to be my husband maybe? It would make sense with your family being allies of Kewadin. Plus we're both sneaky types class-wise so we match in that way hehe.

Male Active Conditions: Human (Aasimar) Monk / Rogue (Acrobat Dedication) 13

There is great prestige n
Marrying...err...not so muching a champion!
I need a

HP 11/27 | AC 17/13/14 | CMD 16 | Fort +3, Ref +8, Will +9 | SR 10 | Init +3 | Per +10; Darkvision 120' | Active Effects:

A sponsor you say?

Hmm - while it is tempting to have someone bleed for my amusement - one of the nobles might do better.

But if you need something, maybe a nicer cell, we can probably work something out in return for some later favours. ...

Minor Note: I'm guessing poor Saeras may not actually be in charge of *all* the house servants, I'm imagining him more as a middle manager type. For now :P

Male Active Conditions: Human (Aasimar) Monk / Rogue (Acrobat Dedication) 13
Vantrag Kewadin wrote:

Hello to everyone and thanks for accepting me to the GM :) This is baticeer (my name is Marie but you can call me Bat if you like -- and if you know what "baticeer" is a reference to you win a prize) with my character Vantrag. She is a noble member of the house but is kind of a weirdo because she is interested in alchemy and arcane magic instead of being a priestess.

I need to go read about everyone else's characters so I can figure out what our relationships would be :o

Also, I am pretty new to Pathfinder as a system so apologies in advance if I make any rules mistakes or have to ask for help on mechanical things, haha. Which reminds me! Can someone tell me if arcane spell failure chance interferes with drinking alchemist extracts? My assumption is no but I am not really sure from looking at the rules.

Extracts can be drank without arcane penalty. Technically alchemists are not considered arcane.

HP 22 l AC 15/T 14/FF 12 l Fort +4/Ref +5/Will +7 l Init +7 l Perc +13

A few things I should clear up sense it seems I forgot not everyone is familiar with FR.

Sshamath is a drow city in the underdark. It is the only one run by drow males and ruled by wizards. They give lip service to Lolth but everyone knows her and her priestesses have little power there. It is also one of the most magically powerful cities and complete markets in the underdark if not the world.

The Jaezred Chaulssin are a secret organization of assassins from the city of Chalssin. Their main goal is to rid the drow of their ties to Lolth by any means.

I think those are the hardest to catch if your not familiar with the setting. Let me know if I am mistaken or need to explain something, I am a bit rusty on FR myself having been years sense I played it.

As long as it does not have somatic components, arcane failure has no effect. Being an alchemist means you just drink everything, only a free hand is required. In short no arcane failure for you, armor up. ;)

Don't know if your shooting for a noble sponsor but Vicalan is always open to allies and useful people. He cares nothing for race and such.

Male Active Conditions: Human (Aasimar) Monk / Rogue (Acrobat Dedication) 13

Nathaniel seems to be in a predicament at the

The Man. The Myth. The Mask!

Wow, looks like were off to a good start! I go to sleep and 14 gameplay posts appear along with 20+ discussion. I like it. :)

Male Active Conditions: Human (Aasimar) Monk / Rogue (Acrobat Dedication) 13

Hope you dont mind my intro?

I figured it gives you a jumping off point for him.

The female drow could be a pc or npc?

Draegloth (Unique Half Drow/Half Demon) 4th Level Monster (Draegloth)| HP 27/39 | Speed 30ft | AC 16, touch 14, flat-footed 12 (CMD 20) | Fort +7 : Ref +4 : Will +4 | Init +4, Perception +6; Darkvision 60ft | Active conditions:
Nathaniel the Bull wrote:

Hope you dont mind my intro?

I figured it gives you a jumping off point for him.

The female drow could be a pc or npc?

Mother severance has a new plaything?!!

HP 11/27 | AC 17/13/14 | CMD 16 | Fort +3, Ref +8, Will +9 | SR 10 | Init +3 | Per +10; Darkvision 120' | Active Effects:

It is quite interesting, but I think we are actually quite low on female drows that are nobles ...

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